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Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post

Apr 6, 2020  
We are delighted to announce the following winners of the 'Dracula' DVD Giveaway:

                                      @Kirk Bage
                                      @Barry Newman

Congratulations - your prizes will be on their way!
Show all 4 comments.

David McK (3227 KP) Apr 6, 2020

Just don't bother with the final episode


Sara Cox (1845 KP) Apr 16, 2020

Congrats guys!

Dracula vs. Hitler
Dracula vs. Hitler
Patrick Sheane Duncan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great premise (0 more)
poor execution (0 more)
The title of this book grabbed me, alone. What wouldn't be cool about Dracula being awakened during WWII to kill some Nazis?
Well, all the crap in between. It was written in epistolary form, like the original Dracula novel. We've got Van Helsing, who wakes Dracula up, who coincidentally (or not) has a daughter named Lucy. A member of the Harker fam shows up, as does Renfield.
There were a lot of scenes of vampire carnage, but then an insta-love story thrown in (gag), and a little Hitler.
I'm sorry, but if you write an alt-history book, and you have Dracula in it, why wouldn't you have him straight up ripping out Hitler's spinal column or something?
I started this book when it came out in October 2016, and picked it back up a few days ago. After reading a few pages, I remembered why I put it away, it moved at a snails pace, and honestly wasn't that interesting. Overall, a yawn.
Dracula (English) (1931)
Dracula (English) (1931)
1931 | Horror
7.8 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watch 1931's Dracula starring Bela Lugosi. Then the 1931 Spanish version of Dracula. The American version filmed during the day and the Spanish cast and crew used the exact same sets to film at the exact time, only at night, instead. It's quite a study in film to compare the two. From the cinematography, to the lighting, the sounds, costumes, acting, and more. The Spanish version is very sensual and passionate while the American one is, well, bloodless, but still good.
Vlad: The Last Confession
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Subtitled (on the inner cover) "The Last Confession", this is a fictional re-telling of the story of the 'real' Dracula: not the vampire of Bram Stoker's legend, but of the 15th century Wallachian Prince who lived c. 1390 to Dec 1447. (see:

It's also not a novel for the squemish: this book doesn't shy away form the reason Dracula would become known as Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), with some rather explicit passages concerning the same.
Freaks (1932)
Freaks (1932)
1932 | Drama, Horror
8.2 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Following up Dracula, we get this bout an hour drama, with a slight horror twist at the end. Made with actual side show performers, the main 'horror' at the time was people outside the norm.... who actually are the compassionate centerpiece of the movie. Kinda boring really, but I though Dracula was too.... and don t get me wrong, I love some old black n whites. A good watch for cinema history, but not something you're gonna rewatch a lot.
Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
1972 | Horror
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Hammer's attempt to make Dracula more with-it succeeds as far as it does despite, rather than because of, the contemporary elements. Dracula pops up in the present day, causes the usual trouble, is disposed of with surprising ease. (The plot is essentially a retread of that of Taste the Blood of Dracula but with more flared trousers and Peter Cushing.)

Christopher Lee's disdain for the whole project is virtually palpable, but Peter Cushing works his usual magic in lifting some rather duff material. Movie may deserve some kind of award for the sheer number of before-they-were-famous people appearing in it. It's not quite actively bad, but it feels much more dated than any of the films set in the 19th century. Somewhat groovy; hardly fab.

Sarah (7798 KP) created a post

Dec 13, 2018  
Today is my last day in Romania, and I'd decided to treat myself to this beautiful version of Dracula. Love to say it's a limited Romanian edition, but sadly not. Still it is very nice...

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 13, 2018

Looks sinister!


Rache (174 KP) Dec 14, 2018

Looks beautiful! I am a big fan of things that are special and look it too ?

Dracula Untold (2014)
Dracula Untold (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dracula Untold came out around the same time that Game of Thrones was beginning to take off, which would explain why the whole film feels like a poor man's GoT and why it has half of it's cast involved. It only held my interest due to the subject matter of Dracula himself. Luke Evans is a decent enough lead, and this take on Dracula's origin story is engaging to a degree, but underneath the stylish vampire visuals, it's just another sword wielding war film.

David McK (3227 KP) rated Dracula in Books

Jan 30, 2019 (Updated Aug 14, 2019)  
Bram Stoker, Ang Lee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first read Dracula as part of a film and fiction course at University: read the book; watch the film. It is, of course, the most famous of all vampire stories.

Unlike the movie version, the story is told from the point of view of the various secondary characters (who are all writing in their diaries or memoirs): Dracula, himself, is never at the forefront. Rather, he is an ominous shadowy presence in the background throughout. This is actually quite effective: by disassociating the reader from the villain, Stoker manages to both convey the deadly mysteriousness of the Count, and side-steps the danger of the reader sympathizing too much with Dracula, while that character is also able to be abroad during the day-time; just not with the powers he has at night.

Finally, and unlike the film version which bears the same name, in the book Dracula is not given the same back-story: Mina, for instance, is never described as being his long-lost love! In this sense, the film is much more of a Gothic love-story than the original source material!
Horror Story (2013)
Horror Story (2013)
2013 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good plot and story (0 more)
Terrible acting (0 more)
Clever Story, Poor Execution
Had a good premise as i like the old 'haunted hotel' situations, unfortunately the acting was over the top and it contained as many creepy moments as a 1960 dracula film.