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Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Manipulation of viewers anxiety (0 more)
No substance, wastes valuable plot opportunities, poor story telling (0 more)
So much hype so little substance
I was reluctant to watch this as it didn't immediately strike me as something I'd enjoy, however I read so much hype and praise for it, I simply had to.

When it started I was hopeful that actually this might just provide a pleasant surprise for me but by the end I was disappointed and left wanting more.

Let's face it, we've seen this film before in several different guises, 'The Mist' 'The Crazies' they all have one thing in common that makes me sigh every time, lack of depth. There's no imagination and explanation, in concept this could have been so much more but it remains a creature-less, face-less disappointment.

The whole premise relies on exploiting the viewers anxiety over the care of the children and the need to protect. I may be missing the point and I know this is a commentary on mental health but it's tenuous at best and I felt cheated by something that could have been so much more.
Baby Rescue (Creatures of Dawnia #1)
Baby Rescue (Creatures of Dawnia #1)
Sam Savelli | 2016 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fuzz the mouse is lonely and needs some friends. What he doesn't need is to be eaten by a pterodactyl. When he finds out that Dack, the pterodactyl, is also lonely they strike up a friendship. When they then witness the kidnap of a baby pig by goblins, they set off on an adventure and make many more friends.

For a short children's story this certainly contains a lot of characters - and every single one of them is interesting in their own way. This would be a great story to read aloud as there are so many opportunities for funny voices, from sleepy camels to sly goblins. The story moves quickly too, never getting bogged down and always presenting something new and interesting to keep younger minds happy. The message of the importance of friendship and being nice runs through the whole story, making it a very positive book.

This is a great introduction to the City of Dawnia and the varied creatures who live there, definitely one that younger children will enjoy having read to them, and then reading themselves when they are older.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 9, 2021  
On my blog today, I have great little deleted scene from the Christian historical romance novel DREAMS REKINDLED by Amanda Cabot. Be sure to enter the giveaway to win both books in the Mesquite Springs series, a bluebonnet ornament, and a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!

He's bound and determined to find peace . . . but she's about to stir things up.

Dorothy Clark dreams of writing something that will challenge people as much as Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin seems to have. But in 1850s Mesquite Springs, there are few opportunities for writers--until newspaperman Brandon Holloway arrives, that is.

Brandon Holloway has seen firsthand the disastrous effects of challenging others. He has no intention of repeating that mistake. Instead of following his dreams, he's committed to making a new--and completely uncontroversial--start in the Hill Country.

As Dorothy's involvement in the fledgling newspaper grows from convenient to essential, the same change seems to be happening in Brandon's heart. But before romance can bloom, Dorothy and Brandon must work together to discover who's determined to divide the town and destroy Brandon's livelihood.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975) in Movies

Mar 24, 2018 (Updated Mar 25, 2018)  
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
1975 | Sci-Fi
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Final movie in the first Godzilla series often gets some stick for supposedly killing off the original continuity, but is actually not that bad. Bacofoil-wearing aliens team up with mad scientist and his cyborg daughter to conquer the world; there are many opportunities for evil laughter at the planning meetings. The usual strategy of using giant monsters as invasion weapons is employed, despite it having utterly failed in at least five previous movies.

Original director Honda comes back and at least ensures this film has a degree of dignity and craft to it: pretty good monster suits and model work, but the back projection is terrible. There's slightly more focus on character than usual (particularly that of the tragic cyborg girl), which the film seems unsure how to handle. To be honest, one of the main problems is that it's not really about Godzilla any more - he just turns up to fight the bad guys at the end and everyone else takes him for granted. By no means the worst Godzilla movie even of the 1970s, but you can see why Toho decided to take a break. Best line (possibly in the whole of cinema): 'Please kill me - Mechagodzilla's brain is installed in my stomach!'

Roxanne (13 KP) rated Dolly in Books

Nov 9, 2018  
Susan Hill | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
â™°â™°â™° <b>3 'Gloomy' Stars</b>

I didn't quite know how to feel about this book...

I have read a number of books by [a:Susan Hill|18874|Susan Hill|] and I have found them to be very hit and miss. I seem to compare each one to [b:The Woman in Black|37034|The Woman in Black|Susan Hill||2127172] as this was the one that I enjoyed the most.
There's no denying that Hill's writing is beautiful and she is fantastic at 'setting the scene'. The beginning of 'Dolly' was very well written, very descriptive and creepy, unfortunately this just didn't last throughout the book.
The length of the novel was just too short to fit everything in so it just felt rushed, this meant that so many opportunities were missed where Hill could of shown off the amazing skills that I know she has.

It makes me wonder if she sets a word limit or a page limit on all of her books as all the ones I have read just seem to be 'packed in'.

'Dolly' had the makings of a masterpiece but the execution let it down immensely.

Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated NOS4A2 in TV

Jul 22, 2019  
2019 | Drama, Horror
Good cast, makeup is really good, story does have some exciting moments (0 more)
story is very clunky in some places, not as scary as it could be, uncomfortable scenes for certain plot points (0 more)
I have read the book and the book itself is pretty good and has some great moments in it. I was curious about the TV show so I checked it out. It's not bad, but it's not as strong as it could be. Zachary Quinto does an excellent job as the villain of the story Charlie Manx and Ashleigh Cummings does a great job as Vic Mcqueen. The rest of the cast is good as well. However, the TV show concept is very clunky in places and in some spots is kind of boring. There were opportunities for it to be scary because Charlie is supposed to be scary, but it falls flat and sometimes feels tedious and causes the story to drag out. The age makeup they did for Zachary Quinto is fantastic and the makeup for the children is well done as well. Honestly, the writing for the show is pretty weak which is unfortunate for a story that is about a macabre and surreal story. This is a case where the book is definitely better.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Conviction in Books

Jun 11, 2023  
Jack Jordan | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a really good legal thriller that had me flicking my Kindle screen at break-neck speed to find out what further twists were to be revealed.

Neve is a top lawyer so when she is handed the case of defending Wade Darling after his original barrister jumped in front of a train, she sees the opportunities open before her to make her name as a top barrister. Unfortunately, she has a secret that she is desperate to keep hidden but someone knows and threatens to reveal it if she doesn't lose the trial. What should she do? Throw the trial and destroy herself or defend her client to the best of her ability and threaten not only herself but those she loves?

Conviction is a rollercoaster of a ride that builds and builds with tension, full of twists and turns that had me hanging on every page not knowing what was going to happen next. Full of great characters and written at a fast pace, I would recommend to lovers of great thrillers and courtroom dramas.

Definitely one of my reads of 2023 and thanks must go to Simon & Schuster UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Conviction.
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
J.D. Vance | 2016 | Biography
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
An untold story of white working-class poverty in the US
J. D. Vance's homage to his poverty-stricken, working class roots in America is essential reading for those attempting to understand how a person like Trump can end up in power.

Without attributing the 2016 election results to Vance and his family himself, the author paints a picture of a total disconnect between establishments and white working class voters. From education, to opportunities in climbing the social ladder, Vance can be seen as an exception due to the lack of outreach from these institutions.

His story can appear both depressing and uplifting at the same time. From experiencing trauma through a broken home, poverty, and an abusive addict mother, to having supportive grandparents who are able to push him into believing in himself. Vance breaks the mould eventually studying at Yale and becoming a venture capitalist. But his doubts in himself are ever present.

Vance, however, also blames 'hillbilly' culture and it's encouragement of social rot. Likewise, he recounts stories about lack of work ethic, and the notion of blaming others for their own misfortune. It highlights the need for stability in families in order for upward mobility.

It is a raw, emotional portrait of growing up in and eventually out of a poor rural community riddled by drug addiction and volatility.

McGhostware UK (9 KP) created a post

Jun 28, 2017  
So I just Reviewed you guys briefly in a Private Facebook Group Post and this is what I said with my impression so far I did try to add screenshots but had to settle for certain images and because of Html settings when screenshotting from a laptop.
So I have been beta testing a social media site with a difference recently. I think this site Smashbomb will come in handy for Partners who want or have an interest in Films & TV also Music and there are plans for the future to implement Apps and the likes. I think it has Good potential but only time will tell of its success. The idea behind it is a social media platform where users can rate and comment on movies tv & music there will be great opportunities for those partners running Kodi support groups and you may need such info for posts to your customers you will be able to gather the info from Smashbomb. There are also options to link to your social media accounts so you could just share content to your group as to what is in your build there is also movie trailer button next to info I shall add some screenshots of Smashbomb. they are advertising for beta testers also I believe
Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire Core Rulebook
Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire Core Rulebook
2013 | Roleplaying, Space
Licence-to-print-money Star Wars RPG has had an impressive amount of work put into it; absolutely not a quick cash-in. The game manages to balance crunchy rules, narrative flexibility, and that elusive Star Warsiness with impressive elegance. The main rules mechanic, which involves pools of proprietary dice, may be off-putting for some (the rules are not especially intuitive and you'll be buying a lot of special dice), but once you get used to it the opportunities it gives everyone involved to shape the narrative of the game is rather special.

The EotE-specific material is good; the main 'obligation' mechanic is likely to get overlooked/house-ruled out, but the rest of the book is very solid. A beautiful looking book, very solidly put together, and the line as a whole is well-supported and of the same quality. Fully compatible with the Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny lines, too: lack of repeated material between books is either a good thing (you seldom pay for the same thing twice) or a pain in the neck (if you're dying to have the rules for a certain race/ship/whatever you will end up buying a lot of other books). My group played this game for almost a year and never got close to feeling bored with the setting or the rules.