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Marqees (17 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Batman: Return to Arkham in Video Games

Feb 14, 2018  
Batman: Return to Arkham
Batman: Return to Arkham
2017 | Action/Adventure
Quality Voice acting, Great story, fluid combat system, open world (0 more)
repetitive NPC speak, overuse of detective mode (0 more)
If you are a fan of Batman and have not played Arkham Asylum and Arkham City stop what you are doing right now, currently reading my review of these games, and go play them for yourself. This game is heavily inspired by the Batman: The Animated Series lore so much so that writer Paul Dini, who help create the show, help pen the story. Reprising the role of the Dark Knight is Kevin Conroy who is the definitive Batman alongside him is his arch-nemesis the Joker voice by the legendary Mark Hamill. The plot of both games is very simple you as Batman must stop the overall plot of the Joker while fending off threats from various other Batman villains. The story is compelling, the combat fluid, and with the updated graphics very pretty to look at. On the downside, the game relies highly on Batman's Detective Mode to do all of the sleuthing and the Riddler puzzles can be tedious but overall these games are great.
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
2016 | Action, Animation, Drama
The 2016 adaptation of one of the best-known, most iconic graphic novels of all time had massive shoes to fill. For me, it fell a little short, but was saved by the voice-acting and by, largely, sticking to the storyline it had to work with.
Before we get into the Killing Joke story proper, there is an added storyline following the relationship between Batman and Batgirl. This, plus the more cartoon-y style of the animation were a definite downer for a first 20 minutes. It doesn't really add anything to the overall piece, there is no apparent impact on Batman's actions as a result of their relationship.
That aside, this is a thrilling, gripping adaptation of the book, which sticks close to it. We learn about the Joker's backstory and first interaction with Batman, and we see that he has got into Batman's head as he always wanted.
The use of Mark Hamill as Mr J is excellent, his voice totally captures the Joker's madness, softness and violence.
A great spend of an hour, but something of a let-down from the book.
Sushi Girl (2013)
Sushi Girl (2013)
2013 | Drama, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old Movie Revisited: Sushi Girl. Did you ever want to see Luke Skywalker torture Atreyu from Neverending Story? Me either, but if you did, you can see it here. Not only do we have Luke and Atreyu, we get Candyman, Frank from Donnie Darko, and some extremely brief cameos from Kyle Reese, Machete, Frank Lapidus from Lost, the original Streetfighter himself, and White Power Bill. Of course you have to spend a preternatural amount of time in front of the TV to know some of these people, but hey, youre loss... So this is a Quentin Tarantinoesque type gangster flick that revolves around a botched diamond heist and the torture of Atreyu, after he gets out of a six year stint in the joint. And of course a Sushi Girl who is covered with? Anyone? Anyone? Thats right sushi... Yes, Stephanie Golden, she is naked and has a pretty decent rack :) Mark Hamill, er, Luke, does a pretty awesome job doing a 30's type gangster drawl, and seems to enjoy torturing Atreyu (where the hell has that guy been?) So that being said, and you like Tarantinoesques films, and don't mind a little bloody torture fun, check it out, its a pretty decent ride, like your momma! Filmbufftim on FB
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
1983 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Ewoks (1 more)
May The Force Be With You: The End
Return of the Jedi- is the final movie out of the oringal trilogy. So is it my favorite one, no. The 4th one is my favorite one, it goes 4, 6, 5. It has good scenes like the battle between luke and the rancor, the battle planet desert beast, the battle on edor and the battle between Luke, Dark Vader and the Emperor.

The plot: Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) battles horrible Jabba the Hut and cruel Darth Vader to save his comrades in the Rebel Alliance and triumph over the Galactic Empire. Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) reaffirm their love and team with Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams), the Ewoks and the androids C-3PO and R2-D2 to aid in the disruption of the Dark Side and the defeat of the evil emperor.

I realize that these movie are slow, and it takes it time to build up suspense. Which can be good, but its bad because i fall alseep, cause its boring.

Other than that, Return of the Jedi, is the end of the oringal trilogy and a good end to a excellent trilogy.

May The Force Be With You.
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Predictably Gruesome, But Entertaining
Child's Play is a 2019 slasher/horror movie directed by Lars Klevberg and written by Tyler Burton Smith. It was produced by Orion Pictures, KatzSmith Productions, and BRON Creative and distributed by United Artists Releasing. The film stars Aubrey Plaza, Gabriel Bateman, Brian Tyree Henry, and Mark Hamill.

A revolutionary line of high-tech dolls, designed to be life-long companions to their owners, called Buddi, is launched by the Kaslan Corporation. Buddi dolls learn from their surroundings and act accordingly by connecting and operating other Kaslan products making it a success with children world wide. Before committing suicide after being fired at a Buddi assembly plant in Vietnam, an employee disables all of the doll's safety protocols on the doll he is assembling. In Chicago, Karen Barclay (Aubrey Plaza), a retail clerk, encourages her son, Andy (Gabriel Bateman), to make new friends as she prepares for his upcoming birthday. She blackmails her boss to procure a Buddi doll as an early birthday gift but once Andy activates it, the doll begins to display violent tendencies.

This movie was pretty good, and that goes for remakes/reboots. I think everyone has seen a bad Chucky movie and this is not one. I really didn't like the redesign or new look of the Chucky doll but it grew on me as the movie progressed. Also I guess I'm just so used to his voice being different, that I also didn't think Mark Hamill's voice fit either, until the movie progressed further. I agree with certain critics that complained about the inconsistent tone, and how it lacked the principal's perverse originality. It definitely didn't have the me vibe of the original but I like how it made it, its own thing. But I think this was a very successful remake. The acting from Gabriel Bateman was really good and I wound up really liking Mark Hamill's performance as well. He actually made me feel sorry for the doll. I give this movie a 7/10. And I say you should definitely check it out, especially if you are a fan of the Child's Play movies.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Beautiful to watch (1 more)
Good battle scenes
Destroyed some of what was set up in the last film (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I know I am late to the party just seeing today, but I think this film has gotten a bad wrap. I went in to it listening to the negative Nancy's out there, but the film ultimately turned me around and I enjoyed a lot.

Yes it did borrow a lot from the other Star Wars films, but it also went in a few surprising directions also. I was a bit surprised they did not resolve Leia's character since the death of Carrie Fisher, I'm sure that will be explained in the next film.

Mark Hamill was on record as saying he disagreed with the direction of Luke, but I'm not sure what he wanted to happen. I suppose some grand death scene after saving the universe once again and going out in a blaze of glory, but who is to say that won't still happen.

I think what it boils down to is people are unwilling to be left in suspense. Those of us who are old enough to remember know how we felt when we had to wait three years to see if Han Solo would get free of the carbonite and how the Rebellion would prevail against the Empire the first time around, so I say just be patient and see how it all comes together in the end (it had Better)!
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Creepy but not in the way they intended
Let’s face it, nobody has high hopes when it comes to a reboot of a classic horror and Chucky is one of those characters that has been done to death over the years. Whilst this film wasn’t as terrible as I expected, it was still rather lacking.

To start with there’s the huge elephant in the room, or should I say the huge Buddi doll in the room. I really do not know what they were thinking with the design of the doll. It looks horrendous. It’s creepy, but not in a scary way. It’s creepy because of how awful it looks. The doll from the original looks a lot better (and scarier) than this. It spoilt a lot of the film for me as I spent most of my time cringing or cracking up laughing at how bad it looked.

Which was a shame, as I liked a lot of what they’d done with the rest of the film. It was a great idea to introduce the technology side with the smart devices and makes it a lot more relevant to modern society, and quite scarily realistic. At first I wasn’t keen that they’d changed Andy from a younger child to a teenager, but as the film goes on I started to realise this was actually a good idea. Sadly though Aubrey Plaza was a little underused, but I love that Mark Hamill was the voice of Chucky. There’s also a decent amount of blood and gore in this film which is always appreciated.

There is a slight sadness that this film hasn’t included more references to the original but overall it would’ve been a rather decent and enjoyable horror if it hadn’t been for the damn awful design of the doll.

Jackjack (877 KP) Apr 11, 2020

Totally agree with you on the doll himself, wasn't as scary as the first one, I love my horrors and the fact Chucky used to be an evil spirit of a bad man trapped inside the doll trying to get out was a big hit for me but this time round it was just a messed up robot 🙄


Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 12, 2020

Yeah I definitely missed that origin side of Chucky, I was looking out for Mark Hamill being an evil criminal!

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
1977 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
May The Force Be With You: The Beginning
A New Hope- man this movie is a classic. A real classic. Everything about this movie is great. The plot, the action, the sci-fi, the death-star, Dark Vader and of course R2-D2. Its only downfall is that its slow at some points. But other than thats its a excellent movie.

The plot: The Imperial Forces -- under orders from cruel Darth Vader (David Prowse) -- hold Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) hostage, in their efforts to quell the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford), captain of the Millennium Falcon, work together with the companionable droid duo R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) to rescue the beautiful princess, help the Rebel Alliance, and restore freedom and justice to the Galaxy.

The film has been reissued multiple times with Lucas's support—most significantly with its 20th-anniversary theatrical "Special Edition"—incorporating many changes including modified computer-generated effects, altered dialogue, re-edited shots, remixed soundtracks and added scenes. This is also its downfall, cause its not the oringal film, its the speical edition.

AFI 100 Years... series:

AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (1998) – #15

AFI's 100 Years...100 Thrills (2001) – #27

AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes & Villains (2003): Han Solo – #14 Hero

Obi-Wan Kenobi – #37 Hero

AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes (2004):
"May the Force be with you." – #8

AFI's 100 Years of Film Scores (2005) – #1

AFI's 100 Years...100 Cheers (2006) – #39

AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition) (2007) – #13

AFI's 10 Top 10 (2008) – #2 Sci-Fi Film

Like i said before its a excellent sci-fi action adventure movie.

May The Force Be With You.