Drop Shot (Myron Bolitar #2)
The young woman was shot dead in cold blood, dropped outside the stadium, in front of a stand...

Karma City
A microscopic parasite has crippled humanity with night terrors and paralyzing anxiety. In this...
science fiction post-apocalyptic Karma City Gardner Browning

Righteous Ties (2006)
An eccentric but faithful mafia, Chi-sung is sent to prison for his part in a gang fight. But when...

Mark Halpern (153 KP) rated Molly's Game (2017) in Movies
Jan 17, 2018
If you don't known the story first look her up on wiki and read about her and her father first cause that plays a lot in the movie.

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Private: No. 1 Suspect: (Private 4) in Books
Jan 20, 2020
Since former Marine Jack Morgan started Private, it has become the world's most effective investigation firm--sought out by the famous and the powerful to discreetly handle their most intimate problems. Private's investigators are the smartest, the fastest, and the most technologically advanced in the world--and they always uncover the truth.
Impossible murders
When his former lover is found murdered in Jack Morgan's bed, he is instantly the number one suspect. While Jack is under police investigation, the mob strong-arms him into recovering $30 million in stolen pharmaceuticals for them. And the beautiful manager of a luxury hotel chain persuades him to quietly investigate a string of murders at her properties.
The #1 suspect is Jack Morgan
While Jack is fighting for his life, one of his most trusted colleagues threatens to leave Private, and Jack realizes he is confronting the cleverest and most powerful enemies ever. With more action, more intrigue, and more twists than ever before, PRIVATE #1 SUSPECT is James Patterson at his unstoppable best.
My view
Oh that was so much better than the last one. Back in the states with Jack on a murder charge, the mob pulling in favours and a movie star in trouble. It was well written and flowed brilliantly. I do like this series. Jack needs to sort that brother of his out for good soon having Colleen killed was one step to far! I have a strong dislike for Tommy!

Real Crime City Sim 3D
Games and Entertainment
Are you a fan of Russian crime, Miami crime simulators and shooting games? San Andreas Crime City...

Real Gangster War Mafia crime Shooter sniper simulator
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Gang War Mafia Criminal township Gangster is one of the best shooting games, felony simulator and...

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Trunk Music (Harry Bosch #5) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
Bosch’s cases are always fun, and this book is no exception. I was able to spot a couple of the twists coming a little early, but that was a minor complaint. The characters are strong, both returning and new. A face from Bosch’s past comes back into his life here, and I love his new lieutenant.
Read my full review at <a href="http://carstairsconsiders.blogspot.com/2017/02/book-review-trunk-music-by-michael.html">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Nickg24 (492 KP) rated The Kitchen (2019) in Movies
Nov 4, 2019
I have to say I've never ever been a fan of melissa mcCarthy but she is actually ok in this along with her two other co stars.There were a few flaws to this film,the pace of it is often slow and lacks some intensity but still an enjoyable crime drama overall.