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Cave Man
Cave Man
Aedan Sayla | 2019 | Erotica, Religion
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was that the time and location of the story is well thought out. Taking place right after the fall of the tower of Babel was a great idea (0 more)
Being a modern woman there were multiple things that I did not like about the story. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Cave Man by Aedon Sayla is classified as an Erotic Christian Fiction. That being said this is not for anyone under 18 years old. Erotica and Christian Fiction are two genres that are not generally mixed. Readers should be aware that the events in this book are from biblical times and modern rules do not apply.

Alon is a captive of the King of Babel, Nimrod. He is set to be killed on the very next night when an angel shows up. The angel has come to save Alon before God comes down and destroys Babel. Alon escapes and goes to start a new civilization that honors God. Early on in his journey Alon comes across Ayangla who speaks a different language from him. Frustrated at not being able to speak to her the voice of God tells Alon that once his seed is deep in Ayangla she will begin to understand his language. He immediately takes her there on the ground and makes her travel with him as his wife. Over time Ayangla notices that Alon cares for her and comes to love him in return as he takes the time to pleasure her unlike those who had her while she was a slave under Nimrod’s rule.

During their journey, they meet up with Enais and his wife who had the same message about making a new civilization. The two couples decide to be a tribe and call themselves Alonai. The Alonai tribe ultimately end up in a land of plenty and set up a well-guarded home there for themselves and all of their children (there is a lot). The two men end up saving two women from a shipwreck one day while out fishing and bring them back to their home. Each man takes one of the two to become their second wives to share with the first and expand their families while making the new women a part of their struggle for survival. Through it all Alon constantly thanks The Creator for all of his blessings and all the things The Creator has worked for him and within him.

What I liked best was that the time and location of the story is well thought out. Taking place right after the fall of the tower of Babel was a great idea as many people are at least somewhat familiar with that story. The need for the main character to create a new civilization explained all the sex besides just plane lust. Being a modern woman there were multiple things that I did not like about the story. The first of which being Alon attacking and raping Ayangla, made all the worse by God indirectly suggesting it. Ayangla appears to have Stockholm syndrome as she falls in love with Alon who she calls master and husband interchangeably through the book. She seems to stay with him because she learns to enjoy the sex and because being with him helps ensure her survival. I also had a major problem with Alon purposely triggering Ayangla’s milk production for his enjoyment. This may be because I approve of public breastfeeding of children and seeing the production of breast-milk as a sexual act and a grown man breastfeeding from a woman as an orgasmic experience goes against the movement to normalize breastfeeding as a non-sexual act.

Target readers for this book are adults ages 18 and older. As this is considered erotic Christian fiction Christians may have more appreciation for this book than others. Readers should be ready for and expecting heavy sexual content. I ended up giving this book a rating of 2 out of 4. While trying to stay in the mindset of the target audience I still can not put aside my personal feelings about this book completely. It is not the rough sex scenes that was a problem as much as it was how they came about. If it wasn’t for taking the period the book was written in into consideration and how things would have been done then I would have failed this book completely. Content aside it was well written so an even half score of two is appropriate in my eyes.
Carolyn Miller introduces her new series The Regency Brides. In the first book, we are introduced to Catherine Winthrop who has been recovering from feeling rejected by the man who stole her heart and rejected her love, she is finally feeling like she can move on.

When Catherine's father suddenly passes away, she not only loses the only home that she ever knew, but who moves in and takes her father's title? None other than Jonathan Carlew, the man who broke her heart.

 With the rumors about Jonathan's birth and being a tradesman find him without the approval of the ladies parents, but now suddenly finding himself well to do and with a title, he now has plenty of prospects for a wife. Jonathan finds that his responsibilities keep him too busy, but also he only thinks of the woman to whom he lost his heart many years ago.

Can time and forgiveness bring them together?

In this novel, we see the value of forgiveness and how holding a grudge can hurt not only ourselves but those around us. It also teaches how we should always take time to listen to those who are precious. to us.
 Carolyn Miller has cleverly brought back some of our favorite characters that not only strengthens the storyline but adds some familiarity and nostalgia for her followers who have read her other novels.

This book was an enjoyment to read I look forward to the next in the series "Serena's Secret"

A must-read for those who like to read historical fiction.
Three Things About Elsie
Three Things About Elsie
Joanna Cannon | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been on the edge of buying this for ages, picking it up in bookshops and then putting it back down again because I was unsure how I would feel about it as I don’t read mysteries. But then I found a signed copy in Waterstones and felt that I just had to treat myself.

I was a bit dubious when I first picked it up. The novel sets off to quite a slow start, opening on Florence waiting for help after having a fall. The novel follows Florence telling the stories of what happened leading up to her fall.

A man arrives at the care home who looks a lot like a man from Florence and Elsie’s past, and not from a good part of their past either. He’s dangerous and mysterious, and there’s something that Florence isn’t saying when it comes to him.

Three Things About Elsie is the book to be reading. If the Battenburg cover isn’t enough to draw you in – I had to get Battenburg because of this – then I don’t know what is. Florence is such a sweet old woman and it’s quite surprising from the start with just how many secrets she seems to have. It’s full of surprises and twists, some so shocking that you just don’t know what to believe anymore.

As someone who doesn’t love mysteries, I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Even though it is a mystery, it reads more like literary fiction and is a nice read. I found myself wishing I had a friendship like Elsie and Florence’s.