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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy
8.2 (54 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Simon pegg (2 more)
Nick frost
Edgar Wright
Does for cop movies what Shawn of the dead did for zombie movies love this film it's so perfect in its knownly spoofing cop movies in general with extra horror spiced in both pegg and frost have outdone themselves with this one prefer it the third movie in the trilogy thumbs up

Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 10, 2019

Love this film!


Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) Apr 10, 2019

Me too

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
The first film in the Cornetto triology and arguebly the best.
The idea for this film was spawned from another Pegg/Frost?Wright project Spaced, when Peggs character Tim is having a dream inspired by the Resident Evil game.
From that short sequence Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright came up with Shaun of the Dead.
I dont want to spoil this movie by over reviewing it but when I went to see this when it came out I howled with laughter.
I watched it again this week and still find it so funny.
A solid must see film.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Masterfully directed (1 more)
Central relationship feels shallow (0 more)
Even Wright's weaker efforts are superior to most everything else you are likely to see.
Baby Driver kind of feels like Wright was trying to prove he could do a film with less "Edgar Wright" style, which isn't a bad thing, persay. It's still better than most of the films it is clearly taking inspiration from, an manages to surprise you unlike most of those films. It's just not "Scott Pilgrim" or "World's End" good, which is another level entirely. It still shows incredible growth to make something like this, at this stage in his career. Saying it's one of his weaker efforts should in no way be construed as a slight.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
I love a good car chase film and this is a great one.
Like the French Connection and Ronin the car chases are amazing.
Also the soundtrack which took director Edgar Wright a year to complete.
Ansel Elgot delivers a superb performance as the titular character Baby. Who is always listening to music and how that music interacts with the action on screen is a credit to Wright.
Kevin Spacey is fine as the criminal mastermind. With some surprising actors turning up as robbers.
The script never takes itself overly serious and has some lovely wit on display. The nephew is my personal favourite.
There is always something happening and it's a high octane ride. This is no Driving Miss Daisy.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Ansel Elgort's Baby is Compelling and Well Acted (3 more)
The Criminals Each Have Interesting & Distinct Personalities
The Movie Drives to the Infectious Soundtrack
Punchy & Skillfuly Edited Cinematography
So-so Love Interest (1 more)
Ends With a Stereotypical Action Movie Climax
Edgar Wright Goes Fast & Furious (In a Good Way)
Edgar Wright has yet to direct a bad movie. Baby Driver doesn't ruin his streak, but it doesn't quite raise the bar. It does do something new, for Wright at least, in transposing his humor and musicality on top of more mature and serious subject matter. The issue is that the story isn't as original or creative as his previous works. Instead, the creativity and originality exists in the way the movie is executed. Bank heists, a getaway driver, and the shadowy mastermind are all well-worn tropes; but Wright sets it all to an eclectic and rhythmic soundtrack that drives the movie forward. Baby Driver is masterfully edited to sync up with the rhythm of the music, for the first two-thirds at least, until it devolved into a bit of a frantic mess. I almost wonder if that was intentional, however, as it perfectly mirrors Baby's situation. In the first two acts he is calm, in control, and driving to the music on his many iPods. In the third act, his predicament devolves into a disaster beyond his control, and he is knocked out of the rhythm he normally operates in. In the end, none of Baby Driver is bad or poorly done, it just isn't quite as memorable as the Cornetto Trilogy or Scott Pilgrim.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
I went to see Baby Driver this evening at an Unlimited Screening, the cinema was a great choice as the temperature was beyond ridiculous outside and at home. Evidently this is a prequel to Drive, or so I've been told. But I don't really know how that works when the idea supposedly came from a music video Wright did that was in 2003 and Drive was out in 2011... but anyway. As is always the way, the first big advert for the film was good, and honestly, I didn't feel like I was watching the same film when it started. Never the less, I enjoyed it. There are some quirks that I recognise from other Edgar Wright films, and I enjoyed the way the music was incorporated into the action... although him prancing down the street to get coffee... not so much.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Great soundtrack (1 more)
Kevin Spacey
Boring (0 more)
I can see I'm in the minority here, but I really thought this film was overrated.

I love Edgar Wright, but I found myself so bored watching this. Yes it has a killer soundtrack and was very stylish, but I found it to be more style over substance. The main plot was boring and I found a lot of the characters to be a little irritating - Jamie Foxx's character especially. The only highlight was the fabulous Kevin Spacey and the few laughs it managed to raise in far too long a run time.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Jan 16, 2018

Haha I couldn't agree more! I stopped concentrating after the first 15 minutes.


Sarah (7798 KP) Jan 17, 2018

Glad I'm not the only one! I probably should give it another watch as my outlook is usually better second time around.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Romance
Mary Elizabeth Winstead wih with Blue hair! Really what more could you ask for in a female supporting actress (8 more)
Michael Cera in a role that suited him perfectly
Gideon Graves was a fantastic villain
The soundtrack was exceptional. A real highlight of the film.
The Gaming references were spot on
On-screen graphics made the film feel like an Augmented reality experience
Special effects were very good
Edgar Wright as director is always a positive
Overall, the casting was fantastic, with some big names showing up
The film unfortunately left out a number of 'Vital' scenes from the source material (1 more)
Some of the humour just didn't work as intended
Michael Cera CAN ACT!
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Heist film/Comedy/Long music video? (0 more)
Ending a little hoaky (0 more)
When I first began watching this, I was not convinced it was going to be good.

I have to say, the fast pace, stylized action/music score scenes and the witty screenplay had enough to win me over. Very entertaining throughout other than maybe the ending was a little far-fetched I guess.

If Kevin Spacey is never going to act again (seems almost certain at this point) this film is a fitting swan song for him and his memorable list of acting credits.

Director Edgar Wright continues his streak of entertaining quirky hits like his previous films Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Going to iTunes now to download some songs!

Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Criminal Records
Edgar Wright's high-energy jukebox thriller may be your last chance to see Kevin Spacey in a new movie. Brilliant young music-loving hearing-impaired getaway driver ends up in hock to criminal mastermind; must decide whether to run for it with his lovely new girlfriend or carry out one last job with some rather suspect associates.

Slightly retro crime thriller with a central gimmick - action sequences are frequently choreographed to the soundtrack - that isn't quite as innovative as it thinks it is. As technically proficient as you would expect from Wright; what's unusual is that the film has a degree of heart you wouldn't expect, not to mention an impressively twisty-turny plotline - just who the main bad guy will turn out to be is not at all clear until quite late on. Good performances all round, too.