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American Gods  - Season 1
American Gods - Season 1
2017 | Drama
Ian McShane (1 more)
Rich story
Can be slightly slow in a couple of eps (0 more)
High quality thriller. Well worth investing time into
You can see the style of Brian fuller instantly in this high consept tv fantasy thriller from the creator of the excellent Hannibal tv series. If you enjoyed Hannibal for the richness of its style and hard imagery then this will be your bag.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Adverse (2020) in Movies

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Nov 2, 2021)  
Adverse (2020)
Adverse (2020)
2020 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brian A. Metcalf certainly has a look to his films and that goes for the direction as well, I really enjoy his style of shooting and what he brings out of the cast and in particular, when Metcalf and Nicholas work together in productions they produce something worth watching and Adverse is no exception. There are some great moments from cinematographer Derrick Cohan, look out for a scene on the rooftop at night it looks fantastic.

Adverse is a film that has some excellent surprises throughout the film, it can be emotional at times with some of the flashbacks and brutal at others with some of the action sequences that aren’t afraid to throw some of the red stuff about. This is certainly a film worth checking out.
Limitless  - Season 1
Limitless - Season 1
2015 | Drama
Premise (3 more)
Finch and Rebecca's relationship
Mike and Ike
Bradley Cooper
Better than the film
I've always liked the limitless premise however for me the movie didn't work that well. I was dubious to watch the tv show but a friend convinced me it was worth doing.
The first episode took me a while to get into mainly because I'm so used to Jake Mc Dorman play Evan in Greek it took a while to adjust to seeing him as Brian Finch. That being said when I got into it I really enjoyed the show.

Brian Finch is a lovable character who has a kind heart but gets into trouble and Rebbeca Harris is just the FBI agent who has the sternness to keep him in check but also the capability to care which makes the team work well. The side characters in the FBI are intresting and amusing poor Mike and Ike ( not there real names but names finch make up.) End up with the rough end of the stick more than once the Janitor is a little hard core.