The Last House on the Left (1972)
Movie Watch
Teenagers Mari (Sandra Cassel) and Phyllis (Lucy Grantham) head to the city for a concert, then...

The Doll (2017)
A good Indonesian Horror Film centred around a possessed doll. When daniel (a construction worker)...
Possession Girl Revenge

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
It’s the English class you didn't know you missed and the meaningful conversations you didn't know...

Bad Boys (1983)
Movie Watch
Teen delinquent Mick O'Brien (Sean Penn) is sent to juvenile hall after unintentionally killing the...

Hamlet (1996)
Movie Watch
In the only unabridged film version of the classic play, here updated to the 19th century, Prince...

The Midnight Star
Adelina Amouteru is done suffering. She’s turned her back on those who have betrayed her and...

Bad Samaritan (2018)
Movie Watch
A valet (Robert Sheehan) develops a clever scam to burglarize the houses of rich customers. Things...

River of No Return (1954)
Movie Watch
After serving a prison sentence, farmer Matt Calder (Robert Mitchum) returns to his 19th-century...

The Philosopher Kings
Twenty years have passed since the goddess Athene founded the Just City. The god Apollo is still...

The Santangelos
A vicious hit, a vengeful enemy, a drug addled Colombian club owner and a sex crazed Italian...