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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)
C.S. Lewis | 1952 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Depending on which version of reading order you go by, this is either the 3rd book in the Narnian chronicles (publication order), or the 5th (by setting) and, personally, I found not to be as engaging as the previous 4 I'd read (going by setting).

I think this is also the last time any of the Pevensie children ever travel to Narnia, with the whole plot - concerning, as the title says, the Voyage of Prince (now King) Caspian's ship - owing more than a faint nod to Homer's Odyssey!
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Action (2 more)
Amazing nod to my childhood
Wow, simple as that!
Was so excited for this film and can safely say it didn't disappoint me. The storyline is brilliant and well thought out. The characters are likeable without being irritating. The most amazing part for me was watching the film over and over looking out for all the hidden characters from my childhood.
The icing on the cake was the epic battle with the Iron Giant, Mecha Godzilla and Gundam Wing!!!!!!!
Must watch for anyone born in 80s or 90s who loves games and fantasy.
Sorcerer to the Crown (Sorcerer Royal #1)
Sorcerer to the Crown (Sorcerer Royal #1)
Zen Cho | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twisting Plotlines (3 more)
Switches in Point of View
Overall Themes
Writing Style
A Magical Nod to the Feminist
An overall wonderful tale that bridges the idea of standing on one's own two feet and overcoming any obstacles. The story's feministic themes partnered with these ideas create a stunningly magical tale that will make it hard to put the book down. I found myself falling in love with just about every character, wonderfully surprised by the in depth background each character has, enjoying the way they expressed these backgrounds and grew from them. I recommended read for anyone who enjoys a good fantasy novel.
On the Waterfront (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Romance

"Then each one becomes more difficult as I go along. On the Waterfront — you go straight to Marlon Brando. It was a good picture all around, a good script, and Kazan directed it brilliantly. And the shooting on location, I would assume they would have never shot in a studio — the look of the film gives a great sense of realism, that you are there on the waterfront, you’re there in cold weather, you can see the breath coming out of the actors mouths. I would say it’s probably — probably — Marlon’s best performance, although you would have to give a nod to Godfather."

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
2015 | Action/Adventure
Addition of superpowers (0 more)
Total Mayhem
Remember when this series was a GTA clone, telling a semi series crime story? Some people say that Saints Row has jumped the shark at this point, but I still have fun with these games. If you are looking for a deeper, more serious open world crime game, then you can go play GTA or Mafia, but if you want mindless fun and crass humour and plenty of random violence, then you should pick this one up. It's essentially more of Saints Row 3, but with added superpowers and aliens. It also works as a satirical parody on modern video games and pokes fun at its peers with a wink and a nod.

Butch Vig recommended Pretenders by Pretenders in Music (curated)

Pretenders by Pretenders
Pretenders by Pretenders
1980 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Every song on the Pretenders’ self-titled debut is so good. The energy is superb; it's a band playing at the peak of their powers. Unfortunately they didn't really last - they buckled under the pressure, under their own personal demons. However this record is just amazing. You put it on and the energy and vibe and Chrissie Hynde’s lyrics and singing are pretty powerful and undeniable. Chrissie Hynde is one of my favourite female artists in rock music with one of the most gorgeous voices in rock. I know that Shirley adores her and cites her as one of her influences - some lyrics of Shirley's in one of our songs, 'Special', is a total nod to Chrissie."

The Bad and the Beautiful (1953)
The Bad and the Beautiful (1953)
1953 | Classics, Drama, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
By 1952, Douglas was being cast regularly in higher profile productions with higher profile acting support. But the trend of being an ambitious and manipulating anti-hero was clinging on. As unscrupulous movie producer Jonathon he was never more unlikable, and rarely more unmissable, treating Lana Turner like his personal puppet to get to the top. The film won 5 Oscars and earned Douglas his 2nd nod. Many think this was his best shot at winning, such was the degree of sophistication and animal magnetism on display. He eventually lost out to Gary Cooper for High Noon by a handful of votes, but his reputation as a bankable A-lister was cemented forever, allowing him the weight to begin a secondary career as a producer.
Walking Tall (2004)
Walking Tall (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama
Cast (1 more)
When the chips are down...
2004 saw the official beginning of one Dwayne Johnsons transition from the squared circle to the bright lights of Hollywood.

Starring as the protagonist in one of his first major leading roles, Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson put on a pretty steady and hard hitting performance as Chris Vaughn, a former member US Army Special Forces returning hometown after eight years.
Vaughn determined not to crumble under pressure from a local crime boss, battling his henchmen and corrupt officers who have all but taken over the town,

Slick, hard hitting action backed up by a solid story and performance.

No over the top special effects make this a nice Nod to past, lesser known action movies.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
1986 | Comedy
Skipping forward 28 years, John Hughes’ jewel in the crown owes a lot to Billy Wilder. It also borrows from every genre in the book. Reflecting its charming protagonist, this film is smart – so much smarter than it first appears. It allows you to be part of it from the very start, directing dialogue right at you out of the screen, and hopes you get every wink, nod and irreverent moment. We’ve all been teenagers, we all sing in the shower, we all lied to our parents, we all wished we could join a parade as guest of honour and drive a Ferrari into a ditch! Cool but geeky. Great music, great laughs, great dialogue, and the character Matthew Broderick will always be. An influence on every teen movie worth its salt ever since!

Liz Phair recommended Life: Keith Richards in Books (curated)

Life: Keith Richards
Life: Keith Richards
Keith Richards | 2011 | Biography
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The New York Times asked me to review Keith Richards’ rock and roll memoir, Life. Due to a printing delay, I was reading and writing my impression of his chronicle while I was out on tour myself. It was a delight to immerse myself in such a jaw-dropping account of the peripatetic lifestyle I was experiencing, albeit at a much shallower altitude. The Rolling Stones are iconic by any measure. Getting an all access pass backstage through Richards’s eyes to the world beyond the bright lights and throbbing amplifiers is as thrilling as you might imagine. You will laugh out in parts, nod in recognition at the famous cultural touch-points and feel proud to be a music fan. Rock and roll has a very specific ethos, and Life hits upon all of the sacred precepts. Plug it in and turn it up to 11."
