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Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Melissa Marr | 2008 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't like Keenan right from the start. I get that he's in this political struggle and the only way he can be free is by effectively trapping a mortal to be his queen, but he fails completely in effectively getting anyone with any sense to actually like him. He's a jerk! The book makes little attempt at hiding the fact that he sleeps around with all of the "Summer Girls," and he knows how good-looking he is and uses that to such extremes that I kind of think that the Winter Girl is in the better position here. On the other hand, Seth is like the perfect guy in many ways - if you don't mind the tattoos and piercings. He's incredibly attentive to Aislinn's moods and needs, waiting months and months for her to even notice that he had feelings for her when he apparently could have had lots of other girls and chose not to. Chivalrous is how I would describe him, something that is not a common trait among young men nowadays.
Now as for the sexual conduct in this book, I would not want my girls to read this as teenagers simply because of how casually it is treated. The only reason this book would fit in the genre of Young Adult is because the characters are all "young adults." But the thing is, there are so many people my age and older who read this genre that this book would be more appropriately marketed as a YA for the "young at heart." Okay, off my soap-box now.
I really did love this book, I don't remember the last time I read a novel that so effectively put the fairy tales of old in the modern era. And making the fey both frightening and untrustworthy is much more realistic, instead of the Disney-fied literature that is common for young children. The romantic aspect also has some elements that deviate from the norm, since Aislinn prefers the mortal to the gorgeous, powerful fey. She also believes in saving herself instead of just being the "damsel in distress," which boosts her image even more with me. While this book revolved around the Summer and Winter Courts, the next book, Ink Exchange, is about the Dark Court, so that should be interesting.
The Sight (Premonitions, #1-2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I requested this novel from goodsreads bookwasp, I actually did not have high hopes for it. After reading the first page, I cringed at having picked up another angst filled young adult novel where the lead is so antisocial and broken that all they have is contempt for the world around them. That lasted about three pages before the writing was dominate by plot and character development. I was so surprised by the change, I almost had whiplash.

If I ever rate a young adult novel more than three stars, you know it is worth a look. I was so pleasantly surprised at the interesting plot, realistic characters, and intriguing writing that I could not put the book down. Instead of being confronted by an young teen bitter from not having a father and recently losing her mother in a car accident on top of having interrupting visions, I was dealt Gracie, a sixteen year old struggling with the changes in her life and confusing emotions. She is jealous of her aunt and cousin who have a close relationship she can longer have with her mother. She is constantly annoyed by Emily, a classmate who Gracie never wanted to be friends with but ends up risking her life to save. She is attracted to the aloof and old Zed who she cannot seem to act normal around.

Of course there were bitter and jaded comments about the world around her, but, more than anything, Gracie is determined to find a place she belongs, a home. Not surprising since Gracie was uprooted from the only home and family she has ever known and dropped onto an island with relatives she cannot seem to find common ground with a town that does not seem to accept her. That is the least of her worries because her ability to pick up visions is forcing her into action.

Two stories in one, both deal with Gracie trying to use her ability the best she can to save those around her. The only things I did not like about this book is that Blundell seemed to leave some loose ends such as the road Gracie’s father decides to take, which the reader can guess, and Gracie and Zed’s relationship . I would have liked some closure on those subjects.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Mockingjay in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (174 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel deeply impacted me. I had to let the review sit for awhile before I could coalesce my thoughts on it because I kept replaying the many aspects of the series over and over in my head, wondering if the series could really have ended any differently. I suppose if some of the key characters had made different decisions, there would have been some difference, but keeping everything else the same, Katniss really could not have responded differently. I felt that this book was much more realistic regarding the behavior of a 17-year-old in her circumstances than many other books I have read of the Young Adult genre.
I felt that the second and third books revolved largely around what it would take to break Katniss. The reader can guess the answer quite easily, but Katniss is haunted by not being certain of this answer. She is only a young adult after all, not even experiencing all of the atrocities that the Capital visited on the other Hunger Games victors before her. She is naive in many ways, though her inner strength and determination to survive are great personal motivators.
There is maybe one part of the book that I really wish would have happened differently, and that is what happens to Finnick, especially given his reunion with Annie. I could not understand how it was so necessary to the continuance of the main plot, and I felt sad for Annie.
I don't want to give away the ending for Katniss's personal story, but in the grand scheme of things, even this was necessary for Katniss's personal survival, as well as the betterment of the remaining districts of Panem. While that statement is appropriately confusing, the way I described the ending to my husband, who still needs to read the second and third books, is the ending was bittersweet - heavy on the bitter and light on the sweet.
[b:Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2)|6669085|Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2) (Liaden Universe, #13)|Sharon Lee||6131174] is good enough that I finished [b:Fledgling (Theo Waitley, #1)|5585180|Fledgling (Theo Waitley, #1) (Liaden Universe, #12)|Sharon Lee||5756422], then read it in one sitting. It simply has the sort of momentum that doesn't allow for good stopping points — something that is true of many of the Liaden Universe novels.

At the end of Fledgling, Theo was sponsored into pilot school by Scout Cho sig'Radia. Saltation begins with her time there, just as politically naive as ever, but a much more confident person than she was at the beginning of Fledgling. Many of the characters from Fledgling reappear, including Win Ton, Kamele, and Jen Sar. There are new characters too, though, such as Kara ven'Arith and Orn Ald yos'Senchul (who, by the way, also appear in a free story, <a href="">Landed Alien</a>, that has just been released at the Baen web site and should be read after Saltation).

Theo is a legal adult now, but a very young one, and she has plenty of growing up left to do. That said, this is a young ADULT novel, not a children's book &mdash; while it isn't discussed specifically, Theo does take a lover.

She continues to flex and stretch into an admirable heroine. She isn't perfect, by any means, being sometimes short-tempered and not understanding social cues easily. She's someone readers can relate to, though, and that is important. We were brought up concurrent with the end of [b:I Dare|1103876|I Dare (Liaden Universe, #11)|Sharon Lee||1644933], which was vastly satisfying. I will go right on with reading [b:Ghost Ship|9762449|Ghost Ship (Liaden Universe, #14, Theo Waitley, #3)|Sharon Lee||14651808], because I definitely want to know more!
IA: The Origin Novels (Books 1-3)
IA: The Origin Novels (Books 1-3)
John Darryl Winston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The IA novels are one of the strongest 'young adult' science fiction series I've read, and this edition combines the trilogy so far plus a novella. Since the reader will want to keep reading from the first page though all 3.5 books this seems like an opportunity that's hard to pass up.

The origin story involves Naz, a teenage boy who lives with his sister and aunt in the Exclave, a ghetto suburb of a large city. Naz is unusual in two ways - he can't remember anything before two years ago and he sometimes hears voices in his head. He doesn't like to draw attention though so keeps his head down and looks after his sister.

After an incident on the way to school, things start to change. He grows as a person and also begins to discover his past, and his potential for the future. Just perhaps one person can make a difference. As he continues on his journey it becomes clear that he may not be entirely on his own.

The stories are set in a near future, with the Exclave being a rather grim backdrop for a tale that concentrates on character. There are light touches of what could be termed science fiction throughout, both with Naz's backstory and in the world around him. The hero shows very real weaknesses and flaws as well as strengths as he battles through bullying, fitting in to new environments, love and loss.

Winston is an extremely talented author and these stories demonstrate why novels termed 'young adult' are frequently worthy of being read by an older audience. The character development shows a strong arc for all the main players - and even the bit parts are memorable.

If you are looking for a strong series of books that will keep you thinking and entertained long after you have finished the last page, this fits the bill to a tee.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Lock in Books

Nov 26, 2019  
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a digital copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Contemporary, young adult, romance, fantasy, steampunk, action... is there any category this book does not fit in to?! Jordan Elizabeth takes readers on a journey from New York to a fantasy world that very few knows exist in her recent novel Lock. Sarah Lockwood, the protagonist, thought the Realm was a story her late father used to tell her, however, when she discovers it is real, she jumps at the chance to visit, not realising the dangers that lie ahead.
Sarah is a self-sufficient young woman who has been living with her belly-dancing aunt since the death of her parents. Invited to stay with her Uncle William, she feels obliged to accept, however, almost regrets the decision after the cold welcome she receives. The gardener's son Archer, however, soon takes her mind off her troubles, particularly when he suggests travelling to a parallel world.

Archer comes from a family of Record Writers and it is his job to record the daily goings-on in the Realm. Sarah soon learns the Realm no longer lives up to the descriptions in the fairytales. A usurper has murdered the royal family and the inhabitants live in constant fear and poverty. Whilst this is shocking, Sarah unveils another revelation: the usurper is someone from her world, someone very close to home.

Although Lock has similarities with fantasy lands such as Narnia, it is written for a slightly older generation of readers. Sarah is 19 years old and some scenes are markedly "adult". There is also a lot of bloodshed and the occasional expletive. Nonetheless, it is a fast-paced, exciting story.

Once again, Jordan Elizabeth has written a book that is unlike the others she has written before. It is difficult to categorise the author and her novels since they are so diverse, however, one thing is for sure: Jordan Elizabeth knows how to tell a good story.

Becs (244 KP) rated Words That Kill in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Words That Kill
Words That Kill
Vivid Vega | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve always had a thing for poetry and have loved every single poetry collection that I have gotten my hands on. My husband got me Words That Kill by Vivid Vega for this past Christmas. When I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down, it was just so good and so emotional. But I eventually had to take a break because it was starting to mess with me. There are not many poetry collections that touch on the mental health subject and I’m glad that there is now one available to the public.

Genre: Mental Health, Young Adult

Audience: Young Adult but also mature audiences as well

Reading level: Middle to High School

Interests: Depression, Mental Health, Anxiety, Suicide, Abuse, Hope, and Love.

Style: Light to hard – depending on the person.

Point of view: First person

Difficulty reading: Very easy to read but be warned, it does make you very emotional.

Promise: Words That Kill promises a poetry collection that talks about mental health and it delivers.

Quality: I believe everybody should read this even if they haven’t dealt with mental health.

Insights: Not taking the grammatical and spelling errors, the poems were a lot lighter to read compared to Rupi Kuar or even Shakespeare.

Ah-Ha Moment: There wasn’t really a moment where I went ‘Ah yea, that’s the turning point’. This is only because it wasn’t really a story, more of a poem that brings memories of the past back to life.

Favorite quote: “There is no need to hide in the shade, the light will come and your pain will fade.” – This is a great representation of how depression works. You have your good and your bad moments.

Aesthetics: The thing that drew me to the book in the first place, minus the topic of mental health of course, was the fact that the entire book is white words on an entirely black background. I’ve never seen a book have that aesthetically pleasing style and I love it!

“Like a flower, I will bloom again – depression.”
Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a collection of classic and contemporary poetry aimed at addressing middle schoolers in their transition from child to young adult. There is a wide range in the collection: classic poetry like Edgar Allan Poe, Langston Hughes, and Emily Dickinson and newer and present poets, some of whom read their work on the accompanying CD.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am has many poems that will apply to every feeling and thought, put words to what we can’t find words for, and prove that yes, there are other people out there who feel like you do now, you’re not the only one. You’re not alone. These poets talk about everything from the awkwardness of changing and showering in the fifth grade locker room to embarrassing bra shopping with mom, to a first kiss. There’s poems about segregation and ethnicity, homework and math class, sports, clothes, and even the emotions brought forth from reading poetry itself.

Not only does it have the poetry, there are pages in the back of artistic inspiring blank pieces of paper for the reader’s own poetry. The CD contains many of the poems read by the poets the way they were intended to be read.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a fantastic collection that every young lit-lover should have on their shelves.

Recommendation: Boys and Girls ages 8+