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A Spider in the Garden
A Spider in the Garden
Courtney Davis | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this, very different!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

It's quite hard, I think, to come up with new stuff these days but I'm so bloody glad there are writers who can! Cos I loved this book!

Aranha is a spider shifter, the last of her kind. Dag is a daywalker, a vampire who walks in the light, but also, his kind are dwindling. Neither should have crossed paths with each other, but they do, and there follows some interesting revelations about their history, and their future. And the battle to save a human girl from the vampire's clutches.

Aranha has lived alone for 200 years, and suddenly she has to look after someone. I loved how she just took Jonah in, knowing what he is and how it will affect her. I'm not going into details, but they should NOT have been together!

I loved that Dag, when he meets Jonah, is taken aback by him being with Aranha, but knows they come together and so accepts too.

I LOVED the history behind the webmakers and the daywalkers and how that all came about and how it all went wrong so long ago! The animosity between the daywalkers and the vampires was unexpected, but explained away perfectly. Again, not spoiling it by explaining!

I loved how it all came together, all the history, all Aranha's heritage, and Dag's brothers.

It's got some violence, but vampires trying to take over the world ain't ever gonna be a picnic. It's smexy, in places, but not ever so explicit. It's all at a level fitting for this book.

It's wonderfully told from both Dag and Aranha point of view. I would have liked to hear from Jonah, and maybe Evelyn but that's just me being greedy!

The only thing, the thing that is bugging me the most?? I want more. I want more of this world, and these people in it. I want to hear from them 6 months, 6 years, hell 600 years down the line. I want to know, if what they decided to do here works. I want to know, if Dag and Aranha are truly happy. If Jonah and Evelyn make it work. Even if Aranha's father gets a happy ever after!

Given that this only the author's second book, I can't wait to read more.

A fabulous, different 5 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Fate in Suspension (Horn & Haven #1)
Fate in Suspension (Horn & Haven #1)
Archer Kay Leah | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved that Shifting was a back drop!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this, a lot. It's a very different sort of shifter book and that its unicorns made it all the more special.

I can't stretch to 5 stars for a couple of reasons.

Its a LONG book, some 500+ pages. It does, however, even with all those pages, NOT say a lot!

I still have no idea what being an AGENT means, what that roll entails. Gates doesn't seem to like being an Agent much! Clearly it has some negative connotations, but those are explained when Tai tells gates about his experience with other Agents.

Something happened in Gates' work world, then there was the destruction of the Haven and I wasn't sure, STILL am not sure, whether these two events were one and the same! The implication, or at least I got an implication, that they were, but that point was never fully made clear.

I will always say, I don't like the massive info dumps you get when entering a new world. I like little and often. However, here? You are thrown in headfirst into the deep end, and it takes a time to be able to swim to the surface, and breathe!

It says at the back of the book that this is a spin off from another series by this author. One I have NOT read. I wonder it reading those would have given me a bit of a life raft before reading this one.

What I did like, nay, what I LOVED was the chemistry between Gates and Tai. It jumps off the page at every turn, and burns hot and bright right through the book. It's clear, right from the start, for both men, that this was something different to what had gone before. There was an air about it that scared them both, and it was great watching them battle with themselves, to work it all out.

AND!! I loved that shifting, turning, takes a massive back drop to this book, rather than being front and centre. Both men do turn at some point, but Gates only twice and Tai just the once.

So, I liked it, but found it a bit too long.

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
    Audulus 3

    Audulus 3


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    With Audulus, you can build synthesizers, design new sounds, or process audio. All with low latency...

    KORG iMS-20

    KORG iMS-20

    Music and Entertainment

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    iMS-20 is an analog synth studio; a complete recreation of the Korg MS-20 synth, an analog...

Fire in His Blood (Fireblood Dragon, #1)
Fire in His Blood (Fireblood Dragon, #1)
Ruby Dixon | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo download_zps1ob3gct7.png"/></a>
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo main-qimg-000ce57ec94f1c824cbfdea778662c28_zpsjcd12ec1.png"/></a>

&#x1f31f;&#x1f31f;&#x1f31f;1/2 STARS
"Fire in the blood" was a surprisingly delightful read.
I have previously read Some of Ruby Dixon's Ice Planet Barbarian series and loved them.
This, in my opinion, was on an equal par with them and I do Love a sexy dragon shifter so I was on to a winner straight from the get-go.
This story is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian future, where a few years previously rifts opened up in the sky and through these tear's came the dragons.
laying waste and destroying cities, Humanity is in hiding and the worlds gone to pot, everyone's only out for themselves.
Enter our gal Claudia, after being caught scavenging and thrown into a cell she earns an awful fate.
To be used as dragon bait, to see if she can tame a dragon.
Convinced she is going to be Scooby snack Claudia is astounded when the gold dragon flashes into a human, well almost human looking, he has claws and fangs and a kind of dappled skin and horn-like protrusions on his head.
With an inability to communicate there at a disadvantage.
The dragon "Kael" is his name recognises Claudia as his mate.
And she seems to help hold the madness at bay for him, the madness all dragons are afflicted with since they were pulled through the rift.
Claudia and Kael start a comical but sweet courtship, where he brings her dead goats and spit roasts her meals, he even offers to eat her enemies sweet ay?
Kaels just desperate for his Claudia to give him a chance.
But she still can't get her friend and sister Amy out of her head, needing to do something to rescue them from there life at the fort.
I found myself smiling a lot through this as these two found their way.
It was lovely just to read some uncomplicated fun romance.
was their slight repetitions and an annoying whiny heroine here, Oh Yes!! but honestly, that didn't really bother me as Buff Hunky Kael with the dragon heart of gold certainly made up for it.
He was a sexy Sweetheart even in his dragon form, he adored his Claudia and was prepared to do anything to assure her happiness.
Thankfully Claudia got less annoying as the story progressed and by the end I actually quite liked her.
so if you're looking for a lighthearted read with some sexy shifting and a dragon the size of a bus give this a go, it really was an enjoyable read and a great start to a new series.
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo download_zps84df25is.jpg"/></a>

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Forged Futures (Tribal Spirits #4)
Forged Futures (Tribal Spirits #4)
Katherine McIntyre | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the four!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book four in the Tribal Spirits series, and I would STRONGLY recommend you read books one through three first. There is an ongoing story arc that rears its ugly head again, and you need to know the devastation this has caused before now.

Lana’s husband was killed by the Landsliders last year, and she is existing. She isn’t surviving, or living, just existing. When those Landsliders come after Lana, Lucas, of the East Coast Tribe, is back in town to find out why. To get the shaman who has been at the right hand of the man who betrayed The Tribe. Having to stay in Lana’s house though, wasn’t in the plan but the tiger within Lucas demands he stay, to keep her safe. When they realise the Landsliders are looking for a device that Lana’s dead husband stole from them, the Red River and Silver Springs packs prepare for all-out war on the Landsliders. But what about after? Lucas will leave and Lana will be left alone again. Won’t they?

Like I said, book 4 in the series, and I think, maybe my favourite of the four so far. Can’t tell you why, though, but that’s my feeling and ya’ll know I’m ALL about the book feelings!

Lana is just about getting by. As a cat, she needs that physical connection and since her husband’s death, she gets it only from her friend, Ally. Which, while lovely, it doesn’t quite help, you know? Lana’s attraction to Lucas was as unexpected as it was unwanted. Lana feels guilty for cheating on her husband, even though he is gone. Once Gavin’s friends are made to see how much she needs this with Lucas, she jumps all in.

As Tribe, Lucas moves around, having only his family home as a base. Staying with Lana makes him see what he has been missing. Coming home to someone who gets him, on a deep level that no one, not even his Tribe mates, do. Lana SEES Lucas, she really does.

But what I particularly loved about this one, what made it stand out, was there was none of that MINE thing that usually comes with shifter mates. There was attraction, and feelings and emotions, yes, and these grew over time, but that immediate MINE moment? Nothing, not until they were fully mated, and it was a kind of “OH!” moment for Lana and Lucas and I really loved that. While they were taking comfort in each other, the mating bonds formed and neither realised til that moment. Loved that!

There are many secrets that come out here, and poor Lana bears the brunt of them.

Sierra and Dax; Jer and Raven play a huge part here, but Finn and Navi are only mentioned.

With one half of the head of the Landsliders now disposed of, lets hope in the next book they can get rid of them entirely. And I believe that Drew, the Landslider who turned against them, gets his story next. The bad boy does turn good here, fighting for the packs and there are some mahoosive clues (unless I’m totally dense and misread them totally wrong!) as to who might be Drew’s mate. I hope I did not read them wrong, cos the cat in question clearly has feelings for Drew and vice versa, and they are no clearer then when they are “stuck” So, please let it be her!

5 full and shiny stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**