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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Brood (1979) in Movies

Oct 24, 2020  
The Brood (1979)
The Brood (1979)
1979 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Key Cronenberg movie starts off relatively restrained but ends up with a festival of bonkers ickiness. A man in the middle of a custody battle finds people connected to his ex-wife are being murdered by deformed child-like dwarves with weird, non-human anatomies. Can unorthodox psychiatrist Oliver Reed shed light on the situation?

Undeniably a horror movie, but one rich in subtext and metaphor, as well as containing several ew-that's-unbelievably-gross moments. (Students of the director may also wonder just how bad his divorce must have been.) Less Oliver Reed than you might hope for, but a remarkable performance from Samantha Eggar, and a great many memorable and disturbing sequences. Works on all sorts of levels, though some people may struggle to see past the more graphic aspects of the film. Still, this is horror done with brains and style.
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
the depiction of the rich and poor. (2 more)
The depiction of class conflict.
The depiction of social inequality.
overhyped (1 more)
strange and weird.
Just Strange Overall
Parasite- i heard excellent things about it, people rating it 9's and 10's. Calling it "one of the best movies of 2019", calling it "one of the best movies all of time". All of the hype, all of the rewards, all of the critcism, was it deserved well yes and no. Here is the thing the movie was okay. Bong Joon-Ho does a excellent depicking the rich and the poor. Other than that, the movie was hard to follow. Im not the biggest fan of foreign language films cause their are hard to follow. But i do like some foreign language films. One of my favorites is "Pans Labyrinith". "Cronos", "Let The Right One In", "The Orphanage", Juila's Eyes", "The Devil's Backbone" and "Thelma". Are all excellent Foreign langauge films. Its just this one i couldnt get into.

The plot: Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.

Should it got all of these awards, well yes and no. Like i said it does a excellent job depicking the rich from the poor, class conflict, social inequality and wealth disparity. Bong Joon-Ho did a excellent job wih the subject matter. Just for me it was kinda of boring, hard to follow and just strange. I dont if i should of gotten all of those rewards, i mean it was well desvered but their were better movies.

I know other loved this film, just me i didnt. Again this is my opinion. I just want people to know that. Watch it if you want to. Just the hype was overhyped for me.
Hard Target (1993)
Hard Target (1993)
1993 | Action
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Yes it does border on cheesy at times and the acting and one liners from Van-Damme (and mullet) are pretty ropey but this is still definitely one of his better movies. Nobody watches these sort of films for an academy award winning performance, they watch them for the action and being a John Woo film the action scenes are largely very satisfying here ( complete with familiar Woo staples - birds and flappy coats) . I liked the 'Hostel' like plot of rich people hunting the poor and thought Lance Henriksen was on good form as a memorable bad guy. All in all it's a good fun easy bit of action.
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