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The Siege of Abythos
The Siege of Abythos
Phil Tucker | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poetry battle (2 more)
Poetry battle
Poetry battle
The third instalment in the Chronicles of the Black Gate series is the biggest yet, in terms of page count. The story follows the same PoV characters as previous books but their adventures are now covering so much more of the world and the storyline is becoming quite entangled.
Tharok's attempts to unite the orc-like kragh tribes and invade the human world continue, meanwhile Lady Iskra seeks to rescue her son and take revenge on the Ascendant's empire.
This book covers a lot more political debate and intrigue than the previous two, with prolonged discussion of who should be invaded, and what should be done thereafter. While this is very much a necessity in such an epic tale I felt it was somewhat laboured at times.
I very nearly gave up on this book at one point - where the portly magister Audsley (who has three demons lurking in his soul) was seeking to inveigle his way into the upper echelons of the empire, most of this storytelling centred around the colour of robes to wear, the type and colour of paper to use in sending letters and reciting poetry. Again this was very much laboured but bearable, until it looked like we were heading for what can only be described as a poetry battle, where Audsley (coached by one of his demons) was set to take on a senior government official's poetry representative in a battle of wits to see how would curry favour in the empire.

That's right: a poetry battle.
Think Philip Larkin in 8 Mile.
Will the real Slim Shakespeare please stand up.
Kanye Wordsworth.
NWA (Novelists with Assonance)

At this point I very nearly gave up. Thankfully, so did Audsley and the contest ended abruptly as he refused to let his demon take control of him. Phew. Disaster avoided. If this had been allowed to continue it would have made Tom Bombadil look like a critical plot point.

Other than Audsley's chapters (which in the previous book had been a highlight) the book does roll along at a reasonable pace and there is just about enough action to keep the interest, particularly in the last 100 or so pages.

All in all, a good read and a turning point for the series as a whole, but a lot of nonsense could have been removed, (Edgar Allan) Poe Shizzle.
The Cutaway
The Cutaway
Christina Kovac | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
3.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I seem to be of a minority when it comes to those that have read Christina Kovac's debut novel The Cutaway. Tagged as a mystery, suspense, and thriller novel, it really doesn't feel like one to me. While there are elements of a typical thriller, the crime at hand and the persons of interest take a back seat to the main character's love life for nearly three-fourths of the novel. In fact, the missing woman is practically non-existent for much of the story. To me, that's a pretty big turn off. I nearly dropped it, actually.

The Cutaway is supposed to focus on Virginia Knightly's efforts of getting the scoop on a missing person. En route to tracking down the perpetrator, readers encounter the typical sort of motives: affairs, money, political intrigue. It's a pretty standard plot when it comes to suspense novels. The twists are predictable and the story remains dreadfully slow until the final twenty to thirty percent.

For the most part, the characters of The Cutaway are painfully flat. Most of the male characters, with the exception of the News Director, are handsome with exceptionally whiny personalities. The News Director, Mellay, is a stereotypical angry boss sort who only cares about his own pockets. Even worse, the female characters are all Mary Sues. Sure, they have their own troubling pasts, but for as much suffering as they went through in their childhoods, the effect it has had on their adulthood is fairly minor. All of the women are drop dead gorgeous, not counting one of the witnesses. Ugh - that's all I can really say about that.

It's also clear from reading the novel that Kovac's most familiar with the reporting side of an investigation, which is to be expected from someone who has spent much of their time in the same career as the main character. Unfortunately, it also lends a bit of blandness to the story telling.

Overall, The Cutaway was an extremely painful read. Many times I considered dropping it: I could not get into the characters and I feel that the novel is more suited to the romance genre. There are several questions left unanswered and parts of it feel either rushed or as if Kovac is simply grasping at straws.

I would like to thank Atria Publishing, the author, and NetGalley for providing me with a copy for review.
The Bronze and the Brimstone
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is the sequel to The Lens and the Looker: Book #1 of the Verona Series (History Camp: the Verona Trilogy) and opens with the main character, Hansum, in a dream. This is actually rather confusing, as I don't realize he is dreaming until afterwards, and it seems like a poorly-timed ploy to re-introduce the reader to what has occurred so far in the series.
Early in the book, Hansum is separated from his friends, but not before he manages to marry Guillietta in secret. What bugs me about this is how Guillietta's father still treats him like a child, even though he is certainly entitled to be treated as an adult by this time. Hansum exhibits a certain level of maturity that few seem to recognize or respect. Once Hansum is moved to a private estate, his story exchanges with the rest of his friends in alternating sections.
The drama that occurs between Shamira and the artist is quite transparent to me. I am not sure if the author intended for the reader to discern the artist's true intentions so easily, but the artist's lack of talent combined with obvious lies and an obsessive interest in the lookers made it apparent what he was really about. I can only feel sorry for Shamira in her first foray into the realm of romance.
Hansum does well at creatively avoiding an engagement to Lady Beatrice, but I had to wonder how long he would be successful at this. With Hansum's almost constant protectiveness over the genie, Pan, I also wondered how long he would really be able to keep up the ruse.
With a greater focus on the technological advancements that Hansum is introducing, and less of a focus on the relationship-building of the first book in the series, this book was better written and a more enjoyable read for me. The author's evident strengths lie in his knowledge of the technology used in the series and the history of 14th-century Verona, so when those are brought to the forefront, the writing is quite intriguing. I still feel that the author is trying to do too much with this novel and trying to appeal to a too-large audience with everything from romance, history, suspense, political intrigue, and technology, to numerous science fiction themes, but it is better written than the first book in the series.
Holding Out for a Hero (Jelvia: Not Human #1)
Holding Out for a Hero (Jelvia: Not Human #1)
L. Wise, T.E. Kessler | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holding Out for a Hero (Jelvia: Not Human #1) by L. Wise, T.E. Kessler
Holding Out For A Hero is the first book in the Jelvia: Not Human series, and this book balances a line between a romance story, and an erotica filled with sex.

The birth rate of humans is down, and the birth rate of Jelvia's is up. Not only that, but the Jelvia's are faster and stronger than 'normal' humans, and also have super-pellets of venom that can kill humans within mere seconds. They have a bad reputation, mostly deserved, but Macy is convinced they are not as bad as the media portrays them. When her roommate is attacked, Macy sees first-hand that you can't tar a whole race with the same brush.

This is a book of intrigue, with twists and turns aplenty, and also of opposites. Macy wants to find out more about the Jelvia, and thinks they are getting a bad press. Courtney is Macy's long-term friend, and wants absolutely nothing to do with them. In fact, her sympathies lie more with a criminal who attacked her and nearly raped her, than with the Jelvia who's appearance saved her.

Macy and Narcifer go full throttle very early on (it is for over 18's after all!), and quickly spout off their 'I love you's'. It was good to see that connection, although Narcifer slid in my estimation when he explained a phone call as being 'boy talk'. Macy holds great store in knowing if she can trust someone, but it appeared to me that she trusts very easily, and then it bites her in the ass.

There is a slight hint of BDSM in this book (spankings), but it seems like book two will delve deeper into this world. I just hope it doesn't become the same thing in every book. The next book also stars Courtney, so we will be able to see if her opinions have changed much.

A great read, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. There is enough world-building for the Jelvia's to fit in. I thoroughly enjoyed book one in this series, and look forward to reading more.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Line of Duty - Season 5
Line of Duty - Season 5
2019 | Crime, Thriller
Gripping and thrilling
What can I say, Line of Duty have done it again with another hugely gripping series with twists, turns and a stellar cast. Again I won’t say too much at the risk of giving away any spoilers, but this series continues the investigation into the mysterious ‘H’ and they really do pack a lot of intrigue and twists and turns. It’s good to see the wonderful Stephen Graham in this, I couldn’t imagine anyone else more fitting for the role of Clayton and it’s also good to see a bit more of Adrian Dunbar who has been slightly sidelined in past series in favour of the characters of Arnott and Fleming. The plot itself is action packed with a lot of twists you just wouldn’t see coming. Of course unsurprisingly the series ends with a bit of a bang but also doesn’t quite wrap everything up neatly, leaving me screaming for another that I’ll now have to wait for. Damn you BBC.

My only criticism about this show, other than the fact that some plot lines have been left hanging until the ends series, is a bit of a back handed compliment. From working in a police environment I cannot stress to you how realistic a lot of aspects of this show are. Yes they’ve obviously made the storylines thrilling and action packed and made up, but the little nuances and parts of daily ordinary police life are very realistic. Whilst I really love they’ve made it this realistic, there’s one part I find very irritating and that’s mainly because it annoys me on a daily basis at work. I can’t stand the dated way police officers refer to those of a higher rank as ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’, it seems very outdated in a world where we’re all meant to be equal, except when you’re a higher police rank then you can’t be called by your first name by a lower rank... Doesn’t seem right to me, and you certainly wouldn’t catch me doing that at work - calling someone by name doesn’t mean you don’t respect their position any less. So I do get a little irritated with this hierarchical nonsense sometimes on the show, especially with Kate and Steve. But very realistic to say the least! Rant over ?

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated Her Every Fear in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Her Every Fear
Her Every Fear
Peter Swanson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Workaday Thriller
For the record I should say that I listened to the book rather than reading a hard copy, and the reading of the book I was listening to was not the most inspiring. The reader (Juliette Burton) was what I think of as a 'flat' reader - aside from the odd accent adopted to distinguish characters there was little variation in tone and pace through the reading. This is not a style that works for me as I find it detracts from those moments where a writer has obviously written for atmosphere or tension. This is particularly the case where the book in question is a thriller - after all, it's supposed to thrill, not pass by with all the excitement, intrigue and suspense of a banking ad.

In the book's favour I found the main character believable and sympathetic. Her actions and choices, as a trauma survivor, I found more realistic than the standard we are usually given, where a character is given all the most extreme behaviours and responses ,and few if any of the more moderate ones - or if they are they never act upon them. She is likable and logical, even when she knows that her own actions are illogical and driven by fear. Sometimes she submits to the fear, others she doesn't. She is not one-dimensional. The premise for the character that 'she has always been overly-nervous' seems a little superfluous - she has a history that gives her cause enough to be nervous, and I don't think there is anything in her personality that needs justification beyond that.

That said this is not the most inspired of thrillers. There are no real surprises, no great twists or turns . It's a good, readable story( a holiday read, maybe) but it's never going to have you hanging on the edge of your seat, and the end could have been at least one chapter shorter, possibly more. The fact that this so and yet I still wanted to hear more is a testament to writing skill of Swanson and the general readability of the book.

To summarise: I will probably have forgotten I've read this in a month or so, but I wouldn't say it wasn't worth the read, and though demanding or deeply engrossing I enjoyed it while it lasted.
Alice of the Rocks
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Elisa is a scullery maid in the castle’s kitchen in Florence, Italy, 1512. She is forbidden to speak to any of the nobles, and she must keep her face hidden and eyes downcast for fear of drawing attention to herself. But one evening, her path crosses with Count Claudio Moro who protects her from the roaming hands of another nobleman. It is highly improper for the two to converse, let alone have a relationship, but there is just something about Elisa which sticks in Claudio’s mind, and he must continue seeing her, even at a detriment to his own status.

Alice was orphaned as an infant at a convent in Italy in 2012, but she was adopted by the most wonderful couple. Now it is 2029, she is seventeen years old, and she and her parents are going on a family trip to her country of birth to visit family and see the sights. However, one of those sights for Alice comes by way of a strikingly-handsome young man who works at a villa where the family is staying. There is an instant attraction between the two, and it’s almost as if they have met one another before. Could this be just a simple summer fling, or is there more? And why is Alice suddenly having strange dreams and feelings of déjà vu?

This is a truly wonderful story told with love and care in every chapter. The characters pull you in from the very beginning, and it’s as if they are actually there with you, guiding you through each point in their lives. The transitions between time periods are flawless and unimposing, and the story flows in such a way that it’s almost like a movie. I could clearly see the entire novel playing in my head, making it very entertaining and fully engrossing, and the scenery of Italy is described so beautifully it sets a wonderful backdrop. I didn’t want to put it down, and I will admit running the gambit of emotions, from anger and sadness to joy and wonder.

If you fancy intrigue, romance, and a love which traverses both social and timely boundaries, I highly recommend this as your next read.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Priest of Bones in Books

Oct 3, 2018  
Priest of Bones
Priest of Bones
Peter McLean | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic low fantasy gangster heist book
*** Disclosure: I received a free advance copy of this book in return for an honest review ***

The main character of this book believes in having "the right person doing the right job". In that case, my job will be reading this book, because I absolutely adored every single word of it.

Tomas Piety is returning to his hometown of Ellinburg (the city sometimes referred to as Old Reekie due to its tanneries - a nice little parallel to Edinburgh's "Auld Reekie") having been conscripted to fight for his country at war. Piety was previously the proud owner of a number of brothels, taverns and gambling/drugs dens and the purveyor of the finest protection racket in town. He returns with his regiment of fellow conscripts ("war is over, sling your hook") promising jobs and wealth for good honest work, only to find that his empire is not what it once was. Therein lies the plot of the book - Tomas and The Pious Men battling to take back control of the streets and properties he once oversaw.

The action is grim and nasty, and as well described as any book I can think of.
The dialogue is funny and gritty, and rivals Joe Abercrombie.
The main character has had a troubled past and has buried his own secrets.

The scope of the book is fairly small and benefits from that, not getting away from itself. There is more than enough going on to keep the action coming and the intrigue simmering along.

There is a lot of nasty, not niceness throughout this book, a feature of a lot of modern fantasy. However here the tale is told by Tomas himself, so we are treated to some of his inner monologue and get an insight into why he thinks these things need to be done. How he justifies some horrific actions and decisions defines his character well.

Frankly, this is one of the most immersive books I have read for a long time. The narration meant that for once I could truly visualise the city, the mess, the smells, the nastiness, the honour amongst gangsters. Not since the early Discworld books have I felt this so strongly.

To put it simply: I really really loved this book and cannot wait (though wait I must) for the next instalment.

LilyLovesIndie (123 KP) rated Koven in Books

Nov 5, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Celeste, a vampire with a very painful past, is determined to locate a mysterious organisation responsible for her pain. Striker is the leader of a protective band of vampires, Koven, charged with her capture and execution. It all sounds so simple, but when intrigue and powerful forces come into play, it changes the game they're both playing.

Before I go any further - I bloody loved this book! Anyone who's read my reviews knows just how much just love vampires, they're my Achilles heel, but so often they're overdone and full of cliches, but Koven blows most other vampire novels I've read completely out of the ball park. The creation of the Kouncil, Koven and then the added mystery of the Queens and konsorts all weaved together in a totally believable, yet very refreshing view on typical vampire lore.

The plot was full of twists and turns, I never knew exactly where Skye was going to take this novel. This, combined with a fast paced plot, had me hooked from the start and totally absorbed in Celeste and Striker's story. I found myself ignoring things that needed doing so I could spend the extra time reading.

Celeste and Striker, as leading characters were superb. They were developed, a pleasure to read, and their conflict over their feelings for each other was well written and very easy to get lost in. The support characters of Bradford, Rodham and the other Koven guys were just as entertaining to read, but Celeste really stole the show. Her back story, the pain, her recovery, it was just shine to read and she is such a powerful, strong lead character.

And so, before I keep you any longer, I can only say - buy this, find a quiet room and read it, preferably in one sitting. It's awesome, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Gripping, exciting and just fabulous from start to finish, this is a must read for anyone interested in the vampire genre. I mean this when I say I honestly cannot wait for another installment in what promises to be an excellent saga.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
The year is 1812, and the search for a missing treasure commences. Mystery and intrigue are found around every corner. A thrilling new regency book!

Jonathan Gilchrist is on a mission to recover The Bevoy, a ruby of immense value, stolen from his father. Jonathan's family needs The Bevoy in order to save their home. But the last thing he expected was Camille Iverness. Camille has grown up in a shady part of London and has learned how to fend for herself. Running her father's curiosity shop, she has encountered many people of different characters. When strange and threatening events occur, she must rely on the help of Mr. Gilchrist, a stranger. But can she trust him? Running from her past, Camille seeks refuge in the village of Fellsworth. As her attachment for the village grows, she begins to feel as though she can begin a new life at last. But when her past literally shows up in Fellsworth, her hopes for a new life are dashed to pieces. Will Jonathan and Camille ever be able to find peace? Will events that unfold push them apart or draw them closer together?

"It is not just a ruby, as you say. It is large as a quail's egg, still untouched and unpolished. And it is rumored to either bless or curse whomever possess it."

The Curiosity Keeper was a book that I had been looking forward to reading for quite a while. And I was not disappointed! It is a thrilling story that kept me engaged from beginning to end. It has all of the elements expected for a regency romance, with a few interesting surprises, mystery being one of them. Sarah Ladd does a brilliant job of drawing you into the story. I could feel my heart racing when tensions rose and sighed with relief on more than one occasion. Throughout the book we can clearly see the underlying message: And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV) I highly recommend The Curiosity Keeper, and I look forward to the next book in the Treasures of Surrey series.

I received a free digital copy of The Curiosity Keeper from NetGalley courtesy of Thomas Nelson, Inc. in exchange for my honest review.