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Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
Get throough the hard part, the first twenty to thirty minutes for a semi enjoyable movie. (0 more)
The first twenty to thirty minutes is rough and should have been left on the cutting room floor. (0 more)
Three tries and I finally got through it.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was intrigued when the reboot became a reality, however I believe they dropped the ball in advertising and the movie no longer became a priority. I finally had the opportunity to view it and stopped the viewing withing fifteen minutes. I tried again several times later and on the third try today I made it through the entire movie. The secret is getting through the initial boring begining. You want to pay attention to the narration at the begining where Laura Crofts father is narrating, after that feel free to check out for awhile. This generally is used for character development, which they do, kind of, its just not very interesting.

Once Laura sets off following her fathers footsteps looking for this forbidden island its like a new movie. The pace of the movie picks up and we finally get moving towards the plot of the movie. The new acotr playing Laura Croft Alicia Vikander fits the role well, however you will grow tired of her "wimper" whe she is in distress or fighting which I believe "weakens" her character. So go out and give it a try, my Snore Factore raiting is 6/10 for the first 30 minutes and that is adjusted once the movie actually starts to a 3/10.
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
2010 | Drama, Horror
On Halloween Ron and I sat down to watch the premiere of The Walking Dead on AMC. I was quite hopeful when I saw that Frank Darabont the director of Shawshank Redemption was directing The Walking Dead. I was not disappointed. It stayed true to the first volume, Days Gone Bye right down to the scene with Rick Grimes showing mercy to a zombie with no lower torso dragging itself along and the scene with the tank in the city. I was delighted to see that Frank Darabont not only read Robert Kirkman's comic, but that he loved it and wanted to do it right the first time when it was presented on television.
 Kirkman's brilliant writing and character development shined through in this first episode especially with Andrew Lincoln playing the role of Rick Grimes, the father (Lennie James) and son (Adrian Kali Turner) that Rick meets who are in emotional torment due to the father's now zombie wife roams the street in front of the house they're hiding in. You come to care about these characters so much and your heart goes out to them when you see their emotional struggle with a family member, a friend, or a loved one becoming a zombie.
 Two things are certain. Frank Darabont got it exactly right and Ron and I will definitely be watching it and loving every minute of it.
 The Walking Dead is on AMC Sunday nights at 10:00 p.m. and you can watch full episodes on the AMC website.
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Atmosphere (3 more)
Effective Horror Moments
Special Effects
Might be an idea to rewatch the Shining first (0 more)
I was a bit dubious about this sequel to The Shining. I didn't think Kubrick style was really something that could be reproduced. Luckily the film mainly does it's own thing but when it does call back to the original film I felt it did succeed.

I've seen some people complain abouy Rebecca Ferguson being wrong for the role of villain but I have to disagree. She does behave animated and feels less serious in some scenes but this does fit her character. She is powerful being that has lived longer than natural and feels she has little to fear, so it makes sense she would be overly confident and nonchalant.

Overall this film succeeds as a sequel. It gives us answers about what happened to the characters of the first film while having it's own plot and themes that connects to the original without relying on it too much. However some references may go over your head if you've not seen The Shining for a while.

It was a bit jarring to have people playing Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall but they did give it their all.

Doctor Sleep is a horror film that has more than just the usual jump scares. It's atmosphere and sense of foreboding are what truly sold me on it from the very beginning of the film. (I will never look at a shower curtain the same way again.)
Cinderella Man (2005)
Cinderella Man (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cinderella Man is one of those films where I ask myself, "Why in the world has it taken me thirteen years to watch this?" It could be the fact that I've never had a strong love for films based on true stories or that I'm all binged out on boxing movies. Whatever the case may be, I'm glad Movies 365 has brought this film into my life and now into my heart.

There's so much to like about the movie, I'm not even sure where to start. Maybe Paul Giamati giving the performance of his life as trainer Joe Gould? Talk about playing a fabulous role. He's brash and straightforward, yet full of heart. He's not a fighter, but will go toe-to-toe with anyone to protect the people he cares about. Outshining him, however, is a stellar lead performance by legend Russell Crowe playing man of the hour James Braddock. Crowe makes you feel this guy, makes you love him. In one of the early scenes where Braddock gives his entire breakfast to his starving daughter before leaving for a strenuous day of work, you quickly realize that this is a guy you want to get behind and root for.

In the same vein, kudos to Ron Howard for using the source material to flesh out the stakes. The story could have just as easily been about a man trying to get back into boxing, but he made it about a man trying to feed his family and survive. It's painful to watch at times, but necessary. If you're not the least bit inspired after viewing this film, I don't know what will do it for you.

Howard also succeeds with excellent pace management. Seamless cuts between fights keep the action fresh and the viewer engaged. You don't get a whole lot of time to catch your breath. The cinematics are shot in a way that's gritty and real, beyond fitting for the Great Depression era when the film takes place.

Other than me almost going hoarse from screaming at the screen so much, I can't find many flaws with the film (hiccups, nothing major). I challenge you not to love this film about an aging boxer that just wants to keep his family alive. I give Cinderella Man a 95.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross
9.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
If you are a fan of the anime or manga, then you will enjoy the episodic nature of this turn based role playing game.

The game follows the events that we have seen unfold within the anime.
It does this by interspersing amazing cinematic cutscenes, with turn based battles, and some written/'speech' cutscenes (with character animations).

The gameplay is simple, you get to select 3 characters, and 1 reserve.
During the battle you are allowed to select 3 different actions (if you have 3 heroes standing) in each round, you can buff/debuff, heal, remove ailments, or select one of many types of attacks.
The amount of enemies per level differs, but you will usually remove 3 enemies, and then the boss will appear, sometimes accompanied by a few more mobs.

As you move through the story you will have some characters added to your 'Heroes' tab. However, there are many events that allow you to draw tickets in hopes of receiving more.
There is the usual in-app purchases, this comes in the form of gems, and you can use these to purchase characters, weapons, and some other items.
You can also earn gems through other methods, and I have been content enough with the amount I have been able to obtain.

There are so many different ways to enjoy this game, as there are so many things that you can improve with regards to your characters.
I feel like there is something for everyone in this game, as there is a PVP element, and you can also join 'Knighthoods', so that you can work with others to attack bigger bosses (a bit like raids).

I recently enjoyed the crossover event with Attack on Titan, and in a limited time (due to my being unable to play) managed to unlock one of the characters.
This isn't the only other anime crossover that they have done, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

I have been playing this for a long time now, and am still enjoying it, and have a long way to go to complete the story.
If you are a fan of The Seven Deadly Sins then I highly recommend this game, as it is really immersive, and is like living through the anime/manga yourself.
President Under Siege (2016)
President Under Siege (2016)
2016 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Michael is the Prime Minister of Belgium, he is about the close one of the biggest deals of his career with a meeting with the President of United States of America, but he must show his levels of commitment to his cause and his family, when he gets blackmailed into killer the President. We get from this character a man that is pushed to his limits to do the right thing and protect his family. Christine is Michael’s wife, captured and forced to wait for her husband to complete his tasks while caring for their children. Eva is the assistant that has a secret with Michael and forced into playing into the games that are being played.

Performances – Koen De Bouw is great in this leading role, we see his desperation to keep his family safe and the turmoil he is feel inside about which decision to make. Tine Reymer is good as the wife which is shown to be strong for the children. Charlotte makes for a good supporting character too. The performances from the whole cast are good because they all play their part in the puzzle.

Story – The story follows the idea that a person in power is blackmailed into committing a crime which will ruin their career, life and legacy. We see how he tries to figure out a way to allude the enemies, while playing along with the game. As for twists and turns we are kept on edge wait to see where thing could go next, this is a highlight of the film and like all time-based movies, this story works for everything we are seeing.

Thriller – This movie does keep us on the edge of our seats from start to finish, we are left to see just how everything will unfold.

Settings – We do get multiple settings for this movie, this shows the life of the Prime Minister when it comes to having guests from America over for big announcements.

Scene of the Movie – Alone with the President.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Strange decisions being made by the Presidents staff.

Final Thoughts – This is an interesting thriller that does keep us guessing, it shows how politicians can be pushed to limits, even the good ones and throws up a story which would leave us wondering if it could happen in real life.


Overall: Thriller that truly does keep us guessing.
Isabelle (2018)
Isabelle (2018)
2018 | Thriller
Characters – Michael is the Prime Minister of Belgium, he is about the close one of the biggest deals of his career with a meeting with the President of United States of America, but he must show his levels of commitment to his cause and his family, when he gets blackmailed into killer the President. We get from this character a man that is pushed to his limits to do the right thing and protect his family. Christine is Michael’s wife, captured and forced to wait for her husband to complete his tasks while caring for their children. Eva is the assistant that has a secret with Michael and forced into playing into the games that are being played.

Performances – Koen De Bouw is great in this leading role, we see his desperation to keep his family safe and the turmoil he is feel inside about which decision to make. Tine Reymer is good as the wife which is shown to be strong for the children. Charlotte makes for a good supporting character too. The performances from the whole cast are good because they all play their part in the puzzle.

Story – The story follows the idea that a person in power is blackmailed into committing a crime which will ruin their career, life and legacy. We see how he tries to figure out a way to allude the enemies, while playing along with the game. As for twists and turns we are kept on edge wait to see where thing could go next, this is a highlight of the film and like all time-based movies, this story works for everything we are seeing.

Thriller – This movie does keep us on the edge of our seats from start to finish, we are left to see just how everything will unfold.

Settings – We do get multiple settings for this movie, this shows the life of the Prime Minister when it comes to having guests from America over for big announcements.

Scene of the Movie – Alone with the President.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Strange decisions being made by the Presidents staff.

Final Thoughts – This is an interesting thriller that does keep us guessing, it shows how politicians can be pushed to limits, even the good ones and throws up a story which would leave us wondering if it could happen in real life.


Overall: Thriller that truly does keep us guessing.
Never Grow Old (2019)
Never Grow Old (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Under-the-Radar Good
Set in the 1800’s, when a band of unsavory men muscle their way into a small town, the town’s undertaker has to face the moral decision of reaping the benefits of their destruction or keeping his family and the town safe. It’s a lot harder of a decision than you might think which is part of the reason why I think this movie works so well. I thought I could easily decide one way or another, but by the end of it, I wasn’t so sure.

Acting: 10
I applaud Emile Hirsch for constantly taking on unique roles and stepping outside of comfort zones. In Never Grow Old, he is Pat the Irish undertaker. The role is original in and of itself, but he manages to take it and really make it his own. As Pat, he gives you that “Every Man” feel giving the sense that you would do the same types of things if put in his situation. You can feel his fear in knowing he may have to do some things he doesn’t want to do to protect his family.

Shout-out to John Cusack playing bounty hunter Dutch. He does an outstanding job of really making you hate his guts. By the end of it, you’re ready to seem him get taken out. I respected his performance because it never felt overdone or unbelievable like some actors struggle with when taking on an antagonist role. Think Thanos with a six-shooter.

Beginning: 9

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 7

Genre: 9
This film ranks up there in terms of Westerns if nothing else but for its originality. The genre is oversaturated with revenge tales, robberies, and the peacekeeping law. This takes you in an entirely different direction. It’s filled with action, grit, but, more importantly, thought.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 6

Plot: 10

Resolution: 7
Not the ending I was hoping for, but I understand why this directional path was chosen. it was almost unavoidable. I didn’t love it, but I definitely respect it.

Overall: 86
Never Grow Old is one of those hidden gem movies you will be wanting to tell your friends to go see. If you like Westerns, hell even if you don’t, this one is extremely enjoyable and memorable. One of my favorite under-the-radar movies.
2002 | American West, Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Fighting
“I’m gonna bang you.” Taken out of context, one might be slapped for saying such things. While playing a rousing game of BANG! The Dice Game, it’s only too common. To “bang” someone (in this game) is to shoot them. With a gun. While Purple Phoenix Games does not condone violence or murder, you gotta admit that banging your friends with no risk of bodily harm is definitely exciting!

Okay, so at its Wild West heart, BANG! The Dice Game is just that: a dice game. Have you played Yahtzee! before? Or anything with the Yahtzee! mechanic? You know, you throw some dice, save one or more for scoring, and can re-roll up to twice more to try to get the desired result? Well now you know how to play BANG! The Dice Game – mostly.

What makes this different and more exciting than Yahtzee! is that everyone will have a special identity which affords them a special player power. It could be re-rolling a specific die face again, or minimizing damage from an attack. Add to that the fact that everyone is also dealt a role card to determine their team affiliation – Sheriff and Deputy, Outlaws, or the Renegade. The Sheriff wins if the bad guys are eliminated, the Deputy wins if the Sheriff survives, the Outlaws win if the Sheriff is eliminated, and the Renegade wins if they are the last one standing.

Now, I didn’t mention that there are “Indians” who could possibly shoot arrows at the players because it’s not politically correct, but this is set in the Old West, and that’s unfortunately what they called Native Americans, and that’s the terminology that is used in the game.

This game boasts a play experience that is fast, engaging on every turn (even the other players’), easy to learn, and just plain hilarious fun. Yes, you could be eliminated in a game, but games typically last like 15-20 minutes, so you don’t have to wait long to get back in the fight.

With easy, fast, and fun gameplay, an interesting theme to role play, and great components, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a rootin’ tootin’ 13 / 18 (Josh hasn’t played it yet).
The Night Hawk
The Night Hawk
Elly Griffiths | 2021 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating and atmospheric mystery featuring archaeologist Ruth Galloway
In the 13th entry in the Ruth Galloway series, we find Ruth and her daughter Kate back in Norfolk. Ruth is now head of the department at the university, dealing with the perils of being in charge. This includes handling David Brown, her replacement as lecturer, who always seems to be in Ruth's business. As for Nelson, his boss Jo wants him to retire--something Nelson is firmly against. Instead, Nelson and team find a body washed up on shore, as well as a skeleton that Ruth believes may date to the Bronze Age. Thrown together again, Nelson and Ruth find themselves investigating a series of murders--all of which relate to a group of local metal detectorists, who keep finding the bodies, and the myth of the Black Shuck, a black dog who forewarns of death.

I love all of the Ruth books, but oh, this one was a particular favorite. It's creepy with the references to the Black Shuck filling you with an ominous sort of fear. There's the usual atmospheric feeling from a Ruth book, especially with Ruth returning to her beloved Norfolk--with the marshes, the sea, and the tides playing their own role in the story.

Griffiths writes with her typical charm and wit where you feel like you know Ruth, Nelson, and the whole gang. Clough shows up and Cathbad, our lovable druid and partner to Judy, Nelson's faithful DI, has a strong role. Everyone seems like an old friend at this point. The book is filled with Nelson and Ruth banter and plenty of tension between the two; it was excellent!

The mystery in this one is superb, as the bodies pile up and Nelson tries to figure out how the Night Hawks relate to his case, and why David Brown seems to follow Ruth everywhere. It kept me guessing, which is something I always appreciate! The Black Shuck myth adds a creepy element on top as well.

Overall, this is a lovely book with an captivating mystery and wonderful characters who are beloved. I'll be so sad when this series ends, but I'm loving it right now. This book will stand alone, but you'll fully appreciate the Ruth and Nelson nuances/dynamic if you read them all. 4.5 stars.