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Black (The Silver #2)
Black (The Silver #2)
Cheree Alsop | 2011 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black is the second book in the Silver series and this time the focus is on Jet. He was stolen from his family at a very young age and given to the Woman, who only wanted him for deathmatches. There was no love, care, or attention in Jet's life from that moment. All that changes when Jaze rescues him and takes him in. It doesn't all suddenly become sunshine and roses though and THAT is what made this book so good!

Jet has issues, he really does, and let's face it, you would do too if you'd gone through what he did. He proves he is intelligent by teaching himself English, Spanish, and lip-reading. He shows compassion by not killing someone until he realises that it just doesn't work that way and understands the pact made by the other wolves. My heart broke for him in so many ways and yet I was proud of him too. He didn't stop trying and would do anything to protect those he called his own.

This was incredibly written and I read it in one sitting. I was literally unable to stop reading until I knew all was good in Jet's world. The world-building just gets better as it becomes clearer with each book. The characters grow and change, becoming 'more'. I loved hearing about Jaze and Nikki and I hope we continue hearing about past couples as the series progresses.

A darker fantastic young adult paranormal that I absolutely recommend! The only thing I don't know is what happened to Shadow's Curse. I'm presuming he's dead but I really wish he wasn't!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Cabbages & Kings
Cabbages & Kings
Morgan Sheppard | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful retelling of a local legend
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

As a Nottingham girl, I grew with tales of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. So, finding this tale having tipped those tales on their heads was a delight!

The story tells of Alana Dale, and her new husband, Will Scathlock and how they came to suffer at the hands of Robin and Guy, and just how, after all that, THEY came to be the bad guys!

This is a delightful tale, set in places in and around Nottinghamshire, so I know these places, and I love reading books about places I really know.

It's wonderfully written, with detailed descriptions of the things needed to get by, with Alana having ideas wise beyond her years, especially when it comes to health matters.

Alana is a strong-minded young lady (only 16 here!) and she will stand up for herself in a time when it wasn't the done thing. I loved Alana, and her teasing of Will, but to be fair, he gave as good as he got. Alana's deepest fears come to life here, and how she manages to hold it together to keep Will safe BEFORE she loses it, I have no idea.

There is some violence, Alana and Will's village is destroyed in the beginning of the book and the attack's aftermath is described in some detail. Because of this, I would class it as upper young adult, maybe 14+.

Tipping the Robin Hood legend on its head, Ms Sheppard made new heroes, and new bad guys. She tells of everyday life in Medieval England, and just how the common folk survived.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Michael is a 14-year-old who has electrical powers and is joined in this novel by his fellow Electro-Clan members. In this book, Michael and his friends must battle the Elgen again in order to save his mother from their clutches. It was nice to see the world we had come to inhabit in the first book expanded in the second. We got a deeper look into the Elgen, their plans and one of their other secret locations. If you haven't read the first book, this may spoil you so please read that (or my first review) before you read the second book's review.

I felt the same way about the second book as I did the first. The overall idea of this story was very intriguing, although I found the writing to be lacking at times. One of the biggest elements that drew me out of the story was the author's inability to choose a word other than <i>said</i> to describe when a person was speaking. It became frustrating to listen to the characters talk when the entire page just repeated, "he said... she said... then they said... he said again." By that point, I was pretty over the word said. It definitely detracted from the story, which I found enjoyable overall.

There was a little more character development in this novel than the first, as I found myself connecting to the characters more. Although I still don't find that they are three-dimensional enough, I do care if they succeed or not. The relationship between Michael and Taylor was very insta-love-y in the first book, but I liked seeing more support for it in this book. It is starting to feel more authentic and less like an overused trope.

As there are five other books in the series, I hope that the character development and world building will be improved upon. It definitely continued from the first to the second book and I felt more knowledgeable about the world as the story continued. The author definitely writes for a younger audience; the writing style was not as developed or mature as I would expect for a young adult reader.

I would recommend it to middle-grade readers, as well as young adult/teen readers who enjoy their fantasy books in a familiar setting. Don't expect flowery writing or deep characterization, just let the story take you on a fun, easy journey.
Window in the Wall
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>The Window in the Wall</i> by Ginny Merritt is based upon the bible story of Rahab and the spies, and the fall of Jericho. Although most Christians will know this story well it is probably not as well known amongst children. By making the main character a young girl, Talia, Merritt makes it suitable for young readers to enjoy.

Talia lives with her parents and brother within the walls of Jericho and loves helping her father in the flax fields. An approaching army strikes fear into her heart despite reassurances that nothing can destroy the strong walls and get into the city. However Talia’s aunt, Rahab, has been told different by a couple of Israelite spies who promise her and all her family safety as a reward for helping them. As many family members that Rahab can persuade sit and wait in Rahab’s room to see what happens and hopefully be saved. Unfortunately there are a few people who refuse to believe in what Rahab is saying nor that there is a God that is Lord of all.

Those familiar with the story will know the outcome of the story, but children will race through this book eagerly wanting to discover what happens to Talia and her family.

As an adult reading <i>The Window in the Wall</i> the references to Rahab’s characteristics will make more sense whereas they will most likely go over children’s heads. Having it written from a child’s perspective will help children to learn this bible story. Talia has many questions, which adults will not answer, as will the readers!

Merritt has helpfully included a pronunciation guide at the back of the book to help readers with the tricky foreign names that they encounter in the story. As an adult these names were not particularly difficult, but this would be a great benefit to younger readers.

Adults that read this book need to keep in mind the age of the target audience. The story does not go into much depth and may not be that engaging to those familiar with their bible stories.

The story of Rahab is not an easy one to rewrite for children but Merritt has done an excellent job. Books such as <i>The Window in the Wall</i> would be a great way of teaching Christian children about their faith without boring them with sermons.
Half a War (Shattered Sea, Book 3)
Half a War (Shattered Sea, Book 3)
Joe Abercrombie | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book of the Shattered Sea trilogy and takes place a couple of years after the previous book, Half the World. The long forecast war between Gettland and the High King commences with the High King's champion, Bright Yilling, invading Throvenland. Princess Skara manages to escape to Gettland where she joins the allies so that she can take her homeland back from the invaders.

Father Yarvi is also determined to strike back, to carry out the oath of vengeance he swore against his father's killers. To do this he must defeat Bright Yilling and his army and then take on the High King himself. But just how far is he prepared to go in order to secure victory?

I actually can't say too much in detail about this book without giving anything away. Much like the previous book, this one seems like a fairly conventional epic fantasy style story for a good half. But then Abercrombie starts to twist the knife as the reader's expectations based on the usual fantasy tropes are knocked down one by one.

Certainly there is much here that is unconventional in many ways and I confess to having a rather mad smile on my face at one point due to the utter craziness of what is going on - but Abercrombie handles it well having laid the groundwork well in advance. It is never clear who is going live and who is going to die, and who is going to win and who is going to lose.

After the first two books, which have quite a lot of conversations and philosophy, this is essentailly one long drawn out battle against various parties in various locations. Some battles are fought with swords and others with words, but both are just as deadly for the loser. The fight scenes are very violent and as expected it's pretty grim and dark at times.

There is plenty of scope left at the end for more stories set in the world of the Shattered Sea and these would be welcome but it also clear that the story of Yarvi and his revenge has been completed.

Not the best of the series, the first half is probably too conventional but the second half turns so much on its head it redeems the book completely.

Rating: Lots of violent battles and deaths, some scatalogical phrases and some non-explict sexual scenes. Young Adult but more at the Adult than Young end of that spectrum
The Thirteenth Guardian
The Thirteenth Guardian
K.M. Lewis | 2019 | History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"The Thirteenth Guardian" is written really well. It is for the young adult genre but it really seem like it could be for adults as well. I was really captive while reading this book. The story is really good. Yes, it does not go into the characters to much as to detail. That is okay with me given that I am thinking the events that is taking place around the world is what this book is mostly about.

It made it so real. I am not wondering if this could happen to our world in a few months. Are we getting close the the end times as it suggest in the bible. Where their will be a new world to come? The author put you into the story and start to wonder is what going to happen now. It pulls you think about our own history.

The six characters that are to go on a mission have special traits. They all have them which is the shuttering's, blinding headaches and one other thing. We get a history text that might bring the past and present and the future together. The book is worth reading. What a story. I felt like this could be real. I was left with sleepless nights.
Daughter of the Pirate King
Daughter of the Pirate King
Tricia Levenseller | 2017 | Children
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daughter of the Pirate King is a swashbuckling adventure for young adult/teen fans of pirate shenanigans. Alosa is a strong, fearless pirate with flaming red hair and a taste for blood. Although her father is the Pirate King, she captains her ship under her own merit and inspires loyalty in her crew.

I went into this story knowing only that it featured a lead character who was essentially a female Jack Sparrow. As a huge fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow and pirate tales in general – I knew this was a book for me and was glad that I didn’t know more about it than that. There as aspects, allegiances, and secrets about our characters that might be spoiled by reading a synopsis and were better to discover on our own organically while reading the book.

The plot was unexpected and enjoyable from start to finish and left me wanting more. It can easily and satisfyingly be read by itself but also leaves plenty of room to continue to the storyline. (Thankfully there is at least one more book in this series, but unfortunately, it is not out yet.)
Highly recommended read for those who enjoy adventure books with a strong female lead and just a dash of debauchery.
Darius the Great is Not Okay
Darius the Great is Not Okay
Adib Khorram | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wholly Original Debut
Though it takes a little bit for the action to pick up in author Adib Khorram's debut work, much like the titular protagonist in this young adult coming-of-age novel, great things come both to Darius as well as the patient readers who wait.
Bursting with vivid imagery and a wholly original first-person point-of-view right from the start, Darius the Great is Not Okay - about a half Persian, half Caucasian teenager who travels with his family to visit his maternal grandparents for the first time in Iran - is sure to be one of the genre's breakout successes of 2018.
A timely, fresh, and relatable character driven work, the book centers on Darius Kellner's search for that one place in which he fits.
Understanding the complexity of being a teenager, Adib Khorram tackles Darius Kellner's "outsider" status from a variety of perspectives bound to ring true to readers from envying his younger sister's relationship with his father to being bullied or ridiculed on two continents.
Finding a true friend in the last place he expected, which causes him to learn more about himself in the process, Darius the Great's sensitivity and commitment to the people on and off the page makes it a standout for Fall.