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Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
2011 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Miniatures
Can be expanded with other games in this series. (3 more)
Is set in the world of D&D
Can be played as 1 player
Easy to learn
Not much depth to the game itself (3 more)
No real character progression
Badly moulded miniatures
1 Player mode is very tedious
Good but not great.
This is the first "standalone" tabletop game I have bought from Wizards of The Coast.

I am a D&D fan, so was quite looking forward to playing this, the packaging and content of the game really caught my attention when the game arrived, I was definitely very excited to start playing.

I read through the rules fairly quickly and set the game up ready to play, the first run through was OK although I messed up the rules a little and felt it would be better to start again, after a quick re-read I was ready to go again. Just bare in mind, the rules are easy, but there are a few things you end up forgetting, so it is handy to read them through a couple of times and have them handy when playing.

I carried on through the game a little longer and soon realised it was quite a tedious process, as I was playing on my own and not with others the game needed to keep me entertained, and it really didn't do that.. I was actually starting to wish it would end (I am someone who has to finish a game and can't stop half way through) and when I finally died, I was actually quite relieved.

I ended up putting it away and not coming back to it for a while.. until one day when a couple of friends were over and we weren't in the mood for a really intense style game, I decided to pull it out and see how it played with others. It was certainly a much different experience, it seemed to flow better and just having the others there to have a bit of fun with definitely made the game much more enjoyable.

I would say it is worth buying the game to play with your friends but as a solo game, I really wouldn't bother.
War of the Ring (Second Edition)
War of the Ring (Second Edition)
2012 | Adventure, Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
For me, this version is an improvement to the original. It tries to help you learn the game rather than fight you as the FFG version seemed to do at times. If you already have the FFG version, you can purchase an upgrade kit that has all of the new cards in a nice tin for about $30, and then download the new version of the rules from the Ares Games website, that might be enough for you.

Original Rating: 10/10
Reviewer: Elliott Miller
Read the full review here:
Xanathar's Guide to Everything (Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition)
Xanathar's Guide to Everything (Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition)
2017 | Fantasy, Roleplaying
Expanded spell list is extremely useful (1 more)
Expanded character options add a lot
The names lists are lacking (0 more)
Great addition to 5e
This expansion is a perfect example of how to make an tabletop expansion. It takes the great system that was already established in the PHB and adds multiple extra layers of goodness to the game. The spells list is really great. It has a lot of super unique and versitile spells. Personally I find the names list to be kind of dull and not very impressive, but it's a small nitpick that takes very little away from the overall great quality of the book.
Brass: Lancashire
Brass: Lancashire
2007 | Economic, Business / Industrial, Transportation
Gameplay, art, location, strategy (0 more)
Plenty o Brass
This is a very deep game, on the surface it seems simple, build a few coal mines, some foundrys, a port or two and a cotton mill. And then link your towns to make a network.
In reality it will stretch you to the limits of strategising, you will always be trying to think 2 to 3 moves ahead while also watching what your opponents are doing and trying to guess what direction they're heading with their network, as anyone who has played knows that the ship is often key to winning.
I would reccomend to anyone who likes tabletop strategy games.
Dobble - Harry Potter version
Dobble - Harry Potter version
2019 | Card Game, Party Game
Great fun
I'm a big fan of tabletop games, but it's difficult to find ones that I can persuade my family and friends to play that don't involve hours of play and a massive commitment. Dobble is the perfect party game - it's so much fun and even better, the games themselves are super quick yet hugely enjoyable.

This is basically a modern take on the classic card game Snap and it really is a great version, with up to 5 mini games playable with each deck. The Harry Potter version is a lot of fun and massively appealed to my geeky side, although did cause a lot of arguments - my less HP minded friends kept shouting out "boy!", "owl!" etc but I refused to allow it until they shouted their actual name (i.e Hedwig, Draco Malfoy). Maybe I'm just cruel, but surely that's the point of the HP version?! Arguments aside, it's a ridiculously fun game to play with people of all ages. My only criticism would be it seems fairly pricey for what is a glorified pack of cards.
2004 | Abstract Strategy, Fantasy
Quick to play (3 more)
Simple to learn
Interesting concept
Very little scope for strategy (1 more)
Not much replay value
A Path Into Gaming
Tsuro is a game with a very simple concept: be the last player on the board. You do this by laying tiles which link to create winding paths around the board, which inevitably end up running off the board altogether. But be careful - colliding with another player results in a double elimination.

Because it boasts such trivial mechanics, it is very easy to pick up and play a few rounds quickly (some games can last under 10 minutes including setup), as well as being one that young children could enjoy. The player meeples have a good quality feel, and it can be satisfying watching the winding paths in the game board grow.

However, it very quickly becomes obvious just how simple this game is - winning is often less about trying to run your opponents off the board as it is trying to keep yourself in play for as long as possible, until you inevitably take yourself out of the game.

Tsuro, then, is an inviting game for introducing regular folk to the mad world of tabletop gaming, and is a solid option for beginning a proper games night with its simplicity and charm. I used it recently myself as a sweetner to help ease a new player into game night, and it worked a treat. It probably won't make regular appearances however.

I like it. Worth a look.


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