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Merissa (11958 KP) rated King of Blades (Two Thrones #4) in Books

Nov 12, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
King of Blades (Two Thrones #4)
King of Blades (Two Thrones #4)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
King of Blades is the fourth book in the Two Thrones series and we return to Matthias and Danaë. She is well into her pregnancy with twins and has her own concerns which she hides from Matthias. He brings friends along with him on his 'Royal Visit' but doesn't stop to think how Danaë is feeling. Add to that Darius and Lars are reconciling but have their own issues going on too.

As always, this was excellently written with Danaë's worries being perfect for a first-time mother, especially with twins. There were no unnecessary dramatics or hysterics. It's a wonder she was even walking and talking with everything that was going on. Talk about stress!

I loved Darius' story and the whys and wherefores of what was happening. Bless him. He picked the wrong person, that's for sure. I hope we see more of him and Lars in future books. Plus the fact, I want to meet Giles!

I am loving this series and this book is no exception. A brilliant story and one highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 12, 2020
Prudence (The Custard Protocol, #1)
Prudence (The Custard Protocol, #1)
Gail Carriger | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Banter between characters (1 more)
Too much description on fashion esp Dresses (2 more)
Hardly any plot
Hardly any character growth
If I didn't read this in an overdramatic unserious way, I would have hated this book. Prudence has the ability to get on the nerves and has very little character development. There is great banter between all the characters, and that was enjoyable.
If you took out all the descriptions of the dresses (and other outfits) you'd have 1/3 of a book. It was during these points where I questioned where the plot went cause it had a tendency to disappear.
I wouldn't say it was a puff and fluff book cause I don't want to disrespect those books but if it wasn't for the vocabulary and banter I'd probably would have DNF the book. I was disappointed that there wasn't as much steam-punk elements as expected and more supernatural elements then I realized. (My own fault for not properly reading the book blurb.)
I think that the author dropped the ball on some of the boundary pushing elements such as: talking about the colonization of Inda, pushing the boundaries of women in British society and social class. All in all I was amused if a bit bored at times and not sure if it's worth a second read through or to continue on in the series.
Falling From The Sky (Bear Creek #1)
Falling From The Sky (Bear Creek #1)
Nikki Chartier | 2014 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is what I'm talking about!!!! This is a young adult story about heartbreak, hope, despair, confusion and love, that just happens to be between two members of the same sex. The feelings between them are true, no matter what sex you are!

Ridge is coping with life, but he's certainly not living it. He doesn't know if he will ever feel 'normal' again as he tries to cope with his dad's death. He is going through the motions of living, whilst feeling very disjointed. Micah is the only one who seems to break through Ridge's barriers, and not in a good way to begin with. Ridge finds him irritating and annoying, but Micah persists. The friendship that grows between these two is gorgeous to read about, as well as Ridge's meanderings on where the friendship is going, and his growing feelings towards Micah.

I thought this was incredibly well-written, powerful and yet delicate enough when dealing with Ridge's confusion over his feelings. The ending? Wow, that one walloped me! I completely 5683 this book and will be on the lookout for more from this author. Totally blew me away! Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 7, 2016
DM Me for Murder
DM Me for Murder
Sarah E. Burr | 2024 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mega-Influencer’s Murder Leads to Mega Trouble
Murder is the farthest thing from Coco Cline’s mind that Monday morning. Instead, she is thrilled that mega-influencer LaTage wants to use Coco’s company, Center of Attention Consulting, to launch her rebranding. Then Coco arrives at their meeting to find LaTage dead. With the police asking Coco for help understanding the online world that LaTage inhabited, she can’t help but dig just a little deeper. Will she be able to uncover a clue that will lead to the killer?

I was really looking forward to this book, and it didn’t disappoint. Coco and her friends are in top form, and I loved watching their relationships develop. The plot was fantastic with a couple of great twists and many suspects that Coco had to sort through to reach the logical solution. If you’re looking for a warm beach getaway, the setting with definitely appeal to you as well. I love seeing cozy mysteries expanding their themes. However, if you aren’t super into social media, you’ll still understand everything that happens here, and there’s plenty of talking to suspects face to face. Fans will be delighted with this book. If you want a fun, modern cozy, you’ll be glad this series trended to the top of your to be read pile.
Douglas is a show-off
This is hands-down the most action-packed biography I have ever read! And it’s almost the most egotistical and narcissistic sounding biography I have ever read.

In his opening scene in the prologue, Douglas finds himself waking up from a coma in hospital expecting to be tortured by sick criminals, having (almost) single-handily run the FBI’s psychological profiling unit, handling hundreds of cases for several years.

I haven’t had the opportunity to watch the Netflix series based on this book, but I am quite a fan of the Criminal Minds series, so I had an idea of what to expect. However, you need to get 6 chapters in before Douglas starts talking about his work as an FBI profiler. He starts off talking about growing up, his love life, and getting into his career.

Douglas may call himself a profiler, but in my opinion, he is first and foremost a story-teller, with a talent for a drama-filled yarn. And rather than being put off by his constant bragging, I found myself hanging on his every word.

This light and long prelude to the criminal profiling section of the book made the crime details feel all the more gruesome. Some of the predictions made by Douglas about the murderers are barely believable. I mean, how can a crime scene really tell you the age of a murderer or what kind of car he drives?

Unfortunately, Douglas doesn’t offer much explanation into these kinds of things, and the leader is left assuming it’s all down to statistics. And if there’s anywhere the book is let down it would be here, because this would be why readers would pick the book up.

I once read a similar book called The Profiler, by Pat Brown. Brown, however, was a mere spectator to criminal goings on and had no influence whatever on getting criminals brought to justice. Douglas, however, would meet with local police and provide strategies on getting the bad guy, and getting him to confess.

To me, the most crucial chapter was Battle of the Shrinks. It looks at how criminals are dealt with once apprehended. Here Douglas meets with a psychiatrist whose job it was to assess whether criminals can have their sentences shortened and be let off early. This psychiatrist didn’t bother reading police reports to see from an outsider exactly what the criminal had done because he didn’t want to be made biased it and wanted to meet the criminal exactly as they presented himself to him. Douglas was appalled by this attitude and tried to get this over to the psychiatrist, but sadly, to no avail.

In short, this is a very entertaining book, and while it can teach you lot, reading it will never make you as good a profiler as John Douglas himself.
You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
Felicia Day | 2016 | Biography
9.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maybe you picked this up because you watched Buffy that one time and wanted to know what that red-headed chick who wasn't Willow was all about… or more likely, you are a fan of one of her many endeavors (and why shouldn’t you be?). She is a super-hardworking person who seems to be doing what she loves, and in my humble opinion, completely killing it. She shares her awkwardness and how even she fangirls when meeting famous people she loves.

How can I describe this book? Imagine talking to your best friend about everything in your life: your childhood, your hopes and fears, and most importantly all things geeky (comics, video games, and the internet). That is how I felt when I was reading this book. Yes, I was a fan of Felicia’s already but reading this book felt more like talking to your best friend than some impersonal narrative that you just picked up off the shelf at random. Felicia is witty, funny, and down to earth. (A bit neurotic, her words, but we still love her for it.) Her candor is endearing and makes the book incredibly relatable. Her love of video games, comics, crafting and just the simple art of creating definitely speaks to her readers (I know I definitely relate). Plus, the pictures peppered throughout are just adorable.

She took her life into her own hands and with an incredible amount of hard work, created Geek & Sundry. She filled the book with her life and quite a few really good pieces of advice (as well as motivational phrases). As I sit here in my exploding TARDIS skirt (thank you mom for helping me make it), embracing my quirkiness and inner geek, I hope Felicia would be proud. I hope that people are inspired by her book, like I am inspired and take a chance. Do what they love.

Check out all of her projects with Geek & Sundry, as well as past projects like my love Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, the show that started it all the Guild and her appearances on Supernatural! And if anyone could get me a signed copy of her book, I would love you forever. I take my book collection very seriously and would love to have this sitting on my shelf (rather than residing digitally in the nethersphere of my kindle.) Random fun fact, one of my exes and I used to sing My Eyes. I, of course, sang Penny’s part (and when I was alone I would also be Dr. Horrible, duh). It was my favourite song from the show and I’m still obsessed with it. I also found it on Sing (karaoke app, I spend too much time on there) just so that I could record it as a duet (and then sing both parts because why not?). Enough about me, go buy her wonderful book immediately and read it.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Tape in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Everyone is constantly reminded to never judge a book by its cover. The book jacket designer of Steven Camden’s contemporary novel <i>Tape</i> has done an excellent job using colour and hand-rendered images to capture people’s attention; the story, however, remained rather dull in comparison.

The novel is split into two time periods, twenty years apart. In 2013, Ameliah is struggling to cope with the sudden loss of her mother, and shortly after her father, whilst she moves in with her Nan. In the spare bedroom lies a mammoth job of boxes to sort out containing all of her parents’ belongings. Ameliah first discovers an ancient boom box along with a large collection of music tapes. Amongst these is an unlabeled one, and when she plays it she can hear a young boy talking to her – he also says her mother’s name, “Eve”.

Twenty years earlier it is 1993 and thirteen-year-old Ryan is keeping a verbal diary as he records himself talking to his mother who has unfortunately passed away. His father has remarried and Ryan also has to struggle to live with stepbrother Nathan who seems to be determined to create a scene at every given opportunity. On a day out with his best friend Liam, he meets an Irish girl named Eve who he instantly falls in love with, but is devastated to learn that she will be returning home to Ireland soon.

It is clear from the beginning that Ryan and the voice on Ameliah’s tape are one and the same person; but the question is how are they connected? The connection is emphasized by the similarities in the lives of these two youngsters. Ryan meets a girl… Ameliah meets a boy… They both have to learn to deal with certain people being in their lives. For Ryan that is Nathan but for Ameliah that is a stranger who turns up one day claiming that he was a friend of her father.

After a while the storyline becomes predictable, and despite suspecting a plot twist, there is not one. The characters come across as a bit childish and annoying, which makes them difficult to relate to - although that may not be an issue with younger readers. Twelve and thirteen are far too young to be thinking about romantic relationships, especially for a boy in the early nineties: a flaw in the storyline.

Camden has done well to reduce the potential confusion of changing from one character and decade to another by using two different typefaces, so there is no issue there. But, overall it was rather disappointing. It was a great idea for a narrative with so much potential, however it fell flat and dreary through the writing.
Indigo Incite (Indigo Trilogy, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, in a few words, Indigo Incite was quite the snooze fest. It has an interesting premise, yes, but quite DULL. There's nothing much going on. Nothing!

      It started out interesting, of course, with all those seriously cool powers but over the course of the book, there really was nothing going on. I was really just hoping it would slowly build up and end with a good pow.

      It honestly didn't. It was like Nikita in walking through very deep snow motion, and I actually like Nikita. It's certainly not as interesting as Grimm though. I'm not even surprised by the end. It's obvious and doesn't exactly take brains to figure out the most logical answer.

      Then again, I could be surprised by the second book, but I'm pretty sure I won't be surprised. I probably won't be surprised on what may happen at the end of the trilogy either, but that's yet to be seen. *doesn't really plan on reading further on the series unless things spice up a notch in action*
<blockquote>“A few different people…some good, some not so good. Do you have time to talk? My name is Sarah, by the way.”</blockquote>
      Essentially it's a repeat of "Hi, I'm so and so. Can we talk?" in a different style. I stress SLOW. Too much talking. Less talking, more action. I have a semi-short attention span and I have other books on my review queue to read that are most likely more interesting than a bunch of dialogue. >_<

      Let me backtrack a little. Indigo Incite isn't full of dialogue, but it simply felt like it's all talk and no action, if you know what I mean?

      Maybe it's the random commas that just felt really out of place. I really thought that was the main reason for the slow going of things. I eventually ignored them, but still... nothing interesting going on. Zzzzz. *yawns*
<blockquote>“Come on, boys.” Henry waved the gun toward the door. “Let’s walk. First, I’ll take that disc off your hands.”</blockquote>
      What happens next? ATTENTION: SPOILER ALERT! Hellooo, the police barge in. -_-

      Typical bad guy gets caught by the authorities and real life stuffy. -_-

      I thought Tyler and Toby would go all Jackie Chan on Henry and things will finally have some SPICE. I adore spices. Particularly cinnamon and – does gingerbread marshmallows count? It contains ginger and they're delicious. Quite cheap right after Christmas too. I don't mean those Asian herbs that look like alien fingers, though for all I know they're the same thing. :D
Review copy provided by author for review on the blog tour
Original Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Owls
Formatting has been removed due to copy and paste
This review and more can be found at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<img src=""; />
Ted (2012)
Ted (2012)
2012 | Comedy
Full disclosure: I am a huge Family Guy fan. I’ve been watching since day one, and even own every volume and special edition DVD released. Okay, now that we have that out of the way.

Ted is the multi-talented Seth MacFarlane’s directorial debut for a feature films. It follows the story of John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg), who as a kid never really had any friends. For Christmas he received a talking teddy bear, which he decided to name Ted. One day he makes a wish that will forever change his life, a wish that Ted could really talk to him and be best friends. That wish came true.

Ted became a world-wide sensation. He was not a figment of John’s imagination, but rather a real-life talking teddy bear. Ted (who is voiced by MacFarlane) becomes the overnight celebrity that we have seen so many times, and eventually becomes old news when fame becomes fleeting.

Flash forward 28 years to present day, John is now 35, but still acts very much the child.

He is in a dead end job, and would rather blow the important things off in his life to hang with his best friend Ted.

This includes is Lori (Mila Kunis), his girlfriend of four years. I think we see where this going, typical relationship problems and the movie then becomes about trying to win Lori back with the help of Ted.

While the story line is a little predictable, it never felt that way while watching it. There is a lot of subtle humor, and there is a lot of in your face rude, crude humor. There were also a lot of cameos. Some will only be obvious to Family Guy fans or fans of the eighties, while others will be right in your face.

One thing that grinds my gears is when some movies these day show the funniest moments in the trailer, and the rest of the movie is… eh.

One thing is for sure: it keeps you laughing almost the whole way through. There were even some lines that I missed because of how loud the laughter in the theater was (which means a repeat trip, I think).

There were a lot of one-liners, though, that I will probably end up using on a regular basis.
I kind of always get nervous about bringing someone to a movie I want to see, afraid that they won’t like my choice. My guest came in with very low expectations of the film, but she ended up laughing the entire time, and even got really caught up in the tense moments.

With all of the drug and sex references, and crude humor, this movie is definitely not meant for a younger audience, or probably even the really easily offended. Keep that in mind and if you still want to watch, you will not be disappointed.