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Tom and Jerry (2021)
Tom and Jerry (2021)
2021 | Animation, Family
Tom and jerry (1 more)
Chloe grace morertz
Not enough Ken jeong (0 more)
My first cinema review in 7 months glad to be back okay not my first choice due to the film I was meant to see having technical issues but never mind there's always tomorrow
On to the movie itself people of certain age would remember watching old tom and Jerry cartoons including me and I used to love them as child always cheering on Jerry mouse trying to escape tom the cat and always exceeding.
So watching the movie brought memories of those Saturday mornings the humor the slapstick the pain on Tom's face as he's hit by some object or being chased by spike the bulldog all there. And there's the human acting not so great saving grace for me is chloe grace moretz who steals the show for me but there wasn't enough Ken jeong for me just needed a bit more then I would have been happy. Overall glad to be back In my local cineworld again
Journey To The West: Conquering the Demons (2014)
Journey To The West: Conquering the Demons (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, International
Transcendent. A purified gonzo spectacle with enough madcap panache to measure on the Richter scale. Stephen Chow really is the *fucking* man, like if Ang Lee in the early aughts did enough acid to choke out a small village. Like all of Chow's work, it's got it all: riveting emotion, uproarious comedy, zany action, stellar production, and less than zero visible self consciousness to speak on. Exactly what these movies oughta be - plays with space like a champ and stages itself like an old school cult classic with a heavy emphasis on rubberlike physicality and Rube Goldberg-esque setpieces brought lovingly into the modern era, then injected with numerous hallucinogens. A gigantic Buddha bitch slaps the entire planet in this (literally). Have some issues with underwriting in its core relationship, and a bit too loose of pacing near the end; but it whips itself into shape enough to hardly notice too much. Balances silly with serious really formidably. The tectonic, slapstick partner piece to the blood-gushing, limb-loathing ๐˜•๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ซ๐˜ข ๐˜ˆ๐˜ด๐˜ด๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ฏ.
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016)
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Better than I thought! (0 more)
An Unnecessarily Good Time
When the trailers for the first Bad Neighbours movie were released, I really wanted to see it as Iโ€™m a big fan of Seth Rogen comedies, but when it was released I was really underwhelmed. Then I heard they were making a sequel and while Iโ€™m sure that the first movie made money I just thought that a sequel to Neighbours was totally unneeded. I love it when Iโ€™m wrong. Bad Neighbours 2 is a million times better than the first movie and it is also a lot better than the trailers show it to be. The trailers make it out to be a silly slapstick dick joke movie, but some of the comedy is actually really original and more subtly hidden in the dialogue in the script. The slapstick humour is kept to a minimum and the comedic timing from the whole cast is spot on. To be honest going in, I thought that the sorority would annoy me and detract from the comedy in the film, but they were probably the best element in the movie. There was a heavier girl in the movie playing one of the sorority members and I initially thought she would be no more than the Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson character in the movie, where she would just say Iโ€™m fat and fall over and say a dirty word and call it comedy but she actually pleasantly surprised me and she was possibly the funniest character in the movie. This film was a breath of fresh air and it totally trumped itโ€™s predecessor. Comedy directors should take note this is how you make a good sequel to a comedy flick.

Donโ€™t get me wrong, its not a perfect comedy by any means and some of the laughs do fall flat, but the vast majority of them do land and there were a few times where I belly laughed really loudly in the picture hall and that is something that has not happened in a while, probably not since Deadpool back in January. If you are looking to switch your brain off and enjoy a good juvenile summer comedy then I would definitely recommend this to you. Zac Effron is kind of doing a Channing Tatum impression these days in a lot of ways, but he, (like Tatum,) is so likable and charming that he pulls it off. His character, as well as Dave Francoโ€™s character and the other guys from the first movieโ€™s fraternity that are also in the sequel are much better written and portrayed across the board in this movie. This film is just superior in every way and it marks a rare occasion when a comedy sequel actually outshines the previous film. Donโ€™t get me wrong though this isnโ€™t the wittiest dialogue ever put to film either, there are plenty of dick jokes and some lazy slapstick, but for the most part the laughs are a bit deeper than what you would expect going in.

Overall I really enjoyed this movie for what it was and it really pleasantly surprised me in a big way. Iโ€™d also see it again as Iโ€™m sure there are a few jokes I missed the first time around.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Battle in Snoke throne room (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
Such a disappointment.
Contains spoilers, click to show
This film didn't sit right with me from the start with Poes mum joke from there it got worse, surface canons meant for defence not being able to hit a x wing, come on! I'd have got rid of the slapstick humour for a start, got rid of Kylo and Reys whatsapp messenger because that was shite, added a training section with Luke and Rey, got rid of the bit where Rey nearly goes one woman accapella beat boxing band in the cave, let Leia die in space because the Mary Poppins bit was already done by marvel and it would've been a good send off, would have made Snoke more formidable as he had a cheap death, give Finn and Rose a better story arc as it felt purely engineered to give them something to do rather than add to the story, made the battle with Snokes guard harder, let Luke and Kylo actually face off with sabres and echo Obi Wans death..... that's just off the top of my head after only seeing it once sure there's plenty more I'd change.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
The cast (1 more)
Genuinely laugh out loud funny in parts
A little too much "so what you're saying is" explanation at times (0 more)
Surprisingly Good
Full disclaimer: I've never seen the Robin Williams's version of Jumanji.

This is another of those films that we've put on for "family time", I've had my knitting in my lap and my laptop or phone next to me ready to keep me occupied, and I've ended up being the one laughing loudest and sitting mouth agape in the exciting parts.

It was a genuinely funny film, some good slapstick moments for the younger ones and some more grown-up jokes for the adults. The cast worked really well together; they could have completely over-played their "real" personas in their computer game avatar parts, but it was actually very well done.

I would heartily recommend this to anyone looking for a film the whole family can enjoy - even if any of the actors aren't really your cup of tea, because I think they were all great in this - and one I would happily watch again. Even if my 5-year old has developed a weird obsession with Dwayne Johnson's muscles!!
Game Night (2018)
Game Night (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Mystery
Slapstick was solid (1 more)
Some of the dialog was quite good
Depiction of Games (some of your favorites are Risk, Scrabble, and Life.) (0 more)
Better than I expected.
We live in the golden age of games, there are amazing card games, and board games that are better than anything that was around in the 70's. Yet these people who have game nights weekly don't seem to know about anything that was invented in the last 40 years. Pictionary, and charades are go-to games for them. Please don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy playing those games to. But it would be as if there was a movie about Art appreciators , and everyone in the film had only seen art that was painted before the 1900's, just completely omitting anything modern is absurd.

It would've taken almost no effort to include a few modern board games, like Ticket to Ride, 7 Wonders, Sushi Go, or Settlers of Catan.

   All that said, I finally watched this film and enjoyed it for the most part. Rachel McAdams was awesome, and stole the show.... Batemen was himself and solid. The cop almost derailed the movie for me he was so creepy.
First Love (2019)
First Love (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller
By Miike's own admission this was an attempt at a more mainstream film than a freakish, madcap craftsman like himself is used to - and it definitely shows given that the first two thirds play like a customary ๐˜‰๐˜ข๐˜ฃ๐˜บ ๐˜‹๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ clone, albeit a sturdy and attractive one at that. But then that last third hits and it's A-fucking-class Miike antics. I think what's more impressive than this still being awesome even in spite of a been-there-done-that "plan goes wrong and continues to go more and more wrong" plot (which on their own tend to struggle to support their momentum with any sort of narrative pull) is that this is something like his 96th film as director and there's still such a clear vision even with elements as familiar as these, such firm attention on each performance/shot/idea. At this point the dude could be forgiven for sleepwalking on this one for the paycheck then continuing on business as usual, but he refuses to succumb to anything less than sickly memorable full commitment. Plus if you're going to go commercial, there are a lot worse routes to travel than Yakuza slapstick.
Evil Dead II (1987)
Evil Dead II (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
Let's not beat around the bush here, Evil Dead II is quite simply, one of the best horror movies ever made.
Picking up immediately after the first one concludes, the narrative dives headfirst into another night of chaos for Ash Williams, stuck in a possessed cabin in the middle of nowhere. The breakneck pacing never relents, ensuring that the entire runtime is horrifically entertaining. The serious tone of the first isn't completely replaced, but a dark, slapstick-comedy coat of paint is laid on thick, and it works perfectly with just how absurd proceedings become. This aspect is also bolstered by Bruce Campbell. He manages to be a badass protagonist, but his physical comedy performance is perfectly on point, and his descent into utter madness is well realised. The physical effects work is nothing short of spectacular, and Raimis unique shooting style benefits from a bigger budget.

Evil Dead II is a true, all-time horror great. It's frequently hilarious, flat out ridiculous, has generous lashings of gore, and still manages to deliver some solid scares in spite of its goofiness.

Absolutely. Fucking. Perfect.