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Undeclared (Woodlands, #1)
Undeclared (Woodlands, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3½ out of 5 stars

I received this copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This story tells the tale of Grace, who became the pen pal of a marine as an assignment while at high school. They carried on corresponding for four years before Noah, the marine, sent her a "Dear John" style letter telling her he didn't want to meet her. Grace took the letter badly, after years of pining after him, and shuts him out. Noah on the other hand wanted to get his head sorted out, after spending the last four years in Afghanistan, before meeting her. I don't want to give too much away but they do meet again.

I found the first half of the book a little slow going and it took me a while to get into it, while the second half seemed to flow easier and I found myself unable to put my kindle down as I wondered how Noah was going to get Grace to forgive him.

The characters are all likeable, especially the guys who live at Woodlands. I'm interested in reading their stories, especially Bo to see who ends up winning his heart.

Overall, I did enjoy this book. It's the first New Adult book I've read that involved (ex)military personnel and like I've said before, the reason I like the genre so much is because they mix it up a little and deal with bigger issues.
Addicted to You (Addicted, #1)
Addicted to You (Addicted, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars.

I liked this but it’s really hard to put my feelings into words.

The insight into what it’s like for a sex addict was eye-opening, the way it’s almost a physical pain for her to ignore the urge to sleep with someone. You really sympathise with Lily on this, it’s not like she enjoys it, especially when her and Loren decide to try a proper relationship together.

Loren–Lo–Hale is an alcoholic, has been for many years and Lily has been his crutch, hiding his addiction from everyone, like he does with her. His feelings for Lily are fairly obvious from early on and in a way I felt sorry for him, knowing that she spent the night with one or more guys almost every night…

The thing is they both really care about each other and sometimes choose to ignore the other’s addiction rather than confront it when it causes problems.

Dealing with their affluent families also takes it toll on them all. Lo and his alcoholic father who ignores him half the time unless he’s done something wrong and Lily and her meddlesome parents and sisters. It’s a good job they have some well-meaning friends by the end.

It’s nicely written and instead of judging the characters you tend to sympathise with them instead.
Alles ist gut by Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Alles ist gut by Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
1981 | Punk
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I was 15 and living in Conneticut, me and my friends started creeping into New York and going to nightclubs in '80, '81. You'd go into New York specifically with the intention of seeing punk rock bands, but a lot of the clubs at the time like Danceteria, Fall Out Shelter, they'd have a punk rock band playing but the DJ before would be playing dub reggae, and the DJ after would be playing early hip hop and electronic music. There was a radio station in New York called WNYU, and they had this three hour long show every afternoon called The New Afternoon Show where they just played new music. I remember them playing 'Der Mussolini' or 'Alles Ist Gut' and having that same reaction as I did to many of my favourite records at the time, which was 'I've never heard anything that sounds like this'. Another reason I loved D.A.F. was because at the time I was living in this very depressing, boring American suburb and I would listen to D.A.F. and imagine how cool it would be to be in Berlin, making weird electronic music with these German guys who only wore black and made songs that, I didn't know what the lyrics were saying, but they sounded cool. I just re-bought Alles Ist Gut, I have the vinyl and CD and just bought the iTunes version of it, and it still sounds amazing."


Adam Ant recommended Doo Bop by Miles Davis in Music (curated)

Doo Bop by Miles Davis
Doo Bop by Miles Davis
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"He was working with a lot of the young rappers, like Easy Mo Bee. They were laying down hip-hop drums and a few chords and apparently Miles would just improvise over the top and they'd add the vocals. That's a fabulous record, primarily because Miles sounds like he's really enjoying himself. He's more inventive on that album. He's getting more involved than on some of the albums that came before that. I saw him play live at the Hammersmith Odeon in the early 1980s and all he was doing was orchestrating. He'd stand up and play a little riff and then point at the drummer, who'd do a 15-minute solo. He was wearing a baseball hat on and was bent down and you couldn't see his face. Another one-minute solo, then point to the guitar player. The show went a bit like that. But everything he did play was well worth the entrance price. He plays great on Doo Bop. It was his last album. He was doing painting at the time, but he was really into working with these young guys and they were in awe of him. This was their dedication to him. The lyrics are all about how brilliant he is. Miles rose to the occasion and showed his chops. Every note is perfect. I've grown into jazz over the years, but it took me a bit of time to appreciate it."


Rick Astley recommended Aqualung by Aqualung in Music (curated)

Aqualung by Aqualung
Aqualung by Aqualung
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Another incredible record. Was I always into electronic music? Well, I've always liked all kinds of music but I really like pop tunes. I don't think there's any more validity to an Al Green record over an ABBA record. Some of the ABBA records are absolutely amazing. I met one of he guys who drummed on pretty much all of them and he's a phenomenal drummer. Ludicrous! His name is Per Lindvall. And I kind of think the musicianship is all there, it's just that they were very, very, very, popular records. It's one of the curses of certain bands. They become so big that people don't take them seriously anymore. I don't think anyone is going to take me seriously any more because my first record was 'Never Gonna Give You Up' which is a pop – of its time – dancefloor filler. Handbags on the floor, Saturday night record. That's what it is. And I think once you've nailed [your colours] to the mast, you ain't changing that. I never tried to fight it. It's also why some people drive themselves mad. I'd like to be known as someone who can write a tune and sing one but if people want to put me in a category that other people see as derogatory, I probably don't fight it because I don't want to hurt myself. I played every note on my last record [2016's 50] and it went platinum. Does anybody care? I don't know."

Journey in Satchidananda by Alice Coltrane
Journey in Satchidananda by Alice Coltrane
1971 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I can't pronounce it either! It's a fantastic record. It's got such a gorgeous mellow vibe to it. It's kind of accessible to people who aren't familiar with jazz, but it also has kind of this free, loose thing. It's not free jazz, it's definitely modal. It's got Pharoah Sanders on it. It's lush and gorgeous and kind of takes you to a different place. Sometimes Alice Coltrane plays the harp, which sounds dreamy. It's one of my go-to's in the morning at work (in Sub Pop) I just kind of put it on to get me going. I probably drive some of my co-workers crazy playing it. You know, there's not a really obvious influence in our music that comes from jazz. I know I'm influenced by it, but I'm not sure how. I don't like all jazz, but certain things I love to death. That's the problem with this list: I can't stick Charles Mingus on it, or Andrew Hill, or Ornette Coleman, or Albert Ayler. One of the things I feel lucky about, my high school friends and I who formed Mr. Epp, we would go to our little record store in our suburban town and the guys there turned us onto The New York Dolls and Ornette Coleman and Ayler and The Velvet Underground, Brian Eno. I feel really lucky to have stumbled into that, at that time."


Tyondai Braxton recommended Multistability by Mark Fell in Music (curated)

Multistability by Mark Fell
Multistability by Mark Fell
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Revelatory meditations on a classic FM synth sounds. The end of an era and the beginning of one. I came to his music maybe later in my life, and he's one of those guys where you just slap your head and go "Oh man, how have I not known about this guy?" Only in the last couple of years have I approached him. He does micro-electronic stuff, kind of like preceded a lot of labels that have since flourished with that, like Raster-Noton and Editions Mego. What he's done - and I think this must be a running theme of things that I like – as far as liberating an idea from its historical context. Like Feldman and Varese, it's him taking these dance sounds, these FM synth sounds that you hear in techno even, and isolating them, turning them into this simple object which is hanging on your wall. And in doing so, it's reduced to something so pure that it's profound and it's absurd. And it's powerful and funny. It's so simple, the idea behind it. Production-wise, he has his own methodology that I'm not too sure about. It's not basic, but it's so obvious in its clarity, that it makes you ask, "How has someone not done this already?" So profound in a way. It's so simple, this idea. It's literally one pulsing sound. You understand it, but you are thinking "How do I listen to this? What is it for?""

National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
1978 | Comedy

"I’m going to break my rules for this one, and just put in one old movie. I still think that Animal House is misunderstood, although I do increasingly read about a generation of comedians saying it is the great film. Because I think it’s a brilliant comedy, with brilliant acting, with everybody at their best – Karen Allen at her cutest, Tim Matheson at his handsomest, John Belushi at his most mono-syllabic. So these extraordinary comic performances with just a series of amazing scenarios with amazing set-ups with the horse and the chainsaw, the dead girlfriend, them going to the toga party, and just everything about it. It’s boiled down to the funniest joke scenarios that there could possibly be. That fantastic Elmer Bernstein score, which could be from Patton. “It seems to me like a really great, classic, funny character movie hiding in wolves clothing, pretending to be a big stupid old generic college movie, but it actually invented the genre, and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a funnier version of those movies. Certainly when I was doing The Boat That Rocked, it was M*A*S*H on the one hand – very casual, conversational, just guys doing a weird job – and Animal House on the other – with big characterisations and set-pieces.. So we’ve got four moderns and one slightly older. Can I have one more? Am I allowed? Just for sorrow?"


Kim Gordon recommended Bay Head by Gunn-Truscinski Duo in Music (curated)

Bay Head by Gunn-Truscinski Duo
Bay Head by Gunn-Truscinski Duo
2017 | Psychedelic, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Even though this album is instrumental it kind of feels like there are lyrics telling a story. But I couldn't really tell you what the story was. It isn't the same as certain atmospheric music. I can kind of understand their telepathic instinct with playing with Bill - there's a certain communication there. With Gunn-Truscinski Duo, their songs are worked out but then they do improv within that, I guess. - Kim Gordon I've known those guys for so long that I've gotten to see them grow and change as a duo. I think I set up one of their earliest shows. I've known John (Truscinski) since we were 18-years-old, so we've been playing music together since we were kids. So I've got to see the band develop like that and on this new one, I just feel like they're really stretching out in these really interesting ways and approaching the compositions differently than the first two records do. It's just exciting to hear them keep working. I don't want to speak for them but I'm pretty sure it's all written in advance, but with little moments, especially live, that they can stretch out and play with. They have really good chemistry. As usual with music like this, the record is partial ideas of what they can do live. Seeing them live, they've been playing together for a really long time and they can push at different points and it's really cool to see."

NBA 2K20
NBA 2K20
2019 | Sports
Guest Review by M. Zevgolis.

NBA 2K21 plays very smoothly, no silly glitches that I came across.

The load time is a bit long but that’s expected for what you have as features and memory.

The career mode is very detailed and fun to follow, so much going on. It’s a NBA fans dream.

The roster detail and updates are impeccable.

My team mode is just an awesome call back to my favorite eras of the NBA and having never branched out to other modes on previous years, this would be a tragic short selling of the game

You can make as in depth as you want or just simple game or season, it’s an incredible experience.

The setting and controlling your experience options are so easy to navigate including the In game menus which offers real life adjustments…

My league mode, my personal favorite has My GM you create your executive and manage the franchise in absolutely every aspect including managing player morale and chemistry. Including guys wanting to chat with the GM about their playing time. Down to an owner wanting results financially and on the court . I could go on forever about the details, the ease of navigation, the familiarity with control settings from previous copies. I can say this is the first year I’ve explored more because there is so much more.

I’m going to sign on for an online league here soon.

Fun, competitive .I lost hole afternoon without even knowing it.