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Ross (3282 KP) rated Rejoice in Books

Oct 18, 2018  
Steven Erikson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heavy-going treatise on man's reaction to alien interference
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***
I have been planning on reading Erikson's Malazan series for some time but have yet to take the plunge. Getting approval to read Erikson's new sci-fi book gave me the chance to experience his writing style without such a big commitment.
The book itself feels like a short sci-fi story where Canadian sci-fi author Samantha August is abducted by aliens and is shown how the alien race are helping the human race, in order to keep Earth safe for their future use. The aliens start to implement a number of changes in the planet, and other planets in the solar system, in order to protect the human race, and Earth itself, from their inbuilt self-destructive nature. Despite these improvements (no violence, drugs or alcohol, replenished food stocks and animal populations) the human race do what we do best - look past the surface benefits with suspicion to find the underlying threat and to use it to further our own selfish goals.
This short is then padded out with more in-depth insight from a large cast of characters - the leaders of a large number of countries, Murdoch-esque media oligarchs, and a range of former arms dealers and warlords. Their insights give the book a feel like World War Z, where the same story is told from a number of different viewpoints to give the varying angles and opinions. While this does add to the overall story (where Samantha's chapters focus on the high level changes and reactions, we are treated to some localised insights), most of these characters are pretty throwaway and don't really seem to have a distinct voice.
The book itself is very heavy-going, with very detailed in-depth analysis of the political, religious, ideological, economic and sociological issues being faced by the human race when such an intrusion, though a beneficial one, is experienced.
This is not a book one can pick up for short periods or read when tired, it really does take some effort to concentrate to get the most out of it.
While it was an interesting take on how such a good thing would likely be ruined by human nature, the narrative was quite detrimental to the overall piece.

Carma (21 KP) rated Taking a Shot in Books

Jun 17, 2019  
Taking a Shot
Taking a Shot
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Taking a Shot is the first book I’ve read by this author but apparently, reading more information about the series, I’ve found Brett was one of the most requested characters fans asked to get his own book. And I can definitely see why. Brett and Chelsea have undeniable chemistry that you can almost feel popping off the page. As a first read, it caught my attention and held it for the entire read.

Brett Sillinger is a hockey player that is on the back end of a very illustrious career. After a few bad choices, including a disastrous marriage, he is starting over at a franchise in Montanta. After landing in his new “hometown” he makes his way to the hotel bar to relax and unwind thinking he’d find himself alone. Too bad a marketing convention had just let out and the men hightailed it to the hotel bar. He was starting to use that “cursed” word again when a gorgeous woman bumped into him spilling his drink. Well, this could change things.

Chelsea London was tired of being the good girl. Tired of having lists and clipboards and doing or saying the right thing all the time. After her ex broke up with her for being too “boring” she finds herself on a mission. A one night stand kinda mission. It goes against everything she feels right down deep in her soul but she needs to try something wild for once. She picks the perfect spot, a hotel bar with lonely men attending a marketing conference and away she goes. Too bad these men are totally not doing anything for her libido. She wants fire, she wants spark, instant attraction that happens once in a lifetime. Bump And there he is.

Brett and Chelsea, though seemingly opposite on paper, find themselves in all too familiar surroundings and expectations. They both fight the attraction they have for one another tooth and nail but realize in the end, they are who they both want and need in their life. Fairytales and clipboards, who knew they made they best combinations.

4.5 star read for Taking a Shot (Montana Wolfpack series) from this reader. I received a copy without expectation for review that I enjoyed very much. I will be adding this author to my go to list of authors for the future. Any and all opinions expressed above are my own.
Jackson is an in demand former chef who returned home because it was something he had to do. Many restaurant owners and high powered food industry personnel have come to Louisiana to try and lure him to the big city restaurants. He is a self proclaimed man whore who lets each conquest know exactly where he stands beforehand, to give them a chance to decline the encounter. He can’t be involved right now, he has more important things in his life to focus on. But when a tall redhead walks into his bar he feels the connection instantly. He knows she will be the one to break him.

Gwen is used to getting what she wants, when she wants it. And right now she wants Jackson to be the head chef at a new restaurant she wants to open. When she sees him in person though she realizes all the photos she’s seen haven’t done him justice. Their eyes lock across the bar and she feels it through her entire body. This isn’t going to end well.

Jackson and Gwen realize a few things; they have amazing chemistry, they want more than one night, and neither is going to change their minds about her proposition. Gwen knows that Jackson won’t leave his hometown but she doesn’t know why. They decide to make the most of their 2 weeks and that’s it for their relationship. Gwen falls fast though going against her better judgment and decides to leave early. Jackson’s family steps in as they’ve never seen Jackson so affected by a woman. When Gwen goes to his family home, she learns exactly why he can never leave.

Jackson fought the good fight but wasn’t able to outrun his feelings for Gwen. She helps him see that there is more to life than just being a man whore. Will he be willing to compromise his life to have happiness though?

This was the first novel I’ve read by the author and I read it all in one sitting front to back. I was drawn in by the great storyline and all the hot, hot, hot, full on chemistry scenes. Solid 4 ½ stars for a cold hearted bastard no more. I received an advance copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own.
A Snowbound Scandal
A Snowbound Scandal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chase Ferguson and Miriam “Mimi” Andrix knew each other 10 years ago. Very well as a matter of fact, but neither could survive in the other’s lifestyle. A Snowbound Scandal by Jessica Lemmon tells their story from 10 years later amid a possible mayoral scandal involving Chase and an old picture of activist Mimi.

Chase Ferguson is now Mayor in Dallas Texas. Miriam “Mimi” Andrix is from Bigfork Montana still an activist in her own right but more teacher than doer these days. They couldn’t still be more on the opposite sides of life if they tried. 10 years ago Chase and Mimi started a love affair that lasted all summer, until their social standings and callings got in the way and Chase let Mimi go.

All Chase has wanted to do since that moment was get her back but he knew he couldn’t bend her to fit into his life in Dallas, just as he couldn’t fit into her life in Montana. He did keep tabs on her and bought the mansion they used to fantasize about living in together one day. He regretted that decision all these years later and when a scandal threatens to expose that relationship and use it for harm, he goes to Bigfork in hopes of making it right.

Mimi has received notice of the scandal threat too, and may have even Googled Chase to see what his life had become. Heading to the grocery store for Thanksgiving supplies she never expected to run into him in Bigfork. He gives her his private number and she later invites him to Thanksgiving dinner, which he declines. She then makes it her mission to give him a piece of her mind and set him straight about just exactly who she is.

Chase and Mimi go round and round about the past and who is responsible or not. An unexpected snowstorm traps Mimi at the Mansion for days and they find they are not quite as over each other as they would want the other to believe.

In the end, they both decide to go their separate ways again to live the lives they are currently living, separate from the other. But will they finally give love a chance to overcome the biggest obstacles in their lives?

I received an advance copy from Netgalley without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018)
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Back in 1999 I fondly remember covering “Deep Blue Sea”. The press screening was a pleasant surprise as the film presented a fresh take on the shark on the loose genre and gave what was one of the more enjoyable films in the genre since “Jaws 2”.

I had always wondered why the film had never generated a sequel and talk of a direct to DVD follow up a few years later never materialized.

Now in 2018, we finally get the long-awaited follow up as “Deep Blue Seas 2” has arrived as a direct to DVD from Warner Bros Home Entertainment.

I eagerly awaited the arrival of my review copy as not only do I enjoy Shark movies, but my son is very big on the study of sharks and his insights always add a new dimension to me as he can tell me things like the difference between the species being portrayed, number of offspring they have, and their behavior.

The story centers on Dr. Misty Calhoun (Danielle Savre), who is tasked to give her professional opinions to a facility headed by billionaire Carl Durant (Michael Beach). At an underwater lab in South Africa, Dr. Calhoun arrives with a team and learns that the group is experimenting on Bull Sharks with a method that will increase brain abilities in humans.

Naturally things do not go as planned and before long, there are several very angry and genetically enhanced sharks on the loose with the humans desperately trying to find a way to escape and survive.

The story and characters are not overly complex but the goal is clearly to get the cast into the path of the CGI sharks as soon as possible and letting the carnage begin.

I had expected visuals on par with the SYFY films due to the direct to video nature of the film but what we were given was much better than expected.

The CGI effects are quite good and the cinema photography of the film is quite good as there are many really impressive shots in the film of the aquatic setting.

The film is hampered by the thin plot and characters and a lack of star power but it is worth a watch and is certainly better quality than many of the other creature on the loose films out there.
Dance Over Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, my first that I NEED to see 42nd Street! As a lover of all things theatre, I can't believe that I haven't seen it yet. Speaking of theatre, I simply adored all the stage talk in this book! It has been so long since I have been on the stage, but I felt like I was right there with Dani. The pre-show nerves, the excitement and thrill of a live audience, the relief when the final curtain falls. But OH...Drama, drama, drama!!! Unfortunately, the theatre world can be brutal and harsh (thankfully not MY experience), and Candee did a wonderful job of portraying that, even if it did make me want to go out and purse whomp some people. (Thank you Reading is my SuperPower for the inspiration.) The romance is clean and oh, so sweet. Candee built the suspense perfectly, and Alex is such a gentleman! I too, am a dancer, and I found Dani's expression of her heart through dance bringing me to tears. It has been too long since I have danced, since I have truly expressed myself in the arts, and too long since I have let my Heavenly Father dance over me. (This is something that will hopefully be remedied before too long.) Dani's story is a good reminder to trust the Lord to fight our battles for us. While I do think we need to stand up for ourselves, it is not our place to fight for revenge. And through all of this, Dani was trying to kick down doors to find her brother, when all along the Lord was simply wanting her to trust Him to open the doors. You will just have to read the book to see if she walks through the doors He opens...Dance Over Me is written strictly from Dani's viewpoint, in third person. I found that it made the story very easy to follow and truly let me live inside Dani's brain. Dance Over Me had me on the edge of my seat for the whole TWO days that it took me to read this book, it is THAT good. Beautifully written and a captivating storyline, you definitely do not want to miss this one.

I received a free copy of Dance Over Me from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
On the run from her vicious Uncle, Lady Juliana must fight for survival among the peasants.

When Juliana's Uncle, sweeps in and takes over her father's land of Wessex, Juliana is forced to live as a fugitive. Living in disguise, she has become the defender and protector of her people. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But when a robbery goes, much different than expected, she is discovered by Sir Collin Goodrich, Lord of the neighboring land. Having renounced her own nobility status, Juliana loathes all nobility. For they display an excess of wealth with no thought to the poor. She is determined to dislike Sir Collin from the start. But will her prejudice blind her to his true heart? Will her methods of providing for the people lead her down the same path of malice her Uncle leads? Or will her eyes be opened to the truth of God's provision and righteousness?

"I'd been consumed with bitterness and had allowed it to lead me astray from what was righteous and pleasing to God."
- A Daring Sacrifice pg.166

I can not get enough of Jody Hedlund! Her books completely draw me and allow me to get utterly lost in another world, in a time long past. The trials that Lady Juliana endure are not easy to cope with. Throughout her journey, she realizes that she has been going about things in the wrong way. How many times do we take situations into our own hands when we don't see God's immediate answer? It is easy to do. A Daring Sacrifice has a Robin Hood feel about it. But there is never a dull moment. My husband would laugh at me while I was reading because I would become very animated. There are some very intense scenes, and I am pretty sure I have never held my breath for so long. I felt that the violence and viciousness of the age was portrayed well. It was not easy to read about, but I commend Jody for not taking it lightly. Overall this was another excellent book! I am so thrilled that she has branched into the Young Adult genre.

I received a free digital copy of A Daring Sacrifice from Zondervan through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Look to the East (The Great War, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Out of the east comes a terror that will attempt to destroy the world.

At the dawn of World War I, the village of Briecourt is nestled in relative safety. That all changes when the German Imperial Army marches in and takes over. Life will never be the same for the villagers, who have had a family dispute for generations. Will having a common enemy finally bring them together? Julitte Toussaint, the adoptive daughter of a seaman, has to withstand the scorn of the de Colvilles for the shadows of her past. When she finds an unexpected "visitor" hiding in the cellar of the church, she feels the pull of love for this man she hardly knows. Charles Lassone is a Belgian entrepreneur caught behind enemy lines. He longs for escape so that he can join the Allies cause and win the respect and love of Julitte. With a dispute running so rampant, who can be trusted? The difference between friends and foes could not become more complicated.

This is both the first book that I have read by Maureen Lang and my first book set during World War I. Unfortunately, The Great War is not always as popular of a topic as its "sequel" is. Labor camps were in full effect during this period and the Germans were just as ruthless. The difference in time period wouldn't seem so drastic, but, I learned that they didn't believe it was safe to drop soldiers from planes during 1916. The tactics and methods were much more advanced come time for World War II. I became very emotionally attached to the characters. Their fight for freedom had me cheering them on with every turn of the page. Something that Julitte learns is that God sometimes uses us in ways that we can't explain, to ourselves or to others. He will work everything out, even if it's not how we had it planned. There is still evil in the world because God gave us a free will. But He will not abandon us. We must keep our eyes on Him and our hope in His promises.

I received a free copy of Look to the East from Tyndale House Publishers through their Tyndale Rewards Program. I was not required write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.
GERONIMO!!!! I thought I loved Rachelle before reading this book...and before reading her acknowledgements...I love her even more now!!! Aye...That I do, love! Bahaha! Ok, but seriously...Full review to soon as I can manage to get all of my thoughts into a cohesive post.

Here is my full review folks!
When the person you fear the most shows up to "rescue you"....When your life is dependent on this man's rescue....When your life is in the hands of the person you fear the most. Where does your hope come from? Where can you find rest?

The Sound of Diamonds had me sucked into the story from the first chapter. This book is very fast paced with a lot happening. Witnessing Gwyneth's journey to freedom in both the physical and the spiritual sense was tender and sweet as well as fierce and terrifying.

The tension between Gwyneth and Dirk is priceless. I loved watching them banter, argue, and grow together. Dirk and his roguish, piratey ways and Gwyn being the pious Catholic that she is, make such an excellent pair.

Freedom is something that can be so easily taken for granted. We are blessed to be able to worship as we choose, believe how we choose, without the risk of imprisonment and annihilation. Nothing can compare to finding God's peace, allowing Him to fill us up and let His love wash over us. The truth can be hard, but the truth will always win, and even though it may be challenging, I have found that it is always the best path to take.

This book is FULL of adventure and peril. Set in 1566 when religious tensions were extremely high between the Catholics and the Protestants, you will find yourself right in the middle of the fight. Will Gwyn open her heart to the loving salvation of Jesus? Will Dirk be able to clear his name of a crime he did not commit? Find out for yourself in The Sound of Diamonds. This is one adventure you don't want to miss!

I received a free copy of The Sound of Diamonds. This did not influence my review and I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With the world on the brink of war, can love and forgiveness be found by those who feel the most unworthy?

Maggie and Gabe Montgomery have come to America to visit their brother Rylan in New York. Maggie is desperate to escape Neill Fitzgerald, her previous fiancè. Despite the circumstances, she is thrilled to finally fulfill her lifelong dream to travel. Maggie meets Rylan's brother-in-law, Adam, who has recently been released from prison. She is warned by many, Adam included, that he is not a suitable man to be seen with. But no matter what she does, she can not get Adam out of her heart. Gabe is swept off his feet as well. But by a woman whose social class far surpasses that of himself. Are they destined to be separated as soon as they meet? Or has God brought them together for a purpose that goes beyond their own understanding?

Wow! The cover for this book absolutely blew me away! I can just sit and stare at it....forever! Susan Anne Mason has done an exceptional job as the Montgomery and O'Leary families are brought together in another thrilling tale. We are reminded that even though we may not feel worthy of forgiveness or happiness, that Jesus paid the price for us to be free. Through him all our sins are forgiven and we have a new life ahead of us. No matter the past, there is no thing too great for God to forgive. He desires His children to walk in freedom and joy. Within the covers of this book, you will be challenged. Challenged to see yourself as God sees you. Pure and worthy of His love. This book made me laugh out loud, cry tears of joy and caused me to break my "diet" by eating Doritos uncontrollably! I believe that there is something in this story for everyone to relate to. Although this book can stand alone, I highly recommend reading the series. There are multiple characters that appear in A Worthy Heart that were the leading characters in Irish Meadows.

I received a free copy of Irish Meadows from Susan Anne Mason and Bethany House Publishers for promotional purposes, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.