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ClareR (5667 KP) rated The House in Books

Nov 21, 2020  
The House
The House
Tom Watson, Imogen Robertson | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The House is a taut political thriller, packed full of intrigue, secrets, corruption and betrayal. The setting is Westminster - somewhere that Tom Watson has an intimate knowledge of. And you can tell. There are nooks, crannies and offices described in here that I’ve never even heard of - and sneaky back doors too!

The story itself seemed multi-layered and quite complex to begin with, and I have to admit to struggling with the amount of names I needed to remember (this is typical of me though, to be honest!), but once I had them all straight in my head after a couple of staves, I was able to enjoy it much more.

The story tied together really nicely towards the end - the seemingly different stories coming together and resolving - but it was left on a bit of a cliffhanger. And do you know? I think I would probably read another book set in this world of the UK Parliament. I liked the characters, and particularly the unlikeable characters intrigued me (I’m nothing if not predictable!). It’ll be interesting to see where another book takes us!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, I really enjoyed it.

Jarvis Cocker recommended Abbey Road by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Abbey Road by The Beatles
Abbey Road by The Beatles
1969 | Rock

"You asked for albums, but albums are already a bit away from pop because of they're a more serious proposition, so all of these are albums that I own on vinyl, and because I'm of a certain age that's what I think of as a record. We didn't have a big record collection in our house when I was growing up, but my mum had three Beatles albums, Sgt Pepper, Revolver and Abbey Road. Even though I was a kid I could tell that Sgt Pepper and Revolver sounded like music that had happened a while ago, but Abbey RoadM sounded more modern. It still does sound quite modern, because on second side where all the songs run into each other, that's quite a thing, not many people had done that since and not many have since. There's an art to an album. If you've got an album that's got a shit song on it, especially if it's in the middle of a side, you're not going to play it as much because you know you're going to have to get up and skip that track. That's what I've tried to do with these, it's records that I don't mind putting on then you can relax or talk to people or whatever, but you know you're not going to get some kind of fucking horrible shitty stinker of a song on it. Abbey Road - I was young at the time, 10, 11, 12, whatever, and the track that ends side one, 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)' that was mind-blowing to me, the way it went on and on and on at the end, with this big synthy wooshy noise. I've since found out its Ringo playing this machine that sounds like wind that you get in classical orchestras. It was a psychedelic experience in a living room in a normal part of Sheffield in the early 70s, where, you know, psychedelic experiences weren't that common. I'll always remember it, that song in particularly took me somewhere. And that's the end of that side - if you had Abbey Road on CD it wouldn't be right, it only really works as a statement if you listen to it for ages and then it suddenly stops and then you're left in silence for a while until you can be bothered to get up and start again. I started with this because it plays with what an album can be. It's great.


ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Unravelling in Books

Feb 23, 2022  
The Unravelling
The Unravelling
Polly Crosby | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely adored this thoughtful, beautiful story of a young woman, Tartelin, going to live on the island of Dohhalund as an assistant to Marianne Stourbridge, and elderly lepidopterist.

Marianne is a difficult woman to get to know: she’s short tempered, doesn’t really want to share any of herself with Tartelin - and she has a lot of secrets to share.

Tartelin is mourning the death of her mother. She’s a young woman, alone in the world. She probably chooses the job with Marianne because it’s somewhere so different from her childhood home and her mother’s art studio.

I do think that Dohhalund goes some way to helping Tartelin begin the grieving process. It sounds like a stark, beautiful place. At one end is a military base, and at the other is Marianne’s house and land. Her family had lived on Dohhalund for generations, until the military had ordered them to leave. After her return, it’s evident that many of the buildings have started to fall into the sea. This reflects to some extent, Marianne’s physical and Tartelin’s mental states. Both women are deeply affected by what has happened in their pasts.

This is such an emotive, beautifully descriptive book. It’s a slow burner, a story of friendship and love, where secrets are revealed, people are reunited and new friendships forged.

This gorgeous book had me in tears by the end, with characters I really cared for. As the Pearl Women in the book often said: “The sea is made up of unspeakable sadness”, and whilst this novel was sad, there was also hope.
Highly recommended (as is Polly Crosby’s first book “The Illustrated Child”).
Toxic (Ruin, #2)
Toxic (Ruin, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I'm honest, I can't remember much about the first one apart from the fact that i truly fell for Wes and it made me cry like a baby when i realised he was sick. And that i wanted to read Gabe's story.

This one also made me cry a lot. It just seemed very unfair that Gabe had been going through all this crap emotionally for the past four years. I wanted him to be happy but he seemed determined to live with the guilt and in a way that annoyed me because I'm pretty sure that Kimmy would have wanted you to be happy.

Then we met Saylor. She initially semed like some sort of band geek but she gave as good as she got--and good for her! I'll admit i got the initial attraction but then when they confessed their falling for each other i was a little sceptical because they'd hardly spent that much time together and were always arguing in that time, apart from once, i think.

It put me through the emotional wringer and last night i had to put it down as all the crying was giving me a headache. Saylor was being amazing when she found out the truth and was trying to be there for him but i still didnt really get it.

And then that end bit. Really? I think that's his MO.

I loved the first one but i was a tad disappointed by this one. Maybe Lisa's story will be somewhere in the middle.
The Legion (Eagle, #10)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The latest in Simon Scarrows Roman series of books (that initially all had the word 'Eagle' somewhere in the title), this follows on fromt he events of 'The Gladiator' and can be seen as concluding the plot line first began in 'Centurion'.

Unlike 'The Gladiator', however, I reckon it would be possible (maybe not advisable, but possible) to read this as stand-alone: although reference is made to previous events, they aren't quite as central to the story in this book as the events in 'Centurion' are to 'The Gladiator'. This particular novel is set in Egypt - Rome's bread-basket - and follows Cato (who, for the first time in the series as a whole, has more responsibility than Macro) and Macro's search to hunt down the renegade Gladiator Ajax, who escaped from Crete at the end of the previous novel. As before, when you pick up one of these books: you pretty much know what to expect - bloody battles, a little bit of suspense, and a few loose ends for the sequels ...
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Michael Myers, Jamie Lee Curtis (0 more)
The new Loomis. I got peanut butter on my penis. (0 more)
Face your fate.
It's 1999 and my twenty years younger self is spending the entire year getting hyped for The Phantom Menace. That movie dominated my year. I had queued at ToysRUs when they released the new figures just to get my hands on a Darth Maul and a Podracer. I had brought the CD of John Williams Soundtrack. I had seen every trailer countless times and as soon as they were put on sale I brought two tickets so that I could watch the movie twice on the same day. I sat in the theatre as the Lucasfilm logo appeared and thought 'this is it'. Then the end credits rolled and I left the movie and headed to get something to eat before the next showing, all the while trying to convince myself that I had loved what I had just watched. Truth is I couldn't do it. I hadn't loved it at all. It left me deflated and all I could think was that I had to sit and watch it all again as all that excitement turned to shit with every clunky piece of dialogue and every scene featuring Jar Jar fucking Binks. It hurt and I promised I would never get so hyped for a movie again.

Fast forward to 2018. I had been excited for the prospect of Halloween since it was announced. Jamie Lee was involved and it was a direct sequel. Both of these things had me invested. Then the trailer dropped and that old familiar feeling of hype that I had promised to forgo started to creep over me once more. Now I should add that John Carpenters original 1978 movie is one of my all time favourites. I love that movie. To me it is an example of perfect horror story telling. It's simple yet incredibly effective at doing what it says on the tin and I rewatch it every year on Haloween as a tradition.

Time came for opening night and I had purchased my ticket in advance (but only one this time just in case) and as we sat waiting for the movie to start even my wife commented that I appeared nervous. I was nervous. I had every right to be nervous because the mishandling of something that means so much to me would mean major disappointment. I am a movie geek. Movies mean so much to me, especially Halloween and I take disappointment pretty badly. So the movie played out. That old familiar score played over the top of bright orange titles against a black background as a pumpkin seemed to unrot and I loved it. I loved the steady build to Michaels escape. I loved how being locked up for so long just seemed to make him more relentless. Once he was out and let loose on Haddonfield I was hooked. The killing spree that followed as Michael went from house to house on a rampage fueled by 40 years of incarceration had me mentally punching the air with happiness. Jamie Lee Curtis though was something else all together. Her portrayal of Laurie suffering from four decades of pent up PTSD was nothing short of brilliant. I could really feel for this character that I have adored for so many years. Laurie will always be my number 1 final girl. She survived the original Halloween because she was smart, and wasn't distracted like her sex mad, airhead friends. Seeing how the events of the first film had effected her life so dramatically was like watching an old friend going through a really hard time. The closing twenty minutes literally had me on the edge of my seat as Laurie searches one dark room after another, the hunted becoming the hunter. You know Michael is there lurking somewhere, but where? The final image as a trapped Michael stares up at his escaping prey, so fixed on Laurie that he fails to even notice that he is being engulfed in flames really stuck with me after the credits rolled.

Now I'm not going as far as to say this film was perfect. Some of the humour fell a little flat and felt out of place and I hated the new Dr Loomis character and his plot twist. It felt crowbarred in and completely unnecessary. Had the rest of the film not been as tight it would have taken me out of the movie completely, but thankfully that was not the case. A lot of love and passion went into making this movie. Clearly the film makers are fans of the original and that really comes across on screen. It really honours Carpenters movie and evidently comes across as a love letter more than a cash in. I know this movie divided people. You either loved it or hated it and I am definitely in the camp of the former. Do I want another sequel? If the quality of this one is maintained then hell yeah. Halloween 2018 has taught me that allowing myself to get a little hyped now and again can sometimes be rewarding. Not everything has to be The Phantom Menace.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Power Rangers (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Mmm, Doughnuts
I had no idea I'd been waiting all my life for a film which combined juvenile sci-fi, plastic karate, diversity-friendly teen angst, industrial levels of product placement for Krispy Kreme, and jokes about jerking off bulls, but it turned out that I was and here it is.

A bunch of high school kids discover magic medallions that turn them into (basically) action figures, tasked with stopping the evil Rita Repulsa from locating a mystical crystal hidden in a vital location somewhere on Earth (the vital location may or may not be connected to selling a range of delicious fried-dough confectionary), helped by the ghost of an ancient alien hero (the producers must have some juicy dirt on Bryan Cranston and have blackmailed him into appearing).

Now, the high school kids are all played by actors who are clearly in their 20s, the tone is all over the place (to put it mildly), and long before the end it has quietly transformed itself into a massive advert for toys, but this is still a weirdly diverting and undeniably fun film, mainly because - underneath all the complete nonsense - the script is solid and no-one seems to be taking it too seriously. All right, much of it makes no sense at all, but it does so in a rather charming way. The finest kind of bad movie. Best line - Bryan Cranston: 'Have you ever morphed before?' Black Power Ranger: 'Only in the shower.'
Expeditionary Force: Book 1 - Columbus Day
Expeditionary Force: Book 1 - Columbus Day
Craig Alanson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witty narrative of when Earth picked the wrong side of the war to join
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, The Martian by Andy Weir, and the movie Independence Day all have one important aspect in common - humor. Without the levity, all three would be boring and forgotten works left in a drawer somewhere. Reading the humorous description of the first book in Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force series, Columbus Day, I knew I had to read it and wondered why I had not read it before now.

The Ruhar attacks the world on, you guessed it, Columbus Day. We thought we were saved when the Kristang flew in and attacked the Ruhar. We else were we to do but pick the side of the guys who saved us. As we quickly learn, we made the wrong move.

Having the narrator of The Maritan, R.C. Bray, narrate Columbus Day was a stroke of genius. He again proves he can skillfully deliver snarky, "American" humor while making the end of the world as we know no laughing matter.

To date, there are ten books in the series, but Alanson ended it at a point in the story Columbus Day could work as a stand-alone novel, although readers would be remiss in not continuing,

This 200-word review was published on on 8/10/20.

Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated Touch in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't say I really expected the 2nd novel published by the pseudonymous Claire North to be as good as the 1st ("The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August"), but luckily for me my expectations were handily exceeded. Our protagonist, Kepler, is a being that is able to occupy the body of any person simply by touching them and jumping into their skin. As a result, Kepler, whose sex is never stated, has been able to survive for many lifetimes as a variety of hosts. Things begin with both Kepler, and its current host being framed for several murders and pursued by a mysterious organization, which exists solely to hunt down those with this unique ability. I can't say much more without giving things away, but suffice it to say things move pretty briskly from the get go. Many interesting characters are met along the way, both in the present and in the many flashbacks to Kepler's past "lives", and there are several instances that smartly reference common experiences to make one wonder if just maybe, such a thing could be possible. When we reach the conclusion I didn't really want it to end, but what an ending it is, with an action packed chase sequence that takes place somewhere I won't mention, which would make for a spectacular movie setpiece. This had somewhat fewer "cerebral" moments than Ms. North's previous book, but it was still a smartly plotted and incredibly fun read. Fans of "Harry August" or the films of Christopher Nolan (who, incidentally, would be perfect to make a movie of this) will love it.