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The Supers )The Supers #1, Dreamspun Beyond #6)
The Supers )The Supers #1, Dreamspun Beyond #6)
Sean Michael | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
GREAT book, good narration
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted the AUDIO file of this book.

Flynn joins Blaine's paranormal research group, and they visit an abandoned hospital. Things get real creepy and the guys are faced with a possession, a haunting a tragic love story and a twist I did not see coming!

Another one of those books that kinda creeps up on ya and you have no idea, not a single clue about how its all gonna go down!

While there is immediate attraction between Blaine and Flynn, it takes a while for them to act on it.

The story of Room 204 builds at an even pace and there were points where I had to rewind, and double check that Blaine had in fact, called Flynn David. The story of Room 204 (that's how I heard it, with a capital R, if that makes sense!) did not play out how I was expecting it to!

It's a little . . . fluffier. . . than other books I've read of Michael (Three Wishes) but it is a DreamSpun Beyond and they are generally so. Just enough heat and passion between Blaine and Flynn to keep the heat level high, but not scorching. Right for this book.

Kenneth Obi narrates.

Mostly, I enjoyed Obi's narration. His reading voice is clear and deep and he got over the emotions of Blaine and Flynn in all the right ways, in all the right places.

His voice for the 204 ghost comes across as really REALLY nasty in some places, though, and that is probably why I did not see that ending coming at me.I thought the ghost was going to be a bit more vengeful.

And the voices Obi gives to Blaine and Flynn are far too similar for my crappy hearing to make out the difference between them, so I struggled a bit keeping up with conversations between them

BUT!!! I will give Obi another go, as this is the first of his work I listened to.

5 stars for the book
4 stars for the narration
4.5 (rounded down to 4) overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tokyo Heat (Nights #3)
Tokyo Heat (Nights #3)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
another scorching hot one!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the series, and you really SHOULD read book one, One Night, first. This is a continuation of Gabe and Cam's story. And it's a 5 star read! Book two, The Escort ain't too shabby either!

A year ago, Cam and Gabe decided one night would never be enough. Then Gabe says those three little words and Cam's world implodes, and he runs.

I loved One Night, made a new shelf for it and everything. But, while still a great, sexy read, I found this one lacking in the emotions i expected with someone running when told I love you.

Oh! Don't get me wrong, these guys still burn high, and hot and long. I just didn't feel connected to Cam as much as I did to Gabe. Because we get Gabe dealing, or rather NOT dealing with the fact that Cam ran, but we don't get much of Cam after he runs, you know??

BUT OH.MY.GOD! When Cam pulls his head out of his ass and gets his act together and finally realises what that pain in his chest is?? That it's what he's feeling for Gabe?? He redeems himself in spectacular fashion! **that fanning again, girls!**

I saw something going on between the two guys who own the company Gabe works for. I wonder what's going on there and whether they will get a story?? It's not book 4 or 5, cos I have those all lined up ready to go, but I HOPE they get a story!

Ah, you know what?? Stuff it! I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page because of that not connecting to Cam thing. But now I'm typing it up, I think that's just CAM, you know?? He doesn't want you to know what he feels for Gabe, what he's dealing with while they are apart. He wants GABE to know, just how deeply he loves him. He DOES love Gabe, he just never thought he could love anyone.

So! Upgrading to...

5 even more scorching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Facing Fears (Kiss of Leather #7)
Facing Fears (Kiss of Leather #7)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
i can't fault this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book 7 in the series, and you REALLY should read the others first, they work so much better for you, if you do!

We met Master Hunter and Tobey in the previous book, but it wasn't clear they had any scenes, of anything. In this book, Tobey has run home because of something Master Hunter said. And when Tobey decides that home is NOT Idaho, but in the company of those who live and breathe the lifestyle, he knows he has to face Master Hunter again. He just doesn't know if his heart can stand it!

What I particularly enjoyed about this one was, that Master Hunter and Tobey already had their getting together, they had their feelings grow and develop, and this is about them getting back together! And, also, *don't die of shock, here folks!* there is very little sexy time! Yes, yes I know, I KNOW I usually like my books with lots of sexy time, and this whole series has been amazing for that, but this book?? Not needed, at all. Cos what it's about is really two men, getting their act together and telling each other how they really feel! When Tobey gives Master Hunter a chance to explain his comment, well, lets just say, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (and pass the bucket! ? )

The whole saga around Corey's kidnapping takes another turn, and it isn't Corey in danger this time, it's Liam. And Master Neal's world comes crashing down around his ears when he realised Liam is gone.

I mentioned Cruella (working in Master Neal's tattoo studio) in my review for book 6, but thinking back on it (I had already read book 7 before writing that review) I don't think they don't appear til this book. But I stand by what I said, Cruella and Ray would make an excellent edition to this series, even if they aren't in the lifestyle in any way. Cruella is quite the character, and I do love the quirky ones.

I have book 8 to read, but I don't wanna! I don't want this series to end!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Orderly Affair, Hearts and Health #6
Orderly Affair, Hearts and Health #6
D.J. Jamison | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
the warm and fuzzies are back!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book six in the series, but they are all stand alone novels with pop ups from previous characters. All 4 and 5 stars reads from me, bar book one, which I STILL haven't got to read yet!

Ian is only just, at his 38th year, finally finding it in himself to find himself. A hook up app seems the best option. Finding Callum answering his message was a surprise, but both men run with it.

I found myself fully engaged with both Ian and Callum. Ian, experimenting with his sexuality, and Callum, already fully embraced in his. Their chemistry is hot, and burns bright, even before they decide to date properly. Ian does tend to jump in with full force once he makes his mind up, and his mind is made up that he wants Callum.

Callum's independent streak is a mile wide and causes some problems, he just needs to let Ian in. While Ian is still in the closest, though, Callum won't utter those three little words Ian already said, not until he knows he has a future with Ian.

I loved that Callum waited for Ian, he could easily have gone off on one and forced the issue but he didn't. Ian's son forced the issue, in a spectacular way! Loved though, that after his blip, Liam comes around.

I read this in one sitting. I even took the kindle to the kitchen to make tea and feed the natives so I didn't have to stop reading!

No idea who is next, or even if there IS a next book. I'll read it, regardless.

The first book in this series is a cross over with another series, and I'd like, at some point, to go back and read those books too. I'll add them to my pile, and maybe get round to them some time in 2025!

I love this series, I really do. They leave me with that warm and fuzzies feeling that lasts for days!

5 warm and fuzzies stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Building Bonds (Kiss of Leather #1)
Building Bonds (Kiss of Leather #1)
Morticia Knight | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
great start to the series.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have a soft spot for male/male romances, and a soft spot for BDSM books. Stick the two together, and you have a sure fire winner!

What I particularly enjoyed about this one, was that Kyle had, up to now, no interest in the BDSM world! His friend, Marshall, recommended him to his previous Master's new business venture, a club. Kyle is a master at BDSM hardwear; crosses, benches and the like but has no interest in using them, he just makes them. He tells himself this often enough, he'll begin to believe it! That is, until he comes face to face with Gavin. Kyle can no longer deny his feelings. Gavin is Sir, Master to his subs. He believes in the full and total submission of his subs. Kyle pushes ALL of Gavin's buttons and then some!

Master Josh, and Master Derek are joint business partners with Gavin, and we get a little, but not much, insight into their lives. I'm hoping that somewhere along the way we will get more of Master Josh and his partner, his sub, David. Master Derek has his story up next.

What I also really liked, and, being honest here, cos you know I gotta say, was this: the relationship moves at SPEED between Master Gavin and Kyle. Ordinarily, I wouldn't like that, more so in a BDSM book, but it felt right and proper for Master Gavin to fall so utterly in love with the shy sweet man that is Kyle.

Laying down of future books happens too, and I can't wait to read them! I have a feeling that all these guys, those we have already met, and those we haven't, are going to fall in love fast and deep and HARD and I cannot wait!

I've read a couple of Ms Knight's books before, I like the way she concentrates more on the emotions involved in BDSM, rather than the actual physical parts.

Great start to the series!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Professional Courtesy
Professional Courtesy
J.V. Speyer | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda cute, for a holiday story!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Eric isn't having to best start to the college year. His mum showed up to live with him, and he's gotta share his office at work with the new guy in the English department. Now his mum wants Eric to immerse himself in all the Christmas traditions that she did as a child. But Eric is not a holiday person, Eric likes order and peace and calm so to appease his mother, and to get to know Mike, he invites Mike to dinner. His mum will be happy, Mike can talk to her in her native German, and Eric will have his peace and calm. So why does it feel like a storm is brewing inside him, one that might break his heart?

Too stinking cute and warm and fuzzies all wrapped up in some 70 odd pages and I rather enjoyed this!

It's very well told, from both Eric and Mike's point of view, and they both have distinctive voices, mostly due to their earlier experiences in life. Eric's life has been handed to him on a platter, but Mike had a difficult childhood. Sending your child across the world because you prefer your drug dealer is bad enough but what happened to Mike as a teenager is truly shocking.

The attraction between Mike and Eric grows steadily and they come together just the once, which is why I gave it the contemporary tag I did but it's a sexy book!

I'm not usually one for the holiday stories but while this one is set around Christmas, it's not shoved in your face on every page! I'm a bit of a Scrooge really!

This is only the second book I've read of Speyer and they've both been on the short side. I'd like to read something longer, something with more bite. She can write a lot into a few pages, so I'm curious what would happen in a longer book.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
River (Stranger In The Woods #2)
River (Stranger In The Woods #2)
India R Adams | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Long bokk but good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author.

This is book 2 in the Stranger in The Woods series, and you really MUST read Rain, book one first. I really enjoyed that one.

This one?? Not so much. Mostly because this book is LONG!!!

Rose had her baby, Rain right at the end of book one. This one is about the run up to River's birth. Ryder is River's father.

It is again written first person, present tense, multi point of view, mostly Rose and Ryder, with some Gunner and a few other, less savoury characters, but it is right that they have a say. And it bothered me more here, than in Rain, the present tense thing, and I've no idea WHY!

There is a huge chunk of the book that was kinda...trippy....for want of a better word. When Rose and Rain are kidnapped by King and are dwelling in another plane, I got lost. There are two or three names for the same body that is inhabited by King. Sometimes his speech is in italics, and sometimes not. I'm still not entirely sure about the past life thing between King and Rose!

There is, I think, a MUCH bigger picture that still isn't clear for these characters, and sometimes that's a good thing but here?? I'm thinking not so much. I have no idea, not a single clue, where this story is going, and I felt that right down to my bones as I was reading. I began to skim far far more than usual, and that is never a good thing.

I did, however, read this book in one single sitting, and it ain't no novella, let me tell ya! Not sure how many pages it is, but it took me 5 hours! So it kept me mostly engaged, except the trippy bit which was confusing to say the least!

So, because I read it in one go, because everyone who needed to has a say, and because I really do need to know where this is going...

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I PURCHASED my ebook copy of this book (July 2017) and I was GIFTED the audio file of this book.

Richard dumped Todd because was too young to be committed to him, but when Todd gets a second chance at happiness, he pulls out all the stops.

This is book three in the Hope series, but you don't need to have read the other two for this to make sense. But they are great reads.

As is this one!

Richard let Todd go, because Todd was still seeing other guys and Rich did not want to share. But he failed to tell Todd that! So when Todd finds out WHY Rich dumped him, he's keen to clear the air and try to get back into Rich's bed and his heart.

And its a beautiful story! It follows a CC track record, with the guys having done their break up, and this story is their make up. Its well written fro both Todd and Rich's point of view. It's sexy in places, and heart breaking in others, especially when we get to just what causes Rich to push Todd away.

I read this a while a go, but was going through a rough parch and didn't get a review written, but given the opportunity to LISTEN to it, I jumped at the chance!

Ezekiel Robison narrates, and he does an amazing job! I think I preferred the audio version to the print version, if I'm totally honest and ya'll know I gotta be honest!!

Robison's voice is smooth, and deep and even and his voices are spot on how I imagined Todd and Rich to sound like. I had no trouble following multi person conversations. He manages to get across what I did not get when I read, what THAT is, exactly, I have no idea, but there was something missing when I read it that was not there when I listened to it, and that can only be put down by the excellent skills of Robison.

4 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
4.5 overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Mr March (Calendar Men #3)
Mr March (Calendar Men #3)
Bailey Bradford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
fabulous sexy read.
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book .

It's only a matter a time, you know, before a book in a series tips you one way or the other. It tips you up to that five star read, or down to three and you really don't want to read any more.

This one?? 5 star read people!

I said in my review for February, that I liked that the shifter element was just sort of there, it wasn't a major part of the story. But here, the shifter part is a MASSIVE part of the story! Go figure, huh!

Jason is Mr March, and they have just finished up shooting on Arturo's land. There is a bit of an overlap between February and March's books. Waking up in someone else's bed, Jason can't remember how he got there, but he CAN remember the vet who looked after his lion form. Casey is a vet at the refuge that Jason's cat is bought to, but there is something bigger going on, and it will take some digging to get to just what.

I loved Jason's sisters, and their teasing of Jason. Loved Jessica too. Jason and Casey have a huge network of support and they need it, especially when they find out what is really going on!

It's not an overly complicated book, nor is it graphic or explicit, but I really LOVED that it wasn't! It's a really great read, and I read this in one sitting, at 1130 at night. Good job I did not have work this morning!

The shoot is now slowly shifting from single nekkid guys for each month, to a couple for each month. Still not sure it will get published, but it's great fun watching it, either way.

I would like to know more about how Perry's dad is, since he was the original photographer. He;s dealing with some heavy stuff and it would be nice to catch up with him, even if it's just a bit more than we get here.

Fabulous, sexy, read

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Hardened Hearts
Hardened Hearts
Theresa Braun | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this collection.

Most of the books I read these days have romance of some description in them. And inevitably, there will be a Happy Ever After.

So, it makes to change to read a collection of books that, while following the romance theme, there ain't no hearts and flowers, there ain't no Happy Ever After either. Because, just as much as falling in love can be the best thing that happens to you, it can also be the worst.

I didn't read all the stories here, about half I read. The ones I did read were very well written, in various ways from first and third person, and in past and present tense. Some about normal everyday people, some paranormal, some scary, and some were just plain weird. There was one book, that I could not read, that is written in the second person, as in YOU. Very odd.

But the one that stuck with me is possibly the shortest one here. Its only maybe 4 pages, but it proper had me bawling my eyes out!

It Breaks My Heart To Watch You Rot, by Somer Canon, 4 pages but 5 full stars!

It tells the story of a woman whose husband (partner, lover, it matters not) has clearly lost his mind but she still visits, still tells him the car is his, that SHE is his. She takes him out, every Saturday, as he used to do himself. And then she gets the call he is gone. No names are mentioned, just he/she and him/her, but it gets the point across.

"Love didn't provide the real happy ending. There is no such thing between two lovers such as them."

If you want something a little (and a LOT) different, this one will be for you. If you are feeling very anti-Valentine's, again, one for you.

Just don't expect Cupid's Bow to be anywhere around.

For the ten books that I read, 4 stars overall, with 5 Stars for the book mentioned.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**