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Burn Baby Burn (Fairytales of the Myth #1)
Burn Baby Burn (Fairytales of the Myth #1)
Miranda Grant | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Possible triggers with child abuse being alluded to (no graphic descriptions but you are aware that it happens)

This is a dark, very different retelling of the classic Cinderella.

You won't find a nice Fairy Godmother or glass slippers here......death, slavery, abuse, yeah, that's here and you know what? I like it. I like the darkness, the fight that Ella has within her, the fire that she shows. I do feel sorry for her though, from the beginning the odds of a happy, fortunate life were stacked against her and people seemed to just take advantage......big mistake!

Definitely not a sweet fairytale for children. This is for adults with a glass of something strong in hand and a free evening.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated As I Descended in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
As I Descended
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

With this retelling of the famous bard’s tragedy <i>Macbeth</i>, Robin Talley takes steps to add another genre under her belt. Talley is fairly new to the young adult literature scene with <i>As I Descended</i> being her third publication. Many avid readers may already be aware that the author likes to tackle homosexuality and the surrounding stigma, whilst also encompassing other issues, i.e. black civil rights and long distance relationships. This novel is no different, however the other “issue” is on a paranormal level and follows the key themes in the Scottish play.

The story is set in a Virginian private school full of rich adolescents full of high expectations and the desire to be the best. Maria is always coming second best despite all her hard work, and Lily, her girlfriend, thinks this is entirely unfair. The student in first position, and set to win the Kingsley Prize, is Delilah, a popular girl who bullies and manipulates people to get what she wants. Determined to get Maria to see she should be the winner, Lily arranges a séance where she plans to pretend a spirit has contacted her telling Maria to beat Delilah. However the plan falls through when a real spirit begins communicating with them.

Lily is almost as manipulative as Delilah and convinces Maria to cheat her way to the top. Keeping in mind this is a retelling of <i>Macbeth</i>, a play that contains several deaths; you can guess the direction events are going to take. With Delilah out of the picture, Maria’s best friend Brandon and his boyfriend Matteo begin to suspect Maria of foul play.

Due to their initials it is easy to work out which of the original cast each character is representing. Maria, Lily, Delilah, Brandon, Matteo… Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Duncan, Banquo, McDuff… As a result, the fate of the characters has already been predetermined, causing readers to jump to conclusions about each individual. However the introduction of a supernatural theme gives the storyline an entirely new outlook.

Initially I felt sorry for Maria and Lily, two lovely girls hiding their romantic relationship from the rest of the world. Maria never put a foot wrong, and Lily gets sympathy on account of being disabled. I related a lot to Lily at the beginning as I have also experienced severe leg pain and suffering around on a pair of crutches. However once the actual retelling of <i>Macbeth</i> began I took an instant dislike to the pair. I have never liked people who sabotage other’s lives and successes in order to be the best. This put a damper on the entire novel, making it a lot less interesting as there were no longer any characters I fully respected.

What I did enjoy was they way Talley managed to produce a modern retelling of the play. <i>Macbeth</i> is not the easiest story to bring into a contemporary setting, especially as it is about a King and set in a castle. Talley successfully created a narrative that no one else would have thought of – a particularly clever feat.

Those familiar with the play, especially those who had the opportunity to study it at school, will recognize a lot of the chapter headings as direct quotes from Shakespeare’s writing. It is exciting to find all the references to <i>Macbeth</i> and use your own knowledge to understand where the story is going.

Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with Shakespeare’s works, <i>As I Descended</i> is not reliant on prior knowledge in order to work. Ignoring <i>Macbeth</i>, the book is about greed and perfectionism as well as homosexual relationships and the worries about how others will perceive them, especially homophobic parents.

Overall, <i>As I Descended</i> was not as great as I hoped it would be due to the nature of the characters’ personalities. The risk Talley took in undertaking a retelling of <i>Macbeth</i> however has been an extremely successful accomplishment. It may even be beneficial for students struggling to understand <i>Macbeth</i>. If schools can get over their fear of homosexual content, it would be lovely to see this book being read as part of the curriculum.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Jane Steele in Books

May 24, 2017  
Jane Steele
Jane Steele
Lyndsay Faye | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Classic Retelling
This eBook was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

“Reader, I murdered him.” Jane Steele is a gothic retelling of the renowned Jane Eyre written by the celebrated Charlotte Bronte. Crime writer, Lyndsay Faye, creates an entirely new story, whilst appropriating the skeletal structure of the original classic. However, Jane Steele is nothing like the Miss Eyre everyone is familiar with. She is far more headstrong and independent, and also a murderer.

Before readers are discouraged to hear that their beloved Jane is portrayed as a criminal, the murders that occur are more of a homicidal or self-defense nature, as opposed to premeditated serial killing. In fact the first death, occurring when she is a nine year old orphan, is not her fault at all, however it prompts Jane’s wealthy aunt to pack her off to boarding school, and thus the similarities with Jane Eyre commence.

Written in an autobiographical manner, Jane describes her years at the virulent school, where she and the other girls experience abuse at the hands of the ignoble schoolmaster. As readers will recall, Eyre’s life improves in her later school years, however Jane Steele’s education comes to a premature end, resulting in her fending for herself in 19th century London.

As the blurb indicates, Jane returns to the house she grew up in after the death of her aunt, affecting to be a governess for the current owner’s ward. Mr. Charles Thornfield, a bachelor, is Jane Steele’s version of Rochester, minus the wife in the attic. The contents of the cellar, on the other hand, are a different matter…

From a romantic point of view, all happens in a similar manner to Jane Eyre, however this is where the comparisons end. With concealed crimes and secrets, as well as an unsolved murder, the story becomes the thriller it initially proposed to be. The incisive Jane Steele takes matters into her own hands – figuratively and literally – as she determines to resolve the unanswered questions.

Although not written with the intent to be comical, the stark contrasts between original and retelling create humorous scenarios. The nature of the main character in comparison with the time frame, a period where women had very little rights, makes the narrative far more exciting and amusing than the earlier novel – although not necessarily better.

Lyndsay Faye maintains the atmosphere of the 1800s with her affinity for eloquent turns of phrase and choice of words. She is a prolific author full of wonderful ideas; her ability to create a new story out of a well-known classic is a formidable skill. What is admirable is they way in which Faye has made Jane Steele a novel in its own right, and not merely a rip-off of Bronte’s work.

The skillful composition and wording will likely be loved by all, its only downfall being the reaction of hardcore Jane Eyre fans. Those who wish for the classics to be left alone and not pulled apart by contemporary authors or film directors may adopt a negative attitude towards to publication of Jane Steele. On the other hand, many will absolutely love this gothic retelling, appreciate the similarities and enjoy the new twist to the storyline. Personally, I am with the latter group.
Since this is the second in the series and emphasizes the story from the first part, I will include my review from that.

This is supposed to be a Snow White retelling but I really couldn’t see it. Regardless, it’s an erotic fairytale retelling which is right up my alley. It’s heavy on the erotica while still having enough plot to push the story forward. Normally I would be aggravated that this story is divided into three parts but I knew that going in and already had the rest of the story so I didn’t have to wait for the rest.

I love friends to lovers stories, especially childhood friends. I would like to say I enjoyed the premise to this story but honestly I thought it was stupid. I wish I had better word but there it is. Now you may be saying “but you knew that going in!” Honestly, I was hoping it was going to be a ménage. I guess it was just wishful thinking, because what I got instead was the age old “hey let me ask my male friend how to seduce this other male but wait my friend wants me” trope.

As the second in the series, Snow’s Submission continues with the heat and erotic scenes. However, I found myself disenchanted with Snow. I felt like she could have been a stronger lead and I wasn’t happy with how she handled the situation. At the same time, I understand the predicament she was in and furious with those who put her there.

That being said, I won’t ruin anything for you.

Merissa (11950 KP) rated Druid's Moon in Books

Sep 20, 2022  
Druid&#039;s Moon
Druid's Moon
Deniz Bevan | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fresh spin on an old classic.
DRUID'S MOON is a Beauty and the Beast retelling, set in Cornwall and an archaeological dig that finds a manuscript that may have more answers than questions. As an archaeologist, will Lyne believe the superstitions and coincidences, or will she side with logic?

This was an interesting and well-told story that flowed nicely for the majority of the book. There were some points that felt a bit disjointed, where we move from one scene or time to another without notice. There were also characters and situations that weren't explained fully and so felt redundant. I would have preferred a bit more background on the families (especially Lyne's) and how they all tied in with the curse. I don't know if there is a second book to come but I would also love to know more about the mysterious Council and what their involvement was.

Saying that though, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Frederick and his fight with the Beast, and how it affected him. I was unsure if Lady Cockerel was the Mistress for quite some time before it became clear to me.

On the whole, this was a fresh spin on an old classic. I think it shows lots of potential and I look forward to reading more by this author. Recommended by me for all Fairytale Retelling fans.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I would give this 3.5 stars but round it up to 4. While an Offer From A Gentleman has not been my favourite of the Bridgerton books I’ve read so far, it still has the ease of reading that the rest of the series has, meaning that I read it in a day again!
Benedict’s story is a retelling of the classic Cinderella story, with Sophie being the daughter of an Earl who dies suddenly and her stepmother moves her into a life of servitude. In fact, the whole book gave reminded me of the film Ever After with some of the actions and situations that Sophie found herself in.
When I first started reading and realised that it was going to be a retelling of Cinderella, I thought that I would get bored very quickly and was doubtful that I would enjoy the book at all. But I was most definitely wrong. Although Benedict definitely didn’t act like a gentleman for a lot of the book, I was glad when he realised that he had been wrong and apologised to Sophie. I also realise that by todays standards he may not have been acting like a gentleman, but back in 1817 when the majority of the book is set, that is exactly how they acted and they were very much focused on not marrying out of their class.
I flew through this, mainly because of the ease of reading Julia Quinn’s writing and also her ability to make you want to know what happens to her characters. I’m looking forward to moving onto the 4th instalment!