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The Battle of Algiers (1966)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
1966 | Classics, Drama, War
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film-maker was unknown to me entirely before I decided to watch this film. In fact, I had only heard of the film itself quite recently from seeing it mentioned as one of the best films in the genre as a commentary on political insurgency and civil unrest. It is so well regarded that even the US military used it to prepare troops for entering Iraq. The main actors are largely unknown and many of the supporting cast and extras are not actors at all. The camera is allowed to wander and wobble, and such is the feel of random chaos at times you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a documentary. Nominated for 3 Oscars, and faultless in achieving its goal of humanising both sides of an argument, you can see the influence on Oliver Stone and Paul Greengrass, to name but two better known directors with a political edge.

It’s not a film I would feel the need to go back to, unless demonstrating to someone how to make something staged feel entirely real. I admire this film very much, but wouldn’t exactly call it entertaining or even rewarding as a story. Its purpose is to reinforce the tragedy of a people facing oppression and to realise the lengths both sides will go to in protecting their ideals and relative freedoms. The excellent hand held photography and score by the always inspirational Ennio Moricone are other reasons to watch it. As a history lesson of North Africa post WWII it also has a lot to offer.
Split (2016)
Split (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
M. Night Shyamalan once again has audiences very excited for absolutely no reason. The trailer portrays an interesting psychological thriller of a man (James McAvoy) subjected to many different forms of consciousness, as the plot tells he is one of the first to openly portray over twenty different personalities.

He even takes on different physical characteristics down to a metabolic level as he switches from persona to persona. This combined with the character of a doctor (Betty Buckley) who is thrilled to perhaps have discovered the missing link to understanding the unused portion of the human mind, sounds like it makes for a great sci-fi thriller.

Unfortunately rather quickly the plot devolves after the disturbed man’s abduction of three teenage girls turns over the top hokey and stereotypical. Nothing can be said that will make up for the impending disappointment of viewers as yet again Mr. Shyamalan has an idea that sounds quite intriguing, yet falls completely flat and leaves viewers feeling as if they are the brunt of the joke.

As the psychotic killer develops into a character audiences could really be scared of, a turn for the worst happens when he is transformed by his own mind into an animal. Reaching beyond anything physically possible in a much staged way, he becomes a superhuman creature who rampages until he is caught.

Even with skilled acting at his disposal Shyamalan has managed to make another very poor quality film. At each step of the way, the suspense almost grabs you but is completely predictable. It’s too bad but this one earns
Lesson of the Evil (2012)
Lesson of the Evil (2012)
2012 | Horror
*Big band music playing loudly in the background*

Takashi Miike's 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 - which, yes, is every bit as messy and overstuffed as that sounds; though I fear that if this were leaner you could miss out on the finer details like the weird German folklore stuff or the fleshy gun with the talking eyeball. The third act here is better than anything in even 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘗𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰, probably the greatest thing Miike has ever done - just as demented, tasteless, and perfectly staged as reported plus it lasts around a solid, uninterrupted 45 minutes. Simultaneously fun and hard to watch in the sense that you can't believe that not only are they actually going for this, but they're going for it *hard* (given the director, I'd expect no less). I'm confident in saying this has the most straight-up brutal use of the shotgun in film history that I've seen. Hideaki Ito is flawless as this fucked-up closet psychopath who just bleeds raw antihero charisma, this kind of character can tire so easily but him and Miike sell it in full - partly because (and this is one of the things I love most about Miike) there's zero pretension to be found here. The precise type of ethically repugnantly, formally playful, feverish trashy thrills you'd expect out of this are exactly what you get - no clichéd moral handwringing or bullshit pulled punches you see in a lot of Western cinema for this genre. This is the real shit, another bonafide cult classic from one of the masters. Plus it's generally bizarre as hell, too.
A Great Place to Have a War by Joshua Kurlantzick is a book about the history of Laos. The synopsis caught by eye since I lived and worked in Laos for a year as an English teacher. The book is about the conflict which occurred in Laos roughly during the same period of the Vietnam War. This is an interesting and impressive book, yet depressing. Details the rise of the CIA as a war machine during the Vietnam War, which was fought to a great extent in Laos. It looks at some of people involved in building the war to epic proportions, and then withdrawing, leaving the country to collapse into yet more suffering.

This is a fascinating look at the shadow war in Laos, staged by the CIA, during the Vietnam War. It's an extremely interesting history of the how that war came to be, some of the main people involved in that war, and the rise of the CIA as an organization conducting paramilitary operations, not just spy missions. It also relates the political intrigues of the time, and the fate of Hmong who fought for Laos, and with and for America.

I learned a lot about the history of the conflict itself, and the characters on both sides of the war. This war which has been hidden in the shadows, and the author has given the people involved a chance to have their deeds, or misdeeds aired in the light of day. As with most of the little wars that occurred during the Cold War period, there is a lot of political manoeuvring which occurs in the background.
High and Low (1963)
High and Low (1963)
1963 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
This movie is often touted as one of the finest non-American crime thrillers out there. It appears on many top 10 lists from renowned directors, and stands untouchable in the pantheon of post WWII Japanese cinema dealing with 20th century issues rather than samurai or traditional religious concepts. Kurasawa is known for masterpieces in both genres, and in this sphere is very much the Hitchcock of the East. The story sees self made entrepreneur Kingo Gondo, played by the ubiquitous Toshirô Mifune, being blackmailed by a kidnapper who believes he has his son, but has taken his chauffeur’s son by mistake. Cue huge moral intrigue and dilemma, leading to a chase and an unexpectedly symbolical climax and resolution.

It plays like two films for the price of one, the first a claustrophobic mood piece with a staged feel, reminding me of Hitchcock’s Rope, and the second a frantic chase movie where the forensic evidence is picked apart in intricate detail, like a less graphic Seven. The print on BFI is not great, so it actually feels older than it is. It is also pretty long at 143 minutes, and feels like it takes an age to get going. Therefore, although some moments and key images have stayed with me, I can’t honestly say I felt gripped or tense in any way. The stakes didn’t feel as high as I would have hoped for, and tonally it is a little uneven. In conclusion, it has much to offer and details in isolation are very impressive, but for me it was something of a let down.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.
Impractical Jokers: The Movie  (2020)
Impractical Jokers: The Movie (2020)
2020 | Comedy
As someone who's been an "Impractical Jokers" fan since the very first episode aired way back on December 15th, 2011 (and still to this day) - I'm not sure how *this* big of a downgrade was managed going from a TruTV show to a major motion picture. The narrative framing device is un-fucking-watchable and the best bits from the pranks themselves are less convincingly faked than even some of the more middling episodes of the show. I - with the general consensus - vote this should have just been a ~90 minute episode rather than this pat material padding out a small handful of pranks. Not 100% sure if this just isn't really isn't good overall or if its chintziness in the extreme let it down; the "Drake & Josh" movies are seriously more well built than this. I think these four very original guys are hilarious, each brim with distinct personality, and have some of the best comedic timing of the 2010s decade (and there still is a lot of funny stuff in here delivered with that same knack) - so it is confusing to see them flounder so hard in just about every other thing they try besides the show. The (still staged) broken-down car bit and Paula Abdul saying she has more power than the cartel are high points, much of everything else is a depressing low for this IP. Even the admittedly awesome in theory ending punishment falls flat. A dud, honestly not awful but there's literally no point in paying to see this in a theater even despite being able to watch more high quality entertainment from these guys on YouTube or home television. Tonight's biggest loser: the audience. Sidenote: they didn't censor fuck or shit, but did so for pussy? Twice?
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard
Ellen Byron | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Graveside Murder
In an effort to increase bookings at her family’s Louisiana bed and breakfast during October, Maggie Crozat has come up with the “Pelican’s Spooky Past” promotion. Five of the area B & B’s are teaming up and offering historical crafts, food, and other promotions to tie in to the season. Someone else has gotten into the act since guests keep siting a rougarou, a local legendary monster. One of the events during the month is a play being staged at a nearby dilapidated graveyard. The first couple of weekends, the play goes well, but then at one performance someone in a rougarou costume stumbles onto the stage and dies. As cross jurisdictional strife heats up, Maggie and her family find themselves caught in the middle as prime suspects. Can Maggie clear their names?

Reading this series always makes me want to visit Louisiana in person, and this book is no exception. I also appreciate how we learn something about local customs, legends, and food while we read. The plot is strong with plenty of twists and action to keep us engaged and guessing. I do have a couple of niggles with the climax, but they are minor overall. The characters are as wonderful as ever. I love seeing the regulars again and watching them and their relationships grow. Meanwhile, the suspects are just as strong as the series regulars. Those looking for some Cajun flavor in their life will enjoy the five recipes we get at the end of the book. Fans of the series will enjoy the latest book, and if you are new to the series, this will make you go back and read the books you’ve missed.
I've always been drawn to this book - series, really - so when I saw it at 99p a while back I couldn't resist buying it.

This starts with Iris in the supermarket buying items for her vampire clients to make their lives easier, sorting out their wants and needs while they sleep during the day so she never actually comes face to face with them. She heads over to leave a welcome basket for her newest client, Cal, when she ends up falling over his body in his kitchen. He's been poisoned and they negotiate for him to come stay with her while he recovers and tries to find out who's behind his poisoning

This was equal parts fun and quirky, intriguing and romantic. Fun and quirky because it's full of snark and some strangely funny vampire related conversations. Intriguing with trying to figure out who's behind Cal's poisoning. And romantic because Iris and Cal have some really cute and some really hot scenes together. There was a really sort of cute bit with Cal and Gigi - Iris's younger sister - where he gets really protective of her seeing guys and buys her a bubble-gum pink taser so she can protect herself.

I was not expecting the bad guy to be who it was. That took me by surprise, so well done for that. I was convinced it was someone else for most of the book.

I did like the romance between our main characters. As I mentioned above it was really cute at times and that end bit where he pretty much re-staged their initial meeting with him laid out on the floor so she can fall over him. What else can I say but CUTE.

This was just a fun all round read and I cannot wait to read more of this series.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
See it soar
#howtotrainyourdragon3 is a delightful, #passionate & #epic end to one of the best #animated trilogies of all time. This 3rd film sets itself apart from the others with its realistic portrayals of #love & by the sheer #heart & #dedication that's clearly gone into its making. Ill start with the themes explored here for a #kids animated #film are so well done that at times i felt not only #goosebumps & shivers going up my #body but my eyes were almost on the verge of tears too. Neglect, progression, sacrafice acceptance, belonging, #family bonds, learning & loyalty are explored here vastly but the biggest surprise comes from how the film depicts love & loss. Courtship is displayed here with such power/realism that my connection to the characters became stronger & #memories of my own #relationships came flooding back instantly bringing a #smile to my face. This film captures the thrill, the excitement, the #magic, the #nerves, the #butterflies of falling in love & meeting someone new so well that you simply can not help feel giddy, #happy & intoxicated by it all which is rare & something big blockbusters even fail to achieve these days. But with love always comes loss/betrayal too & as romantic love, family love & #friendship are handled extremely well so is the loss of love which hits like a punch to the gut & produces a huge dramatic effect ensuring you really do feel the lows as well as the highs each of these characters experience. Animation is glorious here with #dreamworks raising the bar to a #pixar quality flawless animation. Textures are photo realistic, lighting is blinding, action is beautifully staged & facial detail (especially for the main villain) is so good it gives the characters extra dimension & believability. Talking of the main #villain he is worth the price alone, never have i seen such a cold, calculating, methodical & merciless yet #charming & #smart bad guy in a #kids film before & #fmurrayabraham voice work goes beyond for him too. Score wise it shines providing both epic & sombre music adding great tension, atmosphere & heart. Such a well made, touching/moving tale full of heart, #soul & love. EPIC. #Odeon #howtotrainyourdragon #dragon