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1941 (1979)
Movie Watch
Pandemonium erupts in Los Angeles after the WWII attack on Pearl Harbor in the wartime spoof, 1941,...

Kleber Mendonca recommended Heaven's Gate (1980) in Movies (curated)

Rob Cohen recommended Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1982) in Movies (curated)

Jon Savage recommended Dazed and Confused (1993) in Movies (curated)

The Player (1992)
Movie Watch
Certain that the anonymous threats he's been receiving are the work of David Kahane (Vincent...

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Faction Paradox: The Book of the Peace (Faction Paradox, #16) in Books
Nov 30, 2020
I was truly excited when this book was released from Obverse Press. It was the "mate" to the previous release, THE BOOK OF THE ENEMY. Unfortunately, the excitement soon dissolved, as the stories inside were just not that interesting, hence the reason it took so long for me to finish it! I was looking forward to the upcoming Faction Paradox release HYPONORMALISATION: A FACTION HOLLYWOOD PRODUCTION, but I am starting to waver. I may still get it, though, as Faction Paradox seems to fare better as individual novels, rather than a mixed bag of short stories.

Robert Pattinson recommended Ivans Xtc (2002) in Movies (curated)

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Fantasy Island (2020) in Movies
May 19, 2020
This semi-dark, comedic drama was better than expected. It had some decent(although at times cheesy)humor, light dramatic stories(also with their fair share of cheesiness) and good cinematography which all blended well together. The story, while somewhat predictable, played out well and was reminiscent of the old show. Of course, in true Hollywood fashion, they left it open for a possible sequel. Overall this was an entertaining movie that doesn't really expect you take it too seriously I'm not sure why it's listed as a "horror" though-NOT scary. Even the kids could enjoy it. Worth a watch.

Where Stylists Shop: The Fashion Insider’s Ultimate Guide
Veteran fashion critic Booth Moore curates a collection of shopping tips from the industry’s top...

Ways of Escape
With superb skill and feeling, Graham Greene retraces the experiences and encounters of his...