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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Tubing in Books

May 27, 2018  
K A McKeagney | 2018 | Erotica, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pretty successful debut ... original, darkly erotic and thrilling and one which will make you look a bit harder the next time you are on a train .... or not!

This book is not one I would normally go for as I tend to keep away from overly sexual books but there was something about the synopsis that attracted me to read this ... maybe it's my dark side coming out!

The main character, Polly, is a complex and deeply flawed individual formed by a troubled upbringing and addictive personality. Not happy with her seemingly perfect life, Polly goes awry following an erotic encounter on the tube and she becomes addicted to finding that stranger again and in the process, becomes embroiled in the what can only be described as "seedy" practice of #tubing.

Written at a fast pace in an easy-to-read style with great characters, this book will immerse you in a hidden world that might just exist in the cramped and overcrowded tube system.

Thank you to the publisher, RedDoor Publishing, and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.

I look forward to Ms McKeagney's next outing.

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated The Sky Throne in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
The Sky Throne
The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Tour: The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter is a new author to me. His storytelling is nice and well written. I enjoyed his book “The Sky Throne” a fantasy and mythology book. It tells a story about a young Zeus and somewhat of how he comes to be a Geek God.
Will Zeus and his classmates find out what they are to do? The adventures they take are thrilling. Don is short for “Poseidon”. Is this book to tell the story of ancient Greek or is it more geared towards Modern? You will have to read the book to find out for yourself and decide. Though the story of young Zeus is about ancient Greek and becoming Greek God.
Hypson coming to Create after young Zeus pulls enough pranks to get himself and his best friend expelled from Crete Lower Prep. Will he learn his lesson or will he continue with the pranks? Once his best friend is killed and his mother injured he is sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia. He sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia he as one question “Who is his real Mother”?

Becs (244 KP) rated The Third Act in Books

Sep 3, 2018  
The Third Act
The Third Act
John Wilson | 2018 | History & Politics, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The history aspect. (2 more)
The storyline.
The characters and their stories.
Great young adult history read!
I received The Third Act by John Wilson as a read and review copy from Libray Thing Early Reviewers program for my full honest review.

I honestly loved reading this. It was fun, thrilling, and even fast-paced, the majority of the time. Would I change anything? Not at all. It was beautifully written for the history aspect of it and held my attention. Which is very surprising because I can never have my attention grabbed by history related books.

The cover of this little novel is really cool. I like how they have a faded ‘ghost of the past’ on the cover. I actually didn’t realize that it was there until I was about halfway through with the book. The plotline was one that I wasn’t sure I was going to like at first. But as I kept reading, the history of the Nanjing Massacre and the switching from the past to the present, drew my attention in like a mouse to cake crumbs. The characters weren’t as developed, but it worked for this storyline.
When We Were Young
When We Were Young
Anna Benoit | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Livvy's character was kind of relatable at times. (0 more)
Grammatical errors throughout. (3 more)
Hardly any background or character development.
Beginning was a bore.
Parts didn't make sense.
Not the greatest read.
The beginning was very boring and did not grab my attention at all. There were grammatical errors littered throughout the entirety of the novel and parts that didn't make any sense.

Will I reread? No. Not really my cup of tea. Do I recommend? I mean if you like stories that are a bit juvenile and feel like they were rushed, with hardly any character or background development - then sure.

○ interested in its physical book
○ a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
● something’s lacking
● took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
● it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
● painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
○ a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
● confusing
○ sooo relatable
● it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
○ would recommend!
○ great even for a reread
○ definitely a YAY
● I’m sorry it’s a NAY
○ it’s between YAY and NAY
Eye In The Sky (2016)
Eye In The Sky (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery
An interesting but slightly dull morality tale
The politics and morals behind this film are what keep you watching, as the plot is so relevant to today’s current political climate. You don’t doubt for a second that this is how issues like this play out, especially if you’re like me and know how horrendous government and public sector politics are. The problem is that all the to-ing and fro-ing of the politics doesn’t exactly make for an exciting film. It tries to build a little tension, but for me this doesn’t come across as well as it could and parts of the film ended up a little dull. 2 hours is a long time for politics like this.

There are some great performances in this from Helen Mirren and Aaron Paul, and of course it’s great to see the late Alan Rickman in his last ever film. Sadly he isn’t in this film as much as I’d like, it could’ve done with a lot more Rickman! Overall it isn’t a bad film and is worth watching for it’s very relevant storyline, but it isn’t exactly thrilling.
The Other Sister
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary highly recommends “The Other Sister” by Dianne Dixon as an exceptionally engaging 5 star read.

“The Other Sister” is an incredibly complex novel and a must read for book lovers. This was my first Dianne Dixon book and wishing I had found this awesome author earlier.

I was intrigued by the cover – an old brown suitcase on an old wooden chair – and the synopsis. I found the plot to be gripping and fast moving, at times confusing, but totally thrilling. The novel tells the story of twins, Ali and Morgan, and the bond they share through good and bad times. Once I started I couldn’t stop. I read throughout the night, finishing early this morning and just sat there thinking for so long afterwards… glad I am not a twin!

The author has created engaging unforgettable characters which had me hooked from the very beginning. There are so many twists and I rate it highly as a top suspense novel of 2016.

I would like to thank Dianne Dixon, Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

This review is also published on my book blog, netgalley, goodreads and bookbridgr

Aurora (9 KP) rated The Witchfinder's Sister in Books

Nov 7, 2018 (Updated Nov 7, 2018)  
The Witchfinder's Sister
The Witchfinder's Sister
Beth Underdown | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Historically-accurate setting (4 more)
Well-written characters
Emotional and Dramatic Historical Fiction
This book had me hooked from the start. I adore the amount of research done by Underdown to create the world of Alice Hopkins so artfully and accurately. Not only does the author capture the turbulence of the English civil war and the complex social systems of the time, but she also brings the reader into that world through the intensely relatable emotions felt by Alice throughout the story. Underwood expertly develops the personalities and flaws of each character in really believable ways, creating the complex relationships that we often see in real life. The story is also often pushed forward by gossip and secrets which the reader must choose whether or not to believe, adding an extra element of mystery to an already thrilling read.

After visiting many of the towns mentioned in the book (Manningtree, Mistley Wells, Colchester, Ipswich), I am in awe of the detail that Underdown used to bring these places to life. While some artistic license was taken (and described in the Author's Note), this book remains a beautiful and chilling glimpse into England's dark past.
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
2016 | Action, Animation, Drama
The 2016 adaptation of one of the best-known, most iconic graphic novels of all time had massive shoes to fill. For me, it fell a little short, but was saved by the voice-acting and by, largely, sticking to the storyline it had to work with.
Before we get into the Killing Joke story proper, there is an added storyline following the relationship between Batman and Batgirl. This, plus the more cartoon-y style of the animation were a definite downer for a first 20 minutes. It doesn't really add anything to the overall piece, there is no apparent impact on Batman's actions as a result of their relationship.
That aside, this is a thrilling, gripping adaptation of the book, which sticks close to it. We learn about the Joker's backstory and first interaction with Batman, and we see that he has got into Batman's head as he always wanted.
The use of Mark Hamill as Mr J is excellent, his voice totally captures the Joker's madness, softness and violence.
A great spend of an hour, but something of a let-down from the book.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated X2: X-Men United (2003) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
X2: X-Men United (2003)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
A strong follow up
X-Men 2 builds upon the first in pretty much every way possible - were introduced to new characters (Brian Cox as William Stryker being a stand out here) and some really thrilling set pieces.

Notable amongst them - the opening scene of Nightcrawler attacking The White House (set to Mozart's Requiem in D Minor) is honestly one of my top scenes in a comic book film ever.
The scene where the mansion is attacked at night - we see Wolverine a lot more feral here than in the first film, and we're introduced to Colossus.
And the almost everything on Alkali Lake - the glimpses into the Weapon X project, the hints at Dark Phoenix - are all comic book ticks (until they were a bit shat on in future sequels)

There are still faults - the biggest one here for me is Lady Deathstroke - second X-Men movie in a row that backbenches a classic Wolverine villain in favour of a fairly useless mute version.

I remember and appreciate X-Men 2 for what it was at the time - a movie for a young franchise brimming with future possibilities. It still stands strong as far as Marvel adaptions go.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Overall everything (1 more)
Chris Evans, John Hurt, and an ensamble cast from all over the world
Length.... Most films get hurt by length, and this is one of them (0 more)
International Star Fest
Not knowing what to classify this movie as has been difficult. It has many aspects and genres attached to it. From horror to action to drama and nail biting thrills, Snowpiercer is an absolute ride that takes its viewer on a twisted and winded road through ice caps and snow drifts, culminating with a catastrophic turn of events that left me wondering what the fuck could happen next.
I recognized a few of the foreign to me actors. Seeing Tilda Swinton in an almost comedic role was awesome. Chris Evans left no inclination that he had ever played the wholesome Captain America with this part. Admiting to canibalism, while shedding tears of regret and shame, a truly awesome performance.
This film keeps it coming through its length, but there were moments of boredom about half way through, hence the 9 rating.
If you're looking for something thrilling to kill an afternoon with, I highly recommend Snowpiercer.