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The Nightingale (2018)
The Nightingale (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Brutal and beautiful
In 1825 Tasmania, a young wife and mother experiences brutal atrocity against her family by the British soldiers in her midst. With her entire world shattered, the battered and broken young woman embarks on a quest for revenge. Not thinking clearly through her grief, she decides to escapade through the harsh and unforgiving countryside with only a native guide to show her the way and maybe catch those who have violated her world. Haunted by the images of her recent past, Clare is tortured by what she remembers, but needs to persevere for her wits to remain intact.

The path is ripe with treachery. The jungle can be beautiful and harsh simultaneously. Her guide is reluctant to lead the way and has to be bribed to do so. Clare, the young woman, has to deceive her real motives and says she has to meet her husband who as gone on ahead a few days journey. The duo have several unforgiving encounters while tracking the soldiers. The soldiers themselves continually perpetrate barbarism on those they encounter as their own guide takes them on an equally perilous journey through the unforgiving countryside.

Clare's quest for revenge and redemption could end up costing her her own life and soul in the process.

Writer/director Jennifer Kent is now one I will start having to keep my eye on for her future theatrical endeavors. First she spooked us all in the cleverly inventive, The Babadook, and now shows us a glimpse as to the brutal world of 1825 in unrelenting realism. The Australian county is go gorgeous during the day, but during the night presents many ghouls and strange sounds.

The intrigue the film presents is not the brutality itself, but Clare's reaction to it and thus her sense of retribution. She presents strength and weakness sometimes at the same moment, but you feel for her, her tough life and her struggle to meander through it. She wanders from soul to soul trying to get help, but finds few who are willing to help her.

The leading role for actress Aisling Franciosi was astonishing. Her portrayal of Clare was honest, heartbreaking and inspiring during different parts of the film. She wasn't just a victim of violence then a heartless killer, she shows depth and compassion as well.

Some of the images the film shows the audience will be hard to forget any time soon, but I am so glad I found this film. Highly recommended.

Haunt (2019)
Haunt (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Not Thought-Provoking But Fun!
In Haunt, a group of friends experience terror like no other when they go to a haunted house expecting a scare. For a movie that wasn’t done by a major studio, I have to say it ain’t half bad.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 3
If it wasn’t for such a slow start, I would definitely have put Haunt on the great level. Things don’t get moving nearly as fast as you like making me wonder if the rest of the movie was going to be like this. Fortunately things do pick up and, once things get rolling, the movie is good to go.

Characters: 7
The antagonists in this movie are super creepy, creepy enough to keep you entertained the whole movie. Meanwhile, the friends that are stalked can be pretty cardboard and plain, although I did appreciate how character development was worked in with a select few. It ultimately kept the story interesting.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 10
The creepiness level is on 1,000 here as there is danger around every turn. The movie definitely keeps you guessing, building on intensity scene after scene like a true-to-form horror movie. I loved that I was scared when I didn’t need to be. I also appreciated that, once the movie kicks into gear, no shot is wasted from that point on. Conflict abounds consistently throughout.

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 8
The movie succeeds by providing a lot of different setpieces that remain etched in your memory. The kills aren’t half bad either. Sure, it’s not the most thought-provoking film, but not bad as slashers go.

Pace: 10

Plot: 5

Resolution: 10
This movie ramps up the intensity right up to its thrilling conclusion where probably one of the most awesome kills in the film happens. I always gripe about the payoff in scary movies and how they can sometimes end abruptly so as to preserve a sequel. Haunt avoids that pitfall and goes all in with its ending that’s both engaging and fun.

Overall: 78
I would say this isn’t a bad movie to watch if it’s October and you’re tired of the same old Krueger and Jason song and dance. Had the characters been a twinge more interesting and the beginning hit with a little more boom, I would be leaning more towards the side of great horror to watch anytime. I love when independent horror and sci-fi hit the mark.


    Pat Barker

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    In Noonday, Pat Barker - the Man Booker-winning author of the definitive WWI trilogy, Regeneration -...

We Are All the Same in the Dark
We Are All the Same in the Dark
Julia Heaberlin | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stunning, shocking thriller filled with dark twists
Ten years ago, Trumanell Branson disappeared, along with her no-good daddy. But it's beautiful Trumanell her Texas town remembers and mourns. And, despite no arrests, they blame her brother, Wyatt, who lives alone on the old Branson homestead, hated by the entire town. When Wyatt, a trucker, finds a girl in a field of dandelions, he thinks it's a sign. As for the town cop, Odette--who has a long history with Wyatt--she fears the discovery of this girl will only turn the town against Wyatt fully and permanently. But when she goes to retrieve her, she feels drawn to the girl. Odette is haunted by Trumanell's disappearance, and now, the arrival of this mystery girl. As she digs into the past and the present, she uncovers shocking secrets about her town and the night that forever changed it.

"She has a bad, bad mystery to her. I can feel it deep in the hollow of my spook bone, the one my dad broke when I was a kid. My arm is never wrong."

This is an amazing, absorbing thriller that draws you in from the first page. Heaberlin writes so beautifully and lyrically--all these dark and horrific moments unfold in such beautiful prose. Her words astound me.

"There's no chatter about why I'm alone, scared, speeding on a prairie road with trees scattered like sailboats, thinking how my daddy, the town's late great top cop, told me to never come back to this little Texas hellhole unless it was to bury his ashes. Don't try to find the truth about Trumanell. Some answers are left to the by and by."

The characters here are beautiful--flawed, damaged, tender, and painted with a depth that will astound you. Troubled Odette, lost Wyatt, and Angel, the girl found in the field. They form a trio that one is unlikely to forget for quite some time.

This is a dark read--atmospheric and sad, and not always easy to read. Bad things happen in this town. Heaberlin's twists are true stunners. It's rare when a thriller takes me by surprise, but wow, I found myself shocked several times, and even better, unaware of the true culprit. How nice to read a mystery without guessing the ultimate ending.

Overall, this is a superb tale of a town held captive by its own secrets and tragedy. The characters come to life before your eyes through Heaberlin's elegant writing. It's shocking and twisted and one that shouldn't be missed. 4.5 stars.
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Drama
Last Bore
Rambo Last Blood is a bloody mess of a movie that feels so disjointed from all the other rambo films it will leave you confused and unfulfilled. Its starts of fine enough, we see Rambo in an ordinary life taking care of the farm doing average day to day tasks and growing old but clearly still troubled and haunted by his memories of war. We are then introduced to a couple of people he cares a lot about and from there trouble starts to brew. Problem is this beginning segment is an absolute shambles, not only is it extremely boring and tedious every single character is highly unlikeable, hollow, bland and annoying with no personality either. Then on top of that we have writing and dialog that are woeful almost like no effort was put into them whatsoever and the sad part is we are forced to sit through well over an hour of this too. This hour at times was actually so painful to watch especially for a film that knows most of us are only there for the kills. After waiting that long and sitting through a story that feels like it was meant for a Taken sequel you would think the action would make up for it..... right?. Wrong, while action is ok its still not great coming off more of a brief kill montage more than anything else. Kills are deliciously brutal thats for sure but they feel rushed because the film just cant wait to move on to the next one as fast as it can. All this brutal killing also at times can feel a little ujustified too making me acquire a disconnect from the Rambo we have come to know and love. If this film was meant to be another sequel it fails, if it was meant to be a Rambo tribute it fails and to top it all off it just ends abruptly out of no where with no real conclusion or point to be made. Last Blood seems like it didnt try to be a good film or a fun film and it left me confused, bored and baffled to why it exists at all. There are a few brief over the top cool kills but all in all its a pointless movie thats not worth anyones time. To top it all off my bike got stolen while I was inside watching this too and I have to say I got more excitement from seeing that had happened than watching this crap. Rambo Last Blood more like Rambo Last Bike.
Steel ( Bracken Ridge Rebels MC book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
120 of 230
Steel ( Bracken Ridge Rebels MC book 1)
By Mackenzy Fox

Bracken Ridge Arizona, where the Rebels M.C. rule and the only thing they ride or die for more than their club is their women, this is Steel’s story

Steel: I’m not meaning to get involved, really it’s not my fault. I’m the Sergeant at Arms of Bracken Ridge Rebels M.C. and it’s my job to look out for the club, ensure ongoing safety and above all else refrain from violence, where absolutely necessary. I don’t do anything by halves. But that’s before Sienna Morgan waltzed into town acting like she owns the place, and now she does, well the clubhouse at least. One minute I’m sent to extract an offer to give us back what’s rightfully ours, the next she’s on the back of my sled and I’m about to lose my mind. I don’t do romance and I’m not looking for an ol’ lady, but that’s all about to change. I don’t mean to make her mine, but then again, rules are meant to be broken and I’m on the right side of wrong.

Sienna: He’s bad. He’s mean. He’s kind of hot in a 'don’t mess with me' kind of way. But I’m no fool, I know this town’s run by bikers and I have something they want, something they need. I just never thought it would come to this and I’d be in the middle of a mess I may not be able to get out of. The more I try to run the closer he gets. I don’t know if I can keep resisting but my own haunted past lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce if I let it. I fear Steel may become an addiction but I can’t let that happen, I can’t let him get too close because if I do, he may just break me in half for good.

I really enjoyed this it’s exactly as you expect it too be! I did fall in love with Steel from the start he’s definitely a character you’d want to find down a dark alley. The balance of story and spice was well written and you actually got brought into the world. I’m not used to MC books that don’t involve a supernatural element so this was a new one for me and I wasn’t disappointed. I’m already looking forward to finding out more about these men.