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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Falling in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was pleasantly surprised by "After We Fall." I requested it on a whim from Netgalley and it had the dubious distinction of being the novel that followed the latest Michael Connelly Bosch book (and in my eyes, Connelly and Bosch can do no wrong).

The novel is told from the viewpoint from four characters - Tom, a police officer; Celia, a flight attendant and Tom's wife; Jim, a father and former police officer; and Freya, a young student. Their lives entertwine over the course of the book, all centered around a plane that goes down one snowy night. Their stories are superbly told and each character extremely well-drawn-- albeit not always likeable. There are several mysteries that build within the book-- why did the plane go down, of course--along with a murder that's central to the story.

You would think with so few characters that the plot would seem trite and the outcome apparent, but Kavanaugh does a great job of creating suspense and keeping you on your toes. Just when you think you've figured something out, there's another small surprise. I found myself completely immersed in the character's lives (I was immediately drawn to Tom, liked Jim and Freya, and had issues with Celia, but that's all just from my own perspective).

Definitely a worthwhile read.

(Note, I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)

Awix (3310 KP) rated No Escape (2015) in Movies

Mar 26, 2018 (Updated Mar 26, 2018)  
No Escape (2015)
No Escape (2015)
2015 | Drama, Thriller
6.9 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Technically competent suspense-thriller can't help coming across as a little bit suspect in the signals it's sending (also, title may not be strictly accurate). Nice American family go to a country which looks like Thailand but definitely isn't, dearie me no, and find themselves imperilled by a native uprising triggered by the Prime Minister's new water works. Can they escape before Pierce Brosnan starts singing again?

As I say, solidly put together, and if nothing else Lake Bell's performance is pretty much immaculate - but you have to wonder if the film's depiction of Asian countries isn't defamatory, or at least scare-mongering. It's not surprising this film was banned in some parts of Asia. There's a lot of bafflegab about the hordes of machete-wielding psychos being locals upset about globalisation, but c'mon, guys, this is clearly a film inspired by fears of radical Islamist terrorism, and as such it seems to be presenting every person in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, etc, as a potential psychopathic killer. For something which is basically second-cousin to a zombie movie, it takes itself terribly seriously; a bit too seriously given how implausible the plot rapidly becomes. Perks up a bit when Brosnan is on screen (not often enough), but is this kind of subject matter really the stuff of such broad entertainment? As a thriller this is okay, but a point knocked off for the dubious subtext.
The House Swap
The House Swap
Rebecca Fleet | 2018 | Thriller
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tension, tension, so much tension!
From start to finish The House Swap is a taut and edgy examination of the rocky marriage between a young English couple, Caroline and Francis. When the opportunity arises for them to swap their city flat in Leeds with someone else’s suburban home in Chiswick they eagerly plan a week-long getaway for two so they can focus on repairing their relationship. Caroline soon starts finding signs that the owner of the suburban home she and Francis are currently occupying may very well be the person she’s tried so desperately to put behind her: her ex-lover, Carl. Francis, who knows about Caroline’s past affair, begins to notice that his wife is acting strange and inattentive; it’s putting him on edge, which is no place for a former pill-popper like himself to be. With both of their past obsessions threatening to burst back into their lives, Caroline and Francis brace themselves for the ultimate test in their marriage.

This psychological thriller definitely delivers on nail-biting suspense, calculated misdirection, and hair-raising shocks. There were more than a couple of well-placed red herrings which made the plot twists all the more juicy and exciting. Some of the content was a bit difficult to stomach, but it added to the domestic noir feel of the novel. Overall, The House Swap is a solid option for anyone looking for a fast-paced and multilayered novel that goes behind closed doors.
Truth and Lies (DI Amy Winter, #1)
Truth and Lies (DI Amy Winter, #1)
Caroline Mitchell | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick Read (1 more)
Didn't want to put it down
Book #1 in Caroline Winter’s DI Amy Winter’s series
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

“Truth and Lies” captured my attention from the very beginning. I frequently read mysteries and suspense books and, while I enjoy them, am not usually surprised by them. This novel included twists and turns that kept me hanging on every page. After I sat down to read it, my eyes starting hurt from reading the first 16 chapters without taking a break!
While dealing with the death of her father, a fellow police officer, DI Amy Winter receives a letter from Lillian Grimes, one half of a notorious serial killing team, her father’s most famous case. Grimes said she is Amy’s biological mother and would reveal the location of her victims were if Amy follows Grimes’s demands. Amy’s world is turned upside down trying to deal with her father’s death, Grimes’s allegations, and the kidnapping of a young girl. The incidents seem to be related, but can Amy trust herself to handle everything with everything that’s happening?
It was refreshing to have such a fully rounded, well developed, strong female character who is portrayed as a police officer and human and have the two so mingled together. “Truth and Lies” is the first in Caroline Winter’s DI Amy Winter’s series.
Lies You Never Told Me
Lies You Never Told Me
Jennifer Donaldson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A tale of two narratives, in Lies You Never Told Me, debut novelist Jennifer Donaldson deftly flips back and forth between the first person points-of-view of high school students Gabe (in Austin) and Elyse (in Portland).

An addicting work of romantic suspense, although it opens with an air of mystery followed by the bang of a hit-and-run, the book slows down enough to carefully build the characters and effectively develop their alternating storylines to the point that – to the author's credit – there's no easily mistaking one for the other.

Nicely balancing the intrigue of a Gabe chapter with the drama of an Elyse (and vice versa), the book's pace quickens with each chapter to the point that I found myself nearly unable to put it down.

And despite the fact that I was able to piece together precisely how and why the two characters were connected roughly a quarter of the way into the novel, thanks to certain context clues, the book is so well written that I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. Of course, that being said, the less you know going in the better.

Reminiscent of a great character driven '80s thriller from the Hollywood heyday of Fatal Attraction, in spite of a slightly contrived climax, Lies You Never Told Me is a terrific stay up all night summer read you'll definitely want to recommend to a friend.
Stalk me (Keatyn Chronicles book 1)
Stalk me (Keatyn Chronicles book 1)
Jillian Dodd | 2014 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Could not stop reading and have even read a second time.
The first book in the Keatyn Chronicles is excellent.

To be honest it took me a little while to get into the book as at the beginning Keatyn came across as shallow and superficial, flitting from one guy to the next and only caring about being popular. However Jillian Dodd made sure to balance this with other scenes so that we were able to get to know Keatyn and realise she is just like and teen girl, trying to fit and and find her identity. And I was hooked!!

Although predominantly a romance Stalk Me also has action and suspense. As Keatyn is stalked by someone and we wait to find out who and what they will do next.

The characters are all very relatable as each person has their own clear personality and flaws. This makes it easy to get to know them, however you will go from loving to hating a character in a few pages as they do something stupid.

The book is written as a diary. This works really well as it gives an unfiltered view into Keatyn’s thoughts and life. I became very invested in the story and could not stop reading.

I would absolutely recommend this book if you enjoy teen/ young adult books. It is one of the very few books/ series that I have ever re read.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Bodyguard in TV

Sep 24, 2018  
2018 | Drama, Thriller
Best British drama in a long time
I don't really do British tv dramas, mainly because most of them are all very similar or just not my cup of tea, however after the hype surrounding this, I decided to give it a chance.

This is by far the best British drama I've seen in a long time (albeit I may not have seen many recently). Richard Madden is superb as David Budd and I really hope he goes far with his career. There's Bond rumours flying about (although to be fair those same rumours are fixed to every British actor within a certain age range) and i honestly think he would make a great Bond as long as he doesn't go with his native Scottish. The story itself is interesting and there are some fantastic twists and turns. Some of it may be a tad predictable, over the top and cliched - I almost stopped watching after episode 2 when the bodyguard slept with his ward - and you have to suspend your disbelief in parts. If only real police work in the UK was this dramatic! However I was particularly impressed with the final episode. Never before have I felt so tense and terrified watching a British drama, the tension and suspense in this episode alone was marvellous. The final scene itself was a tad disappointing as I'd expected a little more action, but the rest of the episode and series more than made up for it.

Lee (2222 KP) Sep 24, 2018

I'm the same - not usually a fan of British dramas. This was very good though. A few unresolved plot points in the final episode but I read today that they're looking to do at least another series, possibly another three!


Sarah (7798 KP) Sep 24, 2018

Really? Whilst I know there was a few unresolved things, I’m of the opinion that less is more when it comes to more series ?

Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartless is WAAAAAY different than Marissa's Lunar Chronicles. Different style, different feel...But just as spectacular! Set in the land of Hearts, before Alice ever came through the looking glass...We meet all our favorite (and maybe not so favorite) Wonderland characters in a way that we have never seen them before. I absolutely LOVE getting glimpses into the lives of well known characters...BEFORE the story starts.

Personally, this is my FAVORITE story about the Queen of Hearts that I have encountered. Romance, suspense, heartbreak...this is a thrilling tale that you won't want to put down. And even though we know who she becomes in the end...You can't help hoping that the story will end differently...Because your heart breaks for Cath and Jest. Marissa has painted a character that I want to love...That I want to cheer for...

If you love fairytales with happy endings that are all cupcakes and rainbows...This is probably not going to suit your style. But if you are like me, meaning you are a glutton for punishment and read books back to back that rip your heart apart and cause the river of emotions to flow in a torrential downpour. Then THIS is definitely the book for you!

I received a complimentary print copy of Heartless. I borrowed the audio version from my local library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

AT (1676 KP) rated A Simple Favor in Books

Jan 3, 2019 (Updated Jan 3, 2019)  
A Simple Favor
A Simple Favor
Darcey Bell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
5.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from one of the Smashbomb giveaways in exchange for my review. I didn't think I'd like it very much because the movie trailer looked kind of stupid, but it was still exciting to see the package in the mail! (I haven't seen the movie yet, and don't know if I will.) I began the book not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised. It read very smoothly, and had just enough tension at the beginning to keep me coming back. I enjoyed the story for quite awhile. Then the plot found its way into a weird twist. Not that I didn't expect some sort of twist. I just didn't expect the one character to she was. For the rest of the novel, I wasn't sure how strange the plot was going to get. The story was tolerable for the most part and I was going to give it a higher rating, but I am not a fan of the ending. While I wasn't surprised by it, I wished that it would have ended in a different manner. Therefore, I'm a bit torn over my review. I didn't hate the story, itself, for a fictional escape, but the ending sunk the whole thing for me. I'd say that it's a decent beach read, if you're looking for something with a little suspense and mystery. I wouldn't recommend it to any deep-thinking book clubs, though.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Jan 4, 2019

By the third chapter, I have a feeling how this book is going to go and I'll be very surprised if it turns out otherwise. I, too, won it from Smashbomb and was looking forward to reading it, but the reviews seem lackluster so I'm not expecting much. The author is a preschool teacher and I have found that teachers, whether preschool, college, or anywhere in between don't make the best authors. They tend to find themselves too clever and make bad decisions with their plotlines.


AT (1676 KP) Jan 4, 2019

It may or may not end the way you think it will, but since you're already not jumping for joy, no. You probably won't be wowed. Lol I definitely know the feeling!

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
1982 | Horror
The title probably says it all here, but here goes. The female high school basketball team decides to have a party complete with pizza and talking about boys. After quite the lengthy group shower they decide on the guest list and arrange for the fun times to begin. No one likes the new girl so she is not invited.

Even before the party begins the audience is alerted to the escape of a mental patient who is now on the loose wreaking bloody havoc in the neighborhood. Soon he shows up at the school and starts taking care of his own business using a very large drill with an extended drill bit.

After the party begins, he slowly starts to pick off the attendees as they manage to find themselves alone with the killer or in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The thing I found the most odd was the reveal of the killer almost right away. In most slasher/horror films of this type, the killer is almost always shown in shadows, from behind or partially revealed under the end of the movie where the unmasking happens. Not in this film. He is shown pretty much at the onset and chases the girls around almost the entire film with his lengthy power tool.

Passable action and suspense along with enough good kills to keep me interested for 75 minutes.