Movies: Remakes

Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Movie Watch
An independent young woman named Belle learns to see the humanity within her monstrous captor, a...
Disney Live-action

Flatliners (2017)
Movie Watch
In Flatliners, five medical students, obsessed by the mystery of what lies beyond the confines of...

It (2017)
In the town of Derry, Maine, a group of kids confront their fears when they encounter an ancient...
It Stephen King Pennywise

Resident Evil 2 (Remake)
Video Game Watch
Resident Evil 2 is a remake of the original Resident Evil 2 released for the PlayStation in 1998....
Zombies survival Horror

Resident Evil 4 (Remake)
Video Game
Resident Evil 4 is a remake of the 2005 original Resident Evil 4, reimagined for 2023 to bring...

Resident Evil (Remake)
Video Game Watch
Resident Evil, the game often credited with starting the survival-horror genre, has been reinvented...
Survival Horror Zombies