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Dean (6925 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies

May 22, 2019 (Updated May 22, 2019)  
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Great cgi for the city and back drops (0 more)
Very entertaining family film
Well I have to say I was a bit surprised when I saw Guy Ritchie come up as the director at the start, especially after the King Arthur film. Gladly none of his usual editing techniques are on show here. I can only just remember the cartoon version when I was younger. The humour of the genie voiced by Robin Williams made the film for me.
So a tough act to follow. The film is visually dazzling, in the costumes, sets, CGI and SFX in general. It all looks very realistic. I'm not a big fan of the songs, some are better than others. Overall it's a bit unfair to compare it to the original. It's a fun and light hearted film that goes by at a good pace and doesn't feel like a long film. Naomi Scott does look like a Disney princess. Maybe not as funny as the original but it's still a film all ages should enjoy.
A Modern Tragedy Vol 2 by Grandson
A Modern Tragedy Vol 2 by Grandson
2019 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
All killer, no filler (2 more)
Extremely heavy and modern sounding
Leaves me craving to see them live
Politicising may discourage some (0 more)
Razor sharp rock and hip-hop fusion
Discovered at random while searching for Rock music released this year, Grandson managed to be heavy and thrilling, while also utilising modern production techniques more usually associated with hip hop and electronic music, the fusion is excellent.
There are five tracks on this EP and each has a distinctive flavour. Apologize is a swaggering endorsement of the self, warts and all, which every listener can adopt as their own personal anthem. Stigmata is a full on, head down rocker that no doubt sets mosh pits ablaze. Is This What You Wanted is a searing enditement of facing the grinding misery of the world, compared with escaping it via indulgence and excess, slower than its predecessors but no less furious. Falling is a tripped out meditation on struggling with addiction. Darkside is the take of a would - be school shooter that drips with menace until it finally drops, when it becomes openly hostile.
Meg’s latest assignment for Northwest Extreme magazine finds her signing up for a mud run and a training course. Billy, the drill instructor in charge of the training course, is harsh – possibly two harsh. After two weeks, Meg is wondering why she signed up. However, one morning she sneaks out early only to discover Billy’s body. Was someone fed up with his training techniques?

Those coming to the series now might be disappointed. While there are some twists to the murder, it is overshadowed by everything else going on in Meg’s life, including a very intriguing twist in the story of her father’s murder. Fans who already know and love Meg will be intrigued by what happens here and anxiously awaiting the next book. (Cliffhangers, anyone?) The new characters are a bit thin as a result, but Meg and the other regulars more than make up for that as well.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
African Dub All-Mighty - Chapter 3 by Joe Gibbs &amp; The Professionals
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This album is a huge record for me. African Dub Chapter 3 is a record that's beautiful and a work of art that's ahead of its time. It still sounds so modern today in terms of production techniques and imagination. It has so much space, with the songs being really deconstructed. But they're reconstructions and deconstructions of commercial singles that had been made avant-garde by just adding certain parts and dub effects. When I first heard this at 16 or 17, what with there being no West Indian population in Glasgow and just hearing this record, I immediately loved it. African Dub Chapter 3 is a record that has stayed with me forever, y'know? So when it came to working with Andy Weatherall, who remixed 'I'm Losing More Than I'll Ever Have' and then did 'Loaded' after that, to me, that's like a rock version of dub. So I completely understood it. Meanwhile, there were those who never quite took to it as much as me because they didn't have that art rock/dub background."


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Rogue Warrior in Video Games

Dec 24, 2020  
Rogue Warrior
Rogue Warrior
Micky Rourke (0 more)
Micky Rourke (0 more)
Does Anyone Remember This Game
This game was published by Bethesda. Yes Bethesa, you know Skyrim, Doom and Fallout.

This game is bad, like awful.

Enough said.

In Rogue Warrior, the United States has sent in Richard Marcinko, a veteran U.S. Navy SEAL, on a mission into North Korea to disrupt ballistic missile launchers. The plot is not based on the autobiography by the game's protagonist, Richard Marcinko. Marcinko is voiced by actor Mickey Rourke.

Rogue Warrior is primarily a first-person shooter with tactical elements.

The focus of gameplay is Marcinko's over-the-top methods and signature execution moves used in war situations.

Rogue Warrior was universally panned by critics, who cited it as one of the worst games of all time. Criticism of the game included its poor controls, multiple glitches, outdated graphics, frequent profanity, rushed production, uninteresting gameplay, short length, very limited multiplayer, and broken and exploited combat techniques.

Their is hilarious lines, and a funny rap end credit song.

Dont play this game.
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Exposition Man
Gemini Man is a pure bore, a tedious bombardment of utter crap that's so oversimplified you would think it was made for children. Personaly I admire Ang Lee as a director hes got this quirky kinda way of shooting films & hes always brave enough to try new filming techniques/strange camera angles that you dont really see in other movies. Id liken him to Luc Besson tbh but sadly just like him after making some absolute cinematic masterpieces they both then seem to be content with just churning out utter dross & while at the heart all these movies have great ideas/cool action its the excecution they fail on every time. Gemini man is no diffrerent infact id say its even worse than Lucy or Billy Lynn as its just so dull to the point where I was questioning if i should use the time catch up on sleep instead. Nothing of any intrest happens in this movie and im not kidding when i say all we get 90% of the time is characters repeating the extreamly basic plot to us over & over again which comes across as patronising making the movie exteamly monotonous & exhausting to watch. Acting isnt much better either its all very one tone/basic with characters clearly only there as checklist reminder of whats about to happen. But what about the action? well for a 2hour movie #action scenes only equate to about 15 minutes total & even when we do get finally get an action scene (bar the motorbike chase from the trailer) theres really nothing memorable or thrilling at all. One thing I will say its a looker for sure & at times my god does it look fantastic with a visual clarity that almost feels like your on set but problem is again its not pushed enough & theres not really any enviroments or action that makes good use of the techniques used to film it which is a big shame (it almost got a 2 because of visuals but I got annoyed I wasted 2hours of my only day off watching it). So irritating, boring, generic, predictable, shallow, basic, overlong & inteligence insulting I warn you now do not go to see Gemini Man it deserves no ones precious time or #money its just a pointless mess thats nothing but an absolutle chore to sit through.
The Confession Tapes - Season 1
The Confession Tapes - Season 1
2017 | Crime, Documentary
Brilliantly executed and produced (0 more)
Having to wait for another series (0 more)
Traumatic watch, another brilliant true crime series
I have to say I was deeply traumatised watching this astounding yet disturbing series on confessions. Netflix have showcased another incredible documentary series about police misconduct and failings of the judicial process in these six cases.

Like Making A Murderer, it is well produced and directed leaving only the voices of those involved in these cases within the documentaries. However, it looks at one case per 45 minute episode bar the first episode which is spread across two. And it's relentless. Police techniques in questioning the accused range from psychological torture to even what appears to be hypnosis.

The cases itself are horrific. From confessing to the murder of your family, and your children, to brutal murders that led to an entire neighbourhood in Washington DC to break apart after convicting nine innocent teenagers. And no other leads are followed, and it's all based on circumstantial evidence. It makes you really question if you can trust the system. Watch it with caution as it can be harrowing.
Modern Calligraphy and Hand Lettering by Lisa Engelbrecht
Genre: Calligraphy and craft
ISBN: 9781592536443
Published: September 1st 2010 by Quarry Books
Rating: 5

This book was absolutely amazing. I have loved calligraphy since I was eleven.

This book had everything: information on supplies and tools and instructions on how to build your own tools. There are chapters on different calligraphy styles, like classic calligraphy, vintage styled alphabets, raw dry-brush techniques, funky fun letters, calligraphy on fabric, urban-styled graffiti, flourishes, gothic, and mixed media pieces. Every chapter is exciting and inspiring, and each chapter will speak to a different person and hit on their personal style. I have to say the fabric section really made me want to dance and get out my sewing machine. There were example pieces, full alphabets, photographs, stroke-by-stroke instructions on certain alphabets, and ideas beyond belief. This book is enough to keep me busy for at least the next two decades…

I recommend this book to anyone interested in calligraphy, collage, mixed media, or anyone who loves hand-writing pieces of art (Yes there are still some of us who love hand-writing letters and love poems and posters. We're awesome.).
Calling Out Of Context by Arthur Russell
Calling Out Of Context by Arthur Russell
2004 | Compilation
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love all of his records. Calling Out Of Context in particular was the most accessible at first - I had to re-educate my ears at the beginning though, in order to get into it. A friend of mine told me about it at uni - we were just starting Foals and I was getting more interested in pop music - or what my idea of that was - to write simpler, more emotive songs without hiding behind structures and techniques. His music is so open. When we wrote the first batch of Foals songs, we bought this second-hand Royal Mail van that was falling apart and we had one of those cassette adaptors that attached it to a Discman. It was one of those self-booked tours where there was no one there and we would get back into the van and put this record on and it lifted the spirits. It's the perfect record for a summer's day, Sunday morning - it's got a lightness and discreetness to it, I just love his voice. You can feel light within; when I listen to him, I can picture a visual scene filled with light. It's a daytime record"

Bob Ross: The Happy Painter (2011)
Bob Ross: The Happy Painter (2011)
2011 | Biography, Documentary
Bob makes everyone happy!
I found this documentary on the Bob Ross phenomenon on Amazon Prime and it is worth checking out.

It tells you a lot of Bob's childhood, his relationships with his parents, children and wives and his rise to fame doing what he loved best, painting. His passion was demonstrating the "wet on wet" technique he learned at a young age and teaching it to others. He argued anyone could learn to paint quickly and easily using the techniques he was teaching.

The documentary shows some of his appearances on other TV programs of the time like Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, John Rivers and Phil Donahue. It also talks about his love of animals and how he used to treat and care for them.

One of the points mentioned I thought was interesting was only about 3% of the viewing audience tuned in and actually painted along with Bob. The vast majority just tuned in because they enjoyed his calming voice, big hair and his colorful vernacular.

What a great talent Bob Ross was and he died way too young. I still watch his show almost every night before I go to bed as it is a great way to end the day.

Show all 3 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 10, 2019

Sure no prob!


ClareR (5603 KP) Jul 10, 2019

My eldest son is constantly drawing and painting, and found videos of Bob Ross on YouTube. I put the blame squarely at the door of Bob Ross for the state of my sons clothes and bedroom furniture - covered in oil paints!!! Kept him quiet and out of trouble for a while though I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 If I'm feeling brave during the school summer holidays, I’ll point him towards this if he’s at a loose end!! Oh, and I’ve ‘hidden’ the oil paints 🤫