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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling | 2016 | Children
9.1 (229 Ratings)
Book Rating
The issues that arise in the story (revenge, grief, friendship, search for thr truth etc) Buckbeak! Introduction of Sirius. (0 more)
By far my favorite Harry potter book.
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Ive always found this book to be my favorite out of the whole series purely because Harry finds some family...his godfather, whom after a convoluted storyline he realises isnt set out to murder him. Its the only book where I feel he actually has a few happy moments in his life and is discovering who he is and achieves a bit of character stability. I love how the story handles the introduction of Sirius and displays the political and media spin that happens in the background (between the bad reporting on the daily prophet and ministry of magic). Also the trio (Harry, Ron and hermoine) seem to have solid bonds of friendship grow tighter in this storyline.
This was the first regency romance book I've read in over a year where I've been focusing on the fantasy genre.

I'm very glad I read this book and it was filled with plenty of action, a thrilling tale of revenge and a Scottish accent to die for.

The writing and story had an easy-going flow to it that made the book finish quicker than I would have liked. Each character was written with a specific role in mind and there were no filler characters which was great.

Each character had their own individual flaws which were written to perfection and there wasn't anything that needed changing with the characters in this book. Sometimes characters are written too perfect and they have no faults of their own which makes it unbelievable even for fiction.

Overall, a good story with a solid plot and solid characters.
The writing is well done, and very easy to understand. The descriptions of the world are good, especially when discussing social aspects. The world is built well, with enough history given, but without overloading with too much information or facts. Although the writing is good, the character development is mediocre. The main character never really learns her lesson until it is much too late, and is hell bent on revenge before anything else. There isn't a lot of opportunity for growth, though she struggles in the beginning, it would be more empowering to see her 'fall' be a little more dramatic as far as her standards she was used to. It's mentioned but I feel that her emotions could've been better explored. For a 'biblical fiction' I enjoyed the story and historical information.

I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
6.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Oft-forgot-about (or so it seems) 4th instalment in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean series, this is the one with Penelope Cruz that also sees Jack set off to find the Fountain of Youth: the Fountain itself also sought after by both English and Spanish factions, and by the notorious pirate Blackbeard (as portrayed by Ian McShane) who, here, also dabbles in Vodoo and is also (inexplicably) able to control his ship the Queen Anne's revenge by magic.

With no Orlando Bloom or Kiera Knightley in sight, the focus on this one is firmly on Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow (a character who initially, remember, way back in the first film, was not the main focus), although it has to be said that his Keith Richards schtick is perhaps getting old by this point in the franchise.

Standout sequence of the film? That would be the Whit Cap bay mermaid bit.
Stuber (2019)
Stuber (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy
Good Comedic Chemistry between Bautista and Nanjani (0 more)
Un-original storyline (0 more)
Going by the trailers for this film the studio behind this was going for a modern up to date take on the buddy/cop movies like (48 hours,Lethal Weapon) and they actually managed to pull it off.On the one hand you have the hard as nails cop (Bautista) seeking revenge for his partners death and on the other the comedic one liners of the sidekick (Kamani)

The relationship starts off rocky at first but by the end they are the best of friends.We also get the amazing martial art skills of uko iwais (though hes only on screen at the beginning and end of the movie)

Plot wise with this film,well it's been done a million times before with greater success and a few of the jokes fall flat but still an entertaining movie.
Maleficent (2014)
Maleficent (2014)
2014 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Fairy Tale: True Loves Kiss
Maleficent- is a movie that people are mix about. Some people hate it, some people love it. For me i like it. Its a different take on the oringal source materal but with the same elements.

The plot: As a beautiful young woman of pure heart, Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) has an idyllic life in a forest kingdom. When an invading army threatens the land, Maleficent rises up to become its fiercest protector. However, a terrible betrayal hardens her heart and twists her into a creature bent on revenge. She engages in an epic battle with the invading king's successor, then curses his newborn daughter, Aurora -- realizing only later that the child holds the key to peace in the kingdom.

Angelina Jolie is really good as Maleficent and Elle Fanning is really good as Aurora.

It is a underrated movie and should be watched.

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Nov 8, 2019

I agree with you! I'm a big fan of different takes on fairy tales. That said, I don't know that the second movie is necessary.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
The acting. Brad Pitt and Leo were amazing. Margo is always a strong supporting lass. The writing. The directing. It was lengthy, but not unnecessarily so. (0 more)
It makes me reminisce and wish certain fictions weren't fictions. (0 more)
Dynamic Duo
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My boyfriend watched this movie three times before I had the opportunity. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Great setup to an ultimate revenge scene. I loved, loved, loved the costuming. But what was up with everyone's dirty feet??? I can see why Bruce Lee's family objected to the portrayal of the late, great actor. But we have to remember that this entire film is fiction and not fact. It did make me exceptionally sad that some of these events did not transpire in real life. I don't have the time for a three-hour movie, but I would definitely watch this again...