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The Wolfs Heir ( The Wild Rites saga 3)
By Anna McIlwraith

Of all the shapechanger races Emma's met so far, the wolves are the most loyal - and the least tame. When the Russian wolves beg Emma for help, she jumps at the chance to use her burgeoning powers for good, in spite of the misgivings of those who would rather she stay safe and untouched under their protection. After all, Emma Chase is the Caller of the Blood, destined to command the magic of all shapechanging races - and if her power can't save one innocent kid, what the hell is it good for? Besides, the Russian wolves might be able to help her solve the mystery of her own stray wolf's origins, or at least give her some tips on how to stop him chewing up the furniture.

But old enemies have been biding their time, and Emma's promise to the wolves sets events in motion that will push her to the limits of her mind, body and soul, and finally awaken the ancient powers that have, until now, lain dormant within.

Can she save the wolf's heir - and herself?

This is my favourite so far! Fast paced loved the story development and oh my am I a little bit in love with Alexi!! This is a pretty decent shifter series!
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
The pace is supposed to feel languid like the summer vacation they are having. (11 more)
The characters are developed early on, like Oliver's knowledge of etymology that would be a cliché of the "protagonist as genius" had it not been a simply test.
Elio's name comes from 'helios' or sun and fits his personality in the sense that he is generous with his time, brilliant by definition of his current state of youth in mind and body, and he is restless in love.
The peach scene is heartbreaking.
The fireplace is a cinematographic style we don't see a lot as an Ameeican audience, where the camera stays in one place and we look through Elios for a long time. It should feel discomforting.
Elios' girl approaches him first even though she recognizes he used her and even when she said she was most afraid of getting hurt. She tells him she's sorry to see him sad, that she loves him, and then extends her hand for a reconciliation.
Elios takes her hand only when she promises her friendship is forever. So while romance is fleeting and he has the courage to proceed, he cannot give up the commitment of duration as prerequisite in a friendship.
The flies throughout the movie feel natural to the countryside but can also signify the attraction to: the sweetness of fruit, the rotting of fruit, and the indiscriminatory chances that warmth gives to living things.
These flies deserve an additional block for their amount of screentime, a motif of desire that obstructs the viewer's sight and buzzes us into a haze. We are, unbeknownst to ourselves, directed towards empathy for the characters.
Romance should be prolonged. Teased until it hits a climax and cannot be resisted anymore. Elio and everyone else hits a note of ecstasy once Oliver gives into the beauty of a body.
It's amazing how this story is founded on and driven by the conversations between Greek philosophy and Roman conquests. The Greeks thought sculpture could answer their question about knowledge/beauty.
Romance, because it ends, remains so good, nostalgic, and desirable.
Summer love
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Matt Haig | 2018 | Health & Fitness, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science & Mathematics
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Modern life is a bit rubbish really.
For me, reading a Matt Haig book is like being told you're going to be OK for 300 or so pages. In this book, he discusses the effects of modern life on the mind and body of the modern human - and I'll agree with him that it's not all good. We need to step away from our screens, away from the constant pressure of social media and the news, and do something else, something more self nurturing. After reading this, I deleted all the news outlets that I followed on my Facebook account and put a screen time limit on my social media accounts. I look at the news once a day (or at least I try to!). They ARE addictive. I find myself reaching for my phone to check Facebook and Twitter all the time. I need to put my phone further away, and reach for a book instead!
I really liked the short chapters in this book, and the use of very short chapters which were like a little pep talk or an 'almost' meditation. I'm notoriously bad at reading non-fiction, so this was a really well planned book for people like me, purely because of the short chapters.
If you have concerns about modern life and it's stresses and strains, I would say that this is a good book to make you think about changes you could make.
Drawn and Buttered
Drawn and Buttered
Shari Randall | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Allie is Drawn into Another Murder
It’s a couple of days before Halloween, and things have slowed down some at the Lazy Mermaid Lobster Shack. The summer tourist families are long gone, but some tourists are still in the area looking at the fall colors. However, there’s still plenty of excite going on, like the discovery of a giant lobster. Quickly dubbed Lobzilla by the community, he’s almost big enough to beat the world record. However, the morning after he’s found, he’s vanished.

If that were all Allie Larkin had on her mind, it would be one thing, but other odd things are happening in town, including a local witch who is doing everything possible to get Aunt Gully to join her coven. Then, on Halloween night, Lobzilla shows up again, only he’s next to a dead body. Can Allie figure out what is going on?

While the body doesn’t show up right away, we still have plenty of plot happening, including some sub-plots and time spent setting up suspects and motives. Everything continues to be blended together well after the murder takes place. The climax is creative and everything is explained by the time we turn the final page. I thought the sub-plot involving the witch might make the book darker than I would enjoy, but I thought it was handled perfectly. It gave the book a touch more Halloween atmosphere, but the characters treated it much like I would like to think I would. The characters have gotten sharper as the series has progressed, and that was true here again. The suspects are well drawn, Allie is a great lead, but my favorite continues to be Aunt Gully. Everything came together for a book I couldn’t put down and the strongest in the series to date.

Merissa (11797 KP) rated Drusus (Fueled By Lust #1) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Drusus (Fueled By Lust #1)
Drusus (Fueled By Lust #1)
Celeste Prater | 2013 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who knew that Sci-Fi could be so sexy! If you have any doubts then read the Fueled by Lust series. I've only just read Drusus but am moving on to Severus immediately as I fell in love with their world - both the human one and the one through the vortex. Lina is a curvaceous, witty 'human' who has accepted her body and loves it the way it is (makes a refreshing change!) whilst Drusus is just H-O-T! We're talking sex on a stick here. I wouldn't mind being swept away by him.

The wit is sharp, the sex is hot and the romance is sweet. Yes, it does all move fast - Lina admits that herself. However, with the help of a special fang necklace (trust me, it works!) they know that they are right for each other.

A sassy, sexy, hot read - perfect for those summer evenings. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 29, 2016
Criminal (2016)
Criminal (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.6 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bad dialogue (2 more)
Rubbish Ending
Poorly written script
How To Waste A Great Cast
The trailers for this movie had me sold, as did the top class cast and the plot also sounded interesting, even if it is very similar to something that Ryan Reynolds was involved in previously. Last year he was in a film with Ben Kingsley called Selfless, in which Kingsley played an old millionaire who wanted his brain to be transferred into a young man’s body, and so he took over the body of Reynolds’ character. In this movie Reynolds plays a government agent who gets killed in action, but before he died, he had information that no one else knew and that the government needed. So the head of his team, played by Gary Oldman, recruits a scientist, played by Tommy Lee Jones, to use pioneering biology to transfer the memories of Reynolds’ character into Kevin Costner’s character, who is a psychopath with a child’s mind and has spent the majority of his life in prison. Predictably, Costner’s character starts developing symptoms of multiple personality disorder and having memories of Reynold’s character and from this point on, the film is kind of a mess. A poorly written script results in the audience struggling to find anyone to root with and this lack of a protagonist causes the movie to feel aimless from the start. The closest thing we get to a good guy is Ryan Reynolds and he dies at the very start of the movie, but then the filmmaker expects you to suddenly root for Kevin Costner’s character, even though he is a murderous psycho with absolutely no morals. Gary Oldman certainly isn’t a good guy, since he’s willing to go to whatever measures necessary to get this information that Reynolds’ character had when he died, no matter how extreme or morally ambiguous. Honestly this is one to skip, there isn’t even any payoff at the end of the movie and most of the dialogue throughout is pure cliché nonsense, go see something else instead.

J.K. Simmons recommended Whiplash (2014) in Movies (curated)

Whiplash (2014)
Whiplash (2014)
2014 | Drama

"A little Whiplash anecdote is, of course, like everybody else, I had no idea who Damien Chazelle was. Jason Reitman was the one who sent me the script, in an email, for Whiplash. He sent me both the short and the feature script and just said, “Read this,” and obviously it’s from Jason so I’m gonna read it. It was again, obviously, probably one of the most brilliant scripts I had ever read and one of the best fits in terms of the character that I really immediately understood and felt like I could wrap my brain around and pull off. They said, “The writer-director would love to meet you,” and we set up a lunch, and Damien and I sat down and immediately basically agreed on everything, except he didn’t know that I had a musical background, so he was talking about how we’d have body doubles and we’d have somebody coaching me on how to wave my arms around like a conductor. And I said, “Hey, we don’t need that because actually, that’s one of the arrows I have in my quiver.” That was one of those moments where it felt like kismet, that Damien was like, “Oh, my God.” He said, “When Jason and Helen suggested you for this part, I immediately thought that’s a great idea, but I had no idea that you actually had those kinds of abilities.” And also, he didn’t write the script for me, but he wrote it with Miles Teller in mind from the beginning, and didn’t know that Miles had been playing drums since he was 15 years old."


Andy Gill recommended Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan in Music (curated)

Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan
Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan
1975 | Alternative, Folk, Singer-Songwriter
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Weirdly, I think Dylan's protest mode never quite 100% rings true to me. It rings 98.5% true, but somewhere, in the back of my mind, there's something inauthentic about it, in some way. And I think he may have felt that. I mean, what's Dylan's best song ever? Probably 'Like A Rolling Stone' and that's just sneering at somebody, a woman he'd been in a relationship with. As a body of work, Blood On The Tracks is faultless, there's not a bum note in there, not a bum word, everything transports you. You know, it's brilliant storytelling, and he's not trying to be too clever. With Blonde On Blonde, which is an album I love, he's trying to make himself come across like a brainiac, talking about Verlaine and French poets, which is fine, there's nothing wrong with that at all, but maybe you feel… I guess he always does that. I suppose Blonde On Blonde is slightly more obscure, slightly more difficult, whereas Blood On The Tracks, he's just storytelling, he just wants to talk about this break-up. I remember being with a girlfriend and her friend, and she said, ""here's the new Dylan thing"" - it draws you in, it immerses you in it and as soon as I started hearing it there was no room for anything else."

Anything But Typical
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
nything but Typical by Nora Raleigh Baskin anything-but-typical
Rating: 4.5/5

<b> My Summary: </b> <i> Jason is Autistic. Letters define his life, and he thinks in full complete sentences, no contractions, and perfect grammar. Every morning, a word pops into his head. He says it out loud while he brushes his teeth. He has been able to spell any word he has ever seen perfectly since the age of four, but he has no control over his body. When he gets stressed out, his hands start to fly away from his body, and his head begins to buzz, and feels like it’s going to fly away. He can’t keep his body together. He can’t talk to people very well, if at all. He can’t look at people’s faces, and he doesn’t respond to questions. He has no social skills. But, his mind is full of everything in the room—the sound of the air conditioner, the smell of his teacher’s shampoo, the light in the room, the echo of slamming doors… Jason has permission to come home from school when he needs too if he can’t handle it. Jason’s outlet is writing. He writes stories online at storyboard. He meets a girl named PhoenixBird online, and she loves his stories. They become friends. That’s a huge thing for Jason—they start talking about things like school drama and pets instead of grades and story ideas. She tells him that her name is Rebecca. They’re real friends now. But then Jason finds out that he has to meet his friend at the storyboard convention, and he’s afraid Rebecca won’t like him anymore because she will think he’s weird, just like everyone else who has met him. It’s the end of his world. Boy meets girl. Boy gets girl. Boy looses girl. Isn’t that the way all the stories go? </i>

<b> My Thoughts: </b> My brother is Autistic. Or rather, he has Aspergers syndrome, which is on the Autism spectrum. I thought I understood autistic kids pretty well. I was wrong.

From the first page I could hear Jason’s voice, the way he spoke, the way he thought. It was all very clear—and fascinating. I can’t really say much about this book, simply because it’s something you have to read for yourself and understand. You have to get inside Jason’s head and listen to what he has to say, and learn from him. He’s a brilliant person, and personally I think he understands some things better than most “normal” people.

<b> The Characters: </b> the characters were the most important aspect of this book. I could feel Jason’s confusion over little things that set him off and his stress about meeting his would-be girlfriend, and his wandering mind that went from one thought to another. Most people wouldn’t connect thoughts the way Jason did. But while I was inside his head, I understood that connection a little better. All the characters were very well developed and strong, too. Mother had her quirks and was technology-illiterate. Dad was quiet but wanted everyone to be happy. Little brother worshiped the ground Jason walked on and had his own little compulsions. Jason was my favorite character, though.

<b> The Plot: </b> the plot didn’t really matter in this book. Although it was very well thought out and executed, the point of this book was Jason and his mind, not what happened. With that in mind—the plot was very plausible, realistic, and easy to follow. There was a little bit of jumping around, from past tense to present, telling a story from his earlier experiences, but not much. Jason’s life is very interesting, because every day things mean different things to him than they do to us. Every little thing that we experience is special or different or scary or exhilarating for Jason.

<b> Writing: </b> This book is written in first person, so I was able to get inside Jason’s head from the very first sentence: “Most people like to talk in their own language.” The words were beautiful, and I was wrapped up in the immediately. I loved it.

<b> Recommendation: </b> I would want everyone to read this book—everyone. If you can read, you should read it. If your kid can’t read, read it out loud to them. If your grandma is blind, buy the audio book. It’s fantastic, enjoyable, and perfect for any age group.

<u> This is one of my favorite books that I’ve read in a long time. I’m going to make my mom read it, and all my friends read it, because it was so fantastic. Maybe now I can understand my autistic brother just a little bit more. </u>

<i> Thank you to Krissy at NPCCPL for providing this ARC for review. I did not receive any compensation in exchange for this review. Please see my disclaimer for more information. </i>

A Bird’s Eye View of Murder
A Bird’s Eye View of Murder
Jacqueline Vick | 2014 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Frankie Finds that Murder Isn’t Flighty
Frankie Chandler’s hardly recovered from the murder she got involved in the month before when her aunt comes for a visit. The aunt has scored some tickets to the taping of a live baking show, and Frankie joins her. That’s how Frankie stumbles on the dead body of the contestant winner. With the police looking at her aunt, her aunt hiding secrets, and animals starting to talk to Frankie again, can she figure out what is really going on?

Yes, this book falls into the paranormal cozy subgenre, which I tend to avoid. I appreciated how Frankie wrestles with her gift and what it means since those are the same things I struggle with myself. And it’s a minor part of the book anyway. In fact, this is more comedic, at least to me. I enjoyed laughing at the antics of the characters as the book progressed. The story started a bit slowly, but it grew stronger as it went along, and I was surprised by the ending. Do keep in mind that there is some violence to animals, but they are treated no worse than the human characters in the story. I really enjoyed the characters. I’m hoping I can get to the next in the series soon.