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The Problem (Single Dad Support Group #1)
The Problem (Single Dad Support Group #1)
Piper Scott | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted the audio version of this book.

I'm turning this review on it's head, writing about the narrator first, cos, you know, I can, it's my review :-)

Michael Ferraiuolo has been a bit of an enigma for me, I either love his work, or hate it, I won't lie. But THIS time? I freaking LOVED it!

Alex has synesthesia, which means he sees his emotions in colour. The whole book, Alex was seeing how Laurence was affecting him, and he wasn't sure what it meant. The best bits of this book were when Alex was describing his colours/emotions, to Laurence, to himself. I have no doubt I would not have been so moved by those scenes, had I READ this book. Ferraiuolo nails it, he really does. Moved me to tears in places!

Laurence is solid, a good man, with his 16 year old son, Matthew. I liked how, very quicky, he was wanting more from Alex, not just for the sex(but PHEW!) no. But MORE. He has lived his life for his son, and in one meeting, Alex makes him see that he still has life to live, that he does not have to been locked away. Matthew is growing, making *quite literally* a life for himself. Laurence needs Alex, and rapidly, Alex sees that he needs Laurence too.

I loved the voices given to all the characters, but I especially enjoyed the voices given to the Support Group when they were chatting. It annoyed me a little bit at first, I will admit, but once I got used to the way the group chats were delivered, I loved them.

When the reason Alex behaved the way he did, before Laurence, becomes clear, I was out walking. And I stopped in the middle of the street, and cried. And cried to whole way through that bit. THEN, when other things happen?? I stopped in the middle of the street, and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO came out my mouth, so loud, the woman across the road shouted to see if I was okay! I did NOT see that coming at me, no way, never in a million years!

So, yeah, loved the book, and loved the narration.

And now I'm left with a bit of a pickle! This is the only one of the series that is available in AUDIO, the books are out, all 6, but I don't like to flip from listening to reading in a series (or vice versa) So my pickle is, do I READ the next one? Or do I wait (im)patiently for the next one in audio? ARGH! Such decisions!

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Two Sisters
Two Sisters
Kerry Wilkinson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a great Read
Two Sisters By Kerry Wilkinson is well worth a read.
I would describe this as a psychological mystery but with the added bonus of it dipping its toe into the waters of mental illness and addiction to.
To summarise we have two sisters Megan and Chloe who after the death of their parents in a road accident, journey back to their parents holiday cottage in Whitecliff to stay, supposedly to sort out their affairs and get the cottage in order.
But for Megan, there are different reasons for her return she has received a postcard with the letter Z spelt on it.
years ago the girls older brother Zak went missing at Whitecliff his body never found, Megan the oldest sister is determined to figure out the truth of what has happened to her brother and she will bulldoze down whoever gets in her way.
Now the sisters are an interesting pair, having spent their time at different boarding schools growing up, these two are like chalk and cheese.
We have Chloe the younger of the two nearly seventeen a bit shy, but friendly and open, Chloe doesn't like to rock the waters and I get the impression she's a bit of a people pleaser. She's also a fabulous artist, A vegan and looks like her mother.
Now Megan, by contrast, is the exact polar opposite of her younger sister, she's prickly, bad tempered, goes out of her way to cause strife and shock in people.
there's a lot of deep-seated issues that are girl needs to get a handle on she is addicted to prescription drugs which she acquires through dubious means and as if that's not enough she is also suffering from an eating disorder, which her sister pretends to turn a blind eye too.
So as you can see there is an awful lot going on here.
As the story progresses truths that people want buried come to light, Megan puts herself and sister in extreme danger and some people are so not what they seem in Whitecliff.
Two sisters was definitely a page turner with a flowing easy storyline that sucked you in from the start. I especially appreciated Megan's issues, this added a whole extra layer to the storyline enriching it greatly. Eating disorders are a subject close to my heart, so it was fascinating to kind of get into the mindset of an individual suffering from this type of mental illness. The addiction storyline was also an extremely fascinating issue, we often see drug taking in novels but prescription drug addiction, even know so prevalent, is not explored so frequently in fiction.
But I have to say my favourite aspect of Two Sisters was seeing the two girls connect together after being virtual strangers growing up, now that was really charming indeed.
So, in conclusion, I found this a Fabulous book and I would definitely recommend this to other readers.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advance reader copy of Two Sisters by Kerry Wilkinson. This is my own unbiased opinion of this novel.

Arc Reviewed By BeckieBookworm
Dogville (2003)
Dogville (2003)
2003 | Drama, International, Mystery
Humanity sucks!
The town of Dogville is a simple one. Set up in the mountains, it only has one main thoroughfare dividing its rows of homes and businesses. Its simple folk mostly keep to themselves or occasionally adjourn together. Some have a craft or livelihood which passes their time, others mostly stay to themselves contemplating their thoughts or maybe waiting for something interesting to happen.

Enter mysterious stranger, Grace.

Grace arrives in Dogville on her own without much fanfare or explanation other than mysterious gun shots heard in the distance and the brief appearance of a vehicle with a mystery occupant. It appears she might be more interesting than initial reaction. A Dogville resident, Tom, meets Grace and talks with her. He says he will discuss her situation with the locals at their next meeting and assures her they will protect Grace and allow her to stay in Dogville if they deem her worthy of friendship. She has to gain their friendship and trust within two weeks in order to do so.

As Grace starts to move within the townspeople, she discovers their interesting, eccentric personalities and tries to figure out any "work" they have either around their houses or within their businesses she can assist them with to further show her devotion to being a good person. Although after making the rounds she does not acquire much work, the members of Dogville eventually open up and welcome Grace to assist them.

Grace starts to fall for Tom who is also smitten with her.

The police eventually arrive to post a sign of the missing Grace and to attempt to gain information on her. The town is unsure what to think and some folk start to question whether Grace is being truthful. A dark and winding road eventually develops and Grace is put through some difficult travails and her will tested. Emotions run high.

Writer/director Lars Von Trier produces another truly unique film. Not as shockingly, visually jarring as some of his other work, this time the screenplay is the ultimate star producing vast emotional turmoil and shocks with words and deeds instead. All the characters presented have quite the emotional arc during the 3 hour run time of this film and it is so interesting to endure the ride. Grace really disrupts this small, mountain community and helps the folk show their eventual true personalities in all their various forms.

The physical setting of the movie is an actual "sound stage" look of the main main street strip of Dogville shown only in building outlines with minimal props or decor within. When looking from above where extensive sections of the film are shown, the audience can view almost the entire township engaged in their daily activities either among one another or by themselves. A lot of the view from the street feels very real as the camera weaves through the conversations almost like another human being.

The slow erosion of the township to Grace, her situation and the way they treat her is the crux of the film. The way human beings can be so kind to each other and then the opposite is what struck and moved me while watching Dogville. Von Trier really took the time to use the right amount of words and craft them in a loving and vicious way made the film tough to watch at times, but also captivating.

I haven't always been the biggest Nicole Kidman fan; however, her performance in this film is amazing. She cautious vulnerability and warming personality have the town be initially enamored with her, then her willingness to please erodes her relationships down the hole of darkness and betrayal. Her quirky smile and subdued emotion suits the character perfectly as you are truly trying to unravel her character's mysteries.

Really enjoyed this one.

<i>Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Skullsworn</i> was the first book by Brian Staveley that I’ve read and it has made me want to read his others for definite - I’ve got the <i>Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne</i> already lined up but this review is about Skullsworn. From what I’ve gathered over the internet this is a standalone prequel to the Chronicles as the main character Pyrre is featured in the original trilogy.

Skullsworn follows Pyrre, a priestess-in-training to the god Ananshael, a god of death. The whole concept of the story is Pyrre’s Trial to become a fully-fledged priestess of Ananshael – she has to kill 7 people in 14 days, all of whom are tied to a song including “the one you love/who will not come again.” Failure to complete all seven deaths will result in her own death at the hands of her two witnesses Ela and Kossal.

I’m going to on about Ela and Kossal for a little bit here – Ela is an incredibly motivated, true-believer in life, love and death, skilled fighter and devout priestess of her faith to her God; she’s comfortbale with all levels of intimacy and she has got a laidback view of everything which is in stark contrast to her counterpart Kossal – an aging priest with stooped shoulders and a gruff demeanour who says what he means and means what he says; he plays his flute to stop himself from killing patrons but gets irritated at their applause – it’s a catch 22 like no other. The two of these together shouldn’t work in any way, shape or form but Brian Staveley has made it work to greatness.

Pyrre’s story is one of conflict all throughout and her biggest road block is going to be that she’s never been in love. She travels back to Dombang in order to try to fall in love with Ruc Lan Lac who becomes her target – a pit fighter from her past who has been given command of the Greenshirts by the Annurian leaders. He’s a staunch disbeliever in all things myth and legend and has no patience for spiritual leanings and prefers to focus on the reality of any situation.

Pyrre doesn’t feel that she is worthy of being a priestess of Ananshael but her journey to Dombang from Rassumbur and through the Trial shows that really, she is. We get a big blast from the past in that Pyrre recounts her first meeting with Ruc Lan Lac to Ela who finds great joy in teasing Pyrre mercilessly about the situation and about her supposed inability to love.

The writing style is perfectly bleak but brilliantly enjoyable with great humour in the banter between Ela and Kossal but they’ve also got a great dryness to their humour which gives a stark contrast. The descriptions of the delta and the Csestriim and Nevariim were full of otherworldly fear and ancient horrors, a dark fantasy of epic proportions!

The ending had twists and turns that I didn’t expect in the slightest, gave Skullsworn a perfect ending and it has made me want to get into the world of The Annurian Empire even more; the epilogue was fantastic!

Expertly written and highly recommended.
Virgin Flyer
Virgin Flyer
Lucy Lennox | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Virgin Flyer is a standalone novel by the amazing Lucy Lennox. I found her through her Made Marion series and have never looked back. I love her writing style, the characters, the warmth and depth of the stories... I could go on but I won't. Instead, I will curb my enthusiasm and try to tell you in an orderly fashion just why I enjoyed this book so much.

First things first. Chris is a jerk. He starts off a jerk and *spoiler* he remains one throughout. He has his moments but trust me when I say they are few and far between. Secondly, Teo is sweet! We're talking super-saccharine, jaw-achingly sweet. But the best part is - you love him that way!!! I can't (and don't want to) imagine him any other way. And Jack. Oh, Jack! Now here's someone who could fly me to the moon (if I was the opposite gender, he wasn't with Teo, OH, and if he wasn't also an imaginary character!) The perfect fit for Teo, they just have to see it.

Now - what about the story? It's good. Like, really good. Teo has been pining over Chris for years and just can't see him as the person others see. When Teo eventually decides enough is enough, he puts an ad out there for all to see and is lucky enough to entice Jack. Jack is curious about the ad and, to start with, is more than happy to go along with the requirements. It is months after that they both meet again and then we really fly. There is nothing in this story that is superfluous. Everything moves either the story or the character along and I loved every word of it.

The world-building is certainly clear for all to see, with familial ties playing a big part of the story. The characters behave as you would expect, no 'funny' turns where they act in a way you wouldn't believe. The pacing is smooth and the words themselves will keep you turning the pages without any hesitation.

As an aside, I loved it when Frankfurt and Wiesbaden were mentioned as they are only just down the road from where I live! A one-sit read for me and highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
What Richard Did (2013)
What Richard Did (2013)
2013 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Could Have Been Better
Teenage Richard Carlsen (Jack Reynor) is faced with terrible consequences after events at a party go awry. What Richard Did makes the mistake of assuming that its plot alone would be enough to hold the interest of the audience. Lack of intrigue is its ultimate downfall.

Acting: 10
One thing that wasn't lacking was strong acting performances. The cast was excellent from the top down. Reynor shines in his role as Richard having to express and master an array of emotions. He effortlessly controls scenes, evoking the proper emotion from the audience.

Beginning: 7

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
A multitude of beautiful one-shots were captured throughout the film. It helps when the ocean and sunsets are your backdrop, but those images still have to be captured just right at an appealing angle. Shot of the cast having an innocent good time at their parties helps you to warm up to the crew instantly and remember similar times.

Conflict: 4
While there is some initial friction when we uncover what the heart of the story is about, things taper out from there. There wasn't enough conflict to keep me interested. The movie moves straightforward towards its resolution like an arrow, not really creating much more intrigue along the way.

Genre: 6
I give it credit for its fork in the road, but I have definitely seen better dramas. Dramatic film is supposed to leave an impact and this one...just left me. There was potential there for more.

Memorability: 2
I would have scored this even lower, however, I like the depths of humanity that were touched on through Richard's character. The film explores the reality of what a crisis would probably look like: Us looking out for ourselves first before we think of others. Besides that, there was nothing else that stood out for me.

Pace: 7
As I stated earlier, the film goes through a long lull that it never fully rebounds from. The lack of conflict slows things way down and makes it hard to remain engaged. Had there been more points of intrigue or crisis depth, the pace would probably have righted itself.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 4
If it's one thing I hate, it's ambiguous endings that leave you scratching your head. Expect that here. I won't ruin it, but I will say that I was hoping to have some questions answered by the time the credits started rolling. Unfortunately, the ending left me completely and utterly in the dark.

Overall: 68
I was hoping to like this a lot more and was sadly disappointed. It's not a top notch drama, but easily could have been with just a few more cogs in the wheel. Definitely one you can skip.
Maybe For You
Maybe For You
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maybe For You by Nicole McLaughlin is a very emotional storyline. The theme allows readers to understand how to cope with loss and handle grief. It is also a friends to lover’s story.

Many say that a guy and gal cannot be friends. This story seems to prove that point. The different dynamic relationships play a part in how people react to each other. Friends usually are able to be direct and let their guards down without having to build walls. Usually these relationships are based on honesty where each person can show their true selves. Some of the best intimate relationships start off as friends. The heroine, Alexis, and the hero, Jake began their friendship as pen pals while she was deployed in Italy. They did not literally converse with a writing object, but used the modern way, a phone text. McLaughlin wanted “it to be a safer way to share feelings without being face to face or voice to voice. These two are able to share only when they feel like sharing.”


Alexis is not used to displaying her emotions, keeping everything close to the chest. Her parents died in an auto accident, she was raised by her older brother Dean, and now has lost her fiancé in a military helicopter accident. Anyone who has lost a loved one, especially when it is unexpected, can relate to this powerful quote, “Several times she had to talk herself out of just crawling back into bed… Moving on, healing, required putting one foot in front of the other. Even when it felt impossible.”


The story poignantly shows how those grieving can move on, that time heals. Yet, there are also instances when something can spur someone’s memory about a loved one, and that feeling of being hit in the gut returns. “I wanted to write about this because I experience it. I put in the book how sometimes the weight of the pain feels brand new. I lost my father when I was ten. I watched my mother and how she dealt with losing a partner. I think I put my own feelings in these scenes. My dad has been dead almost twenty-five years and every once in awhile a thought pops up in my head and I cry instantly. I think the grieving process is a long journey.”

But it is also a story of hope. After a year serving overseas Alexis returns to her home town in Kansas. Her brother offers her a job at the Stag Distillery he owns with two friends. But it also ended up becoming one of the most successful wedding and event venues in the Kansas City metro area. To promote their business one of the partners, Jake, travels on the road to find new clients. Realizing that Alex would be a good addition for making sells, it is decided that she will travel with him. Ready for a new challenge, Alexis agrees to accompany her new co-worker, Jake. Soon the casual relationship becomes intense where both realize they have strong feelings for each other.

“I wrote how their relationship was grounded in respect and friendship. Both needed someone that they cared for. They were able to tease and joke with each other, feeling very comfortable, because they started out as friends. They appear as opposites since Alexis is a survivor, strong, broken, vulnerable, determined, desperate for a family, and is very guarded. Jake is a player, a playboy, who always feels second best. As Alexis opens up to him about her feelings he listens, doesn’t pry or lecture about what she should be feeling. Slowly he transitions from a playboy to a partner.”

This is a very emotional story that will tug at the heart. There are many touching scenes with very likeable characters.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Robin Hood (2018) in Movies

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated Jan 28, 2019)  
Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Scattered flickers of creativity sparsely appear through the film. (0 more)
For the most part, it's just an extremely generic, middle of the road, inoffensive action romp. (0 more)
A Middling Reboot
This is another movie from late 2018 that I am only just getting a chance to see. After my girlfriend and I sat through this one, she turned to me and asked what I thought of it. In response, I just shrugged my shoulders and went, "It was alright." That is genuinely the best way that I can think of to sum up my feeling on this film.

It's a mediocre action movie based around the basic concept of the old tale of Robin Hood. It is extremely cheesy and has bags of whatever the opposite of subtle is. It tries to tell a gritty, 'Year One,' type of story for the character and treats the Robin Hood moniker as a dual identity for Robin Loxley, which draws heavy comparisons to the Batman/Bruce Wayne dynamic. Unfortunately, not much of it lands due to the lack of risk-taking involved.

The movie also feels weirdly dated, especially considering that it's only a few months old. There are an abundance of overindulgent slow motion shots in the style of 300; a movie that was 12 years old at the time of this movie's release. The use of green-screen in this film is actually pretty atrocious judging by today's standards and actually might be some of the worst out of any 2018 movie I saw. This is noticeable throughout the whole movie, but is especially rough-looking during a carriage chase that happens around two thirds into the film.

The cast are all phoning it in as well. Taron Egerton does nothing special with the lead role and Ben Mendlesohn hams it up as the Sheriff Of Nottingham, doing pretty much the same villainous shlock that he did in Ready Player One and Star Wars: Rogue One, way to not get typecast Mendo!

That's the other weird thing about this movie, is that it's not sure what era it wants to be set in. Some of the accents, language and costumes are suitable for the period that the movie is set in, but other elements and other lines and costumes etc feel like they are from 2018, the year that this movie was made. The end result that they were aiming for may have been a sort of rolling timeline that transcends the days of the Crusades that the movie is set in but what we get is just a scattered mess.

There were a few positives in this thing. Some cool shots, Some of the stunt archery is, (while super unrealistic,) pretty cool to watch. I know that 'Real Life Legolas,' Lars Andersen was hired to teach the cast some archery and I believe he helped out with the action choreography as well, which is pretty cool. There are also some glimpses of creativity in some of the shots. One in particular that stood out to me was a shot that gradually panned out from behind a solitary soldiers shield to show the intensity and scale of the battle that was taking place. It's just unfortunate that in so many other places in the movie, all we get is lazy, generic camera angles that add nothing to the scene taking place.

Overall, this is an okay action romp. Don't go in expecting anything of substance or you will most definitely come away disappointed. Though, if all that you are looking for is something to stick on in the background while you do other things or if you are just after an easy, straightforward action adventure popcorn flick, then you could probably do worse than this.

Andrew Sinclair (25 KP) Nov 25, 2019

That's a very detailed, occasionally amusing, enjoyable review. I've not seen the film but I may check it out one day just for the fun of it.


Paul John (5 KP) Nov 25, 2019

Another Hollywood take on a mythical character.. Bored from start to finish.. Felt like a 90s boy and pop video..

Hot Pursuit (2015)
Hot Pursuit (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Crime
5.6 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Combining various formulas is nothing new in Hollywood and the new film “Hot Pursuit”, tries very hard to be successful at doing so but has mixed results. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Cooper, a police office in San Antonio who is trying to grow into the shoes her late father left behind. The fact that he was not only a great cop, but that Cooper is fairly small in stature has caused her to overcompensate through the years. So much so that she has had an epic blunder named after her and is relegated to the evidence room of her station. Cooper is a by the book cop whose social skills are very lacking as is proven by a recent dating disaster. Cooper is given the chance to redeem herself by travelling to escort the wife of a money launderer to court so they can both testify against a notorious drug lord.

When Cooper first meets her assignment Daniella (Sofia Vergera), they do not mix at all. Daniella is annoyed by Cooper’s by the book attitude and Cooper sees her task as nothing more than escorting a gold digging criminal to Dallas. When things go very wrong, the two end up framed and on the run with only each other for company and support. Naturally the duo begin to thaw to one another and there are a few good laughs along the way as they race to clear their names and stay ahead of the dangerous people chasing after them. The film has some fun moments, but the formula of the film can become a bit familiar.

We have seen this played out in numerous road trip and buddy cop segments so many times before that there is very little in the way of drama or surprise moments with the script. Witherspoon does well with her role and does take it away from being overly one dimensional but the jokes run a bit thin after a while. Vergera is good in small doses for me as she is very much the Charo of this generation. I am still wondering if she has been typecast in these shrill roles or if she is simply playing herself, but the over the top performance and her voice works better for me in smaller doses in Modern Family than it does over a full length feature. That being said, the two work well with one another and their scene with Jim Gaffigan is one of the funnier moments of the film. The pacing of the film is brisk, as Director Anne Fletcher has made a film that moves nicely and does not overstay its welcome. The biggest issue is a feeling that we have seen this all many times before and often in better movies, so despite the best efforts of those involved, this is one that never really gels the way that you would want a film to.

Rob Halford recommended Queen II by Queen in Music (curated)

Queen II by Queen
Queen II by Queen
1974 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I think about why I love Queen my head just fills with every single Queen song that I know by heart. It's just like a box of Quality Street. Everything is amazing. The reason that I've chosen the second album is because the song 'Ogre Battle' is on there, which is one of my favourite tracks. It's rare that you struggle to label a band. If you're a heavy metal band you're meant to look and sound like a heavy metal band but you can't really call Queen anything. They could be a pop band one day or the band that wrote 'Bicycle Race' the next and a full-blown metal band the next. In terms of the depth of the musical landscape that they covered, it was very similar to some extent to the Beatles. I mean 'Helter Skelter' was a pretty heavy track, and 'Yellow Submarine' really wasn't. I think Queen have a lot of similar ingredients. Everybody was writing the songs as well, so Freddie was writing differently to John Deacon, and then John was writing differently to Roger [Taylor, drummer]. They were all accepting each other though, and nobody was sat there saying that they couldn't do something because it didn't sound like Queen. If it was a good song they'd record it, and this album is nothing but good songs. It's a style that we've tried to adopt into Judas Priest. A good song is a good song at the end of the day, and there's no point in wasting time arguing about whether Priest are supposed to sound like the British Steel record or the Painkiller record or whatever. I felt such a sense of loss when Freddie died, but he fucking loved his life. He partied like a maniac. I've lost a lot of friends to AIDS and it's such a terrible thing to have to suffer through. Such a cruel condition to be taken by. From what I've seen and heard there's a horrible sense of loss in those early days. There was a lot of rejection and almost pariah-like status heaped upon you by people. And it's still around today, which is so sad and unfair. It's interesting though, because I don't know if Freddie would still have been doing what he did now. Would he still be going out on the road with Brian and Roger, who, by the way, I love? Especially Adam [Lambert]. But Freddie would have been 70-something I think, and I get a feeling that at some point, he would have just said, "I've had enough now darling." We lost him, but he left behind such an incredible legacy and canon of work. I listen to Queen almost every day still."
