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Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Dismissed (2017) in Movies
May 1, 2021
Surprisingly good
As soon as the movie started, I wasn't convinced as it looked very low budget and the camera work was shockingly bad. Despite Dylan Sprouse being in the poster for the movie, he is not the main focus in the beginning, it is a teacher but we do eventually learn why.
Lucas is a transfer student and joins the movie about 10 minutes in. He appears to be a very bright student, but upon talking to a fellow classmate he also has a very bad temper, which can only mean bad news for anyone who crosses him. He gets what he wants, even if he has to hurt or traumatise people in the process.... And that's just what he does to his teacher after giving him a B+ on his essy.
It starts off small like letting his car tyres down, but it spirals into much bigger things.
What started off looking like a shoddy movie, actually soon gained my interest and turned out to be pretty good.
Lucas is a transfer student and joins the movie about 10 minutes in. He appears to be a very bright student, but upon talking to a fellow classmate he also has a very bad temper, which can only mean bad news for anyone who crosses him. He gets what he wants, even if he has to hurt or traumatise people in the process.... And that's just what he does to his teacher after giving him a B+ on his essy.
It starts off small like letting his car tyres down, but it spirals into much bigger things.
What started off looking like a shoddy movie, actually soon gained my interest and turned out to be pretty good.

Jarvis Cocker recommended Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest by Bill Callahan in Music (curated)

Awix (3310 KP) rated Deerskin (Le Daim) (2019) in Movies
Jul 21, 2021
Deadpan horror-comedy from our French friends. Middle-aged man Georges (John of the Garden) pays an eye-watering sum for a suede deerskin jacket and moves into a hotel in a remote town. He is clearly in the midst of some form of crisis, even before the jacket starts talking to him. It turns out the jacket has a dream, one which Georges shares...
Starts off in a vein of low-key weirdness and gradually gets more and more absurd as Georges' obsession grows and he is joined (sort of) by a young waitress who's desperate enough to believe some of the lines he comes out with. Very much a slow-burn comedy, but an effective one... except that the situation eventually gets so improbably ridiculous that the writer-director clearly couldn't think of a way of resolving it, so the film stops abruptly and not very satisfyingly after a brisk 75 minutes. Shame; entertaining in a quirky way, mainly because of Dujardin's central performance - worth seeing just for that.
Starts off in a vein of low-key weirdness and gradually gets more and more absurd as Georges' obsession grows and he is joined (sort of) by a young waitress who's desperate enough to believe some of the lines he comes out with. Very much a slow-burn comedy, but an effective one... except that the situation eventually gets so improbably ridiculous that the writer-director clearly couldn't think of a way of resolving it, so the film stops abruptly and not very satisfyingly after a brisk 75 minutes. Shame; entertaining in a quirky way, mainly because of Dujardin's central performance - worth seeing just for that.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Lucifer - Season 1 in TV
Sep 10, 2020
Cast (4 more)
Main story
Plot points
When the devil comes to town...
Contains spoilers, click to show
First began watching this a few months ago as had very little to do during isolation, I had been avoiding it as the shows title just made me think, it's the devil...seen enough about that, always the same...but was intrigued by the character during a brilliant Cameo in a CW arrowverse event"crisis on infinite earths" and decided to check it out.
The sarcasm from the moment Lucifer appears and his delightful antics throughout the show gave the character a complete new look and feel which was welcoming.
The show follows Lucifer who has decided to leave hell and take a permanent vacation to L.A. as a nightclub owner and a smooth talking bachelor.
During his time there a murder of a close associate entwines the lives of Lucifer and hard working detective Chloe decker.
Lucifer eventually becomes chloe's volunteer assistant enjoying the thrill of crime solving which becomes more and more interesting with every case...with Lucifer not taking crime solving seriously.
The sarcasm from the moment Lucifer appears and his delightful antics throughout the show gave the character a complete new look and feel which was welcoming.
The show follows Lucifer who has decided to leave hell and take a permanent vacation to L.A. as a nightclub owner and a smooth talking bachelor.
During his time there a murder of a close associate entwines the lives of Lucifer and hard working detective Chloe decker.
Lucifer eventually becomes chloe's volunteer assistant enjoying the thrill of crime solving which becomes more and more interesting with every case...with Lucifer not taking crime solving seriously.

Kim Pook (101 KP) rated To the Bone (2017) in Movies
Sep 10, 2020
Can be triggering for some
The movie starts with a hospital support group, the girls are super skinny and talking about food, why? They are anorexic! This story focuses on 20 year old anorexia sufferer Ellie, she lives with her step mum who watches her when she eats and weighs her on a regular basis. She takes Ellie to see a specialist doctor to try and help her, and he admits her to a clinic with other people with eating disorders, it has no doors and no electronic devices are allowed. Fairly normal for rehab.
There's not much to say about the movie really, it's nice to see a movie dedicated to getting better rather than leading upto the illness. Be warned though, if you suffer from or have suffered from an eating disorder and are easily triggered then I would stay clear of the movie as the eating disorder language and attitudes towards food is pretty full on, such as tips on losing weight, where to hide your vomit, weight numbers and calorie counting.
There's not much to say about the movie really, it's nice to see a movie dedicated to getting better rather than leading upto the illness. Be warned though, if you suffer from or have suffered from an eating disorder and are easily triggered then I would stay clear of the movie as the eating disorder language and attitudes towards food is pretty full on, such as tips on losing weight, where to hide your vomit, weight numbers and calorie counting.

Bostonian916 (449 KP) rated Crimson Tide (1995) in Movies
Sep 17, 2020
Personally I find the roles of Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman interesting in this movie for a different reason that I think was intended. Hackman made his career and became a household name throughout the 60's, 70,s and 80's, while maintaining a level of relevance and definitely a level of respect through today. Denzel came into prominence in the 1990's and has become a beloved and highly regarded figure in his field. Watching their respective roles in Crimson Tides almost felt like a kind of "passing of the guard" in more ways than one.
That aside, the movie itself is loosely based on actual events aboard a Russian Submarine wherein a stubborn second in command defied the orders of his superiors and saved the world from certain disaster and preventing World War III. Brilliantly portrayed by all involved, Directed through the lens of genius. One of the greatest underwater films of all time that is still being used as a basis for films being made today (I'm talking to you Hunter Killer).
That aside, the movie itself is loosely based on actual events aboard a Russian Submarine wherein a stubborn second in command defied the orders of his superiors and saved the world from certain disaster and preventing World War III. Brilliantly portrayed by all involved, Directed through the lens of genius. One of the greatest underwater films of all time that is still being used as a basis for films being made today (I'm talking to you Hunter Killer).

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post
Oct 24, 2020

Josh Napper (40 KP) rated Deadpool (2016) in Movies
Sep 27, 2019
A fast-talking mercenary with a morbid sense of humor is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers and a quest for revenge.
What lessons did you learn from this story (theme/moral)? What do you think others will learn from it?
just because you are just a mortal doesn't mean you are not a superhero. a superhero is just a regular doing the right thing for the right reasons. true love makes you do things you thought you couldn't.
What group of people would like this movie? Who would you recommend it to? Who would you not recommend it to?
i would recommend it to anyone that likes a good action and a good comedy movie. As well as a good superhero (well technically superhero) movie
What is your final word on the film: Is it good or bad?
i would call deadpool a good movie.
I give the movie Deadpool a movie rating of 5.
A fast-talking mercenary with a morbid sense of humor is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers and a quest for revenge.
What lessons did you learn from this story (theme/moral)? What do you think others will learn from it?
just because you are just a mortal doesn't mean you are not a superhero. a superhero is just a regular doing the right thing for the right reasons. true love makes you do things you thought you couldn't.
What group of people would like this movie? Who would you recommend it to? Who would you not recommend it to?
i would recommend it to anyone that likes a good action and a good comedy movie. As well as a good superhero (well technically superhero) movie
What is your final word on the film: Is it good or bad?
i would call deadpool a good movie.
I give the movie Deadpool a movie rating of 5.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Long Time Gone (Hell or High Water, #2) in Books
Sep 6, 2019
I find the authors works very wordy, as in they use words and language that is very apt for the jobs their characters do and sometimes I have no idea what the hell they're talking about so I can sometimes find it hard to get into.
That being said, I really like Tom and Prophet. It may have taken me a while to read this but since it was a story about those two I persevered and enjoyed learning more about them. In the last one I think I was more of a Tom fan and in this I was more for Prophet.
One quote near the end had me smiling happily:
<i><b><blockquote>"You'll end up with a man whose name starts with E."</blockquote></b></i>
Not that I'm going to tell you what his real name is, you'll have to read it for that.
I look forward to reading more books about these two at a later date. (And I'd really like to know what's going to happen next for Cillian and Mal, too)
That being said, I really like Tom and Prophet. It may have taken me a while to read this but since it was a story about those two I persevered and enjoyed learning more about them. In the last one I think I was more of a Tom fan and in this I was more for Prophet.
One quote near the end had me smiling happily:
<i><b><blockquote>"You'll end up with a man whose name starts with E."</blockquote></b></i>
Not that I'm going to tell you what his real name is, you'll have to read it for that.
I look forward to reading more books about these two at a later date. (And I'd really like to know what's going to happen next for Cillian and Mal, too)

Janeeny (200 KP) rated The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae in Books
Sep 13, 2019
Ailsa Rae is a woman with a terminal heart condition, until the day she receives a heart transplant. Ailsa is adjusting to life, a life that actually has a future. Now Ailsa is no longer dying she has to start living, but it’s hard. She’s struggling with her relationship with her mother and the father she’s never known, and coping with emotions controlled by a heart that isn’t really hers. Is it ungrateful to be so unhappy when your very existence is a gift?
Ailsa Rae is quirky and bold. She writes a blog about her illness and subsequent transplant, asking her followers to assist in some major life decisions. It’s a very clever device as whilst she is writing for her blog followers it feels like she’s talking to you so it fully engrosses you in the story. There is of course a love interest in there somewhere, but it’s not cliché. In fact in true style of Ailsa’s new life, it’s complicated. I really enjoyed this.
Ailsa Rae is quirky and bold. She writes a blog about her illness and subsequent transplant, asking her followers to assist in some major life decisions. It’s a very clever device as whilst she is writing for her blog followers it feels like she’s talking to you so it fully engrosses you in the story. There is of course a love interest in there somewhere, but it’s not cliché. In fact in true style of Ailsa’s new life, it’s complicated. I really enjoyed this.