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Andy Walker (4885 KP) rated Deadpool 2 (2018) in Movies

Mar 25, 2019 (Updated Jul 26, 2020)  
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
I really liked Deadpool, it was good to see an adult superhero movie and the humour was excellent. Unfortunately, for me, this just wasn't as good. It was similar to the first film in character and style, maybe that was the problem. It just seemed like more of the same but not as good, they seemed to me to be trying too hard to make it work on too many levels.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Funny. (1 more)
Action for Adults
Not as funny as the first (1 more)
A little predictable
A Great Sequel...but lacks something
Any follow up to Deadpool was going to be a hit. When the hype machine kicks in, it was going to sell tickets. I loved the film, but it had very predictable moments and the pathos that the film offered just felt a bit more empty by the end of the film.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
This film broke history with being one of the first superhero movies marketed to adults only. The marketing campaign was one of the best I had ever seen for a movie, it truly made me want to go to the theaters. I was not disappointed once I did! (0 more)
The merc with a mouth!
Deadpool AKA Wade Wilson is one of the best-written antiheroes there is. He is not only comedic, harsh, crude, and suffers from a case of should I do the right thing, but he is also one of those characters you cannot help to love in a dysfunctional manner. The storyline follows pretty close with his original story from the comics. There are plenty of fight scenes, love scenes, and plenty of scenes of Deadpool being his crass, foul mouth self.

Overall the film is great for anyone looking to find a superhero film that is not like any other out there.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Ryan Reynolds is the perfect choice for Deadpool and he really bought his A game to the film. (0 more)
My only problem is it wasn't long enough. (0 more)
We got what we asked for.
Well the film has been out for over a year now but I won't say any spoilers for anyone who has yet to watch it and if that is the case (where have you been!) I myself and many of my friends had waited for a Deadpool film for a long time and when we got the news we were all eager to see how well it would do, safe to say I was not disappointed one bit by the films direction I cannot fault it the only gripe I do have is that I wish it had been longer but apart from that I loved it and the comedy in it was well written along with breaking the fourth wall.
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Partnership between Samuel l Jackson and Ryan Renalds (0 more)
Nothing really just a run of the mill script (0 more)
Deadpool and nick fury
An unlikely pairing of Ryan renalds and sam l Jackson carry thus paint by numbers buddy movie ,with a great supporting cast like Gary Oldman and selma hayek this is a good film in which the trailers let it down which is unusual as the normal use the best bit for trailers
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The added humour, stunts, special effects, Loki of course and a continuation of the story. Has become one of my favorites. (0 more)
The extra comic value added made it feel a little like Guardians of the galaxy or a deadpool edge in my opinion, which for me slightly removed some of the gravity and punch of the movie. (0 more)
Good film, slightly different feel to the series.
Thoroughly decent film overall. Would watch a second time.
The Wolverine (2013)
The Wolverine (2013)
2013 | Action
Hugh Jackman's second, more successful, solo outing as Logan, the mutant with the adamantium skeleton and healing power who is also known as The Wolverine.

Better than 'X-Men: Origins - Wolverine' (which really managed to mess up the character of Deadpool), but not as good as 'Logan', perhaps the strongest draw of this one is in its setting of Japan (at least, until the unintended comedy of the final act with the Silver Samurai)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
A surprisingly heart-warming sequel
After the success of Deadpool, it’s natural to feel apprehensive about what comes next. Will it be as good as the first? Or will it fall flat? I was excited to see the Merc with a Mouth back again, but wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. I’d thankfully managed to avoid all spoilers online, so I was excited to see what the sequel would bring to the table.

Thankfully yes – it is absolutely on par with the first, if not better. In this film we get to see a more serious, empathetic version of Wade Wilson as he’s faced with some tough experiences and decisions. Ryan Reynolds does an amazing job of portraying Wilson’s sorrow, which is far removed from what we’re used to. It certainly doesn’t take away from the film’s humour, fourth wall breaking and sarcasm, but instead adds a more complex layer to the narrative. I was surprised to find myself crying at certain points in the film due to the emotional nature. The film also parodies a lot of other films, and I’m sure on a second viewing I’ll be able to spot them all, but the ones I did catch made me laugh out loud.

I adored some of the fight scenes, including Deadpool fighting someone to Skrillex’s “Bangarang” (which has to be one of my favourite cinematic moments of 2018… so far). The soundtrack is brilliant and the use of music plays a big part in this film, effectively setting the mood whether that’s humour or sorrow. An effective soundtrack really completes a film, and I am in love with Deadpool 2’s. Not to spoil anything too much, but you’ll be greeted with the likes of George Michael, Dolly Parton and AC/DC throughout the film which is a selling point if I do say so myself.

There are so many unexpected cameos in Deadpool 2 that I won’t ruin for you, but they all brought a smile to my face and I was excited to see what each actor brought to the table! Alongside these, we see familiar faces in Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Dopinder and Weasel who all played a huge part in the first film and reciprocate this in the sequel, as well as brand new ones in vengeful cyborg Cable, ‘lucky’ Domino and out of control mutant Russell Collins.

I was so impressed with the new characters and the way they were acted, so huge praise has to be given to Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz and Julian Dennison for bringing such complex characters to life on screen. The dynamics between characters, old and new, is a joy to watch and everything is so well scripted throughout the film.

Deadpool 2 is a strong successor to the first, with a heartwarming overall message to tie the film up in a nice little bow. Oh, and remember to sit tight whilst the credits roll… this is a Marvel film after all!
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Seriously, it's so funny. Constant action and comedy (0 more)
Honestly nothing (0 more)
Deadpool was rather unexpected to me. I had no spend much time reading any of the original comics but I do appreciate a decent superhero movie from time to time. I laughed nearly nonstop. The humor is rather dark and self deprecating but I enjoy that humor.

Never boring, either there are intense action scenes or they are cracking jokes. Absolutely worth a watch, it's close to perfect.

Ameeka (131 KP) rated Deadpool (2016) in Movies

Jul 16, 2017  
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Great cast (4 more)
Humour and 4th wall breaks
True to it's original sources
Action sequences and effects
Well written
Ryan Reynolds was made for this role!
Ryan Reynolds was born to play this character, his sense and style of humour fits this film. You can see why he fought so hard for this to be made, and I am absolutely sure that nobody else could really do the character justice. After the poor attempt at bringing Deadpool to the big screen seen in Wolverine: Origins, this is refreshing and far truer to its source material. The constant breaking of the forth wall (for which Deadpool is so famous) serves to keep the audience intimately involved and literally invites them along for the ridiculous ride. The action is impressively done, and that there is a real sense that the film embodies Deadpool's lunacy. I am struggling to pinpoint any issues, as it was just too much fun. This film was exactly what it should have been and I couldn't have asked for anything more...