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Allegiant (2016)
Allegiant (2016)
2016 | Action, Romance, Sci-Fi
The third film in the popular “Divergent” series is here and will follow the pattern of recent book based films of splitting the finale into two films. In “The Divergent Series: Allegiant Part 1”, we catch up with Tris (Shailene Woodley), and Four (Theo James), shortly after the events of the previous film.

The wall has been opened and residents seek to leave the city and see what lies beyond. This is cut short when a power grab arises as Four’s mother is putting people on trial for supporting the last regime and executions or a common place as mob mentality has arisen.

Risking it all, Tris, Four, and a few companions make a daring brake and discover a wasteland beyond the wall before being taken in by a seemingly ideal community under the leadership of David (Jeff Daniels). It is learned that via sophisticated technology, they have watched Tris and the others as well as their society for ages as they were conducting a social experiment to undo evils of the previous world which lead to war.

Tris is highly prized as she is seen as genetically pure and David hopes to find out why and how so it can be replicated for the betterment of humanity. Naturally things are not always as they appear and before long, Tris, Four, and the others are forced to pick sides especially with a civil war brewing back at home.

The movie has some decent visuals but relies on the characters to carry the film. In many ways this is the downfall of the film as Woodley simply does not emote and James is very one-dimensional. Only Miles Teller and Jeff Daniels show any real or sustained emotion throughout the film.

There is also the matter of plot holes such as a society which amazing surveillance technology but they could not see a fairly obvious and common effort used during the finale of the film.

The movie is setting up the finale which hopefully will bring some advancement and satisfying closure to the series and characters. For now the film is a flawed but at times entertaining entry which should keep fans happy until the final film arrives.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>The Tom Wilde Series</b>
#1 <a href="">Corpus</a>; - Not Read Yet
#2 <a href="">Nucleus</a>; - Not Read Yet
#3 <a href="">Nemesis</a>; - ★★★★★

<img src=""/>;

<b><i>Nemesis is the third book from the Tom Wilde series by Rory Clements. I haven't read the previous two books, and I also haven't read any books from Rory Clements before. I received this book through ReadersFirst, and I will be honest, I was quite reluctant to read it. You already know my opinion on reading sequels before reading the previous books - but I went in blind in this book.</i></b>

The blue cover is simply gorgeous and I knew it was a thriller and a mystery, so I decided this was enough to get me going. If this book review ever captures your attention, I advise you to also go in blind. I think going blind made me enjoy this book even more.The fact that this is a third book in a series doesn't mean anything. The only similarity with the other books is the main character. Almost the same basis as Dan Brown's series and his professor Robert Langdon. The books are entirely standalones.

It is very hard to reveal what the plot is about without spoiling the fun. Tom Wilde is a university professor and one of his very talented students, Marcus, has left to join the International Brigades in Spain. Now, two years after, he is in trouble, and Tom helps him come home.

Meanwhile, numerous things happen, involving World War 2 Politics and propaganda, and in these times, no one knows who to trust. And when Tom Wilde finds himself in great danger, who will help him? And who does he needs to be afraid from? Has maybe helping Marcus been his greatest mistake?

Nemesis is full of suspense from the very first chapter, and the thing I loved the most about it was that the chapters are quite short, and always leave you hanging, hungry to find out more. Every word that Rory Clements types had a meaning and a purpose in this book, and that was the bit I admired the most.

The time setting revolves around the Second World War - a subject I don't often read about. I can't judge about the historical fiction element. However I do know that while I am a person that doesn't enjoy war books, this one struck me in a nice way. The war setting was very well written, and you could even feel the atmosphere around it. The ending was pleasantly surprising and it involved a mystery I could simply not resist.

<b>I will definitely read more books by Rory Clements, as I really enjoy the writing. If you enjoy thrillers and if you are a fan of Dan Brown, you will probably enjoy Nemesis a lot!</b>

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Contains spoilers, click to show
77 of 230
Empire of the Vampire ( Empire of the Vampire book 1)
By Jay Kristoff

It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise.

For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Now, only a few tiny sparks of light endure in a sea of darkness.

Gabriel de León, half man, half monster and last remaining silversaint – a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night – is all that stands between the world and its end.

Now imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity’s last remaining hope:

The Holy Grail.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved this book! I’ve tried so hard to pace my self and enjoy every word. The world building, the character building, the artwork and the story were just perfect. This book certainly takes you on a journey. It’s kinda gotta some Witcher vibes but Vampires. I could seriously ramble on all day long on how detailed and how heartbreaking Gabriel’s journey is and we see his relationship with Dior develop and we see this stoic hard faced man start to thaw just a touch! The art work is beautiful and enhances the story and vision. This has to be my favourite book of the year so far! The writing was just brilliant and some of the lines were good especially the opening line just brilliant!!
154 of 230
A Path of Darkness and Runes ( The Fallows book 1)
By Marnie L. Norton

The Fallow, a hallowed place and sanctuary for the beasts and creatures of the Continent, has been desecrated. The balance between the human and magical world has been ruptured.
Rhona is haunted by memories and revolts against the natures and traditions to which she has been born into. Marrying her betrothed, Elias, being one of them. She is part of a travellers community known as the 'Unwanted'.
When a night time raid, causes her brethren to flee across the Continent in search of safer dwellings; Rhona, along with her brother, Roman, and Elias, cross paths creatures of the Fallow - which sets them on a course of self discovery, redemption and magic.
Rhona must fight the dark forces at work from the Fallow, as well as battle the dark memories which threaten to break her at every turn. Now a pawn in a potential war between the magical folk and humans, Rhona must look past her own trauma to work at hunting the Lycan. Rhona must now put her life on the line to redeem her soul in a life debt against the Trinity, the Maiden, Mother and Crone.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much a I loved this book. One of the easiest 5⭐️ reads of the year. Absolutely brilliant debut novel. I love the characters, the story and the world building. It’s full of creatures and magic and beautifully written. I found this author on TikTok and just loved her content I’m so glad I did. I can not wait for book 2 as I had so many emotions running by the end of this one.
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Rob Shackleford | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. (0 more)
There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Traveller Inceptio: Traveller Book 1 by Rob Shackleford is a hard book to put into just one genre. It is both an adventure and a romance while also being science fiction and historical fiction. Overall an odd combination.

 A group of friends working towards advanced college degrees decide to work on some research together. They are even able o secure funding from a major security company, Helguard. Their goal is to create new scanning equipment to be used by security in places such as airports. The team works extremely well together and soon they have a working prototype. However, something goes wrong with the machine and a mass of wires fuse together, causing a completely different result. When they turn the machine on and tell it to scan something, the item disappears instead.

 After some research, it is discovered that the machine is sending items to the exact same location, just 1,000 years into the past. This discovery naturally gets the attention of governments around the world and the military who try to take over the project. Military men are trained in the ways of the Saxons and are sent back in time to become part of their society and provide reports and pictures of a time period that was originally poorly documented. There are many dangers that the travelers face for this project, but the main one is that the Saxons are currently at war with the Vikings.

 What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. I am unsure if this is because he remains unaware of what he did, or out of fear because he was messing where he did not belong, either way, this is what stuck with me the most. There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. The war or battle aspect of the book was very drawn out, though I have never been one to enjoy play-by-play fight scenes.

 This is more of an adult book. The length and technical stuff would probably be a bit daunting for younger readers. It is also rather detailed in the more graphic fight scenes (gore) and rape, which might make some readers uncomfortable. I rate this book 2 out of 4. The more interesting parts of this book, such as when Michael is becoming part of the Saxon culture moves quickly and is enjoyable. The duller areas such as the fights and technical speak are dry and really bring this otherwise interesting book down.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Overlord (2018) in Movies

Feb 6, 2019 (Updated Feb 6, 2019)  
Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Incredibly dumb and incredibly fun (0 more)
War Is Hell
Overlord is yet another movie released in late 2018 that I am just getting around to seeing and I am glad that I got to check this one out. I have been looking forward to seeing this one ever since seeing the trailers last year as I am a huge fan of the Wolfenstein series, which the trailers for this really reminded me of.

The movie opens with a fantastically shot plane crash sequence that manages to convey a sense of extreme intensity as Private Boyce jumps out the exploding plane that was carrying his squad and plummets to the ground below. This sequence also does a brilliant job of setting the tone of the movie that the audience can expect going forward.

Surprisingly, the Nazi zombie stuff doesn't actually make an appearance until about 1/3 into the movie and the first act is spent telling a more traditional and realistic war story and setting up the relationships between the characters that we are following. Even when we do start to see some of the weirder stuff taking place, it is fairly reserved in comparison to what you might be expecting. This isn't Dead Snow or Wolfenstein. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's underwhelming, the few amount of monstrosities that we actually get to see are impactful and feel genuinely threatening.

The cast are serviceable in their roles, even if they are fairly stereotypical. The stand out is Pilou Asbaek, who may know as the evil Euron Greyjoy from Game Of Thrones. Here, he plays the dastardly, villainous Nazi with a venomous snarl that really tells you everything that you need to know about his character and his intent.

The one negative I had with the movie were the few telegraphed jump-scares that the filmmakers threw in to remind us that this is supposed to be a horror movie, but thankfully there aren't too many of these present throughout the film.

Overall, this is a fun action/horror movie set against the backdrop of the Second World War that is a blast to sit through. There is plenty of cringe-inducing violence and gore created by mostly practical means that will scratch the horror itch that some audience members may be looking for and although this wasn't quite the movie that I was expecting going in based on the trailers, I can't say that I came away disappointed.
Minds of Men (The Psyche of War #1)
Minds of Men (The Psyche of War #1)
Kayce Ezell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
8 of 250
Minds of Men ( The Psyche of Wars book 1)
By Kacey Ezell

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Evelyn Adamsen grew up knowing she had to hide her psychic abilities, lest she be labeled a witch. However, when the US Army Air Corps came calling in 1943, looking for psychic women to help their beleaguered bomber force, Evelyn answered, hoping to use her powers to integrate the bomber crews and save American lives.

She was extremely successful at it...until her aircraft got shot down.

Now, Evelyn is on the run in occupied Europe, with a special unit of German Fallschirmjager and an enemy psychic on her heels. Worse, Evelyn learns that using her psychic powers functions as a strobe that highlights her to the enemy.

As the enemy psychic closes in, Evelyn is faced with a dilemma in her struggle to escape - how can she make it back to England when the only talent she has will expose her if she uses it?

A different spin on a part of world war 2 that was a very male dominated area. I found Kaceys version enthralling. At one point my heart reached out to Lina for you know they were all following orders! Don’t worry it didn’t last and I was back routing for Evie and her men! I also got so lost trying to pronounce those German words. Overall it was a decent read!
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Gal Gadot Rocks! (0 more)
Villains are underdeveloped, and a bit rubbish (0 more)
After a pretty lengthy drought, we finally get another decent DC movie
As the DC TV universe continues to go from strength to strength, the DC movie universe is gradually going downhill. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked Man of Steel, despite the overloaded CGI destruction at the end. I didn’t mind Batman Vs Superman either, even with Jesse Eisenberg doing his very best to try and ruin it. But, despite successfully introducing two other major DC heavyweight characters (and not so successfully introducing a few others) and picking up steam in the final act, the movie struggled. Suicide Squad then managed to take bad to a completely new level, and was just a complete train-wreck.

Batman Vs Superman was our first introduction to Wonder Woman in the DC movie universe, and she was the most entertaining and promising aspect of the whole movie. As a child of the 70s, I grew up watching and enjoying the Wonder Woman TV show, along with re-runs of the Batman 60s show and of course the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. After all these years of countless Batman and Superman movies, it was great to not only see Wonder Woman finally on the big screen, but also to see her being portrayed so well. Now, with her standalone movie coming out a few months before the mediocre looking Justice League movie, this is not only an important movie for DC but also an important first step in finally bringing strong female superheroes to the big screen. Paving the way for Captain Marvel, a Black Widow standalone movie, and more. This had to be good.

Thankfully, it is. Although there’s still a long way to go in order to reach the level that Marvel already managed to achieve many movies ago, this is indeed a serious step up for DC. Opening with a brief scene set in present day, Wonder Woman then takes us back to Themyscira. A paradise island, hidden from view from the rest of the world, where a young Diana lives peacefully among her Amazon tribe. Despite their peaceful existence though, the Amazons are constantly preparing themselves for the return of Ares, God of War. Archery and combat training is undertaken daily on the island, under the guidance of Dianas aunt, General Antiope (Robin Wright). Diana is keen to train too and her reluctant mother, Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen), eventually agrees, requesting that General Antiope train her hard and make her the best. As Diana grows into a woman, training has clearly gone well and she’s even managing to give her aunt a good run for her money! Just in time too as World War 1 pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crashes through the invisible barrier cloaking the island and crash lands into the sea, closely followed by a bunch of Germans who are on his tail. Time for the Amazon women to put their training to good use, but not without some casualties…

Steve tells Diana of the great war that’s raging throughout the world and Diana believes this to be the return of Ares. She decides to leave her home and travel with Steve to put an end to Ares once and for all. So, she grabs her shield and lasso of truth and ‘borrows’ the sacred ‘God Killer’ sword from the tower it rests in and off they go. Leaving behind the bright, vibrant island of Themyscira and returning to the traditional, dark grey pallet of colours that we’re used to seeing in our DC movies as they head to war-torn London.

Steve takes over as charming tour guide as Diana enters the human world for the first time. Her innocence and curiosity of the modern world are played beautifully by Gadot, with plenty of fish-out-of-water style humour too. But she’s also never afraid to question and stand up for what she believes in and tackle those who try and oppose her, giving an interesting perspective on aspects of humanity which deserve to be questioned. Her drive to get to the front-line of war, to seek out Ares and supposedly end all war by defeating him, constantly driving her forward. Romance eventually blossoms between Diana and Steve, but it feels natural and believable and helps to hold the movie together during some of its slower moments.

When Wonder Woman manages to get to the front line and steps out into no-mans land, ignoring the advice of Steve and those around her, it’s magnificent. It heralds the first in a series of magnificent action sequences involving German soldiers as she puts her training to good use. Initially shielding herself from the onslaught of bullets before moving onto the offensive with some bad-ass combat moves, slo-mo back-flips, jumps, whip action and displays of pure power and strength. Everything we got a glimpse of in Batman Vs Superman, ramped up to the max, perfectly executed and accompanied by a rocking soundtrack!

Where Wonder Woman doesn’t work so well is in the handling of its villains. Whenever we switch to General Ludendorff and Doctor Poison, busily developing deadly gases to unleash, momentum seems to be lost. And as for Ares, when we do finally meet him he’s pretty laughable, with no clearly defined motivation or character. Following a bit of villain monologue, we get the general gist of what his beef is and then the last 20 minutes or so descend into the over the top CG destruction that we’re so used to seeing now in these movies. It’s a minor gripe, and not handled as badly as some previous movies, but along with the pacing issues it does affect the overall enjoyment of the movie somewhat.

None of this detracts from Wonder Woman herself though. Gal Gadot has truly made this role her own and displays the perfect mix of strength, beauty, brains, confidence, determination and general all-round girl power. She can more than hold her own in the DC universe and should hopefully be a prominent force in the upcoming Justice League movie and beyond.
Defiance (Rise of the Iliri #3)
Defiance (Rise of the Iliri #3)
Auryn Hadley | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show

Salryc Luxx has come a long way in just four years, from slave to conscript, to elite Black Blade assassin, rising rapidly as her extraordinary abilities are revealed. Promoted to lieutenant after capturing a valuable shipment of metals and laying waste to the invading force, she and Cyno, her partner (in war and love), have been entrusted with a dangerous mission: to assassinate the King of Anglia and the five nobles in line for the throne, leaving the path to ascension clear for their own leader.

That’s one side of the story. The other is that she and Cyno have been assigned this suicide mission as Parliament’s first pass at removing the iliri taint from the military. Either way, without the strength of allies, the Conglomerate of Free Citizens cannot turn back the invaders, whose goal is to wipe out the whole iliri species, so Sal and Cyno are the only hope of ending the continental war devastating their species. Traveling for months, they are so far away from their home base that they’re beyond the mental link that connects the pack. They remain committed to their mission—and to each other, but… unhappily disturbed. They can only hope their separation from the pack bring them closer together. But the danger is, in the absence of the pack, their bond will wither.

A kind deed, helping what they take to be a wounded animal, leads to the discovery of their true nature, to strengthening and re-energizing their pack, and to a surprising alliance that offers hope for the future. The wounded animal, they learn, is a graour wolf, a species of ferocious warriors with language and traits nearly identical to iliri. When two of them ask to join her pack, Sal recruits them as Black Blades and the iliri are no longer the only dog in the fight for iliri freedom.

But Anglia is nothing like the Conglomerate of Free Citizens. Anglians discriminate based on gender, not species. Iliri are thought to be just a myth--until Sal shows her face. To convince the king and his council that yes, a woman really can be a soldier, she's going to have to make her own rules. The enemy is moving. She doesn't have time to deal with outdated court manners.

As the defiance of an entire species rises up in her, she really has no choice—she’ll just have to change the world.

Women readers will thrill to the reverse harem idea that pushes the boundaries of epic fantasy in this second world series that may remind some of Avatar without the scary beasts; or even Game Of Thrones, but happier, with more color—and a dazzling female protagonist. Fans of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern will find Sal’s planet Ogun a thrilling destination for their next fantasy fix

They just keep getting better! Sal and Cyno are out on their own and they are kicking up a storm! We get to meet the Graour who the Iliri are descended from! We get a chance to see a whole new world building. I love the new characters and you are with them every step of the way on the battlefield it's also such a good feeling when the black blades are all back together and loving their new pack mates. It was only a matter of time before Cyno became her number 1 I'm glad Blaec took it well. Looking forward to book 4!
Kiss of Vengeance
Kiss of Vengeance
S. Young, Samantha Young | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Faeries (0 more)
Too much slow burn for my taste
3 1/2 Caffeinated Stars

Kiss of Vengeance is the second book in the True Immortality series by S. Young. As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of Samantha Young & I thoroughly enjoyed War of Hearts. When I received this book in exchange for an honest review, I was extremely excited to dive into it, but it just wasn't my favorite. It had many of the elements I love, but at times it fell flat.

This book was a slow burn with an enemy to lover trope feel. Unfortunately, it was indeed a slow burn. There was nothing more than one-sided flirting for over 50% of the book. When I'm reading a romance, I want it to be the focal point, and it didn't feel like a focal point until 70% into the book.

Though the slow burn romance wasn't my favorite, I loved the world that S. Young created. The fantasy aspects were what kept me going. Learning about the fae & seeing their abilities kept me thoroughly entertained. I enjoyed seeing Rose learn her skills, and it was fun to see her interact with Fionn as her mentor. I do have to say that at times, her fixation on Fionn and flirting felt like her sole personality trait.

I would have loved to see more of Rose's interaction with any character that wasn't a "hot guy." When Rose wasn't flirting, I loved her strength and determination. Her joy for her abilities was something I loved about her. Fionn was a complex character. I loved learning about his background & seeing his struggle.

Even though I didn't enjoy the book as much as I liked, I'll be continuing on in the series. The fantasy and world-building were fantastic, and I can't wait to see how the rest of the series goes.