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Dillon Jacoby-Rankin (202 KP) rated Wargroove in Video Games

Jan 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 18, 2020)  
2018 | Strategy
Turn Based Strategy (7 more)
Various Unit Types
Player Count
Map and Campaign Creation
Online Play
Advanced Wars Refresh!
If you have ever played Advanced Wars in the past, get ready for a refresh and a brand new experience. This game takes Advanced Wars and blows it out of the water.
Turn Based Strategy: The game brings back classic turn Based strategy that we have all come to know and love.
Various Unit Types: There are so many unita u. This game. Ground, Air, and Water types make the strategy as simple or complex as you want depending on the maps and style you want to play. Great for many different play styles and friends.
Player Count: Although you can only add up to 4 human players, the max the game plays is 8 if you include AI's. Therefore you could totally do a 4 vs. 4 with your friends on one team and the AI on the other. So 8 total, 4 human players
Expandable: The game is setup fine as is but has the capability to be added onto constantly whether it be new maps, units, commanders, etc. By the way. First free dlc update adds new units and commanders in February 2020. So if you don't have the game yet, enjoy the free dlc bonus next month when you get the game.
Unlockables: Beating the campaign will unlock you new commanders. So will earning a certain amount of stars for each of the missions you clear in the campaign, as well as various other things you may need to complete. All in all, there should be 3 commanders to unlock in the game.
Map and Campaign Creation: All the tools used to build the in game campaign are actually available to the player community to build your own maps and campaigns that can be shared and downloaded online. These maps are also crossplatform as well as the whole game. So I can make a map or campaign on one platform and you can download it on another. And then we can play said map on two different platforms at the same time with each other. It's great!
Online Play: Works great and is also crossplatform.
Crossplatform: Game is currently crossplatform on Nintendo Switch, PS, XBOX, and PC.
What Remains Of Edith Finch
What Remains Of Edith Finch
2017 | Action/Adventure
Walking simulator worth playing
Been waiting a long time for this game to be cheap enough so I'd get to see it. And this month, it's free for Playstation Plus subscribers. Well, I'm happy I got to play it because it's one of those games that really touches you. Gets inside you & leaves you feeling blue, happy, mad, hurt & thinking about life itself. The game puts you in the body of Edie Jr. of the Finch family, returning to her family's home, where she grew up. She wanders around, finding diaries of her family & reading them. While she reads them, you get to play their stories, finding how each of them dies. Most of them, not so peacefully,

The game is short. Only 2 hours or maybe 3, if you take your time looking around at the beautifully rendered world, which I did. The story is well written. Each member's story can hit you differently. The hardest one is where you play as an infant. I won't spoil it, but when it ended, the sound of a frog came through my controller. It was like getting kicked in the chest.

My only complaints are the short game time & the slow speed of your walking.

I highly recommend this game & if you're a PS:Plus subscriber, you'd be crazy not to try it now.

Steven Dodd (1449 KP) created a post

Feb 23, 2021  
So I haven’t posted in a while. My main focus is to get more following for the channel on Twitch and YouTube. With everything the way it is with the world I had to aim for a goal and by sheer luck and support we made affiliate in November by sticking to a stream schedule towards the middle of September 2020. Upon hitting affiliate during a spectacular raid from sources that helped secure such a goal in such a short time was amazing. I’m not going to lie I didn’t expect to hit it so fast.
The plan was to use this as a streaming channel to play boardgames and roleplaying games such as dungeons and dragons or the Alien RPG(that’s a definite). We are heading towards the lockdown being lifted and hoping to entertain you all with our gaming. So if you have a moment and would like to see what we’re upto (currently playing Valheim, Griftlands and Monster Train) then please feel free to come along and say hello.
I know there’s a lot of streamers out there and each with their own unique character and energy but, on follow on twitch helps massively and that one subscribe on YouTube goes along way to helping them. Oh and if you have a favourite streamer you can link your Amazon prime account to twitch and subscribe to them for free which gives you perks along the way and helps them in some/most instances.
Also if you have your own channel let us know below or on Instagram and we will follow and pull you into the community.
Take care everyone and we can’t wait to get to a table and play these games that have been piling up
Everyone is John
Everyone is John
One Page RPG, Easy To Learn (1 more)
Every Game is Different
The Game That Splits The Table (And Your Mind)
If you've ever seen the movie Split then you know exactly how this is going down.

Everyone is John is a game where all the players control a single character. Each player is one part of a split personality, each with their own goals and skill sets. The Game Master gives you a scenario and each player bets a value of willpower, whoever has the highest amount of willpower bet gets to control John until they fail a skill check.

This game is high speed, and makes a good game for any night. It's easy to pick up, and easy to screw over your friends. For a game that is free, this is incredible. Honestly, I'd pay at least £10-£15 for this game.

Gameplay is fun, and sparks conversation around the table. With John being a sociopath you can pretty much do anything.

-Incredible Game
-Easy to Play
-FREE! (But I'd totally pay for it)
-Good Sobre & Drunk
2013 | Action/Adventure, Massively Multiplayer
A friend of mine suggested that I check out the game Warframe. They thought I would like it since I like games like Phantasy Star Online and Mass Effect. Warframe is a free to play co-operative third person shooter game. It's a science fiction futuristic role playing game. You can play Warframe on the PC, Xbox One, or the Playstation 4. Unfortunately there is no cross platform play with this, but at least you have a choice about which one you want to play on.

You play as a member of the Tenno, a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from cryosleep and find themselves at war with a race known as the Grineer who appear to be human clones with metal mods and the Corpus a corporation with robots and laser technology. I found that concept pretty intriguing and decided to check it out on my computer.

There are three starter warframes to choose from; Mag, Volt, and Excalibur. I decided to go with Mag and started my adventure in Warframe and named her Pirotess Dragontamer like my Final Fantasy XIV character. The introductory tutorial is quite helpful which gave me a chance to get used to the battle controls. I also liked that you can change the colors of your warframe and customize it to your tastes.

My Mag warframe is pretty cool.

There are so many missions you can do on each planet ranging from rescue missions to spy missions. You can do these missions solo, but it's definitely easier to do them with friends. The max number of people on a team is four and it does make a mission go a lot faster when you have a full team. Finding a team is fairly easy as you can make your match settings public and the game will match you with people who are doing the same mission.

Pirotess doing a mission with her friends.

I'm glad I tried Warframe out because I love it. It's a lot of fun to play and the story is very interesting. The graphics for the game look great and the voice acting and music is really good as well. It's hard to believe it's a free to play online game because there is so much content and so many great areas to explore.

You can also do crafting in the game and it isn't boring. In many of the missions you get blueprints for weapons and different warframes which you can build in your ship. Level grinding is not boring at all because of the variety of the missions. You also have solo missions for ranking up your warframe. The max level for a warframe is 30 and you can level up your weapons and pets as well.

Pirotess on her Frost warframe.

My husband Ron plays Warframe with me as well and he's really enjoying it also. It's a lot of fun playing the game together and with our friends. Having a good clan helps too because they can help you get missions done as well as helping with getting blueprints and items you need for crafting and modding equipment.

I'm also looking forward to the new expansion for the game, Plains of Eidolon because it looks fantastic and there's going to be even more things added including a new warframe. Warframe is so much fun and I love just exploring and doing all the events and missions with everyone. It's fast paced and fits in my wheel house for sci-fi space games. Now, I'm off to explore more of the galaxy!
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Strategy
Contains spoilers, click to show
This game started of poorly when was first released. Group aventures there wasn't any match making so straight away after you done your tuturial provinces on your way to becoming a God. You were left clueless and unable to progress without adding a bunch of randomers. However past few months when I re downloaded the game I had saw a huge improvement in game play the story line is brilliant in my opinion. So much different things you can do yet still doesn't seem be enough players online for this game. It's definitely improved over past few years however still room to grow after all it is a free game so you expect so much be wrong don't you.

nicolakay (2 KP) rated the PC version of Two Point Hospital in Video Games

Oct 13, 2018  
Two Point Hospital
Two Point Hospital
2018 | Simulation
The new range of illnesses and being able to see your challenge progress on the main screen (0 more)
I don't have enough free time to play it. (0 more)
I've just started playing this game. I was a big fan of Theme Hospital back in the day and was worried that Two Point Hospital wouldn't live up to the original. But it has not disappointed. Lots of similar features but with many improvements. There are a lot more amusing illnesses (being a Grey's anatomy fan, I particularly liked the addition of 'grey anatomy') and options for research and marketing. It's much easier in this version to see how close you are to completing a level as it's on the screen the whole time. If you enjoyed Theme Hospital I would really recommend playing this game.
Blood Bowl (Third Edition)
Blood Bowl (Third Edition)
1994 | Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Sports, Wargame
Variable player powers (each player has different strengths and weaknesses) (3 more)
Good Basic Strategy in blocking, making tackles, and passing the ball from player to player
Your players evolve from match to match, they get better and they can also get hurt.
Miniatures (can be painted any colors you like)
Luck based rolls with some mitigation (1 more)
I hope your good at prioritizing what you need to do on a turn.
Just a damn good time. Fantasy Football with Orcs, Dwarfs, Lizards, Giant Rats, and much much more
This is a game about patience and if you can handle bad luck. ther is fun in losing, and fun in bad rolls if you understand it upfront... this is not the kind of game you play to win, but you play to have fun, and some of the fun is in watching you opponent fail miserably, and then you on the very next turn do the same thing. or you pull off a miracle. Both happen all the time. This is a head to head game, so play with people you like and have a good sense of humor. And it helps to have a beer to cry into when the first roll of your turn goes very wrongly. It will... I promise, but it'll happen to the other guy too. I've had this game since I was a kid and I've played in Leagues, it has a cult following. hence all the miniatures and video game versions out there. there are also website where you can play for free if you go looking for them. This game was very much ahead of its time, and still holds up. The sheer amount of customization in this game is amazing, and people are always doing amazing tings to dress it up and bling it out. just google "blood bowl miniatures painted" and see some amazing paint jobs.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) Mar 29, 2018

Great game!

No Such Thing as a Free Sandwich
No Such Thing as a Free Sandwich
2022 | Card Game, Humor, Party Game
I will be the first to admit that I am no master chef. When it comes to cooking, the easier the recipe, the more likely I am to make it. That being said, as I grow older in my adult life I have started taking steps to make better (and healthier) meals, but sometimes you just have to make do with what you’ve got. So when AvianRampage Productions reached out about previewing their newest game, No Such Thing as a Free Sandwich, I found it to be hilariously right up my alley. Come check out what kinds of sandwiches you can make when you have to remind yourself that “You’ve got food at home.”

Disclaimer: We were provided with a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this preview. What you see are not finalized components or artwork, and they will change in final production. -L

No Such Thing as a Free Sandwich is a party game in which players are attempting to make the best (or worst) sandwich according to the parameters set by the current Challenge card in play. To setup for a game, shuffle the Challenge and Ingredient decks separately. Decide which side of the Challenge deck you will use – one side is black, and the reverse is white. Each side provides a different set of Challenges with which to play, and just adds some variability to the gameplay. Deal 3 Ingredient cards to each player, reveal the first Challenge card, and the game is ready to begin!

Once a Challenge card is revealed, players will look at their hand of Ingredients and place their selected Ingredients face-down in their tableau. Each Ingredient card has stats attributed to 5 different Categories: Presentation, Taste, Nutrition, Affordability, and Wow Factor. These stats, including both negative and positive numbers, are what will determine your score for the Challenge. (For example, lowest Nutrition score, greatest sum of all categories, etc.) All players must play at least 1 card each round, but can play all 3 of the cards in their hand if they so choose. Certain Ingredient cards offer special effects when played, and those powers can boost your own score, allow you to draw more Ingredients, or even pawn off an Ingredient to an opponent. Plan wisely and see what your random Ingredients can offer you each Challenge!

When all Ingredients have been selected, players simultaneously reveal their cards and tally up points. The player with the best score (best Sandwich) according to the Challenge is the winner, and takes that Challenge card for themselves. The winning player may choose to take 1 of the Ingredient cards in play into their hand, and all other Ingredient cards (regardless of if they were played or not) are re-shuffled into one deck again. The next Challenge card is revealed, all players are dealt 3 new Ingredient cards, and the next round officially begins. Players will only ever have 3 cards in their hand each round, with the previous round-winner potentially having 4 cards. The game continues in this fashion, revealing a Challenge card, playing/revealing Ingredients, and determining a round winner, until all of the Challenge cards have been played and awarded. Players then count up the Challenge cards they have won over the course of the game, and the player with the most Challenge cards is named the winner!
For being a game with a silly premise, it’s actually more engaging that you might initially think. The inclusion of 5 different categories for Ingredients is what elevates this gameplay from silly humor to actual strategy. I’m not saying this is the heaviest brain burner game you’ll ever play, but for being a light party game, you really have options each round to consider. What is the best combination of your Ingredients to meet the Challenge? Do any of your Ingredients have special effects that could enhance your round? What if you just have a bad hand and none of your Ingredients are optimal for this Challenge? You’ve just got to figure it out!

And the fact that cards are selected in secret and revealed simultaneously adds another layer as well. You can’t pick which cards to play based on what you saw an opponent play. You really have to go for the win each round since you don’t know what anybody else has in hand. The make-up of the Ingredient deck is mostly unique as well, with only a few duplicates of cards. You never really know what anyone has in hand at any point, so there’s no benefit to play it safe.

To touch on components for a minute – I mentioned that this is a prototype copy of the game, which will most likely be different in final production. That being said, this prototype is pretty good quality already. The tin that houses the game is nice and sturdy, and the cards themselves feel nice in hand and are a good size. The artwork is not yet finalized, but is mostly fine and thematic – just simple pictures of each Ingredient on the card. No real complaints on the quality of this prototype from me.
If you’re looking for a funny and fast party game, definitely consider checking out No Such Thing as a Free Sandwich on Kickstarter. The gameplay is easy and fast to learn and play, and it will keep players engaged and laughing throughout the rounds. Another plus? This game has a tiiiiiiny footprint so you can basically play it anywhere! Throw the tin in your pocket and you’ve got a game for anytime. If you want a game with a silly premise, light strategy, and a bit of math, then this might be the game for you. All in all, fun game and gameplay from AvianRampage Productions, and I look forward to following this campaign!

RhinocerRoss (16 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Witcher III: Wild Hunt in Video Games

Feb 24, 2020  
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
No prior experience of the Witcher world is necessary but it also gives more to someone with the back ground knowledge. (3 more)
There are lots of ways to play the game and many different ways it can ultimately end.
With an easy setting it is great for someone who wants the story ornis looking to spend more time in this world after watching the Netflix series. For those wanting a challenge it can give that aswel
A lot of bang for your bucks
If you like like RPGs it's not an issue but if you don't you may not get on with the game. (2 more)
For a casual gamer with not much time to spare you may not be free to immerse yourself as fully as others.
Tis game is Thjs game
Deep and cultured fantasy world you feel involved in