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A Pocketful of Crows
A Pocketful of Crows
Joanne M. Harris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a powerful story inspired by the Child Ballads and it couldn't be more current. It covers the themes of womanhood, independence, relationships and, of course, revenge. The existence of the Free Folk is for sure a lonely one, it is the price to pay for being independent and free and walk the Earth in the skin that they prefer. But our young protagonist, fierce but naive, is ready to give all of that up in order to try the most forbidden thing for her kind: the love of a man. In a magical and eerie background, she will learn how much the promises of an entitled man are worth and she will have to come to terms with her feelings, all the things she has lost and this person she has become in order to find herself again.
Spilled Blood
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Olivia Hawk is 16 years old and has been accused of killing Ashland Steele. Ashland is the daughter of Florian Steele. Mr. Steele is the largest employer in the small town of Barron, Minnesota. Olivia lives in the neighboring town of Croix and these cities have been at each other's throats for quite some time. The reason, Florian Steele's company.

This is another new author for me. This book was very shocking and pulled at my heart strings. It's a story of loss, revenge, sacrifice, love, sickness, family. Makes you asks questions like: What am I willing to do to save my child? what will I do for my brother's love? What will I do to save my company? What will I do without my wife? Who is killing all these people? To find the answers you have to read the book.
The summer heat is killing business for Fairy Tale Cupcakes, so when Mel and Angie get an offer to sell cupcakes at a rodeo in the mountains, it seems like a great idea. However, when someone is shot at the opening parade, they begin to wonder what they’ve landed in the middle of this time.

I found the first quarter of this book very slow since it sets up several things that could have been handled in a few pages or a couple of chapters max. Once the story does get started, it moves along at a great clip, however. The characters, both old and new, are wonderful, and the climax actually made me tear up.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Sword of Honour
David Kirk | 2016
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Back in 2013 (or thereabouts) I picked up a book in my local Tesco's; a book of which (at the time) I knew nothing about but which IO ended up quite enjoying. That books (Child of Vengeance) was the immediate precursor to this, and turned out to be one that I quite enjoyed.

Fast forward roughly 5 years, and I picked up the sequel, hoping to receive the same enjoyment from it.

Unfortunately, those hopes were dashed: I found this (which is, effectively, a Japanese revenge tale) to be plodding, pedestrian, heavy going and really just not that engaging, populated with unlikeable characters with murky motivations and with a verbose style of writing that just did not flow, even in the action sequences. As such, I actually found this a struggle to make it to the end!

Sorry Mr Kirk!
Fantasy Island (2020)
Fantasy Island (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Not what I expected!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Fantasy island, a new holiday destination where all your dreams come true but careful what you ask for as every fantasy can take a turn for the worse or turn out completely different to how you had hoped.
Perfect story to get lost in if you can keep up with all the different scenarios! Brilliant idea and such entertainment brilliant film from start to finish with a cheesy American twist at the end, although it worked well I half hoped for a different twist, maybe from a mother looking for revenge. I really enjoyed the way they brought every character together and show how they all linked in with the film, Don't want to go into too much detail, wouldn't want to ruin it for others, on the whole really good watch highly recommend.

David McK (3496 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in Video Games

Feb 13, 2020  
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
2019 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
Like, I'm sure, more than a few others, I've entertained fantasies of owning a lightsabre and mowing down a metric ton of Imperial Stormtroopers.

This is probably about as close to fulfilling that fantasy as I'm ever likely to come. Owing quite a bit to the Tomb Raider games - and, apparently, Metroidvania)(never even heard of that) - with a dollop of Dark Souls thrown in, this combines (re)exploration and combat in a story set roughly 5 years after Revenge of the Sith, with protagonist and former Padawan survivor Cal Kestis rediscovering his connection with the Force on a quest for a lost Holocron that identifies Force sensitives throughout the Galaxy. Its just a pity, I felt, that the map was hard to read and that there was no quick-travel option anywhere in the game...