Music, book, horror film and cat meff
Liverpool , United Kingdom
10. January

Joined: Jan 7, 2018

Copyrighted owner of the Purplefezmonkey moniker, creative stream of consciousness writer and daydreamer. To apply the term music lover would be an injustice. If it wasn't such a stigmatised word, obsessed would be a popular choice.
Lover, not a fighter. Intense dislike of liars, bullies and the superficial. Guarded pragmatist. Wary and cynical to the point of hostility, but underneath all that angst is a quivering romantic soul. Or something. Dislike people as a collective noun although some individuals are tolerable in small doses.

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  • Smashbomb Reviewer

    Smashbomb Reviewer

    Earned at Jan 7, 2018, 12:48:56 PM