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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Pet Sematary (2019) in Movies
May 13, 2019
Pet peeve
#petsematary is a dire #remake of an already bad #film. Its drab, lifeless & should never of been #reanimated. I had high hopes for this film because it feels like its been a while since the last mainstream horror movie so as I felt genuinely excited but after the first 15 minutes this feeling had quickly been replaced with sheer #fear there was still well over an hour left to go till i could leave. Before we hit the negatives ill give you my positives that saved the movie from being a total walk out. First - #johnlithgow is great as always but mostly wasted largely because of the terrible script he's been given to work with. Second - the running theme of #death is great & the film portrays how all living things fear it so much rather well (it also handles #grieving & guilt #trauma surrounding #death well too but its ultimately far to brief). Now the bad - the movie feels nasty & cheap to look at visually, cgi is bad, make up design is lazy, the camerawork feels awkward & strangely zoomed in just a bit to close to everything, theres weird #90s era motion blur on everything fast moving, acting is laughable/cheesy & scenes go on far to long as does build up to key scenes that have an anticlimactic pay off. If you've seen the original or the trailer for that matter the film becomes highly predictable killing all suspense & what little atmosphere the film conjures up is ruined by naff & bland set design. I honestly cant recomend anyone wasting their time on this highly forgettable film unless your a big fan of really #adorable #cats then this one in this is a clear 10/10 on the #cute scale. An uninspired lazy cash grab & there are a million horror films out there that tell almost the same story way better. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #gore #stephenking #scary #cat #animal #pet #classic #retro #cultclassic #80s #filmbuff #filmcritic #zombie

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Escape Room (2019) in Movies
May 13, 2019
Get me out of here
#escaperoom is a #saw movie without the gore & while it maybe better than the last 6 movies in that series its by no means a rewarding #escape. I can't tell you i hated this film because there are elements & sections i did find tense/entertaining however its a long way off being a GOOD film. Right off the bat the direction annoyed me, its all over the place & was clearly trying to create tension from moving/cutting & it just didnt work for me at all feelong like a #90s #music video. Camera work also feels cheap as does the cgi so much so that immersion is #pretty much not possible. Acting is bad with no realistic emotion or reaction from most characters but at least its not as bad as the terrible dialog which felt exhausting & repetitive. #loganmiller & #tylerlabine were standouts & actually saved the movie for me with some good acting here & there as well as being the most interesting characters too. So why a 5? the movie entertained me & there was one escape room (set in an upside down bar) that managed to be not only quite creative but a lot of fun & fairly tense too with cool camera angles & nice set design. Deaths were tame for a 15 & the plot is your standard predictable twaddle with what seemed to be an abudence of #overkill endings trying to shock with twist after non effective twist. Teens will no doubt get a huge kick out of this film as its based on the latest #craze but i #feel everyone else will be like me wishing this genre would do something #fresh now. Its not a bad film its just an ok & lacking one just like a #haunted house you've visited already it passes the time. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #jigsaw #trap #filmbuff #filmcritic #gore #fridayfeeling #teen #silly #game #escaperoommovie #puzzle #fire #lit #scary

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Upgrade (2018) in Movies
May 14, 2019
#upgrade #upgrademovie is insane & possibly the biggest surprise of the year. Its dark, dirty, gritty, raw & I absolutely #loved every second of it. Upgrade clearly wears its influences on its sleeve right from the start, there's elements of #Dredd, #Robocop, #TheMatrix & also #Terminator & its style is a straight #nostalgic mash up of #80s & #90s #scifi. What's so good about it however is amongst all this influence is an intricately woven style of its own. Its a low budget #film but you wouldn't know it as cgi is fantastic/minimal & works so well with some of the best #practicaleffects I've seen in ages. Gore is so realistic/#savage & shocking at one point I almost stood up out my seat in sheer shock. Cinematography is #beautiful/creative & at times wouldnt look out of place in a #bladerunner film. Environments look nasty, hostile & damn right grimy giving the film such a raw & depressing quality like it too is also a character. Ive always loved #loganmarshallgreen his physical acting here is next level. How he moves his body in this movie is out of this world impressive (especially when the system takes over his body). He plays the role perfect making his body act robotic while his face reacts with sheer fear & panic (its not only hilarious but terrible & utterly fascinating too). Camera work when he's moving is seriously impressive too moving in almost a robotic kind of way twisting, turning & jolting with every move #logan makes. With an unnerving/memorable score & an over all message of #technology enslaving us all/how no matter how much we hate machines we all eventually become reliant on them in some way Upgrade is a must see. Its not very often a small film like this comes along so we must all go see it to encourage directors to make more. One hell of a great time & a film I can't wait to own. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #filmreview #saturdaynight #horror #gore #violent #cyberpunk #grindhouse

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Avengers: Endgame (2019) in Movies
Jun 5, 2019
Hulk and Thor (1 more)
Little screen time for many favourite characters
Solid end to an epic series.
So back in 2008 (which is 11 years ago at the time of writing - where did the time go!) the film Iron Man came out starring Robert Downey Jr. I loved that film but little did I know at the time that over the course of the next 11 years we’d have such a huge universe created for us by Marvel over a plethora of films culminating in one 3 hour epic film (no consideration for my bladder.) The whole scale of this movie is mind blowing in that context.
This film has plenty of action and lots of homage to the films in the franchise. It does a solid job of tying things off. It's just not going to be one of my favourites (although an improvement on Infinity war.)
Now the Marvel universe has built up a heck of a lot of characters, some I love, some less so but fundamentally we just have too many characters. Trying to cram them into one film is just unwieldy and we lose the sharpness many of the films had. For me, unfortunately this film focuses more of the characters I’m less keen on. The ones I do love, that were front and centre, seemed to have all undergone personality changes to make them terrible. OK I get it seeing half the life in the universe wiped out is going to ruin anyone's mood but the changes we saw in Hulk and Thor were just way off for me. Downey fortunately manages to carry a lot of the film, with some great revisiting of tension between Stark and Cpt. America. Only Rocket seemed vaguely recognisable as a character I love. Many barely get a line in when they do turn up.
The fun that is so evident in most of the best marvel films didn’t feel as present, I just needed more of that Marvel feel before a big huge battle to save the day.
This film has plenty of action and lots of homage to the films in the franchise. It does a solid job of tying things off. It's just not going to be one of my favourites (although an improvement on Infinity war.)
Now the Marvel universe has built up a heck of a lot of characters, some I love, some less so but fundamentally we just have too many characters. Trying to cram them into one film is just unwieldy and we lose the sharpness many of the films had. For me, unfortunately this film focuses more of the characters I’m less keen on. The ones I do love, that were front and centre, seemed to have all undergone personality changes to make them terrible. OK I get it seeing half the life in the universe wiped out is going to ruin anyone's mood but the changes we saw in Hulk and Thor were just way off for me. Downey fortunately manages to carry a lot of the film, with some great revisiting of tension between Stark and Cpt. America. Only Rocket seemed vaguely recognisable as a character I love. Many barely get a line in when they do turn up.
The fun that is so evident in most of the best marvel films didn’t feel as present, I just needed more of that Marvel feel before a big huge battle to save the day.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Worms Battlegrounds in Video Games
Mar 6, 2018
Funny and nostalgic... for a short period
Worms for me is a game I loved when I was younger, so when I found out they'd updated it for the PS4, I forced my other half to fork out a grand total of £4 to buy it for us despite protesting he hated it. Neither of us were disappointed.
I can't review the single player mode as it doesn't appeal in the slightest, and let's face it, the only reason you play Worms is to unleash tactical warfare against your nearest and dearest, causing numerous arguments in the process. And on this it doesn't disappoint. The gameplay is exactly how I remember, right down to the available weapons and worm characteristics. The movie trailer voiceover option constantly has me in hysterics.
The main fun of this game comes either from killing your opponents in decidedly wicked ways, or from completely messing up your tactics and killing yourself instead. The problem with this is, it gets old very quickly. This isn't a game you can play all day. This is a game you can play for a few rounds and then come back to in a week or so. It also has a few glitches which do get irritating after a while. The automatic camera panning is terrible; you have to force it to pan back to your character after selecting a target and most of the time you never know how much damage you do to an opponent as the camera has moved off elsewhere instead of staying on them. There's also the fact that it gives you multiple game/weapon options, but you have no clue from the startup screen what weapons this includes until you start the round and realise they're all the rubbish ones...
In short, this is still a really fun game as long as you keep it brief and can ignore some of the glitches.
I can't review the single player mode as it doesn't appeal in the slightest, and let's face it, the only reason you play Worms is to unleash tactical warfare against your nearest and dearest, causing numerous arguments in the process. And on this it doesn't disappoint. The gameplay is exactly how I remember, right down to the available weapons and worm characteristics. The movie trailer voiceover option constantly has me in hysterics.
The main fun of this game comes either from killing your opponents in decidedly wicked ways, or from completely messing up your tactics and killing yourself instead. The problem with this is, it gets old very quickly. This isn't a game you can play all day. This is a game you can play for a few rounds and then come back to in a week or so. It also has a few glitches which do get irritating after a while. The automatic camera panning is terrible; you have to force it to pan back to your character after selecting a target and most of the time you never know how much damage you do to an opponent as the camera has moved off elsewhere instead of staying on them. There's also the fact that it gives you multiple game/weapon options, but you have no clue from the startup screen what weapons this includes until you start the round and realise they're all the rubbish ones...
In short, this is still a really fun game as long as you keep it brief and can ignore some of the glitches.

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Baby Teeth in Books
Sep 19, 2018 (Updated Sep 19, 2018)
Couldn't put it down!
Contains spoilers, click to show
** spoiler alert ** I could NOT put this book down. And when I was done with it, I couldn't stop talking about it. My husband's exact words: "that sounds like a f*cked up book you're reading." 100% true.
I'm not going to rehash the plot you've read about 10,000 times. You get it: evil kid, scared mother, oblivious dad-in-denial. It sounds like it could be a bad horror movie; instead it's a truly disturbing book. That's the thing about uncomfortable topics: if you're reading it, you create an image in your mind of what you perceive - rather than having the image given to you on a screen - and more often than not the image in my mind is far scarier.
The author has fleshed out the story in such a way that the reader is forced to really digest the terrible things. It's not one horrifying event on top of another; it's spaced out so that you truly think about what just happened and what it means...and what might be coming.
I was fascinated by the peek into the mind of a budding serial killer (because let's be real, that's what she'll be, with Mommy as first victim when she gets out of Marshes) and how she manipulates the world around her. There are a few moments here and there where for just a second, you feel bad for seven-year-old Hanna. But then she does something horrifying and the feeling passes, and you're #TeamSuzette once again.
I will say that Alex's willful ignorance of the situation and absolute indulgence of Hanna pissed me off - why would your wife lie to you about this, you idiot? - and I was SO HAPPY when he finally got with the program and they presented a united parental front against their evil little minion.
May I suggest you avoid this book if you have a precocious 7-year-old child? :)
Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read & review this ARE.
I'm not going to rehash the plot you've read about 10,000 times. You get it: evil kid, scared mother, oblivious dad-in-denial. It sounds like it could be a bad horror movie; instead it's a truly disturbing book. That's the thing about uncomfortable topics: if you're reading it, you create an image in your mind of what you perceive - rather than having the image given to you on a screen - and more often than not the image in my mind is far scarier.
The author has fleshed out the story in such a way that the reader is forced to really digest the terrible things. It's not one horrifying event on top of another; it's spaced out so that you truly think about what just happened and what it means...and what might be coming.
I was fascinated by the peek into the mind of a budding serial killer (because let's be real, that's what she'll be, with Mommy as first victim when she gets out of Marshes) and how she manipulates the world around her. There are a few moments here and there where for just a second, you feel bad for seven-year-old Hanna. But then she does something horrifying and the feeling passes, and you're #TeamSuzette once again.
I will say that Alex's willful ignorance of the situation and absolute indulgence of Hanna pissed me off - why would your wife lie to you about this, you idiot? - and I was SO HAPPY when he finally got with the program and they presented a united parental front against their evil little minion.
May I suggest you avoid this book if you have a precocious 7-year-old child? :)
Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read & review this ARE.

Justin Taylor (59 KP) rated Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) in Movies
Oct 29, 2018
Very entertaining and funny (5 more)
The title Characters have great chemistry
The villain is once again relateable
Nods to possible future plans particularly with Scott Lang's daughter. If u read the comics and saw this movie u know that they set her up so hard to be what she is in the comics and u never know
a what the future may hold
Luis kills it again with his comic relief and so does his pals
Stick around for the credits scenes like with all other marvel movies
Not very necessary to and in the MCU but brings up some things that may be important to the universe moving forward especially with avengers 4 on the horizon (2 more)
The side villain wasn't very great but not bad
It's a true sequel nothing else to say
Not necessary but fun movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ok so elephant in the room this movie didn't have to happen and I wouldve been fine either way but I enjoyed it nonetheless and it was a very fun movie especially after the movie we had before it and it was like a tissue we needed. And also this takes place during the event that was infinity war so take note of that.
Almost everyone is great in this movie with the exception of The side villain...he wasn't great but wasn't terrible as long as the guy who's playing hims last name is not Grace I'm fine.
Also while it's not necessary in the universe but it brings up points about future possibilities of the universe going forward especially with avengers 4 coming next year and yeah this movie does not impact the universe in any major way except for the credits scene.
Overall I had fun with it. do u need to watch it to get ready for avengers 4?
that's up to you, but it's a great movie either way
Almost everyone is great in this movie with the exception of The side villain...he wasn't great but wasn't terrible as long as the guy who's playing hims last name is not Grace I'm fine.
Also while it's not necessary in the universe but it brings up points about future possibilities of the universe going forward especially with avengers 4 coming next year and yeah this movie does not impact the universe in any major way except for the credits scene.
Overall I had fun with it. do u need to watch it to get ready for avengers 4?
that's up to you, but it's a great movie either way

Andrew Rich (36 KP) rated Nintendo Wii in Tech
Jun 20, 2019
Homebrew options including emulation (4 more)
Back compatibility
Good 3rd party hardware support
Intuitive user interface
Huge enthusiast base for support
No true HD output (1 more)
Fully deprecated by Nintendo as of January 2019
Better with age
Almost 13 years ago, Nintendo gave us the Wii, and if the enthusiast community is any measure, the Wii is still going strong. Even at its release, it wasn't the most powerful console - it wouldn't even do HD - and never had the game selection of the PS3 or XBox360, but it managed to chug along.
The motion controls are either fantastic - as in Wii Sports, Mario Kart and Skyward Sword, or just felt gimmicky, and even terrible - as in Mario Party 9, Ninjabread Man, and Chicken Shoot, and some didn't even use them, like my personal favorite @Muramasa: The Demon Blade. But the fact remains that it was, and is, still a good system.
These days, the original release games either look incredibly dated, or were designed around the system's limitations, and still manage to look good, but we're not seeing anymore new releases (except, of course, for Just Dance 2020. Thanks UbiSoft! ) so why is the Wii still good?
Well, between being back compatible to the GameCube, the Wii is also an absolute beast when it comes to emulating classic systems, from the Atari 2600 up to the original PlayStation. Add the Wii Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro, and you've got a one-stop shop for every Nintendo Console - including handhelds - from the NES up to the Wii, as well as systems from Atari, Coleco, NEC, Sega, and Sony. It turns out the Wii is a great option for those of us who want to play the old classics, but aren't collectors; and might want games not on the NES, SNES, or PS classic mini consoles.
All this time later, that little box of tricks is still proving its use!
The motion controls are either fantastic - as in Wii Sports, Mario Kart and Skyward Sword, or just felt gimmicky, and even terrible - as in Mario Party 9, Ninjabread Man, and Chicken Shoot, and some didn't even use them, like my personal favorite @Muramasa: The Demon Blade. But the fact remains that it was, and is, still a good system.
These days, the original release games either look incredibly dated, or were designed around the system's limitations, and still manage to look good, but we're not seeing anymore new releases (except, of course, for Just Dance 2020. Thanks UbiSoft! ) so why is the Wii still good?
Well, between being back compatible to the GameCube, the Wii is also an absolute beast when it comes to emulating classic systems, from the Atari 2600 up to the original PlayStation. Add the Wii Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro, and you've got a one-stop shop for every Nintendo Console - including handhelds - from the NES up to the Wii, as well as systems from Atari, Coleco, NEC, Sega, and Sony. It turns out the Wii is a great option for those of us who want to play the old classics, but aren't collectors; and might want games not on the NES, SNES, or PS classic mini consoles.
All this time later, that little box of tricks is still proving its use!

Jessica - Where the Book Ends (15 KP) rated Reign of the Fallen in Books
Jan 30, 2019
Reign of the Fallen was a book that I desperately wanted to love. The cover is stunning, the synopsis sounds amazing! I’d never read a book like this before, and I was super excited about the whole necromancer aspect of the story. I decided to use one of my free audible credits for this book.
I started reading and the characters were amazing and the story was pretty fast paced, there was so romance elements to it, but then it all kind of started to go sound. There is a pivotal scene about 1/4th of the way into the book, and after that the whole tone of the book changes.
The characters in this book were going to be badass or so I thought. Odessa was my highest hope of all the characters, but she ended up being the one I hated the most. Odessa is the name of a badass, and I expected nothing less from her. However, she suffers a terrible loss and just spirals out of control after that. She becomes addicted to this potion and instead of leaning on the plethora of supporting characters (and there are a lot) she continues to drink more and more of this potion, and quickly the main plot of this book becomes about dealing with her addiction… <head desk>
I decided to persevere and trudge onward in my audiobook journey noticing that I keep speeding up the narrator’s voice. Because if she reads fast the book would be over faster… Right….
Each chapter seemed to get more and more convoluted and I couldn’t wait to be done with this book. This book had so much promise and was so interesting with a unique plot but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t get past ALL of the characters and I couldn’t keep them straight. So, to you potential reader I say this… If you have patience and you think it sounds good, give it a go. Otherwise, save yourself the trouble.
I started reading and the characters were amazing and the story was pretty fast paced, there was so romance elements to it, but then it all kind of started to go sound. There is a pivotal scene about 1/4th of the way into the book, and after that the whole tone of the book changes.
The characters in this book were going to be badass or so I thought. Odessa was my highest hope of all the characters, but she ended up being the one I hated the most. Odessa is the name of a badass, and I expected nothing less from her. However, she suffers a terrible loss and just spirals out of control after that. She becomes addicted to this potion and instead of leaning on the plethora of supporting characters (and there are a lot) she continues to drink more and more of this potion, and quickly the main plot of this book becomes about dealing with her addiction… <head desk>
I decided to persevere and trudge onward in my audiobook journey noticing that I keep speeding up the narrator’s voice. Because if she reads fast the book would be over faster… Right….
Each chapter seemed to get more and more convoluted and I couldn’t wait to be done with this book. This book had so much promise and was so interesting with a unique plot but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t get past ALL of the characters and I couldn’t keep them straight. So, to you potential reader I say this… If you have patience and you think it sounds good, give it a go. Otherwise, save yourself the trouble.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Tomb Raider (2018) in Movies
Oct 25, 2019 (Updated Nov 5, 2019)
Amazingly average, wholly unessecary
Here we have a reboot of a mildly popular film franchise, based on a video game that is a reboot of a hugely beloved game series.
To sum up Tomb Raider in brief - if you are a fan of the original games, and don't really like the direction the recent games have taken, there is probably nothing here that will interest you.
If you are a fan of the recent game series, then you are probably better off just playing those instead of watching the movie adaption.
The film itself isn't terrible by any means, it's just completely bland and forgettable.
The plot is a run of the mill treasure hunting escapade, which we have seen countless times before, and done much better, with irrelevant side plots that bog down an already boring plot.
The action is so so, with some nice stunt work scattered here and there.
Alicia Vikander seems bored herself - I think as a movie, Tomb Raider is (very slightly) more credible than than the early 2000 efforts, but I do think the character of Lara Croft benefits from Angelina Jolie's charm.
It's like the writers couldn't decide whether to adapt the inexperienced and fighting-to-survive Lara Croft from the reboot series, or the more confident, one-liner Lara Croft from the original series, resulting in a flat adaption of either one.
All of the other characters involved are just as flat, so much so that I genuinely can't remember any of their names, or even who played them, with the exception of Dominic West - that dude is just in everything.
The script doesn't help matters one bit, threatening to put you to sleep at any given moment, and riddled with unintentionally funny Hollywood rubbish.
In summary, Tomb Raider can join the ever growing festering pile of dissapointment that are video game movies. (Except you Detective Pikachu, we love you <3)
To sum up Tomb Raider in brief - if you are a fan of the original games, and don't really like the direction the recent games have taken, there is probably nothing here that will interest you.
If you are a fan of the recent game series, then you are probably better off just playing those instead of watching the movie adaption.
The film itself isn't terrible by any means, it's just completely bland and forgettable.
The plot is a run of the mill treasure hunting escapade, which we have seen countless times before, and done much better, with irrelevant side plots that bog down an already boring plot.
The action is so so, with some nice stunt work scattered here and there.
Alicia Vikander seems bored herself - I think as a movie, Tomb Raider is (very slightly) more credible than than the early 2000 efforts, but I do think the character of Lara Croft benefits from Angelina Jolie's charm.
It's like the writers couldn't decide whether to adapt the inexperienced and fighting-to-survive Lara Croft from the reboot series, or the more confident, one-liner Lara Croft from the original series, resulting in a flat adaption of either one.
All of the other characters involved are just as flat, so much so that I genuinely can't remember any of their names, or even who played them, with the exception of Dominic West - that dude is just in everything.
The script doesn't help matters one bit, threatening to put you to sleep at any given moment, and riddled with unintentionally funny Hollywood rubbish.
In summary, Tomb Raider can join the ever growing festering pile of dissapointment that are video game movies. (Except you Detective Pikachu, we love you <3)