Bridgett Gardening granny
Bridgett Gardening granny hasn't rated any items yet
Amy Christmas
(171 KP)
Book worm and reviewer
I read as many books as I can every year, mostly consisting of fantasy, sc-fi and romance but I'll...
Last Active: Feb 21, 2019
Alex Trybus
(79 KP)
Annoying Book Worm
Just another girl who reads lots of books and wants to spread her irrelevant opinion about them to...
Last Active: May 25, 2019
Micky Barnard
(542 KP)
Book worm
I am a bookworm and educator. I read anything apart from horror.
Last Active: Oct 6, 2020
Micky Barnard
(542 KP)
Book worm
I am a bookworm and educator. I read anything apart from horror.
Last Active: Oct 6, 2020