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Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
The music. It's not the same old stuff you hear every day on the radio it's old school classics. (0 more)
Flashback to why he's in this guys debt to begin with? I'd love to see it. (0 more)
I avoided this movie for a while because so far I have loved everything with Ansel Elgort in it and I didn't want to break this streak. With nothing else I fancies watching and it had been on my list on Netflix I gave in.
Firstly, fell in love with baby immediately. How he behaves at home and how he is behind the wheel kind of transitioned well I think, it wasn't complicated it just flowed.
Kevin Spacey plays a character you want to hate but because it's Kevin Spacey you just can't.
Jamie Foxx though. I love the guy in this he really makes you hate him. He's suave, dangerous, unpredictable and merciless perfectly.
The Darling and Buddy story (trying not to spoil it) is an unexpected surprise in a film such as this.
It's nice to see a film so unique in the way it all works out. One thing I did find is the Baby/Debora story progressed a little too fast but other than that, great film definitely think it's worth a watch