Traveler.Amateur Photographer.Semi-Crafty DIYer.
Cypress, TX, United States
September 9, 1983

Joined: Feb 6, 2018

If I could walk away from everything today and travel the world, I would do it in a heartbeat. There's so much out there, and I feel like I'm missing it. Nature comforts me, and its beauty amazes me. I'm a slow but constant YA reader. I could sit and watch TV and movies for 5 months straight, if I only had the time. I collect silkstone Barbie dolls, and I have a crazy, wild cat at home that attacks me on a regular basis (out of love, of course)!

Badge collection
  • Smashbomb Reviewer

    Smashbomb Reviewer

    Earned at Feb 6, 2018, 9:47:15 PM
  • Movie Reviewer

    Movie Reviewer

    Earned at Jan 29, 2021, 4:22:09 AM