Serenity (2005)
A group of rebels travels the outskirts of space, outside the reach of the Alliance, a sinister...

2010 (1984)
Movie Watch
Brave explorers are headed for the far reaches of the galaxy in the continuation of the story that...

The Right Stuff (1983)
Movie Watch
This adaptation of the non-fiction novel by Tom Wolfe chronicles the first 15 years of America's...

MAC and Me (1988)
Eric's new in the neighbourhood, MAC's new on the planet... MAC is the Mysterious Alien Creature...

Hangar 18 (1980)
Low-budget sci-fi movie. Disaster strikes a NASA mission when the space shuttle has a close...
pseudoscience conspiracy

Capricorn One (1978)
Movie Watch
Three astronauts (James Brolin, Sam Waterston, O.J. Simpson) are about to launch into space on the...
Women Migrants in China: Bargaining against Patriarchy
This book looks at the urban migration of rural women in contemporary China. Based on substantial...

Clearing Clutter: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual
Clutter brings stress to our lives. Whether it's in our home, cubicle, mind, life, or spirit, it's...

Identity Politics in Star Wars
George Lucas spoke about the didactic role of cinema and about his own work being presented through...