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Survaine (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #6)
Survaine (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #6)
Sarah Westill | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SURVAINE is the sixth book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series and we finally get Ramsey's story! Oh boy, but I've been waiting for this one. She is smart and sassy, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Due to her circumstances, she has been protected by her brother as much as he can. But unknown to Jonathan, she met Caiden one night when things were bad. A connection formed and he returned to her when she needed him most, even if she wasn't aware of it!

I love this series. Honestly, each book is great in its own way. This one - it was Ramsey and Caiden that were the stars for me. I mean, obviously, it should be; it's their book. It doesn't always work that way though. I loved how Ramsey was uncomfortable and even a little whiny as she dealt with things she'd never had to do before.

It was also good to catch up with others from this series - Sean and Katria plus Jonathan and Sylphine - to see what's going on with them. Others are mentioned as this story moves the story arc along in a big way, which although needed is one of the reasons I felt a little disconnected from Ramsey and Caiden. Take them as separate characters and they are both outstanding. Both of them are strong but not infallible. They draw strength from each other and have an attraction to top the charts - BUT - I felt as though something was missing.

After thinking it over, I've come to the conclusion that it's because this is such an action-packed book. And I know it's necessary and helped move it along, but they never got any downtime. When we're with them, it's either action or wannabe sexy times. There was little in the way of just 'them.' And I missed that as, in the bits we did get, Caiden was so caring and attentive, with Ramsey being so strong and cheeky, I wanted more.

All in all, this was a fantastic read and a wonderful addition to the series. I can't wait to read Deklan's story and I'm really hoping Ryan and Delanee get one too! Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 13, 2023
The Lawyer's Lawyer (Jack Tobin, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You know what makes certain books fantastic? Character development. That was the strongest point of The Lawyer’s Lawyer; the characters were wonderful.

Jack, the protagonist, was clever and intelligent and innovative and full of emotion (and hilarious when drunk). He was the kind of person I’d want to hang around… and for that matter, so were his friends. They left you with the feeling of belonging, of security. And by the end of the book, you’re thanking your lucky stars Jack had those friends, because they saved his rear end!

Danny was awesome. For the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free, I’ll just say this: The best people are the ones who do everything in love—whether those things are good or bad is up for you to decide.

And the bad guys! Sometimes the bad guys are the best! This was definitely the case in this book. One of the characters, Sam (the police chief), started off as this guy who was a little annoying. But as the story went on, I began to like him less and less, and finally at the end, I despised him. And the lawyer who represented the State in the case? Man that guy was a twit. I hated his guts. I wanted to slap him across the face.

The other exceptional attribute of this book was the narrator for the audiobook. He is incredibly talented, giving unique and identifiable voices to each character that totally described their person in a few sounds. I’m adding Rick Zieff to my list of narrators to look for in the future!

There were a few parts I would have liked to see improved: namely the beginning of the story, a chapter in the middle, and the very last scene. In the beginning, we are met with character development and background information, which is all fine… but there’s this one random case that Jack works that has nothing to do with the main plot. I kept waiting for it to come back into the main story, but it never did, and it felt out of place.

Then there was the scene in the middle, and the other part, the ending. These scenes were just borderline sappy. Danny and Jack are in love and they date and have hot sex and get all wishy-washy and twitterpated. And I’ll be the first to admit that I thoroughly enjoy being twitterpated, especially with sexy fictional characters. But I’m going to be brutally honest here… James Sheehan, you are a thriller writer… NOT a romance writer. And there’s a good reason for that: Because you suck at romance.

All in all, I absolutely loved The Lawyer’s Lawyer, and look forward to more from Sheehan.

Content/Recommendation: Some language, mild violence, mention of sex. Ages 17+
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
fantastic start to a new series
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

We met Tate and Clay properly in their book, Feat of Clay, in the Men of London series. This is the first in their own spin off series. It would probably help for you to read that book before this one. It will give you a better understanding of what both Tate and Clay went through before this book. That book for me is a brilliant 5 star read.

As is this one!

Granted, this is a much lighter read, with some very funny laugh out loud moments, particularly between Tate and the club owner, Relio. The fact that he is Clay's ex brings out the green eyed monster in Tate and he knows it, but he can't help himself!

The dead customer of Relio's club is why he called Clay, along with Tate, to partake of their investigations business. Clearly, the people involved were hiding something, they just need to figure out what.

Enter, if you will, Fetish Alley. Relio's club is at the end of the alley that caters to all things fetish. Some you'll have heard of, some not. A collection of shops selling all manner of naughty things await those who enter. But there is still a possible murder to solve, and Tate and Clay need to get to the bottom of it.

I loved the little one or two liners at the beginning of each chapter, which look like text messages between Tate and Clay. They proper made me chuckle! Loved the "old man" digs that Clay gets since he turns 40 during the course of the book. LOVED the pop up by Draven, Jax and Dare from the other books in the Men of London series.

And I absolutely need more of Tomas and Relio! I've no idea what happened between them here, but clearly SOMETHING did. And THEIR book (please let them have their own book, PLEASE!) is gonna be fun!

Considering where the book is set around, I didn't find it as explicit as some of Ms Mac Nicol's book but it IS sexy and hot. The fact that Tate and Clay are a well established couple makes a huge difference. Yes, there are sex scenes, but mostly you got shut down at the good bits! Loved that though!

A fantastic new series, I look forward to following what happens next, both in the Alley, the club and with Tate and Clay.

5 stars, that are still speckled with paint!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Winter Mystery
The Winter Mystery
Faith Martin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great & Humorous Cozy Mystery
Over recent months I've become a great fan of cozy mysteries so, when I saw this second book in the series featuring Jenny Starling being launched, I knew I had to read "The Winter Mystery." Also, it has a culinary theme which I love and a little light humour. The first book ‘The Birthday Mystery’ was so good, I knew it was likely that Faith Martin had written a winner with this book, too, and I was right!

Best-seller author Faith Martin has also written the ‘Detective Hillary Greene’ mysteries.

First, we are introduced to Jenny Starling who is spending Christmas in a snowed-in country house cooking all the traditional food she loves, however, the family she’s working for are not full of the seasonal spirit. On Christmas Eve, someone is found dead on the kitchen table and the head of the family is blaming Jenny! But with an incompetent detective called in, and seemingly no motive for the murder, Jenny will have to turn amateur sleuth again. She will stop at nothing to clear her name and find the perpetrator.

Faith Martin’s writing skills set the scene beautifully for this novel. The house is a large, charming, Cotswold-stone, Georgian farmhouse in rural Oxford, complete with stables, outhouses, a cobbled courtyard and a resident sheepdog.

Faith Martin’s character development is wonderful, particularly that of Jenny who is an impressive woman and in her late twenties. Curvaceous and sexy, she’s a modern single woman, living and loving life as a travelling cook. She is happy travelling the country catering for different events and cooking great food. She doesn’t like having to divert her attention from baking delicious cakes or creating a new sauce recipe by having to solve murders. She is great at reading people and unmasking killers, always with a good dose of humour.

There are many suspects in this mystery, with clues and lots of red herrings to keep the reader guessing. It was a thoroughly satisfying read and I often found myself asking the same questions as Jenny and I was kept in suspense to the end. The pacing in "The Winter Mystery" was very good and I never lost interest, as it wasn't long before something intriguing would happen. Things came together for a fulfilling finish and wrapped everything up very neatly.

I'm definitely looking forward to the next novel featuring Jenny Starling and other books by the author, Faith Martin. "The Winter Mystery" whets your appetite for more to come.

My thanks to #NetGalley, Joffe Books and the author for providing me with a free advanced copy of #TheWinterMystery.
Tales of Bryant
Tales of Bryant
V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so bllody sweet, but so SO good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos let me tell ya! This book landed on my kindle at silly o’clock on a Monday morning. I did not have to be at work for a couple of hours, so I jumped into read a few pages before I must move. And boom! Book finished before 930!

I loved this book! Bar one thing, but I will come back to that.

This is actually billed as four shorts, across the four seasons around Bryant Park in New York. It is, though, the story of a relationship that starts in Byrant Park, between Isamu and Brian, which spans the year.

And it is so bloody sweet! I mean, any sweeter, and it would be pure sugar!

Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s steamy, and sexy. It’s emotional and dreamy. It made me choke up in places and laugh in others. But my underlying feeling (ya’ll know I’m ALL about the book feelings!) was that this book was SWEET.

And I LOVED it!

Isamu is young, a student of film, delivering sweet treats to the park. Brian is an executive (not really clear of what, but hey, who cares!) He’s been oogling Isamu for months, and the feeling is entirely mutual. Isamu makes sure to be the one to deliver Brian’s treats to the park, just to get his own sweet fix. When Brian eventually plucks up courage to ask Isamu on a date, he jumps at the chance. The rest, they say, is history. Until that is, Brian says something that makes Isamu run.

My only niggle, the thing that stopped it getting the full 5 stars? Only Isamu has a say. And I really NEEDED Brian to have a voice! Isamu makes Brian think, challenge his own rules, makes him WANT to have that relationship he swore off so long ago, and I needed to hear him say WHY Isamu does these things. And he doesn’t. I’m all for saying if a single point of view book carries the full 5 stars, but here, I really needed Brian and I don’t get him.

Isamu though, is lovely! A sweet young man, trying to find his muse for his final assessment, his camera going everywhere with him. And I do mean EVERYWHERE! Loved that Brian was not at all phased by the camera in his face a huge amount of the time!

This author is fast becoming a favourite of mine, and I look forward to reading more!

4 very sweet, but very good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Animal Attraction (San Francisco Dragons #2)
Animal Attraction (San Francisco Dragons #2)
Kate Willoughby | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Sport & Leisure
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a Nice easy read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

6 months ago, Maggie’s dog, Kirby, goes missing. Her friend Jade finds him, and Maggie goes to the door of hockey player Spencer to get him back. But Kirby is looking after Spencer’s elderly dog, Lulu, who has perked up since Spencer found Kirby by the side of the road and he doesn’t want Lulu to go yet. Sharing the dog for the short term seemed the best idea. But as they get closer, secrets threaten to drive them apart.

If you follow my reviews, you’ll know I have a particular dislike of the N word for a book, but sometimes, that bloody word gets stuck in my throat and I cannot shift it, no matter what.

So, this was a NICE book. A good nice, easy read, that wiled away a few hours this morning before work.

Maggie finds herself in deep quick with Spencer, and vice versa but Maggie can’t give Spencer what he wants and when his ex turns up with news, she walks away. Spencer doesn’t want the ex though, and he must find a way to get Maggie back.

It’s well written, with both Maggie and Spencer having a say in the third person. Both voices are clear, concise and consistent through the book, although Spencer I found a little jumpy in his narrative. He seemed to flit about a bit, not really paying much attention to Maggie, until she wasn’t there!

It's not especially high on the heat level, or maybe I just read books with a MUCH higher level, but I didn’t mind it here. I do prefer my books high up that scale, in general, but I felt the level that this book gets to was hot enough for Maggie and Spencer. It IS sexy, though, don’t get me wrong! Just not super hot.

There isn’t any real drama, but there is a good deal of emotions involved, especially on Maggie’s part. Dealing what she did all those years ago must have been devastating and to not have told her best friend all of it? Too painful to think about.

I got what the ex was doing, very quickly! But again, Spencer couldn’t see that!

This is book 2 in the San Francisco Dragons series, and I have not read book one. I didn’t feel I was missing anything by not reading it, but from reading the blurb, the main character does pop up here, as a member of Spencer’s team. Some interesting characters on this team, too, and I would like to catch up with them all as they fall and fall hard.

First I’ve read by Ms Willoughby, I’d like to read more.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Behind the Iron Cross
Behind the Iron Cross
Nicola M. Cameron | 2018 | History & Politics, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A sensual heiress, a wounded playboy and the soldier who will serve them both.

Oh I liked this one, I liked it a LOT!!!

Meet Kat, a wealthy business woman trying to help expand her company and repair a very damaged Germany after WW1. Meet Sam, Kat's best friend, fiancee, and her dead brother's lover. And Friedrich, a decommissioned soldier forced to sell his body to keep his widowed sister-in-law and her baby fed.

Like I said, liked it A LOT!

The scene is set with Friedrich going to the club Kat and Sam frequent for the first time. There is am immediate connection between the three, and it burns bright through the whole book. I didn't find it as explicit as some BDSM or menage books, but that might be just me. It IS sexy, oh yes, don't think that it isn't, and what is here is very well written. Maybe it's because a lot of words used were from that time, and not today's words for things. I didn't mind that I didn't find it as explicit, I just needed to mention it!

I LOVED how it all worked though! Kat is a Dom; Sam, a confirmed homosexual (but he can be with women, should he and Kat actually get married and need to produce an heir!) and Friedrich is the glue that binds all three of them together. Kat shows him all kinds of things that he didn't even know existed and Sam shows him just how good it is to be with a man.

I liked the business espionage line, wasn't sure how that was gonna go and I do so love being kept on my toes!

And I absolutely LOVED the solution that Sam comes up with to get Friedrich, Elise and Rudi out of Germany; to give Kat a husband; to give Sam a wife AND heir and for the three of them to be together back in the States. I was reading when Sam was talking and I'm thinking "What the bloody hell is he going on about?" And then, ping! Light bulb moment just a fraction of a sentence before Sam laid it out! Loved it!

First I've read of this author, unless there is something tucked away in a bo x set I might have read. I'd like to read more!

You know what?? I wrote 4.5 stars at the top pf the page when I sat down to write this up, but now? I can't think why I did that, or what to take the half star off for, so . . . .

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Birthday Mystery
The Birthday Mystery
Faith Martin | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong characters (2 more)
Good mystery
Great for food-lovers
None (0 more)
Great Whodunit!
Over recent months I've become a great fan of cozy mysteries so, when I saw a new series featuring Jenny Starling being launched, I knew I had to read "The Birthday Mystery." Also, it has a culinary theme which I love and a little light humour.

First, we are introduced to Jenny who is catering for the twenty-first birthday party of upper-class twins, Alicia and Justin. In her late twenties, Jenny is an impressive woman. Curvaceous and sexy, she’s a modern single woman, living the lifestyle that suits her – that of a travelling cook. Her famous father is a ‘celebrity’ cook, divorced from Jenny’s mother. Jenny is happy travelling the country catering for events and cooking great food. She is on a mission to bring back traditional home cooked food and to offer new and exciting recipes made with fresh ingredients. She arrives at the twins family country house located in a picturesque and charming village and is immediately met by the police. A young man has drowned in the pond. Was it an accident or murder?

The birthday party goes ahead and then, just after midnight, everyone gathers for a champagne toast . . . and one of the guests falls down dead. The police are baffled and there is a whole party full of suspects.

Jenny finds crime very distracting, especially when there is chocolate to temper or pike to poach. She is very observant, with an agile mind and an amazing ability to interpret clues and hidden meanings. Her wit and sense of humour help her sanity when all around her, people are dropping like flies. When it comes to someone possibly adding the extra ingredient of poison to her own precious recipes, Jenny isn't going to take it lying down. She has a reputation to protect.

Jenny Starling won't stop until the murderer is found.

There are many suspects in this mystery, clues a-plenty and red herrings all the way through this book. It was a thoroughly satisfying read and I often found myself asking the same questions as Jenny and I was kept in suspense to the end. The pacing in "The Birthday Mystery" was very good and I never lost interest, as it wasn't long before something intriguing would happen. Things came together for a great finish and wrapped everything up very neatly.

I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next novel featuring Jenny Starling very soon and other books by the author, Faith Martin. "The Birthday Mystery" whets your appetite for more to come.

My thanks to NetGalley, Joffe Books and the author for providing me with an advanced copy of this novel.