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The Death of Mrs Westaway
The Death of Mrs Westaway
Ruth Ware | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
You'll be on the edge of your seat!
Suspenseful. This is my first Ruth Ware novel, and it was definitely suspenseful. It reminded me a lot of the Agatha Christie films - a family shut away in a big old house with a mystery to solve. But this has a very modern edge to it. The house is still spooky though: I expected it to go full on James Herbert (it didn't)!
Hal gets a letter to tell her that she has come in to some money, after the death of a rich grandmother she has never known about. Up to this point, she has been living hand to mouth with loan sharks after her. She reads tarot cards on Brighton pier (not the good one). She goes to her grandmothers funeral and decides that she is going to try and 'blag' the money out of the will. She can't possibly be related to these people! This is where it gets very interesting and all twisty-turny.
Great characters and a great story. I didn't see the end coming at all!
Thanks to The Pigeonhole and the author for my copy of this book.
The Six-Gun Tarot (Golgotha #1)
The Six-Gun Tarot (Golgotha #1)
R.S. Belcher | 2013 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Diverse and intricate characters (2 more)
Complex Imagery
pacing gets a litle complicated and the flow is disrupted (0 more)
A very complex world set in a small Nevada town during 1869. R. S. Belcher grabs your interest and keeps you guessing on the intricate happenings of this strange town, Golgotha.
Seeped in lore and the paranormal it makes me wish I knew a bit more about Tarot as the chapters are named after one of the cards and I know I have missed a bit of the intricate layers that are contained in this book. This book does get a little esoteric and has some weighty comments on religion but doesn't preach at you and lets you make your own decisions. It is an appropriate product of the time it is set in (1869) so there are a few racist comments that show a small bit of what may have been like in the wild west or America around the time of the Civil War.
The flow of the book stunted me a little until I got used to flashbacks and realized that you back tract on the day for a different p.o.v., it added depth to the characters and world.
Really enjoyed it
Contains spoilers, click to show
Emerald O'Brien is the owner of the Chintz 'n China Tea Room where guests are served the perfect blend of teas and tarot readings. She never set out to be a detective, but once word gets out that she can communicate with the dead, there's no turning back... When the ghost of Susan Mitchell asks for Emerald's help in convicting her own murderer, Emerald can't refuse. Along with her friends-an ex-supermodel and a cop-and her new love interest, Emerald must search for clues to put the killer behind bars, and Susan's tortured soul to rest.

I absolutely loved this book! It was well written, clever ,funny and spooky. I really should not read ghost stories in the dark at 3am in the morning. I was so freaked out at one point or maybe I'm getting soft. I did genuinely enjoy the book though is was everything a murder mystery/ghost story should be! I just love Emeralds character she's not the usual skinny beautiful woman most main characters usually are, the fact she's a single mum trying to deal with daily life as well as ghost hunting and mystery solving.

Highly recommended


For a first book it's not too bad. I enjoyed the book it was a fast and easy read. Mac and Tad are my favorite characters because I could see real people in them. Zade, she is still trying to find her way in the world. there's not much magick until near the end of the book. Mostly it expands on the ' normal' life Zade wants. While there is a love triangle there isn't much interaction between Zade and Jackson. There are a few typos and a bit of redundancy in the book, and yes, some times it seems almost like product placement and name dropping in some parts. However, with the name dropping they are in Vegas and she is in the business it is kinda expected. the slight product placement.... meh i could be reading too much into it So, by now you're wondering why the three stars and not say two or the more popular one. What can I say it sucked me in. I liked that the chapters where named after Tarot cards. The interaction between characters wasn't forced and I was ok that she second guessed herself as it didn't get to be whiny. For all that she couldn't stand if someone didn't like her. It is good for a fast empty headed read. I also want to see how/if the author and characters grow in the sequel.
Finding Joy Street isn't your normal, run-of-the-mill, contemporary romance. What you get is a helluva lot more than what you see. Cali Blue gives across the impression of being permanently positive and "practically perfect in every way". However, she is dealing with a whole lot more than what she allows people to see, and this also influences her career of choice. When she meets London for the first time, sparks fly, but not in the way you expect. If I remember correctly, a "prick in a nice suit" is one description of him. However, he gets under Cali's skin and not always in a bad way. When she needs help, he is there unconditionally.

I thoroughly enjoyed how these two got to know each other, figuring out the puzzle of what makes Cali/London Cali/London! The attraction is there, and it does yo-yo for a while, but Melissa Belle allows their relationship to grow way beyond just a quick romp.

If I had one 'bad' thing to say it would be that the place names being names got a bit old, but consider that just one of my personal quirks. About the story itself, I can give nothing bad. It deals with some major issues in a sensitive and sympathetic way, without glamorising or playing the victim card.

Extremely well written, and a joy to read, I look forward to more from The Tarot Series. Definitely recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Persona 5
Persona 5
2016 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Characters (4 more)
Game Mechanics
Loading Screens/Menus
The Game RPG Die hards have been waiting for
The first thing I can think of to say is WOW. Fans of this franchise have been waiting for a very long time for this entry in the Shin Megami Tensei universe. I, as a long time fan SMT, absolutely adore this game.

To really play this game and to get the full grasp of this game expect to put at least 150 hours into the initial game play. Persona 5 does have a new game plus which opens up other options and avenues for players to choose. Seriously though, my first play through was 153 hours. Plan to spend a lot of time in this universe.

That being sad, don't be scared! The game is visually stunning and the story line is unique and highly involved. You have character relationships, jobs, and side missions.

There is a heavy time management quality to this game. You make the choices to work, hang out, or go to the dungeon. The best way to state what Persona 5 is this: Time Management + Dating Simulator + Dungeon Crawler.

As the story progresses, so do the relationships you choose to grow. The main character will make a relationship with people the represent the major arcana tarot cards (so, 20+ relationships to juggle!) From there you get missions to save people from themselves. Some of these are accomplished in the major dungeons (7 overall), while the rest are in the peoples dungeon.

I love every aspect of this game. I had high hopes going into it and ATLUS did not disappoint.
The Starfolk Arcana (The Starfolk Trilogy #1) by Martha Dunlop
The Starfolk Arcana (The Starfolk Trilogy #1) by Martha Dunlop
Martha Dunlop | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE STARFOLK ARCANA is the first book in the Starfolk Trilogy and we are introduced to a contemporary world where Beth has never felt as though she fitted in, due to her gut feelings and intuition. On her birthday, she goes to a TV show that her friend got tickets for. There, she sees a celebrity, Amelia, who speaks a lot of nonsense but nevertheless manages to sway over the audience apart from Beth. It is also there she meets Jonan for the first time. Life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

I wouldn't call this a romance book, but rather a story with romantic elements. There is a lot of back and forth between Beth and Jonan as they try to work together, past lives and tarot cards notwithstanding. The whole world seems to be under Amelia's spell, and they need to stop it. It is an uphill battle though, as it is easier to give in to fear than to fight it.

Full of twists and turns, you are never completely sure who to trust. I understood Beth's frustration and hope for the general population but I found her blindness to her roommate to be just as irritating for me.

It does end on a bit of a cliffhanger which definitely left me wanting more. A great read I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 11, 2022
2021 | Card Game, Fantasy
You know that messed up deal when you are just chillin’ in the forest doing goblin-y things when you are caught and forced into a life of servitude by the king of the realm, and then when he needs someone to go on a dangerous quest he calls upon you, the now court jester, to fulfill said quest? Doesn’t that just chap your hide? Such is exactly the setting in which our hero(?) finds themselves in Questeros, or more fitting, Ero’s Quest (the solo adventure variant).

Ero is the goblin court jester from the open who has been “chosen” to quest about the land to rid it of the ne’er-do-wells of the realm. In this solo adventure mode of Questeros the player will be donning the visage and character of Ero as they travel about developing their skills and having encounters with powerful beings. It is up to the player to guide Ero through the kingdom and rid it of the foul that is plaguing it.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup the solo game, fondly and ingeniously-named “Ero’s Quest,” follow the rulebook to divide the tarot cards into their specific stacks and splays so that it roughly imitates the photo below. Draw a hand of five cards from the deck and the game may begin.
On a turn the player has a choice of seven actions that may be performed in any order. Each action may only be performed once per turn and when the turn is over the final action is Rest. To use the Develop action the player will place a card from their hand onto the Blades, Staves, or Orbs stacks in next-numerical order. This increases Ero’s attack and spending power. To Puchase cards Ero will spend Orb cards to look at the spent Orb value worth of cards from the draw deck, add one to their hand, and place the others at the bottom of the draw deck. At times Ero will need to Forget cards from hand in order to make room for more cards to enter it via the Learn action. Forgetting simply discards cards from hand while learning draws cards into hand from the draw deck. Recover is used to stand any kneeling/turned/rotated cards into an unused state by destroying cards of higher value from hand. As stated previously, to Rest is to end the turn by discarding the top card of the draw deck to setup the next turn.

I purposely left out the final action choice, Encounter, for a specific reason. Ero’s Quest is won when the entire deck of 21 Encounter cards is defeated. Each of these cards depicts a person or persons that Ero meets in his travels. Some require Ero to give them cards in order to pass. Some require Ero to succeed in battle against them in order to progress. In either case, Ero will need to get through the entire deck before his draw deck runs out in order to win the game.

Battle in Ero’s Quest is turn-based, where the Encounter persona attacks first, thus handing Ero wounds immediately. Wounds are suffered by spending Cups cards in value of the wound taken. For example, the Assassin is a value of 12, so they immediately wound Ero for 12 damage at the start of the encounter. Ero will spend a value of 12 Cups cards to simulate damage taken. Ero may then attack with a combination of available Blades, Staves, and any Ally cards obtained – one of each per attack turn. If the Encounter is defeated, Ero lives on. If the Encounter is not yet defeated, the battle continues with the Encounter card dealing damage and Ero responding with damage until one is defeated.

As mentioned earlier, the Encounter deck contains 21 cards with six of these being combat encounters. Ero has a ton of work to do and when each turn requires a card to be discarded before a new round may begin, they also have an in-game clock ticking and ticking each turn. However, if Ero is able to Develop their skills and overcome all the Encounters, the game is won and Ero becomes a Hero.
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, and many items are not fully completed in this version. That said, what we were provided is a large stack of tarot-sized cards, a first player Ero token (for multiplayer games), and a large pad of scoring sheets (also for multiplayer use). The cards are great quality and feature some really excellent artwork (on the cards that have the completed artwork on them). I do like the art style employed here, as I am a fan of fantasy themes, and I know that the game will probably ship with similar iconography, but may also be color-coded for ease of reference. All in all I believe Questeros is headed in the right direction for components, and a successful Kickstarter campaign may improve that even further.

The gameplay for the solo adventure of Ero’s Quest is really decent and engaging. So often I have found myself crunching numbers in my head and attempting to utilize my horrible card-counting “skills” to determine my next actions to take. Turns can be very intense and fruitful, or very frustrating and minimal, especially when you are waiting to draw that 3 of Blades so you can place it on the 2 of Blades sitting there, but it just won’t come up. And here you are sitting with the 4, 5, and 6 of Blades in hand and a Necromancer staring right at you awaiting combat. That is the definition of frustrating, but games usually take less than an hour, so even if an entire game is chock full of these turns, you can always setup a new game quickly and hope for better luck.

I like this one. I really do. It is interesting, has a great theme, so many delicious choices, and multiple ways to use the cards for game modes or tarot decks or even RPG FATE decks! On versatility alone I would rate this one high. If you are looking for a little card game to satisfy your mid-weight solo thirst, then check out Questeros. If you need a tarot game in your collection (as I look at mine and see no others), consider this one. It takes up very little shelf space, but looks great on the table and offers a great little solo experience. I have yet to beat the solo adventure, but Ero is calling my name for another go, and I might just have to give in. Again. And again.

DJ Muggs recommended Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
1971 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I first heard Led Zeppelin, I was a kid in kindergarten but my uncle and my mum used to pump Led Zeppelin loudly. I grew up with those mad eight-tracks and all the imagery in their songs hit my imagination hard. It was so hard to pick one record of theirs – I obviously couldn't pick them all but this is the one that came to my mind first and the one I think I heard and played the most. I also loved the album cover for this; I used to look at this record cover for hours and I'd never get bored. I got deeper into this record I think because I was hearing stories that if you played the record backwards, it said something. There were so many folklore stories around this album when I was a kid growing up and it was ripe for the imagination. Next thing when you're listening you'd see the fucking hermit from the tarot cards and you'd hear these stories that Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's house and then next they'd suddenly be going to India and working with all these different musicians. All these wild stories, all the mysticism behind the band is what really sucked me in with Led Zeppelin. When this record came out, there was no internet and you didn't know if the stories were all true or not so they had this great mystery to them. There were a couple of television shows but I'd never seen Led Zeppelin on TV; there were no music videos back then either. Even magazine articles about them were short. There was a great mystery to them and it just left it all open to your imagination to make up its own shit and my imagination is wild. Their stage shows were also ridiculous and they completely revolutionised touring today. So many things they did inspired me, inspired Cypress Hill."

Fever (The Chemical Garden, #2)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book to be much grimmer than the first book, Wither. In this book, Rhine and Gabriel spend most of their time trying to escape and running from or to some place. It was rather tiring at times, and I often wondered while I was reading, Don't they need to eat more? Seriously, they subsist on almost no food until they get to the orphanage, and even then, Rhine still seems to have an anorexic-like view of any and all food. Not very realistic for teenagers, in my view.
Moving on. Rhine's behavior while trapped in the carnival showed me that she can be very scatterbrained and disorganized, without any real planning abilities, even though I saw her as just the opposite in the first book. She seemed to just give in as the power of the drug "angel blood" is forced on her and Gabriel to control them. Her lack of motivation was disappointing, to say the least. The little girl she escapes with proves to be one of the most interesting variables in the whole book.
Further events once they escape seem to just delay the inevitable, but they do help to draw a more detailed picture of the world that Rhine comes from - the desperation and depravity that so much of society has sunk to as the hope of its children continues to inexplicably die. The division between those that want to continue looking for a cure and those that don't is clear, but what is not clear for most of the book is what is killing Rhine, who should still have 3 years of life to go. The horrible Vaughn of Wither is like a haunting presence throughout the book, and he has more secrets than even I can fathom.
The romance between Rhine and Gabriel is stagnated without the threat of discovery by Rhine's abandoned husband. Between escaping capture, living on the run, and futilely hunting down Rhine's brother, it has little chance to grow much at all. In fact, Rhine seemed to have more chemistry with another boy at the orphanage than she can maintain with Gabriel. Plus, Gabriel knows nothing about the world outside the mansion and is flung reeling into this life of survival that he could not have been prepared for - I can't help but feel sorry for him.
The most fascinating scene in the book is hinted at on the cover from the tarot card in Rhine's hand, but unfortunately those elements won't be covered until the final, untitled book in 2013. I look forward to a conclusion that more cleanly wraps up this series.