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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Thriller of the year” according to <i>Observer</i>; it makes you wonder what all the other thrillers were like. <i>Gone Girl</i> is a contemporary crime thriller by American author Gillian Flynn. Likable “Cool Girl” Amy Dunne is missing; the police think her husband has something to do with it, but what really happened?

Flynn begins the novel with an epigraph: “Love is the world’s infinite mutability; lies, hatred, murder even, are all knit up in it; it is the inevitable blossoming of its opposites, a magnificent rose smelling faintly of blood.” – Tony Kushner, <i>The Illusion</i>. This implies that love and hate, and perhaps murder, will be the main issues within the novel. It hints that relationships may not be all that they first appear, which becomes evident as you read deeper into the book.

Split into three parts, the first section alternates between a first person account from Nick Dunne, the husband, of what is occurring on the day in which Amy disappears and the following days when both he and the police are attempting to determine the truth about what has happened and trying to find out where Amy is; and diary entries from Amy dating as far back as 2005.

To begin with I did not think much of the story and did not particularly like Amy, despite her being portrayed as a likable character; however I soon got into the story siding with Nick and wanting him to be innocent even though evidence and suspicion were mounting against him.

Initially I assumed that the truth would not be revealed until the end of the story rather than on the first page of part two. For the remainder of the book Nick’s narrative remains the same, progressing from where it left off at the end of part one; whereas Amy, instead of diary entries, she is telling the reader the truth about what happened on the 5th July – the day she went missing – and the subsequent days and weeks. At this point I became a bit bored with the story; as the reader we know the truth and it is frustrating that the police are getting it wrong. However part three contained more suspense than the rest of the novel.

So, why only three stars? As I already mentioned it did not seem that great at the beginning and to be honest I did not feel satisfied with the ending either. One of the main things that bothered me was the use of swear words. I understand that many people swear and so it is inevitable that these words would end up in novels; however in my opinion there is swearing and then there is <i>swearing</i>. This was beginning to border on the latter. Yes some of the characters were angry but I thought the use of expletives was slightly overdone.

Despite these misgivings it was a well-written piece of fiction that I think others may enjoy – the ratings on <i>Goodreads</i> certainly suggest that; but for me it was not anything special.
The Painted Ocean
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher Corsair in exchange for an honest review*

This is another one of my books that I read for #Beatthebacklist 2017 challenge, most of these books are Netgalley books that I have not managed to get around to reading….sorry Netgalley.

Oh I don’t know where to begin with this book,I was very apprehensive about reading it as the rating on Goodreads is 2.86 which is pretty low and only saw a handful of 5 star reviews. I didn’t read any reviews beforehand as I wanted to go in with an open mind.

This is Gabriel Packards debut novel and is definitely an interesting read but unsure of what genre this would fall under as it’s a story of this Indian girls life and just how awful it is.

‘The Painted Ocean’ is told from the perspective of Shruti, her father has just upped and left, disgracing her mother according to her uncle and the rest of the family. With little money and her mother unable to speak English life becomes difficult for Shruti, especially when her Uncle is arranging for her Mother to return to India to marry. Shruti will not be moving to India with her mother as her existence will ruin her mothers chances of marriage, however when Shruti mentions to the headmistress that her uncle has threatening her she finds herself in the care system and her mother abandons her. Shruti’s life sucks, she is now in the care system and being bullied by other kids at her school as she is the only Indian girl until Meena arrives. Meena is also Indian,but she has this way with words and people and gets everything she wants. Shruti clings to Meena as she has shown her kindness and becomes her friend…but is she really her friend?

The book follows Shruti from eleven years old to when she is an adult but I felt the writing didn’t progress as her age did. There were lots of ‘Like’ and ‘Cos’ in the writing that I felt was overly used and got quite annoying in the end and she would even use this terminology when she was an adult.

All the characters were unlikable, we had her mother that abandoned her though she didn’t leave for India for ages. Her Uncle was horrible and made sure she knew that she was unwanted and then there was Meena who had the gift of the gab but just used Shruti and would only be her friend when it was convenient for her.

I found the plot of this to be really unrealistic especially towards the end, everything just conveniently happened and some parts I thought were too strung out.

The story kept me interested and was easy to read but the writing style was not for me and I just found it to be unrealistic. This is definitely a book that you will love or hate.

I rated this book 2 out of 5 stars.
The Predator (2018)
The Predator (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
Waste of idea, talent and my time
If I was to show future generations a prototypical 1980's "Machismo, Blood and Guts Action Flick", I would pull the original 1987 PREDATOR (starring good ol' Arnold Schwarzenegger) off my dusty shelves and show this to them. It is a film so "of it's time".

In subsequent years, there have been more films that attempted to use the Predator character - PREDATOR 2 (1990), AVP: ALIENS VS. PREDATOR (2004), ALIENS VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM (2007) and PREDATORS (2010) - all disappointing. All failing to equal the balance of machismo, action and humor that is needed. was with great anticipation that I looked forward to THE PREDATOR, a new film written and directed by Shane Black (KISS KISS BANG BANG, IRON MAN 3, THE NICE GUYS) - one of the actors in the 1987 flick!

And...I was disappointed again.

This film fails because it never really got a grip on just what type of film it wanted to be - is it a Sci-Fi film? Is it an Action film? A buddy flick? A gore fest? A look at Autism? Black's script and direction spreads all these items out on the picnic blanket that is this film and then intermittently picks each one of these up to show us - sometimes a couple of them - like a kid trying to decide whether he wants the chips or the hot dogs or the Oreo cookies and just shoves them all in his mouth together.

And that's too bad, for Black has an interesting premise - rival Predators battling on Earth - with a ragtag group of Earthlings thrown in the middle - and what a "ragtag" group they are! Trevante Rhodes (MOONLIGHTING), Thomas Jane (THE MIST), Keegan-Michael Key (KEY & PEELE), Alfie Allen (GAME OF THRONES) and Augusto Aguilera (CHASING LIFE) make an intriguing band of misfit soldiers that easily could have been an equal to Arnold's ragtag group of soldiers from the 1987 original.

Unfortunately, they are the "back-up band" to the boring Boyd Holbrook (NARCOS) and Olivia Munn (X-MEN: APOCALYPSE) as a couple thrown together to defend Holbrook's Autistic son (Jacob Tremblay - so good in ROOM and wasted here) in a by-the-book "they hate each other when they first meet, so - naturally - they'll fall in love by the end" plot contrivance that doesn't work at all.

Add on top of that Sterling K. Brown (THIS IS US) as a "mysterious" Gov't Agent who is so much of a bad guy, all he was missing was a mustache twirl and the missed opportunities of actors such as Yvonne Stahovski (THE HANDMAID'S TALE) and NIall Matter (EUREKA) who both just stand around and do nothing. They even cast Jake Busey (Gary's kid) - who would be the perfect "over-the-top" bad guy for this sort of film, but...he is just misdirection and wasted as well.

What a wasted effort, a wasted opportunity and a waste of my time.

Letter Grade C_+: The ragtag group of soldiers were at least fun to watch (give Thomas Jane and Keegan-Michael Key their own "buddy" picture)!

5 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the BankofMarquis

Ross (3284 KP) rated Free the Darkness in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
Free the Darkness
Free the Darkness
Kel Kade | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The premise (1 more)
The flow of the story
The omnipresent narrator (2 more)
The mother of all "Mary Sue"s
The plot seems to be a secret
Very readable but with some sizeable flaws
Rezkin has grown up isolated in a fort, trained to be the most powerful weapons-master, most skilful assassin, most adept spy. At the age of 19 he is told his training is complete and the final task is to kill all of his trainers. All but one fall to his sword. With no idea of the outside world or what he is then meant to do, he travels to track down the final trainer who escaped.
So far so good.
However, this has little bearing on the rest of the plot, as Rezkin uses his skills to become head of thieves and assassins guilds, while supposedly tracking down this missing trainer. This is pitched as being his plan all along, but there is no advance warning of this anywhere. If he is somehow like some sort of sleeper agent who has been hypnotised to forget his plot and is suddenly triggered then this is not made clear at all. It really comes across as the author making it up as he went along.
As Rezkin travels, he meets men (generally all clichés - from the honourable but humble soldier to the bumbling sidekick) and women (even more clichéd as all fall for him and become obsessed with him) and travels with a group, dispatching all attackers in the blink of an eye.
I really hate when journalists try not to use someone's name repeatedly, so refer to them as "the veteran" or "the midfield ace" or "the businessman". Kade does this a lot, as Rezkin is referred to as "the young warrior" repeatedly and it really jars and annoys. This is partly due to the narrator being omnipresent, rather than the book being told from one or a number of points of view, so it has to be made clear who is being referred to a lot, but it is somewhat badly executed.
Similarly, the book could do with a serious proof-read as there are a number of grammatical errors and typos throughout.
Some of the sections of the book are excellent, the fight scenes (although Rezkin never being hit by anyone gets old really quick) and his night prowling are well described and excellent.
There is some use of magic in the book which is somewhat clumsy and throwaway and comes across as complete nonsense (somehow just thinking about an alarm and wrapping a thought around it will make it not go off?!), it really adds nothing to the book other than a way out of impossible situations.
I really enjoyed reading this book, and will be reading the other 3 in the series in short order, but the author fell into so many pitfalls that it does get annoying. I really hope he fixed these in the following books and they live up to the promise of the series. I also hope someone finally manages to even hit Rezkin in a fight, I don't really want to read fight scenes where there is no jeopardy.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Wolf Road in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
The Wolf Road
Beth Lewis | 2016
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 Stars

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Any lie can turn into the truth if you believe it long enough.” <i>The Wolf Road</i> is the debut literary thriller by British author Beth Lewis. The post-apocalyptic world is not a very safe place to be, especially for a seven year old during a fierce and dangerous storm. Lost in the woods, a young girl comes across a man who, after naming her Elka, gives her a place to stay for the next ten years of her life. During this time he teaches her how to trap animals, use hunting knives and move silently between the trees – all the vital things needed to survive in the wild. For a long time Elka views this man as a father figure, but on discovering that her beloved Daddy is a serial killer, she realizes she has been living a life of lies.

Desperate to get away from the horrifying realization, Elka runs off deep into the forest with only a hunting knife and the clothes on her back. With nowhere to go, she decides to try and find her birth parents, but although she can easily survive in the wild, she is completely unprepared for the human world. With a childlike innocence, Elka finds herself in trouble on numerous occasions, only feeling at ease once she is back in the woods living the life of wolves. However she soon realizes that she will never be safe no matter how far she travels – not until that murderer is dead himself.

Once you get used to Elka’s colourful dialect, the gripping narrative pulls us into a world with danger around every corner. Elka’s revelation at the beginning of the book seems like a small issue compared with all the trouble she finds herself in later on. The reader will sympathize with Elka as she discovers the evils of man, and admire her strength as well as the development of a conscience after meeting and making her first ever friend. But whilst Elka learns how to walk amongst humans, there is a foreboding sense of doom as evilness keeps her within its sights.

<i>The Wolf Road</i> is a great post-apocalyptic story with a strong protagonist. At times it takes on a similar theme to a western novel, with guns, gold mining, and violence; but it is essentially a thriller built up of lies that are gradually unpicked. There is no psychological element to the book, thus nothing to try and work out for yourself. You simply need to read and discover what happens. As a result this book is the kind you will either love or hate. Some people may find it disturbing or gruesome, whereas others may find it exciting and enjoy reading about the unique main character.

Personally I think <i>The Wolf Road</i> is a great, original piece of work, and it only loses stars because I found a few parts a bit too grisly. Beth Lewis writes well and it cannot have been easy to keep the dialect up for the entire novel. This is an author who definitely has promise for the future.
Love, Hate, and Other Filters
Love, Hate, and Other Filters
Samira Ahmed | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love Hate & Other Filters is a book that I was really looking forward to read, it got great hype and the fact that Ahmed is a debut author was just the icing on the cake for me. I loved the premise of the story and learning more about Indian culture through the characters in this book. Ahmed definitely delivered in that area. Her writing was descriptive and her exploration of feelings was on point. It was a quick moving story that left me turning the pages well into the night. I fell in love with Maya and Phil. I especially loved Violet, she has some real MC potential but Ahmed did a great job of not letting her take over the story. I’d love to see a companion book with Violet as the MC, I digress.
The story of Maya and Phil was a cute love story centered in the midst of something so much greater. Their story is derailed by a terrorist attack that hits close to home for Maya and as a result everything she wanted for herself, for her life is flipped upside down. See, the supposed terrorist shares her last name, and as a result Maya and her family have to deal with the insecurities and the intolerance of the people in their community. Islamophobia is a growing problem in our world, and this book is just the tip of the iceberg. The story was haunting and emotional. I personally can’t believe that people treat other people the way they do in this book. It makes me weep for humanity.
I had two problems with this book, which is why I only gave it a 4 star rating… I know Maya is 17 and she would have been just a baby when September 11th happened; however, I would have thought that Islamophobia would have been part of her life from the word go. I’m not saying that it should be that way or that I wish that on anyone because I would never do that. But, I think it’s something that has been so prevalent in our society since September 11th that I find it hard to swallow that she doesn’t mention encountering Islamophobia prior to the terrorist attack when she’s 17. Not only that but her parents don’t mention it either, which I find hard to believe.
The other problem I have with this book is the ending… To be honest it felt rushed to me. I would have loved to see the way it played out in more detail. I would also have preferred the epilogue to flash a little farther into the future. But, that’s just my opinion.
Overall, Ahmed has a great ability to manipulate the written word and weave together a story that will embed itself in your heart. I highly recommend this book, it’s a quick read that is both eye opening and a reminder of what people in this country and world are dealing with. I will gladly pick up any book that Ahmed writes in the future, and I encourage you to pick up this one.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The Kindergarten Teacher (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
The Kindergarten Teacher (2018)
The Kindergarten Teacher (2018)
2018 | Drama
The Kindergarten Teacher was an experience, a proper "oh no, don't do that" awkward experience. Evidently it is a remake of the 2014 film Haganenet/The Kindergarten Teacher, written and directed by Nadav Lapid. Recently I've been watching the original versions to see the comparison between the two but I honestly don't think I can do it with this.

The story follows Lisa as she tries to nurture her own talent and that of her two children. But she's a disconnected mother and she doesn't seem to realise that they're doing okay on their own and it's just her life that hasn't lived up to expectations.

I'm intrigued to know the story behind how this originally came into being. It seems like a very specific subject, although I can't find anything about it being a true story in a brief search on the interweb.

Gyllenhaal has a tough role, it goes against every instinct you have as a decent human being. Lisa is an intriguing character, while she has her own interests at heart and the desire to make herself a success she's also desperate to give Jimmy the success he deserves too. It's quite surprising how she willingly unmasks herself in his favour at one point, but I think that's also the point where she realises she's crossed so far over the line that she's no hope of recovering from it. There's a desperation around her, she needs to be something more than she is and that urgency makes her forget what's appropriate and right.

This is scary in a way I can't really identify, possibly because it singles out a predator I'd never considered before? While the relationship is never particularly physically inappropriate her treatment of Jimmy does swing wildly between looking after him as a motherly figure to calling him like they're in a relationship.

I can't say that I enjoyed the film, I also didn't particularly hate it. The topic was so distracting that I couldn't really focus on all of the aspects of the film while I watched it. I think it was more that I was reacting so much to the story that there was actually no place for enjoyment. It really annoyed me that not a single person actioned any of their suspicions, there were at least two opportunities for intervention and yet, nothing.

The ending was a redemption of sorts and the way it was handled was quite unexpected, I'm not sure that it really made up for anything that came before it but it was well received.

Sadly I can't think of anything more constructive to say about this, it genuinely makes me scrunch up my face while I think about it.

What you should do

There's nothing particularly outstanding in The Kindergarten Teacher for me to recommend it, I don't even think I would watch it when it comes to streaming services.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I don't really want anything from this movie, I would however like 2 hours of pleasant feelings to put in place of everything I felt while watching this.
The Dead Don&#039;t Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
The Acting Wasn't My Issue
On paper, you look at the cast of The Dead Don’t Die and you think, “This has gotta be a hit!” Adam Driver. The great Bill Murray. Tilda Swinton. Count me in. Sadly, I was extremely disappointed in the finished product. The film centers around what happens when a zombie outbreak hits a sleepy town.

Acting: 10
Just because I didn’t enjoy the film doesn’t mean it didn’t harbor strong performances from the cast. The aforementioned names above were all phenomenal in their respective roles. When the setting is “quiet town”, sometimes actors have a tendency to go overboard with their bumpkin pretenses, but this crew play to their parts perfectly. They made the movie somewhat bearable.

Beginning: 1
The movie really takes awhile to build up. I kept waiting for the engine to turn over, but I was left in a cold car for at least the first twenty minutes. Here’s the thing: I don’t hate slow starts if they serve a greater purpose. I’ll use a direct example from the same genre: Shaun of the Dead takes a bit to get going, but you can feel it actually building to something. Every few minutes you’re getting hints to the things happening around Shaun and his friend and you know it’s only a matter of time before they realize shit has hit the fan. With The Dead Don’t Die, the beginning feels more like a slow lull that doesn’t exactly get you excited to watch the rest of the movie.

Characters: 10
Not only were each of the characters hilarious, but I love how they surprised me by breaking the fourth wall. They made you feel like you were somehow in on the joke. Officer Mindy Morrison (Chloe Sevigny) was one of my favorites. It was hilarious watching how she handled certain situations, particularly when we finally know it’s zombies. Her and Ronnie Peterson (Adam Driver) onscreen definitely gave me a couple laughs.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 9
You can always expect some semblance of a good time when zombies are involved. After a slow start, the action picks up enough to at least keep things interesting. There were a number of cool action sequences that I thoroughly enjoyed. I wish it was enough to save the movie as a whole.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 6
One of the areas where the movie fell short for me. I don’t know quite how to explain it except to say there wasn’t enough meat in it for me. It’s been a few weeks since I last saw the film and, even now, I’m struggling to remember anything substantial. For me, it doesn’t come off as a complete film.

Pace: 5

Plot: 1

Resolution: 1

Overall: 63
Much like a lot of movies that fall into this range, I really wanted to like The Dead Don’t Die more. Had it tweaked a few areas and punched up the script with more laughs, I think we would be looking at a hit. Oh well. Can’t win ‘em all.
I Spit On Your Grave: Vengeance (2015)
I Spit On Your Grave: Vengeance (2015)
2015 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Jennifer/Angela, is the victim from the first movie that got her revenge on her rapist, now back in the real world, she is still experiencing nightmares from sexual assault and fantasies of killing anyone that shows any sexual interest, be it a look or inappropriate touching. This becomes a reality once her new friend is killed and now she sets out to kill anyone that has victimised members of the rape support group. Marla is the new friend Angela makes, she has been a victim of an abusive ex-boyfriend and gets to show a looser side when working with Angela to get their message across to the guys in their lives. Oscar is a member of the support group that has seen his daughter raped before she killed herself and the rapist walked free, he talks the revenge game, never sure whether to take the step. Detective McDylan is investigating the murder of Marla and tries to help Angela when the suspect gets murdered, this is a generic cop figure.

Performances – Sarah Butler returns to the franchise (that what it is now?) she is clearly the star of the show here and continues to bring us a strong character in every scene. Jennifer Landon is good in her supporting role getting to be wild at times. Sadly, the rest of the cast are just fine, while the characters they are playing are interesting, we don’t get to see much from them as the film is centred around Sarah’s character and interactions with these characters.

Story – The story here picks up with the life of Jennifer as she has tried to start a new life after the events in the previous film, yes, we skip the second films events all together. This brings us back to the real world where the hate she feels is still strong, though the motive to act on it is being held back, until her friend is murdered and now she needs to get back to her blood vengeance she is going through to help clean up the streets.

Horror – The horror from this film comes from the horrors that the victims have been through and how Angela goes out to get her own justice.

Settings – The film being set in the big city, is a big change, it shows us how the city can be filled with people you would never know their darker secrets and how cleaning them up can be difficult.

Special Effects – The effects in this movie are used lightly, but when they are used they are brutal and effective to show the horror being put on the victim.

Scene of the Movie – The first real murder, it is graphic as they come.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too many dream sequences.

Final Thoughts – This is a good sequel to a film that didn’t feel like it needed one, showing the lasting effects of what happened to Jennifer is the highlight of the film and something you do want to continue watching.


Overall: Nice sequel that works in the right ways.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Favourite (2018) in Movies

Jan 18, 2019 (Updated Jan 18, 2019)  
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
Fantastic script (3 more)
Brilliant performances
Clever cinematography
Insanely detailed set design
Strange But Brilliant
To be honest, I am not a huge fan of Yorgos Lanthimos' other movies, I also have a hatred for most period pieces. I am however a huge fan of Olivia Colman and it was her that swayed me to go and see this movie and I am very glad that I did.

Colman absolutely nails her role as a grief stricken, overly dramatic, short tempered Queen Anne. Her acting ability is diverse enough that she can take you from a side splitting remark one moment to a genuinely saddening comment the next and do it flawlessly and convincingly. Rachel Weisz is also pretty good here as Queen Anne's original favourite lady, Anne may be the Queen, but it is Lady Marlborough who is really running the show.

The biggest surpise for me was Emma Stone's performance. I don't hate Emma Stone, but I do feel like she plays the same goofy studenty American girl in everything that she is in, but here she is actually acting and her English accent was brilliant throughout the whole movie. It proves how much a good director is able to get out of their actors performance-wise.

The other main star here is the script. It is jam packed with brilliantly crass lines that are fired out so quickly and with such venom from the respective characters that you really feel the words being said. It is one of the best written scripts I have seen in a film in a while.

I'm not normally one to gush about set design, but my God... This movie goes all out with it's backdrops. I know that for the exterior shots, they shot on location at real palaces and castles and used mostly natural lighting at least for the daytime scenes. While these scenes are impressive, it is the interior scenes that are really mesmerising. The level of detail on the background elements in this movie is insane and anywhere that you look onscreen, there is something new and interesting to catch your eye.

The other great thing about this movie, is that even if you don't care about the competition for favour that is at the centre of the movie's plot, there is enough going on with the filmmaking itself to keep your attention throughout. The odd looking fish eye lenses that Lanthimos uses and the bizarre shot compositions looking up from waist-height at the actors is as fascinating to look at as it is weird. It gives the movie a unique feel that sets it apart from any other period piece I have seen.

Overall, I got way more out of The Favourite than I expected to going in. The movie is funny, witty and pretty unique. The attention to detail is impressive and the performances are great, with Olivia Colman's alone making the film worth the price of admission. The script is great and the direction is oddly interesting. Do be warned though; this movie is very weird and definitely not your typical period piece movie.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 18, 2019

I loved it also!