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Disclaimer: I received a copy from author in exchange for an honest review.

This is a very interesting memoir following the attacks of 9/11. However, it's NOT about a survivor of the attacks, or a family member who lost someone, which I think is refreshing. Rather, the protagonist is a woman who, like the rest of the country, was affected by the events of that day, and this spurs her to reflect on her life and do some deep thinking about where she stands in relation to everything around her. So she decides to go on an extended road trip around the country, and she learns quite a lot about herself along the way, while meeting some interesting people and catching up with old friends, which may or may not be such a good thing.

I would recommend this to anyone who's ever done some "soul searching" or who likes to live vicariously through others who have done so. It makes you contemplate your own life choices and relationships, and it's a very nice story, as well.

4 stars
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I will start off by saying this is definitely not "light reading" by any definition of the phrase. However, I would encourage pretty much anyone to pick it up, whether they are an actual survivor or not. It is not only a benefit to those who have endured such atrocities, but it also provides insight for those who haven't (thankfully) but more than likely know (or will come to know) someone who has.

I taught a rehabilitation course for those convicted of domestic violence (often with sexual attacks involved), and I met a couple of the survivors on occasion. Had I known about this book then, I certainly would have offered it to them, as I think it would have helped them understand that they were not alone in the world and there were people out there who could, and would, do anything they could to help.

Bottom line: Everyone should read this, but keep a box of tissues handy. You're gonna need it.

5 stars

Manda (5 KP) rated Logan (2017) in Movies

Jul 11, 2018  
Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Logan aka wolverine what else can I say (0 more)
Logan at a low low point (0 more)
Beware I will ruin the movie for you
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie was a great watch, really, I’m not trying to bash it. Though the heartwrench I received after watching it LAST year I am still dealing with and just the poster makes me cringe.
The movie begins with Logan and Xavier the latter taking care and doing what he can to support the two.
There is a lot of death in this movie and we the watchers have to deal with Wolverine and his struggle with keeping himself alive after the experiments done on him has begun to poison his body. He does find out he has a kick ass daughter and ends up trying to keep her and several other mutant children safe as they journey to Canada to escape the crazy ass government people who want to turn them into weapons and studies etc.
In the end he does what he begrudgingly sets out to do that costs him dearly.
I have to admit, I was one of the few people who didn't really know anything about the Golden State Killer. I picked this book up after he was caught because I wanted to learn more and because it is the first book in a new online book club that I joined. I have always found serial killers interesting so I was excited to sit down and listen to this book. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much. I never knew Michelle McNamara's writing style or detective skills so I prepared myself to be disappointed. That disappointment never came.

This book was phenomenal. The research that Michelle & her editors put into this was simply impressive. I was constantly in awe while reading this book. This is probably one of the top true crime novel that I have read. Michelle has a way to pull you into the story and leave you wanting to continue on her hunt (which thankfully we don't have to do now that he is caught).

All in all, this is a great true crime which I will recommend to everyone!
Apollo 13 (1995)
Apollo 13 (1995)
1995 | Action, Drama, History
No problems here!
Everyone was waiting to see what Tom Hanks would do next after winning his back-to-back Oscars for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. It ended up being another wondrous film about the true story of the doomed space mission and the many people who banded together to help save the lives of the three astronauts.

Everything about the film is fantastic including the acting, screenplay and special effects. If this film were made today, I think filmmakers would have tried to go too high tech and CGI when this is a human story and a triumph of the human spirit vs. something more savvy.

I really miss Bill Paxton most of all. His performance in the film was magnificent and hilarious, just like all his memorable characters. I truly miss him every day.

Through my melancholies, I was able to enjoy a perfect film like this. You know you are watching something truly awe-inspiring when you know how it's going to end and it still chokes you up.

Louise (64 KP) rated Bird Box in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Bird Box
Bird Box
Josh Malerman | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted to read Bird Box after hearing so many rave reviews from BookTube and the blogosphere. From what everyone was saying, I was going to be scared shitless and that was what I was hoping for but it didn’t happen. This book for me has to be my most disappointing read of 2017 so far! The writing wasn’t bad but I feel like this has been overhyped and my expectations were set pretty high. I suppose the reason I was disappointed with this book was because you never really get any answers and the thing that is killing people you never get to picture what it is or why it’s happening. There was one small part of this book that had me scared and it was a paragraph and that was all. I thought the writing was great and I liked most of the characters but for me I needed more answers. I would also put this book as survival/post apocalyptic book rather than a horror.
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
Shirley Jackson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.5 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must say this book was fairly predictable. From the minute the focus was put on Elanor above all else I was like, something is fishy with this one here. She seemed like an overgrown child the whole of the book.

Now, I did listen to the audio book version of this, so perhaps that swayed the way that I had interpreted this book, but I did not enjoy her at all. Theodora was my favourite character - I wonder why, again, perhaps the way she was read to me.

The house concept was cool, the way the whole theme and story was lay out was pretty awesome as well - the progression of the story was quick and deliberate. There was some laugh out loud funny moments - I'm pretty sure the house was turning people quite mad.

Overall it was an alright book - 3.5 stars (again, goodreads, let us have .5 stars alright) - not at all scary though (perhaps again that was the audio book talking), but good for a read nontheless - especially in October :)
The Undomestic Goddess
The Undomestic Goddess
Sophie Kinsella | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Would you like some cheese with that?
Hello all you beautiful people!

Let's all rejoice for regular posting on the blog and Youtube!!! I am officially back and all my attention is now on all you followers, readers and commenters! There are going to be a mix of food and book focused content which I am really excited to get out to all of you and content I have had so much fun creating so here's hoping you will have as much fun reading and watching it!

Now back to business. Today I am going to be reviewing a book by a very famous author that I picked up while doing my weekly shop in Tesco (2 for £7, can't go wrong!). Honestly, I have never read any Sophie Kinsella before but I mostly associate her works with chick lit, contemporary feel-good reads so I was looking forward to getting back into reading with a nice easy read.

Continue reading my review at:

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated the PC version of Emily Is Away Too in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
Emily Is Away Too
Emily Is Away Too
2017 | Role-Playing, Simulation
For people of a certain age, Emily Is Away Too will remind them of being a teenager in the early aughts and late nineties. You play as yourself (more or less) as you attempt to woo either of two girls at your high school: Emily, the alternative hipster chick, or Evelyn, the punk rocker. In that way, it's much like many dating sims. You discover their likes and dislikes and play into them.

What makes Emily Is Away unique is the gameplay. It all takes place, so to speak, in a chat client called "EOL," which functions like AIM or Yahoo! Messenger. You can customize your font, profile, and avatar (the angstier the lyrics in your bio the better, of course). And don't forget to make your text as obnoxious as possible.

To compliment the retro look, the soundtrack consists of the sound of your hard drive working and really authentic chat notifications. It was a trip back in time for me, and it actually made me a little sad in a bittersweet way.
Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies
William Golding | 1954 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (94 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not sure how this became a classic.
My school never required me to read this so I just never got around to it until a few years ago and I have to say I was not a fan. I found the entire book boring the characters terrible or writing wasn't really that great either, for the life of me I really cannot figure out how this book has made it into being a classic and it's still extremely popular. The whole idea of the book is really good but just the execution I found terrible I hated every single freaking character not even over exaggerating there.

I think if I would have been required to read this at a younger age like most people I may have liked it a lot more but reading it as an adult for the first time I feel really just spoil the whole thing for me plus you have to kind of be living under a rock and not to know what the books about and what happens in it.