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Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
See the cracks
#glass may open like its #unbreakable but soon after starts to #split at the seems becoming a #disappointing & unnecessary conclusion to a trilogy we didnt really need. I confess I didnt really care that much for Split but as with Glass i found the most impressive aspect of both of these films is simply watching #jamesmacavoy put in some seriously impressive character work & ultimatly carry both films alone. His ability to flip seamlessly between these inner characters is not only impressive stuff to watch but adds great tension & unpredictability to what is other wise a very dull movie. At first i was slightly #impressed with Glass (as it seem as if #mnightshyamalan had progressed as a film maker & not only learnt from his mistakes but also adapted completely new styles of film making too) but as the film played out i realised what he has actually done is instead stolen ideas from much better films (ie #getout) then re used them again here. Dont get me wrong at times Glass is filmed great, the score is good & there are some well done #tense moments but theses are more often on not ruined by Shyamalans dorky & damn right #silly sense of #humour, bad writing & forced exposition heavy visual cues & dialog. Its so patronising & predictable at times its almost like hes not only taking the piss out of the #superhero genre but us the viewer too. For a #film thats been so heavily promoted & built up now for such a long time i feel weve all been eagerly anticipating its release to see this big conclusion & i can tell you now its so not been worth the wait. Not only is the final act so #boring & increadibly anticlimactic the end its self feels flat, tact on & empty like M Night just straight up ran out of ideas. This film series started out so #fresh & interesting but Glass takes a strange turn to the generic & mundane side of the superhero genre that most #Marvel films these days have managed to grow out of by now. This is one #trilogy that should of stayed Unbreakable. Very disappointing. #odeonlimitless #odeon #saturday #weekendvibes #filmcritic #comicbook #hero #filmbuff #samuelljackson #brucewillis #comic #villain #sundayfunday
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Out of this world
#spidermanintothespiderverse isn't just an incredible film its also hands down THE best #Spiderman film period & a film fans of the #webhead simply must see. Wow what an intense, #nostalgic & visually breath taking movie, its downright #gorgeous with a dazzling & explosive colour pallet, great dimensional pop, slick smooth unique #animation & some of the most absolutely insane/creative camera angles ive seen all year. This film had my eyes constantly opening wider, searching around the screen trying to take in the immense/painstaking detail literally crammed into every scene. So much attention to detail & #love for years of spiderman material has gone into the making of this film that its honestly just a complete joy to behold. Story wise its a complete breath of fresh air too with constantly shocking plot twists a new spin on origins & extremely informative catch up scenes. Characters are all extremely likable & really well fleshed out & human that have to deal with some really tuff adult problems that i was not expecting to delve into in an #animated #film. Themes are vast here & my favourite explored how none of our #hero's really want the burden or responsibility of doing this as a job but understanding its their purpose/#destiny keeps them dedicated to it. There's also alot on commitment, loss, #courage, inner #demons, fate & #fear which again was awesome to see. Score & soundtrack wise it also shines with all the music intensifying & complimenting not only the tension but the obscure telltale visual style too. Speaking of tension its top notch too, there were scenes that had me sweating & sat on the edge of my seat in suspense & action so energetic, fluid & busy i felt goosebumps on my arms. While also absolutely #laugh out loud #hillarious the film can also be emotionally heavy at times too & i was surprised at just how often the film quickly got dark with either a surprising character death or deep philosophical dialog. Do yourself a favour see this in cinemas & in 3d we need #sony to realise this is the high quality spiderman we want more of. Simply stunning. #marvel #spidergwen #stanlee #mcu #comic #spiderpig #milesmorales #odeon #filmbuff #superhero
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
We arnt Venom
#venom is this years biggest flop. Inconsistent, #boring, generic & makes even #spiderman 3 look good in comparison. What wound me up most is the characters/the acting, every single person in this film underreacts not only to situations but to each others presence too. There's simply no #emotion towards anyone or anything, #sadness, shock, #horror & #panic all feel missing from everyone giving each of them a hollow & cartoonish feel. Characters also lack #motivation for any of their actions making a good chunk of them completely disposable. Tone wise its a mess with the sparce #horrific/#dark scenes edge taken away instantly because they are followed by such a #childish/out of place slapstick #comedy vibe. Infact Venoms tone felt more like watching #Jumanji rather than a 15 certificate #film with most of its runtime feeling like an over simplified dumbed down #family film. There's so many inconsistencies too like relationships going from hostile to fine with no explanation, characters figuring things out first time without having found evidence, people appear out of seemingly nowhere on multiple occasions & nobody ever notices any of the #death/destruction being caused around the city. Its all so obvious that it feels like either huge chunks of the film is either missing or someone was really bad at editing & keeping consistency. Action is poor, forgettable, generic & anticlimactic & the cgi #feels cheap, #lazy & unimaginative like a straight to dvd #movie. Plot is borderline offensive its that basic with so many early visual cues to whats going to happen that its really #inteligence insulting at times. #tomhardy is great as always & really seems like he's giving it his all but the bad writing & awful script kill what #charm & likability his character has completely & the interaction between him & Venom lacks punch & believability too. #Upgrade proved this year that you dont need a big budget to make a great film about losing control of yourself & yet Venom with all its backing doesnt even come close to doing anything right. Last years #life would of made a far better venom movie than this. #wednesdaywisdom #filmcritic #stanlee #mcu #comic #marvel
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
#antmanandthewasp feels like a step backwards for our tiny #hero, this time instead of feeling bigger & better what we are left with is a film which is simply just ok. I loved #antman it was a refreshing & unique entry to the already overcrowded & overdone #superhero gene. Now we have the inevitable #sequel & im sad to say that i really didnt care for it i at all. Not only does it lack genuine excitement but the entire #film feels draw out & underwhelming too. Ant man 2 really bored me & for a superhero film thats not good. Action is sparse with everything noticeably feeling strangely lower budget this time. The cgi is bad, locations are drab & visually dull, set pieces are incredibly forgettable & fights lack excitement/thrill. This would all be fine if the film held my attention elsewhere but the plot & story are just as bad here. There's no sense of urgency at all & the stakes just dont seem very high, this isnt helped by some really out of place/silly characters & a conatant lack of seriousness throughout. I get that the film needs to be fun but when the #humour is this cringe & its getting in the way/effecting the scenes that need to have an #emotional punch then im sorry but it just makes me just lose empathy for all the characters. This also means theres no tension at all & the films so wrapped up in constantly explaining to us whats going on/happening that it ends up making you realise your watching a movie instead of being immersed in its law. Acting is a mixed bag #michaeldouglas & #michellefifer are clearly trying here but almost everyone else looks like they are going through the motions to get paid. Over all Ant man 2 is one big piece of exposition & filler that i cant recommend going to see. Its dull, forgettable, over simplistic & so stuffed full of unnecesary padding that its lost what made the first one so fun. A film that we just really didnt need where even the #stanlee #cameo feels overlong. #odeonlimitless #odeon #ant #silly #funny #mcu #marvel #disney #friyay #filmbuff #filmcritic #paulrudd #wasp #insect #comic #comicon #filmreview #hope #film
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Dead waste
#deadpool2 has a bad case of 'bigger doesn't always mean better', its not a bad #film its just a very safe one & the formula is already starting to wear thin. I liked the first #deadpool, it wasn't anything ground breaking but I found it nailed the character & delivered something #superhero films haven't dared do in a while (it also balanced cool action & #fun #comedy well). With deadpool 2 we get more of the same & while the scale, budget & ideas seem to have been upped the films itself feels a tad flat, lifeless & overstuffed. First the good the fight choreography is very well done its fast, brutal & filmed well. #Music & the score is great & compliments the film perfect. #Popculture references & cameos are fun & extremely fun & well done. Sets, costumes & props all look great & have clearly had alot of care, time & detail put into them. #joshbrolin as #cable is tremendous completely stealing the show with his scenes being by far the most entertaining. The bad - with no real unique stand out scenes or anything new to bring to the table I found myself getting bored quite quickly. Story wise its bland/basic too & we are introduced to so many uninteresting characters with uninspiring motives that I just couldn't invest in them at all. Jokes & dialog both come across as forced this time & after a while became tierd & repetitive. Cgi wise its a mess going from good to damn right embarrassing at times (I just dont get some of the decisions to keep some scenes/characters in when they look this bad, it just made the film feel cheap & pulled me out of the experience constantly). Overall its not a bad film its just a very very average & unnecessary one. Id say its not a patch on the first one & that wasnt that amazing either. #Kids will #love it for its crude humour & gratuitous violence & hardcore #marvel fans probably wont have a bad word to say about it but for me I was disappointed & was hoping for a new direction not more of the same old. Definitely watchable but sadly forgettable. #odeonlimitless #odeon #avengers #ryanreynolds #mcu #comic #cinifile #tuesdaythoughts #spiderman #hughjackman #xmen #review #comicon #domino #deadpoolmovie
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Fantastic ending (2 more)
Great fan service
Character exploration best from any marvel film
Too much fan service at times (1 more)
Plot allows for problems in future
Excellent end with a couple of annoyances
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm sure there have been many reviews of this film so I will do one myself. This film is the ultimate in fan service. 11 years, 22 films and a host of stick out moments are brought to this moment right here. It felt amazing watching this, midnight showing with infinity war double bill, knowing I was one of the first to watch it, in the UK anyway. Now the dust has settled it may not have been as fantastical as the first 3 days after but its still great.
The final act is non stop, as many people thought it would be, and I think that's how many people wanted it, including me. It made time for most of the big names, apart from maybe groot, and even has an A-Force moment, which is not to everyone's taste, but I enjoyed it. It concluded well, i think i was the only person in my screen not to cry, and was paced very well and was equally sublime, ridiculous and brutal, giving and ending suitable for the 3 main characters ending story arcs.
The first act, possibly my favourite part of the film, is a character driven piece, based around the aftermath, if you ignore the introduction/ending of infinity war in the first 20 or so minutes, of the snap. Chris Evan's, RDJ and Scarlet Johannson are excellent and it is probably the best acting seen in the entire series. The contrast in tones throughout this opening third is fantastic and could almost be compared with Logan in terms of melancholy, grief and hope.
Finally the middle third. For me this is were the film loses it's way a little. Time travel explanation is interesting but breaks it's own rules, the nudges and winks are a little much at times and humour for humours sake make this a bit of a trudge but still some excellent fan service at times.
All in all great film, kept from excellence by niggles and too much self awareness. Fitting end to a great saga.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
An X-Men spin off, of a poorly received character from an earlier X-Men spin off... FOX must have had some major trust in Ryan Reynolds to give Deadpool the green light after the mess of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

I've been a huge fan of Deadpool comics since as long as I can remember. When I was younger, the 4th wall breaking, the hyper violence, comedy, and self awareness that he is a comic book character, was always something that appealed to me.
So I, like many other Marvel fans, really hated what they did with the character in Origins, and it seems Ryan Reynolds did as well, pitching a rough sequence to FOX which convinced them to give this beloved characters another shot. God bless Ryan Reynolds.

And it paid off in spades. And it's easy to see why - Deadpool is a great movie.
The character himself is near perfect. He looks the part, he sounds the part, and it's great that the studio didn't shy away from an R rating.

The violence in Deadpool is frequent and messy, as is the cursing and crudeness, and the result is hilarious.

The story is told mostly in flashbacks before the big last showdown, and is nicely mapped out, and we're given a hugely likable cast.
Ryan Reynolds is of course , as is T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin.
I even liked Ed Skrein's villain, Ajax.
Deadpool even manages to sneak in a couple of X-Men with a completely CGI Colossus joining the party, as well as Negasonic Teenage Warhead - the best superhero name ever, and coincidentally the films shining star after Ryan Reynolds - Brianna Hildebrand is a welcome addition to the film, and I genuinely hope that she makes in over to the MCU in the recent Disney Fox merge.

Deadpool is important for a number of reasons - it finally does the character justice. It's also shows that spin off films away from the main X-Men cast can be really decent, and it also shows that R rated superhero films can do the business at the box office.

It's certainly in the top tier of the FOX X-Men series.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
John Hughes Film Inside a Superhero Cartoon
Spider-Man: Far From Home is the prototypical teen film from the eighties that was not written with the keen insight of John Hughes or one of his proteges. There is the teen girl who kind of likes this boy, but they are friends and she is afraid of losing him as a friend if they start to date. She doesn't flirt with embarrassingly tossed off factoids that only attract him more. There is also a dorky guy who is in love with a girl in his school so instead of directly asking her out he comes up with an elaborate plot to win her over. But at least the plan doesn't end in rape where the sex causes the dream girl to fall head over heels in love. In addition to our lovers, there is a romantic rival who blackmails the guy so he can't attempt wooing the girl. There is a horndog best friend who tries to convince the guy to give up a monogamous relationship for casual sex with multiple partners on an European vacation. There is the bully who hates the dorky guy, but is smitten with the hero who is the dorky guy in disguise, i.e., Teen Wolf. There is a second milquetoast girl who makes occasional appearances in the film so it is not some sausage fest with one female character in search of love. Then, there are a lot of ineffectual adults in the film except for one sympathetic adult who serves as a mentor. The mentor tries to help out teen to win the love of his life and figure out his path in life. And, there is also a heartless boss the teen has to work with who rides his ass and makes him want to quit, but he needs the money. Against all odds, the dorky guy succeeds and transitions into a functional adult male of some character.
Overall, the movie is extremely satisfactory and sets up a whole new set of Marvel movies. But it leaves several huge questions due to the credit cookies, one of which is Where is Maria Hill? (not really a spoiler)

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Jul 2, 2019 (Updated Dec 27, 2019)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The future is bright for the MCU
Contains spoilers, click to show
Far From Home is in a tricky position, coming out a couple of months after Avengers Endgame, having to deal with the fallout out of the Infinity story arc, and also having to follow up a great first entry into the MCU Spider-Man franchise, and it's does a damn fine job.

Tom Holland continues to be a near perfect Peter Parker, and he's surrounded by a charming cast - Zendaya is great as MJ, Jon Favreau is always welcome as Happy, and Samuel L. Jackson does his usual broody Nick Fury, this time going up against the more cooky humour of Peters classmates, and it all works - the humour all lands for the most part (and as Curb Your Enthusiasm fan, I couldn't help but enjoy JB Smoove).

But the shining star in Far From Home is of course Jake Gyllenhaal. His portrayal of Quentin Beck/Mysterio is great - watching him go from a sad and scarred man, looking to save the world and be Peters friend, to the eventual (and of course expected) reveal that he's actually a calculating-genius-maniac is pretty great.

The set pieces to begin with are standard Marvel fun, but the first time Spider-Man goes head to head with Mysterio and his illusions is ok another level (zombie Iron Man anyone!?) - it feels lifted straight from the comics, and is a visual treat, knocking down Doctor Strange in terms of crazy hallucinating sequences. It's perfect!

It's also a lovely touch just how much Tony Stark has to do in this film - his character may be gone but his presence is constant throughout.
And to top everything off - the first post credit scene includes a unexpected come back that made me grin from ear to ear, and then the second one, well that was just nuts - needless to say, I'm truly excited for what comes next in the MCU.

Far From Home is fun, visually thrilling, with great cast, and for me, is up there with the top tier MCU films.
The Downtown Desperadoes
The Downtown Desperadoes
Sigmund Brouwer | 2020 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Returning to NYC to Help a Friend
It all starts with a phone call. Ricky Kidd is confused by the strange message, and he is certain it is a prank, expect for the fact that the voice sounds familiar. It’s a couple of hours later when he recognizes it as Brother Phillip, the man who had helped him track down his younger brother when Joel was kidnapped during the class trip to New York City back in the spring. When his father tries to find out what is happening with Brother Phillip, he discovers the mission the man run has burned down, and the police believe that Brother Phillip died in the fire. The only problem is, the fire took place before the phone call. Ricky is able to convince his family and friends, Ralphy and Mike, to change their Thanksgiving plans and go to the city, but when they arrive, things only get weirder. Did they really know Brother Phillip? Is he in danger? Or is he a criminal?

Unlike many middle grade mysteries, this one is a direct sequel to an earlier book. To completely understand the events that happen here, it is best to have already read LOST BENEATH MANHATTAN. But if you haven’t read that one yet, there is enough context here to follow the events as they unfold. And what a plot! While I remembered a few key things, like the climax, I was still caught up in the twists and turns. This book is a master class is dropping clues into a story, and I still marvel at how Mr. Brouwer does it. The characters are developed enough to make us care, but they are a bit on the thin side. The adult in me notices that, but as I’m reading I don’t care. The book was originally written for the Christian market, but the Christian elements aren’t overwhelming here. These stories were originally released in the 1990’s, so a few references are dated, but it isn’t enough to ruin the story in the slightest. This book is still as strong now as when I first read it. Readers of all ages will be thrilled they picked it up.