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God of War
God of War
2018 | Action/Adventure
Literally everything (0 more)
The wait until the next one! (0 more)
God of War- BOY!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Hello! So, God of War on the PS4. Techically God of War 4. The game started off by throwing you into this emotional journey by burying the wife of Kratos.

The emotional music that was lined up with the journey of gathering something as simple as wood, was by far the best part of the beginning.


Then a stranger comes and you being Kratos, you say to yourself, "Yeah, I can take him, look at this skinny little man thinking he stands a chance against me, the mighty KRATOS-" Then he catches you by surprise, he is so much more powerful than you imagined and now you're in this brilliantl, beautiful fight to the death. It was crazy. The whole game was filled with emotion and raw power. The emotional growth of the bond between Father and Son was a beautiful thing to watch.

This is a super late review, so there isn't much to say about it other than it was an incredible game that added onto an already incredible series. The end of the game left us with wanting more and more. By the end of it I found myself wanting to send an email to Santa Monica Studios, begging for an early copy of the next game or maybe a script just to know what happens. The cliffhanger it left us with was amazing and wonderful.


The combat was smooth and I found myself throwing the axe for no apparent reason but to see how far I could throw it and travel away from it, just to call it back and watch as the axe returns to Kratos' hand in real time. The amount of detail they put into this game is incredible and I'm sure that it will be quite a wait until the next one. In my honest opinion about God of War, I would personally give the game a solid 10/10. Thank you so much for reading!
Wild Rose (2018)
Wild Rose (2018)
2018 | Drama, Music
River wild
#wildrose is a powerful & #depressing look at the harsh reality of trying to chase your dreams & raise a #family at the same time. #Jessiebuckley plays Rose a young #woman forced to grow up to fast because of mistakes she made at a very young age. This is not your usual #happy singer #songwriter film instead going for a more raw vibe which keeps the film grounded in a very harsh, relatable & achievable reality. Rose fresh out of #prison (fuelled, driven & inspired by her #passion for country music) #feels like she is destined to play at #nashville & as we follow her from the highs to the lows we get such a tremendous sense of who this woman really is. Shes selfish neglectful, hot headed & reckless not only hurting family but leaving most people who come into her life miserable too. Shes essentailly been forced to grow up quick having children then becoming incarcerated at a young age which has zapped her youth away from her. Its all very riviting/#heartbreaking stuff watching her trying to chase her dreams then having to grow up & accept responisibility for her actions. Harsh realities of life are a big focus here & there's something deeply sad when the film communicates how we all have #dreams yet life always seems to find ways of putting them on hold or removing them from our path completely. Acting is award worthy with Jessies absolutely captivating & show stopping performance followed closely by the also stunning #juliewalters. All in all i was extremely won over by this movie, it got to me on an emotional/relatable level while surprising me with the broad #issues it tackles. Not your average feel good music movie 'Wild Rose' has #heart, #soul & a deep burning fire full of meaning that's hard to ignore. #countrygirl #country #odeon #odeonlimitless #ciniphile #mondaymotivation #singer #singing #america #glasgow #scottish #astarisborn #screenunseen

Dana (24 KP) rated Crown of Midnight in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Crown of Midnight
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I could, I would give this book more than five stars. I know I say this about a lot of books, but honestly, this was one of the best books I have read. As you know, I freaking loved the first book. When people say that it only gets better from there, they are not lying. A lot of times, second books fall flat, just place markers for the next book. This one far exceeds those. The characters are continuously evolving and reshaping their identities. The plot is very interesting and has almost no slow spots (which is really rare for books). The stuff that happens will make you sit on the edge of whatever seat you are reading this book on! Even though the book has a lot of pages, the pace is set so you don't even realize how fast you are reading it.

I am not going to lie, there are a lot of really intense moments in this book. You will have to be prepared for that. The emotion is very raw and it gets dark, but if you work through those dark places with the characters, you will not be disappointed! There are a lot of really cute and fluffy moments too that will make your heart very happy! (I know those moments made me have a lot of feels!!)

This is a great series to start fantasy with if you are not very acquainted with it. While there are quite a few magical elements to the story, there are a lot of really down to earth moments that go along with them. You never feel like there is too much going on at once with the fantastical things. It all blends very nicely together!

If you want my advice, pick up this series right now and start reading it. You will definitely not regret it.

Sarah J Maas, you did an awesome job with this and I can't wait to read the next one!!
One to Keep (One to Hold, #2)
Tia Louise | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tia Louise has done it again! One To Keep is the perfect follow up of One To Hold, but it shows you things from another perspective; a man's. I loved this book, because although it did rehash some of the scenes from One To Hold it did show it from a different side.

The characters were very well developed in this book, and I felt like I really got a chance to know and understand Elaine and Patrick. They were great supporting characters, but Tia in her amazing storytelling abilities took Patrick and Elaine from supporting roles to main characters, and I instantly fell in love with them. We were also introduced to a couple new character, one I loved the other I loved to hate!

Kenny was a fabulous addition to this book, and I hope I get to see more of her. I loved her style and the way her personality played so well off of Patrick's. She's a very interesting character whom I wasn't expecting. She kind of just blindsided me with her awesomeness. Star/Toni was my love to hate character. I loved the way she came into the picture, but hated the torment she put Patrick through.

As per usual Tia Louise writing style, the characters and drama was hot, but the sex scenes were even hotter! I am so glad to have finally found an author that isn't afraid to get down to the nitty gritty and have a sex scene just be raw and call things what they really are.

Over all this book gets 4 stars and two thumbs up in my opinion! I can't wait to read more from Tia Louise! She is a great new writer that is really going to make a name for herself. I expect some great things in her future!

***This book was provided as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.***
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Heavy Is The Head
Parasite is so utterly complex, brilliant and captivating that it brings an entire new meaning to the word perfection. A true revolution in film making with such tightly woven narative, twisted depictions of real life struggles and important intricate messages Parasite is practically bursting at the seems with metaphores, hidden meanings, symbolism and comparisons but whats so great about it is that its never feels forced, in your face or patronising once. Theres certainly a hell of a lot more there if you want to delve deeper thats for sure (just trying to decipher it all now for this review is hurting my head) but theres also plenty there for those that dont want that depth too. This is Korean cinema at its absolute finest mixing so many diffrent genres together flawlessly to create butter smooth tension, spine chilling horror, mind bending philosophy, harsh history, political accuracy, eye watering comedy, touching drama and stomach churning raw emotion. A tale of rich and poor at its core but also a film about entitlement, happiness, human nature, selfishness and ambition Parasite teaches us so cleverly/effectively to have new found appreciation for what we have no matter how little that may be and also to stand together/respect one another and apreciate those close to us before its to late. Being likened to a Tarantino film by many and while I can see the similarities I honestly found Parasite to be genuinely a way smarter, better structured/layered more thrilling and an all round tighter/more interesting movie compared to his work if im honest. I urge anyone that loves and takes cinema seriously to see this without hesitation its unpredictability/intricacy are a true experience to behold (just like the sensation you get when you slip on ice but regain your balance just before you fall) it will leave you cold, breathless, excited and entranced.
Rabid  (2019)
Rabid (2019)
2019 | Horror
The Antithesis of Horror
I just got done watching a trailer for A Quiet Place Part II and I couldn’t help but think, “Now this is what horror is all about!” It’s gripping and terrifying, keeping your attention the whole way through, even in the quiet moments. Rabid fails at this miserably. Rabid is the story of Sarah (Laura Vandervoort) and complications she experiences post-surgery following her getting hit by a car. Not only does she find herself the victim of a disease that causes her to desire raw flesh, but she also quickly discovers that she is the source of the disease spreading.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 5
Rabid could have gotten to the point a lot faster and didn’t. I was waiting for the kicker that would get my attention. When it finally hit, it was a bit of a shoulder shrug for me. I had to force myself to get into it, telling myself that things would eventually get better.

Characters: 5
Not only were the characters one-dimensional and flat, but they left me with little to no interest in the story at all. I didn’t much care what happened to the protagonist or anyone. Having seen this movie a few weeks ago, I can’t think of any characters that really stood out for me.

Cinematography/Visuals: 3

Conflict: 3

Entertainment Value: 3

Memorability: 7

Pace: 5

Plot: 3
I thought the story had potential to be intriguing, but it ended up feeling more bland than anything else. Too much of nothing, too much waiting for things to happen. There were no moments or pieces of anything to really connect me to the characters which checked me out of the story as a whole.

Resolution: 5

Overall: 49
There are some indy movies that blow me away and stand out above even the larger in-theatre titles. Rabid falls short for me due to weak story progression and weak characters. I don’t recommend.
Risky Business (1983)
Risky Business (1983)
1983 | Comedy
That shot of Tom Cruise sliding across the hall in his trademark shades, pink shirt and the tightest pair of white briefs is synonymous with the spring board that launched his career.

A film that may have proved the inspiration for Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of Cruise’s most famous roles, and it has all the hall marks of a classic 80s comedy with an influx of drama that proved the catalyst for a great film.

Joel Goodsen (Cruise) is just your average American teen, when his parents go out of town for a few days he and fellow buddies look to have a little fun, in part by turning the homestead into a working brothel.

Of course there is a method behind the madness with Cruise hooking up with call girl Lana (De Mornay), they both have their problems and agree on a mutual business deal which also involves engaging in sex every now and again.

If you ever wonder what to do on the subway one night Cruise and De Mornay lead the lesson. That scene in itself is draped in 80s clichés, soft rock music and a strobe lighting effect from the train, it delivers on the steam factor.

The subject matter throughout is strong and covered across all angles. A highly sexed teenage boy, drug use, what not to do to your father’s Porche and being hunted down by a killer pimp, its all in there.

Cruise’s acting display is not the best, but he has the early raw talent to get him through, and of course as we know, the rest is history. What is always similar about teenage kids of this era getting into trouble is that they always seem to get away with it in the end, Ferris Bueller a prime example.

To think that anyone in this day and age would be as lucky is highly unlikely, and that goes for sliding around in tight white under garments.
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
2013 | Drama
All the hype surrounding Dallas Buyers Club has been focused on the individual performances of it’s leading cast, but director Jean-Marc Vallée deserves considerable recognition for so skillfully crafting this tale of exceptional warmth, humour and eternal hope.

Ron Woodroof is a hustling, homophobic, bull-riding, womanising, sometimes-electrician, whose life revolves around excess drugs, alcohol and female copulation. But after a freak accident leads to doctors discovering he’s HIV positive, Ron is forced to re-examine his priorities.

With his hillbilly friends shunning him and the back-alley supply of the drug that could prolong his life cut off, Woodroof heads across the border to Mexico in search of alternative treatments. When he realises that the medication he’s given isn’t available in the US, he seizes the opportunity to make a quick buck.

Along the way he encounters fellow AIDS sufferer and cross-dresser Rayon (Leto) with whom he strikes an unlikely partnership in forming the Dallas Buyers Club, as well as Dr. Eve Saks (Garner) who becomes increasingly sympathetic to his plight.

McConaughey’s extreme physical transformation for the lead role is in itself worthy of great praise and his Oscar-winning turn is one of outstanding range and capability, portraying all the raw emotions Woodroof is forced to conflict as the character himself is changed irrevocably throughout the film’s two hour duration.

The scenes shared by Rayon – another remarkable performance from Leto – and Woodruff are triumphant and their relationship continually brings light relief to a backdrop of struggle as The Dallas Buyers Club fights what always seems like a losing battle with the FDA.

Much like Philadelphia, this film highlights the many struggles and injustices faced by early AIDS sufferers, not just in getting the medication they needed to survive, but also the prejudices they were forced to endure. It’s an exceptional piece of cinema that everyone should take the time to see.